Unfortunately, there's another poisoning factor that also causes inflammation, particularly in the lungs -- cosmic rays. Rubbish name, sounds like 1950s SciFi, but they're real. They are charged particles from outer space, spewed out by supernovae, star nurseries, pulsars etc. Because the Sun's & Earth's magnetic fields are falling, more of them are entering the atmosphere. They cause giant hail at high altitude, because their electrical charge attracts water vapour, and crazy storms at lower altitude. If they hit a cell or some kinds of computer circuitry, they kill it. They also make things grow and change (mutagenic -- cancer or maybe superpowers!).

To find out more (because the above is a big simplification), check out Suspicious 0bservers and Rory Duff (GeoBiologist)

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We have entered into Grand Solar Minimum (starting in 2019) during which the earth's atmosphere will thin. Would this be playing a role as well?

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I reckon so -- the Sun, Earth & all the other planets are not only interacting with each other, but also with the Galactic Current Sheet, which we (the whole solar system & everyone in it) are rapidly approaching (a 12,000 year cycle).

I forgot to mention inflammation -- it all increases inflammation, which affects a person's weak spots first, which explains why there are so many different symptoms. Though inflammation is protective to a point, past that point it's a problem. While we wait for superpowers, I find NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) to be particularly helpful for inflammation.

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According to some calculations, medieval plagues coincided with solar activities. Other sources claim that those plagues were variants of leprosy (not a "viral" disease/infection, but poisoning).

These are interesting and logical theories.

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"medieval plagues coincided with solar activities"

They certainly did and are happening again now. Malnutrition tended to play a big role (and is happening globally again now), weakening a person's immune system. The change in the Solar Polar & Global Electric Circuits affect the jet streams, which mess up the weather and the poor plants can't run to more suitable climes, so it takes them longer to adapt.

Leprosy's bacterial, BTW.

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As many genders as required by sophisticated sensitive smiling faces who serve the Goddness Venus in many positions. The flip of this is atomization. Liberating atomic energy split the brain into warring fragments so to speak. Chemistry helped https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1092638/Evolution-threat-gender-bending-chemicals-turning-males-females.html

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No. I am not posing as an authority. Our difference of emphasis is your view and my view. I make three claims. 1. Mankind though replaced more frequently by Humankind is not sexist except in the eye of the beholder. A difference of emphasis. 2. I have no idea which gender invented language or discovered fire or for that matter chipped flint to an edge. I only know this cannot be known. 3. This point is over a root, "archy." I assert and perhaps you do not, that this rule, the power over others, is very well represented by men. I know of no story from Antiquity that has as brutal a woman as Achilles is as a man. Women's governance is not overwhelming iron fist control. Except of course with a few who step into a masculine power role. In general I think the form and substance of social organization is not the rulership of men. Period. I do not insist you are incorrect. Nor that I am. Nor do I mind any misunderstanding arising from our difference, we exchange viewpoints.

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One of the perks of being here is that we can all agree to respectfully disagree. No harm done.

The increasing threat of being eliminated should probably unite people, men and women, irrespective of the traditions in which they speak their languages (there are at least eight large versions of English, even if the British class-system is ignored).

For the average person, it doesn't matter how old the Earth is or whether it is flat or round. The Inquisition that condemned Galileo knew that creating a turmoil in people's minds would create a crisis, but they were not prepared for handling it.

What matters is what directly affects people's livelihood and it's probably not the time to discuss if it's "mankind" or "humankind," because the result of such discussions is moot, if not irrelevant. Many languages do not use different pronouns for men and women and these languages are doing just fine. My instant solution for English would be to omit one of the sexes from the language and the remaining pronoun would be used for human beings, as opposed to animals or inanimate objects. That would fix the problem of referring to babies as "it," too! :)

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In I think the SF novel Voyage to Arcturus used the non-gendered word "aer" to represent people.

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No need for new words! Not even for the 165 "sexes"? Or is it 166 now? :)

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I'm in pretty much complete agreement with the writer(s) of these articles.

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Once man established a faith community history began. Man invents beginnings and endings. In remote antiquity lineages required an origin and legitimization arising from noble blood. In more secular periods our historians speak of the end of history and praise the ruler of the homeland for virtue.

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How do you know it was "Man" and not "Woman"?

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Man is until we went woke the generic word. Mankind. Inclusive of two gendered humans.

In modern English we only have the unmarked "man" and the marked "woman" to refer to the two sexes, but in Old English there was also the marked "wæpenmann" that referred only to males (literally "weapon-man," either referring to arms or to the penis) and "wif" and "wifmann" meaning "woman" (the origin of the modern "wife" and "woman"). So in Old English "mann" is a bit more gender neutral than "man" is in modern English, but not entirely so.

Basically, in modern English, we have no equivalent to the word "mann." Our contemporary word man may look more like "mann," but over time its use has evolved to be closer to "wæpenmann," a male person.

The word "mankind" can be traced back to a specific use of this lost word "mann" from the Anglo-Saxon word "mann-cynn," meaning both a group of men and all humanity. The OED's Durkin said, "The word mankind was formed from man and kind [as in] 'type, sort.' It has always much more typically shown the meaning 'humanity in general' rather than 'adult male human beings in general'." But, he cautioned, the word "man" is rarely used these days to mean "all humanity." So "mankind" retained its gender-neutral meaning in English for much longer than "man" did.

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"Man" is the generic word, according to MEN. Are you aware that language has been degraded steadily since the end of Matriarchy? WOMEN invented language. Men did not, but I suspect they may have invented some of the slang. So please, don't feel you should mansplain this to me, lol. It's waaaay past time that men shoved over and shared the bench, brother. How about "people," or something a little less patriarchical, particularly when referring to the entire species, since you fellers wouldn't be here if not for women...? I know, it's hard to get away from it in English, as with HuMANity, etc. But... women are close enough to men in the way we enjoy some inclusiveness. So thanks, but amazingly enough, I've been handed that explanation countless times in my over 60 years. ^_^

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Bah. Language was created by early species of the human lineage. By the hour of Erectus we had villages, boats, tools, and language. In so far as I recall women in antiquity did govern polities, some, but using "Archy"is suspect. Matrilineal is not Archy.

Where does Archy come from?

word-forming element meaning "rule," from Latin -archia, from Greek -arkhia "rule," from arkhos "leader, chief, ruler," from arkhē "beginning, origin, first place," verbal noun of arkhein "to be the first," hence "to begin" and "to rule" (see archon).

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Oh, I see... I should bow to your authority, I suppose. smh How exactly does "Bah" prove anything? :)

You aren't the only one to read books, m'dear. And now you're explaining the difference between "Matrilineal" and "Matriarchy"?

You're starting to be quite dull, m'dear. Notice my handle.

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Agreed. Communities have always needed an ideology to hold them together. Human communities have always been structured the same way:


Noble lineages were groomed and bred to rule, and they probably did a better job at it most of the time than most commoners would have done. Historians only represent the ideology.

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Written evidence submitted by The Beacon Five Gee Health Risks, Surveillance and Bio-weaponry

5G, also known as the 5th generation cellular communications technology has unique properties that sets it apart from all the other generations. The introduction of new millimetre wave bandwidths within the microwave spectrum and the introduction of new delivery systems and propagation techniques, such as beam forming technologies, phased arrays, and others without limit.

5G was a military industrial weapon. It was designed in the early 1900s. It was military radar equipment, used by the military, studied by the military and extensively studied on biological effects. Microwave sickness was a prevalent phenomenon amongst the radar operators. Today, the industry will deny electro-sensitivity exists.

5G is a quantum leap in terms of exposing our entire earth to microwaves. It’s not just introducing a handful of microwaves. The FCC (the Federal Communications Commission) are supposed to be the regulatory agent that designates which frequencies are allotted to be used in the USA.

5 G encompasses the entire microwave spectrum. (0.3 GHz – 300 GHz) 2G = approx. 10 new frequencies.

3G = approx 10 new frequencies

4G = approx. 5 new frequencies (with some overlap)

5G = approx = 3000 potential new frequencies. 3000/10 per “G” = 300 potential “G”s

300 G – 3 existing Gs = 297

5G should be called 297 G !

Commercial industry gave permission for each generation to use about 10 frequencies. 1G 2G 3G 4G, what’s the difference with 5G? If you listen to Tom Wheeler in June 2015, he says: “we’re opening up the entire microwave spectrum, that’s 3000 frequencies”. Every single one of these frequencies does not belong on earth. These frequencies are blocked by the earth’s ionosphere, absorbed by the molecules up in the higher stratosphere and beyond, for a reason.

There is no electromagnetic radiation frequency that is life-giving.

People are sick from being exposed to the combination of 5G on top of 4G. https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/1602/pdf/

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Thank you for the details!


I have heard rumors that here, in the US, 6G is already alive and well in "smart" meters.

How can the monsters hide from the impact of their own weapons?

Could it be that Nikola Tesla's "secret" is something like this? He just didn't realize that his "unlimited energy" would kill all life on Earth. Humanity may have been better off with the crook Edison.

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Humanity has seen the rise and fall of other global civilizations. The back story obviously is fragmented. I speculate blithely and mull over 500 years of Western conquest ending with an ELE and the replacements of man organic and inorganic androids or hybrids.

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:) That makes the two of us!

With our readers, we are not even alone!

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Madame de Rochefort was asked if she were anxious to know the future. "No," she replied, it is too like the past."

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Does history rhyme? More like establishment "historians" (aka. ideologues) repeat themselves. :)

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Men do not change. Circumstances change. The fruits of our historians point to this truism. Herodotus is called the father of lies and the first Historian.

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Jul 10, 2022
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It gets a lot worse. Everything I have deduced by exclusion seems to have been true for longer than I dared to assume.

I'm posting about this later today.

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