This table of parasites is certainly missing at least one creature.
The game against humans is posing the question: Would you like to be part of saving the Planet? The answer, if its implications are accepted as fundamental premises, cannot be no. After all only a monster wouldn’t like to save the environment, right? Nonetheless, this game was started by the monsters themselves. The most important question about the program would be, “What good is done about saving the environment?” I am still to meet a single person who has asked that question.
Save the trees?
Tree-huggers wanted to save the forests by using public protests, while the oceans were, and still are, being filled up with plastics and some countries are dumping their trash directly into them. Many people don’t know that most of the oxygen in the world is actually produced by the oceans. Also, the alternative to not using wood for manufacturing are plastics and harsh chemicals. The solution would be to manufacture lasting products, but I haven’t heard about environmentalists doing anything about that.
Organized movements tend to be suspicious, anyway, especially the ones that use pre-printed signs and posters to “protest.” Tree-huggerst are well-meaning people, and they make their own signs, but they end up as useful idiots for the system that is, in the meanwhile, devouring the world around them.
Have they achieved anything? Well, perhaps you can plant your own trees. The government can claim eminent domain over your premises anytime1, but what the heck.
Save the water?
How about water?2 International corporations all over the world either sell you filtered water laden with microplastics and worse, or are bottling from natural resources, when they are using spring water, mostly packaged in plastic and selling it to the public who would be the rightful owners of the water to begin with. As part of the ruse, water pipes have been allowed to deteriorate to the extent that drinking municipal water became a hazard; chlorine (well, mostly chloramine, which must be filtered out with carbon filters and your fish die in the fish tank, if you directly pour your tap water into it), fluoride, and lead are in it, but by now, water also contains pesticides, chemicals from “medications,” hormones from contraceptives, microplastics, and forever-chemicals. Nanoparticles are the latest addendums, but they are in most things, anyway3. People are paying a millions of times more for their own water than the corporation who is granted the right by local governments, while local wells are drying up.
Apart from causing earthquakes, fracking destroys drinking water, while people can enjoy originally-cheap gasoline that is so heavily taxes by their governments that the prices at the gas stations don’t go down; only corporate profit goes up, while human habitats are under controlled demolition.
Let’s party!
In the 1970s, even political parties were started up that called themselves “green,” enticing well-meaning people into a side show that is now turning out to be an integral part of the global ideology for depopulation. People are now forced to choose between survival and saving the Planer, so they lose the game either way.
Fungal toxins
In March, the MSM alerted the public in its usual fear-mongering manner of a new pathogen, the allegedly deadly poisonous fungal toxin, Candida auris, in hospitals (although according to the author, is can “break out” of its environment, so nobody is “safe”):
Somewhat ingenuously, the article propages for “trust healthcare providers” instead of “be afraid”:
The new findings are “worrisome,” said Dr. Waleed Javaid, an epidemiologist and an infectious disease expert and director of infection prevention and control at Mount Sinai Downtown in New York.
“But we don’t want people who watched 'The Last of Us' to think we’re all going to die,” Javaid said. “This is an infection that occurs in extremely ill individuals who are usually sick with a lot of other issues.”
Candida auris, by the way, is considered a “yeast infection” by mainstream diagnosticians, which directly goes against the fact that it the fungus is normally present in the intestines, and during illness, a lot of them can be found, indicating an upset balance in the gut flora.
In 2021, a new fungal threat, “valley fever,” occurred, which was much more fun than candida, because it is airborne, and it marked a new development in disqualifying air for breathing. That time, fear-mongering was straighforward, targeting a muzzled population and encouraging people to trust “experts”:
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to assume that chemtrails contain more than heavy metals; parasites, microbial and fungal pathogens, and old-fashioned toxins can also be dispersed, and people’s sickness can always be blamed on some mysterious “virus” or, as in this case, a most likely real fungal threat that may originate from chemtrails.
Antibiotics are also funguses, basically mold. Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin in 19284 and received a Nobel Prize for it in 19455.
Antibiotics worked, until they didn’t, by cleaning up the gut flora. Before antibiotic-resistant bacteria, they used to kill both “good” and “bad” bacteria in patients, giving them a chance to start over. These days, about a quarter of hospital infections are antibiotic-resistant, thanks to the long history of indiscriminate use of antibiotics and disinfectants. As it turned out during the plandemic, even “antibacterial wipes” tend to be quite toxic, too.
Mold can flourish in dry places (black mold) as well as in damp ares. Air humidity between 40 and 60 percent has been found the best preventative method for mold. Mold is usually toxic and carcinogenic, so preventing its forming is a good idea.
Mold is a common pathogen, but it is not receiving much medical or media attention, possibly because if the sources came to light, they would bring unpleasant consequences for a number of large companies and, possibly the fundamental principles of mainstream “Medicine.” “Medical care” is a global corporate enterprise, anyway, so both CEOs and medical staff are happy campers on the trailer that is being dragged to the end of humanity by those who control both.
My encounter with mold calls for a case study
About nine years ago, I found only one spray bomb that got rid of the mold in my basement that had been neglected by the precious owner for decades. I applied two bombs first, a follow-up was necessary after a month, then a year later, and finally after two or three more treatments every year, the mold and its the odor were fully gone. My last treatment dates back about five years. The product I used was called Biocide.
“Biocide” is the name of the product that, according to its name, kills life. While that philosophy seems to characterize all corporations, this company’s products at least bear the warning that users must not inhale the vapors.
What does the manufacturer say about mold?
The company describes the problems with mold realistically at
Mold Exposure Symptoms
After an environment suffers from water intrusion, it becomes susceptible to mold growth. There are more than 100,000 potential species of mold that can contaminate your environment, many can be classified as toxic black mold. Even when the mold is not outright toxic, exposure to these species will ultimately take a toll on an individual’s health, leading to potential short-term and long-term mold exposure symptoms. We’ve compiled a list of these mold exposure symptoms and divided them into levels ranging from minor to severe, in order to help you determine the extent of your problem and decide if it’s time to begin the mold removal process.
Level I.
Early Exposure to Mold
Eye Irritation
Skin Redness
Skin Rash
Level II.
Advanced Exposure to Mold
Breathing Disorders
Nose Bleeds
Ear Infections
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic Bronchitis
Pain in the Muscles and Joints
Coughing up Blood or Black Debris
Neurological Disorders
Nervous Disorders
Heart Palpitations
Blurred Vision
Swollen Glands
Weight Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Loss of Appetite
Open Skin Sores or Lesions
Fungal Nails (Hands or Feet)
Sexual Dysfunction
Thyroid Conditions
Level III.
Long-Term Exposure to Mold
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Memory Loss (long-term)
Bleeding Lungs
Kidney Failure
Liver Disease
The effects caused by mold exposure are often misdiagnosed; here are some common misdiagnoses:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lyme Disease
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Mold Symptoms
In addition to the list of mold symptoms, Mold has been classified as a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, the effects can differ from person to person, contingent on the 4 factors elaborated below:
Mold Spore Levels
Mold-allergy symptoms can be intensified by a high concentration of mold spores, even non-prolonged exposure can induce severe symptoms when the amount present is above a certain range. This elevated spore count is determined by an inspector when the indoor mold-spore levels are higher than those naturally present outside.
Time of Mold Exposure
As shown by the chart mold symptoms severity can increase over time. Mold particulates have the capability to build up in the human body. The longer you live in a mold-contaminated environment, the higher mold exposure risk factors become.
Mold Toxins
Species of mold, like Stachybotrys (black mold), are capable of emitting dangerous substances known as mycotoxins, they are the reason mold is classified as a carcinogen by both the CDC and the EPA.
Detoxing with what?
During body cleansing, people are using all kinds of products without paying the slightest attention to the toxicity of their remedy. This time, I would like to devote some attention to the process in a human habitat.
So, here is a successful company with a product that works, and it’s supposed to save people from fungal toxins. How far can it be trusted? Is it possible that it also causes damages?
Nomen est omen? Is the name a giveaway?
The consumer is not told how Biocide works. For all I know, it might even be nanotech6. The product that “kills life” is manufactured by a called BioGenesis, whose name means it “generates life.” The correlation between the name of the company and the name of the chemical reminds me of the link between “ordo ab chao” (order out of chaos) and “build back better,” which insinuates that the world must be destroyed in order to be rebuilt in a way the would suits its masters’ taste better. The means of global depopulation are indeed versatile and several chemicals, including “medications, happens to seem to participate in the project. Is Biogenesis one of those sources? Nobody knows, but some conjecturing remains possible, because certain details might speak for themselves.
Biogenesis, in its own description, is “a national conglomerate holding a variety of companies with a main focus in the development and implementation of cutting-edge environmental sciences”:
“BioGenesis has several companies under its umbrella in a variety of industries ranging from real estate to development engineering.”
So, these guys are no small players, and their involvement with “charity”7 (American Lung Association, American Red Cross, and United Way), partnership with EMSL Analytical, Inc., and the environmentalist program suggests that they are deeply involved in the current developments in environmentalist ideologies.
Environmentalism as predictive programming
In retrospect, it is clear by now that environmentalism, from its inception, has been a predecessor of the “Save the Planet” (from humans) eugenicist project. Its handlers went as far as turning it into a political agenda, which is culminating in Agenda 2030. According to its philosophy, the masses, considered subhuman by the eugenicists, are parasites and a pest on the environment, so they must either be sacrificed to the idol of “sustainability” (whose proponents are not using ANY sustainable methods), or herded into cubicles and turned into cyborg slaves, whose only respectable asset is their functionality to serve the system.
Humans, apparently, constitute the worst parasites for each other. When it comes to saving the environment, the roles in the play were distributed several decades ago. The most significant “achievement” of the movement, carbon footprint8, is soon coming to your neighborhood as part of your monthly alotment9 on your CBDC account.
People are, most of all, “government property”:
Nanoparticles are essential factors in the depopulation project, during which “survivors” are also altered into cyborg slaves. The program, however, covers quite a few areas:
Returning from holiday on September 3, 1928, Fleming began to sort through petri dishes containing colonies of Staphylococcus, bacteria that cause boils, sore throats and abscesses. He noticed something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, save for one area where a blob of mold was growing. The zone immediately around the mold—later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum—was clear, as if the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth.
Even if that is the case, I am relatively safe, because I use the room only for storage.
As for charities, one cannot be cautious enough:
More aboutr (anti)social credit:
In 2023 our house burned down.
The contractor was willing to do the rebuild, except for mold removal. As the basement was open to rain for 4 months, there was a lot of mold.
So I went in every evening on my way home from work and removed it.
Here was my 3-step process.
1. Sprayed and washed down the entire basement with hydrogen peroxide.
As I had worked on an anthrax bio-detection system in 2002, I knew the British company that provided the clean up formula for the post offices used it in their fluid.
Although you could buy it for 87 cents at a local pharmacy, for some reason we were paying the Brits $300 a bottle for their "special formula."
Figured if hydrogen peroxide could clean up anthrax it could clean up mold and so used it copiously.
2. Sprayed and washed down the entire basement with bleach.
Bleach is effective against mold and it did clean up most of what the hydrogen peroxide had not.
3. Blow torched the remaining mold.
Some small amount of mold would just not budge. So, carefully, I took fire to it in a controlled burn
using a small blow torch.
Fire has always been a purifying agent and it did the job here as well.
After I was done, I sealed up everything with Kilz primer..
Then I stapled Reflectix aluminum insulation wrap around the ceiling and walls of the basement.
In addition to keeping the space safe, I had a Faraday cage for my electronics.
I know.
More than you wanted to know.
Just trying to share my mold nightmare and how I solved it.
Loved the article, Ray. I keep warning people about using plastic especially bottled water (they won't believe me when I tell them most of that crap is from the tap). I guess labels don't lie. lol Water is our most important resource. One Japanese journalist said that they were still dumping FuKu nuclear waste into the ocean. This was some time ago and I don't have the link. Well, I believe it. If I could get my hands on Bill Gates, I'd like to stick his head in a wide variety pile of a toxins and let him eat it.