A cult is a cult is a cult. They may have different names and purposes, but they are closed systems each with specific designs on control and death to those who oppose them.

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Yes, a tree can be identified from its fruits.

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Rumor has it that there is a shortage of moles. Sources say that, in large part, the shortage can be attributed to "The Source" accurately whacking the moles on their empty heads.

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When I was young, I was literally and personally tempted with wealth and power. Lots of "secret" handshakes, too. I decided to stay human. :)

Not sure who "The Source" is, but I only attempt to assist my readers, even those who come here to report me or to profit from my ideas. It would be nice, if the enablers and the enforcers realized that they are not indispensable, either, and will be lined up at the slaughterhouse after their dirty job is done.

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Not much that was new to me, but I really enjoy the succint way you capture it all in a few paragraphs.

Thanks for more of the 2nd Amendment info.

As for the USPS - before we belately bailed from Seattle, I had an account with USPS where they photograph your mail enroute. I remember one where they had sent multiple property tax bills. Only one arrived at our house. That's when I found out that you could use your property tax bill as proof to vote. Those poor retarded mailpersons thought that they could throw the election that way. Little did they know that Dominion was responsible for the election results. What a world!

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Thank you. Also, much of it is for new thinkers and new gun owners, whose numbers have escalated in recent years. Thinking about adding Part 3 to the 2nd-related two poast, this time about carrying a gun (previously, I was focusing on home defense).

USPS has always been working for the "government," but these days, that has been expanded:


Personally, I don't think that (s)elections matter, because honest and able candidates would be "taken care of" well before they would need to be attacked by the MSM. The only reason elections exit is that the electorate can be blamed for "voting for the wrong candidate(s)," while the taxpayer's money is spent by the crooks. In this sense, perhaps even Dominion machines are only distractions most of the time. There are plenty of those:


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Whatever. Scientology changed my life for the better back in the mid 1970s. As time goes on all "religions" are captured by Demagogues. R.I.P. LRH.

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All I saw how it bankrupted an old acquaintance and turned him into a homeless person, trying to hunt down future victims. I'm sure he also became wiser with the experience. just like the proverbial policeman:


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Which boils down to "Everything is perspective."

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Not exactly. It boils down to connections and resources, as just about everything in life. :)

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No wonder. All these "secret societies," etc. Simply try to usurp the relationship we have with our Father and Source, and substitute worldly ritual for Heavenly meaning. So they are all the same. There is a reason Jesus says "My Kingdom is NOT of this world," but the world forever tries to take his place.

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Agent's last post is also closely related:


I am leaving quite a few observations in the comments there...

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