*All* of the environmentalists that I have met in the last 5 years or so have been eugenicists/genocidal maniacs first and environmentalists second. Scum.

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Yeah, I don’t like most “causes,” at all. Not because I’m anti “doing my part” or anti “clean air and water.” Quite the contrary. My favorite colors are green & purple (representing h2o & farming; FFA). It’s that most causes and charities are NEVER really about helping anyone, evident by the fact they’re never about an “intelligent understanding” of the problem in the first place. That is, it’s never about proper diagnostics followed by legitimate treatments & cures. In the Clown World of FalseFlag evens like 9/11, Hawaiian/forest/food factory fires, train wrecks, metabolic diseases, Scamdemics…the term nobody uses or the science nobody practices like they’re serious about problem solving is “forensics,” so there’s never an appropriate response, such as facilitating war, followed by more wars and mass murder to answer war & murder.

I’ve been suffering constantly as if I’m allergic to the materials my condo is made of, but my symptoms are very similar to mold toxicity. However, I don’t have mold issues. I’ve eliminated most suspect foods, clothing, bedding material, soaps & cleansers, use HEPA filters, RO water filters…but after just over ten years now, I’ve never really been able to fully recover and symptoms persist, like a chronic cold I can never fully recover from. With an understand that most doctors are worthless whores for “systematic treatment profiteering” long before the Fraudemic, my distrust has turned to utter disdain and bloody hate. Good times, we live in.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Loved the article, Ray. I keep warning people about using plastic especially bottled water (they won't believe me when I tell them most of that crap is from the tap). I guess labels don't lie. lol Water is our most important resource. One Japanese journalist said that they were still dumping FuKu nuclear waste into the ocean. This was some time ago and I don't have the link. Well, I believe it. If I could get my hands on Bill Gates, I'd like to stick his head in a wide variety pile of a toxins and let him eat it.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

One winter I was short on money, so turned the heat off for some months. Learned alot about the magic temperature/humidity minimums (about 52 degrees by memory) that are required to keep mold from forming (on walls, on items). Molds are already everywhere, in the air and on things, it's only low humidity and temperature minimums that keep it from forming. Here is one chart https://energyhandyman.com/knowledge-library/mold-chart-for-temperature-and-humidity-monitors/

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In 2023 our house burned down.

The contractor was willing to do the rebuild, except for mold removal. As the basement was open to rain for 4 months, there was a lot of mold.

So I went in every evening on my way home from work and removed it.

Here was my 3-step process.

1. Sprayed and washed down the entire basement with hydrogen peroxide.

As I had worked on an anthrax bio-detection system in 2002, I knew the British company that provided the clean up formula for the post offices used it in their fluid.

Although you could buy it for 87 cents at a local pharmacy, for some reason we were paying the Brits $300 a bottle for their "special formula."

Figured if hydrogen peroxide could clean up anthrax it could clean up mold and so used it copiously.

2. Sprayed and washed down the entire basement with bleach.

Bleach is effective against mold and it did clean up most of what the hydrogen peroxide had not.

3. Blow torched the remaining mold.

Some small amount of mold would just not budge. So, carefully, I took fire to it in a controlled burn

using a small blow torch.

Fire has always been a purifying agent and it did the job here as well.

After I was done, I sealed up everything with Kilz primer..

Then I stapled Reflectix aluminum insulation wrap around the ceiling and walls of the basement.

In addition to keeping the space safe, I had a Faraday cage for my electronics.

I know.

More than you wanted to know.

Just trying to share my mold nightmare and how I solved it.

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