great source on biowarfare in AW Finnegan’s 'The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biowarfare': "....(there) is a perplexing mixture of pathogens, generating symptoms of many diseases at once, confusing doctors, and inhibiting treatment. The result is the chronic suppression of the immune system, an induced condition called “immune tolerance.....” - https://cancercidejournal.substack.com/p/the-sleeper-agent-is-the-super-antigen

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Apr 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Very helpful Ray. It’s been years since personally experiencing acid reflux and the resulting heartburn.

I practice a Hatha Yoga routine most mornings. Gentle and slow. After 3 sun salutaions- first one 10 belly breaths per posturer, 2nd 5 breaths per, last on fluid movement with one breath per posture.

Then, this relates to the reflux problem, on the floor, on belly, face down for a series of backward flexing postures. Cobra, cricket, Superman then Bow pose- each held for 10 slow breaths, focusing on resting comfortably in each Asana, posture.

This movement separates the diaphragm from the stomach as well as strengthens back muscles in way that counter most movements during the day. Very good for back maintenance.

The session continues with forward flexing postures then 3-10 min in an inversion, shoulder stand for me. The twisting poses- and finish up with the all important corpse pose ;).

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Apr 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"Low fat" yogurt may be nonsense...

Added salts and sugars...

Make your own if possible using whole milk...

-Organic whole milk Kiefer may actually be more advisable.

- we must help one another to do the research...

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Apr 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Suffered with severe acid reflux for over a decade. Finally went to the doctor and he never explained what was wrong. The baffled doctors will tell you it's from an excess of acid. How can that be when by the time you are in your sixties, you have lost at least half of your stomach acid?

Had to get scoped down the throat for esophagus cancer...just showed mild scarring. Then he prescribed me some good old omeprazole. Took it for three months then quit after reading about it and the side effects.

My sister-in-law took that crap for over 20 years and died of brain cancer at age 69. She had been a life long nurse and in good health otherwise. I did some more research and changed a few things and now have it under control about 97% of the time. No drugs...not even Tums over the last 6-7 years.

If it goes haywire, a bit of baking soda in water does the trick. Baking soda is really a miracle substance that can be used to balance PH and even fight cancer. You dumb butt doc hasn't a clue. Best you get his $350,000 cancer drugs that will murder you anyway.

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Thanks for a great article packed with important info!

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Apr 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I often get sudden attacks of excruciating heartburn whenever I'm out shopping (don't know what the connection is,but there seems to be one).

My personal hack to treat this painful condition is to make a beeline towards the nearest fast food joint and ask for a few salt pickle slices or half of a fresh lemon. The juice from either one gets rid of heartburn in seconds.

It's no cure, but it works like a charm every time.

At home, I'll drink a teaspoon of ACV diluted in a half cup of water. I saw a video on Dr Eric Berg's YT channel once explaining the mechanics behind this trick- but of course, I can't remember what it was.

I'm sure you could explain it Ray!

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