Ray, I seriously suggest you read my birth trauma book which contains an 80-page chapter on the topic of circumcision. Circumcision is satanic ritual abuse. Cutting off the most sensitive part of an infant boy's penis -- 96% of the time without anesthesia in the US -- is NOT OK. It is 100% EVIL, designed to interfere with love. It is a ritual that was brought to us by luciferian jews who use it as a form of trauma based mind control. Please read my birth trauma book so that you fully understand the nature of this horrific child abuse for which every single circumciser should be immediately imprisoned for life and neutered so that they cannot reproduce their wickedness. Please see here: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/07/birth-trauma-and-the-dark-side-of-modern-medicine/

And please see my recent substack on this topic and WATCH THE 5-MINUTE CIRCUMCISION VIDEO so you can see and FEEL what is being done to innocent baby boys. It has to end. https://jeanicebarcelo.substack.com/p/how-a-wounded-man-responds-when-he

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You are making sense. Please, notice that Muslims also practice (even female!) mutilation.

Is it possible that the procedure leads to an emotional detachment in the person, which can be later called "psychopathic"?

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I suppose there are 2 factors at play: 1) benign compassionate intention, and 2) competence. The latter implies accepted standard applied knowledge & an openness to alternative approaches. To me a benign intention seems paramount. Without that, knowledge & systems & ideologies become only - weapons.

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"Knowledge" IS usually ideology and can be weaponized, as "needed," which is just about all the time.

Most "doctors" MUST follow a protocol, if they care to keep their jobs, so their intention must include that variable...

Also, based on the fragmented nature of human knowledge, even the best intention can produce catastrophic results.

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The holistic doctor I work with, his wife had home births, in a bath tub. All her kids turned out just fine.

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Ray - seems I can't get to my previous comments - but I realized what you said is probably correct and I that "I confused you with somebody else" - sorry about that.


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The idea just wasn't compatible with what I have been thinking in the last several decades. In fact, even I am surprised, when I'm reviewing my old articles that most, if not all, of them are fully compatible with my stance today (but I'm still proofreading and updating them).

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We did something really weird. My mother was against it. My friends thought I was crazy, My wife's family not so much, and what the heck...we had FOUR sons, not at the same time mind you, FOUR SONS born at home. The second oldest, Gideon was the one I was the "midwife" for. We had just visited our midwife for a check up and on the way home my wife went into labor. We were unable to get back hold of her so we contacted a friend in North Carolina who had had six homebirths, yeah she was REALLY weird, and she came over and supervised my amateur effort which turned out to be quite successful. My second youngest was an 11 pounder. When he was born the midwife put him on a scale and exclaimed "ELEVEN POUNDS!" I repeated that and back in the bedroom my tortured wife who had just managed to excrete him out of her vagina said in a rather tired and weak voice..."Eleven pounds." I can't make the letters smaller to let you really hear how she said it. You can imagine. His THIGHS were so thick I couldn't put my pointer finger and thumb around them. More like a 1 year old child's thighs. Fortunately my wife is a tall woman with a good bone structure and was able to avoid any damage by his birth. AND THEN...we did another crazy thing for the time. WE HOMESCHOOLED ALL FOUR TOO!! AND NONE OF THEM GOT A SINGLE VACCINE AND ALL SURVIVED! I was SHOCKED. I figured without all those toxic chemicals coursing through their veins they wouldn't live over 2 years.

The only thing I regret that I was insistent upon doing due to some convoluted religious beliefs I had at the time was to have these infant boys mutilated on the eighth day, That is, circumcised, because after all, God likes boys that are circumcised over those that aren't you know. Yeah, that is one thing I swear I wish I had never had done to them. Fortunately my two grandsons weren't subjected to that idiotic butchery. I'm still not sure, no matter how I try to, why God would really care what a penis looks like. Can't fix stupid. And it seems like that whole thing in the Bible is one of the reasons I have a hard time with some of it. ESPECIALLY if we ARE the decedents of the Israelites! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/is-it-time-to-take-another-lookwho

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It's good you had those options. In many places, both home birth and home-schooling are illegal (e.g. in Germany) and can result in the loss of the child...

In fact, there was a couple in NYC, who lost the custody of their baby for several months, because they refused the "vitamin" K synthetic toxin. Can't imagine what kinds of injections the baby was given until it was returned to the parents, but (s)he must have been irreversibly injured, too, for lack of parental/maternal care...

Circumcision is not all bad. Its original goal was hygienic and easier proliferation. The male "lasts longer" in an intercourse, because the penis is less sensitive than of those who still have a foreskin. Dunno if that's any consolation, but tight foreskin seems to be hereditary from the father, so if the father doesn't have the problem, the procedure is indeed unnecessary.

Biblical mutilation that is forbidden for the Jews is body piercing and tattoos, even for slaves (without their permission), so when you see a non-Jewish actor (few and far between) with either of those, that's the mark of a slave...

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On piercing and tattoos. I never understood why people need to decorate themselves with either of those. Piercings generally but especially nose piercings are a sign of a slave.

I had a psychologist friend once who said a tattoo = look at me. Tattoos are definitely attention getters and a great way to strike up a conversation; drawback - what's in the ink? Tattoo ink (and makeup) contain potentially toxic heavy metals, such as Pb, Cd, Hg, As, and Sb, which can be carcinogenic, allergenic, neurotoxic, teratogenic, and mutagenic, contributing to hair loss and other cosmetic issues.



Excellent. MUST SEE! 7 min 27 sec. Parasitic zombies programmed into the matrix are getting the tattoos. They are listening to the 440hz music.


Good historical

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I waited to see if anyone would respond to your comment that "Circumcision is not all bad". I'll quote a quote from Jeanice Barcelo's book 'Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine'.


"Circumcision is a blatant insult to God, implying that he is a bungling designer and that he is imperfect, hence NOT God. It is a Stanic suggestion. . . By insulting the work of God, it proves that it is indeed the work of the Devil. Circumcision is how the Devil gets HIS brand on his Devil-worshiping followers. - Mike Hockney*

*Hyperreason, HyperReality Books, 2012 - an Amazon kindle publication. Quote can be found on page 5131 at 71%.

Baby boys less than 48 hours old are strapped to torture boards called "circumstraints" and genitally mutilated by doctors who have sworn and oath to "do no harm". This procedure is done 96% of the time in the U.S. without anesthetic, and in some cases, takes place immediately after birth, before the baby has had a chance to meet and bond with his mother or father.

I asked Jeanice to send you a complimentary book. I appreciate your work.

sexasnatureintendedit.com reveals that a circumcised penis results in painful and less pleasurable intercourse for women. http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/



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My wife and I are expecting our 3rd by mid March. Zero ultrasound, no visits to a clinic, no "vitamins" and the child is being born at home (similar to our second). We've engaged with a traditional birth companion and Douala. This kid is 100% off the government radar and by doing so we're giving a big F. You to multiple societal systems designed to oppress and control us. Funny because this seems totally radical by today's "standards" yet THIS is the way it has been done throughout human history.

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We didn't even get them socialist security numbers. They had to all obtain delayed birth certificates to get them on their own after they reached 18. It's a CONTRACT and I felt they needed to be the ones that engaged in it. Unfortunately none of them were able to get on with life without it. One of my friends sons is in his forties and has NEVER HAD ONE!! And is surviving well in Washington State. Maybe he's one of the 144,000. Who knows.

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Now, that was ingenuous. Still, it would be best, if one could exist without the slave number... The friend's son is most likely in the family business.

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He actually was a tile setter and ran a farm. So he has been able to keep out of the beast system for all of his life. Quite an accomplishment these days.

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I accidentally gave birth to my daughter at home and by the time the midwife got there, all I had to do was push. I was all over the room and used one of those giant balls to roll around on.

Had my second child in the hospital. That was so traumatic compared to home birth. Too many nurses poking and prodding and yes being stuck in that bed was horrible !

I tried to avoid all vaccines for my children but really didn't have anything to back up my instinct to avoid them and so years later the pressure from family and doctors wore me down till I let them :(

If only I knew then what I know now

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I'm sad to read that you gave in to the drug pushers.

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Believe me, I am devastated especially because I Believe that my son was injured by the mmr vac. He started walking on his tippy-toes afterwards and is still working on it to this day! Only in the last couple of years have I found words from others with similar testimony and pointing to the heavy metal content being the culprit.

But thankfully I was able to keep them away from the convid shots. It almost cost me my relationship with my family again but I wasn't backing down this time!

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My son suffered several injuries, some have sentenced him to death at a young age. As a result, he stopped believing in God... I wish he had stopped believing in humanity...

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100% Ray! After my first nightmare "birth experience" in a hoss-spit-all, I said never again thatta way. I used ta be purdy well connected with the whole homebirth movement as were a bunch've us that practiced what'cha call "attachment parentin'"-- Ironically with my last one, the midwife I wanted wuz takin' her daughter on vacation so I ended up with a very "medi-cull" one who was as conventional as ya kin git--had ta fight against the ultrasounds an' fought against amnio--but this one's medi-cull-ized trainin' made her skeered when the time came so when the heartbeat sped up I had--to my worst imaginin's--transfer (to a hoss-spit-all) fer an Emergen-C which was hellish. Of course I caught staph at the hoss-spit-all an' long story short, they gave me Cipro which melted all my cartilage an' gave me all sorts of damaged tendons an' messed up my dna/whatever... ability to build collagen permanently. Thankfully my little-now-big girl's just fine but I could write a BOOK 'bout the harms hoss-spit-alls do ta mamas & babies too! I had a good friend when thru the same thing an' since Ina Mae Gaskin wuz still alive then an' deliverin' babies at The Farm, both've us were hoppin' mad cuz if we KNEW the medi-cull system wuz gonna turn on us we'd a high-tailed it ta Ina Mae's... she even could deliver breech twins! A skill lost... I wunder if it's still around...?

(got kids yerself Ray? If so, I hope they were lucky 'nuff ta be born at home! The Amish out here do it thattaway an' they are the healthiest durn humans EVEN given whut they spray on us all!)

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My mom had C-section with me (due to a previous cervical cancer surgery, but she outlived her doctors), but I ate a lot of dirt until I turned about five, so my immune reactions turned out to be okay.

Natural childbirth is the best; I just wish babies were not signed up for the slave house and the death row.

Also, some women just don't dilate or are not wide enough to give birth; under such circumstances, a C section can save two lives (twins can pose additional problems).

I know this is not directly pertinent to the subject, but can you, please, elaborate on how Cipro (and possibly, other antibiotics) damage the cartilage/tendons and the ability to build collagen? This is the first time I've ever heard about it, and it needs to be explored!

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lol re the dirt! but yer right, this is why Amish & farmers do so well, the little "critters" in dirt (on non-chlorine-warshed veggies) an' of course havin' pets keep that immune system revved up! I could go on 'bout hoss-spit-all horrors fer mamas fer days--with few (FEW!) exceptions the "nurses" were a mis-nomer an' the dokturds deserve a special place a few flights down...

It's RARE fer a woman ta need a C-section an' the reason some labors don't progress include: FEAR! the medi-cull system puts the fear'a gawd inta 'em an' literally they "clam up!" (haha, little risque but couldn't resist!)--an' Ina Mae delivered more twins than ye could shake a stick at... nearly no infant mortalities (an' now it's not these poor narrow hipped women with faulty anatomies--that's often a crock too!)--Ina Mae could'a taught the medi-cull profession a thing 'r too--many C SUCK-SHUNS are unnecessary... this is about malpractice cuz many today are not skilled in deliverin' natch'urly--in third world countries where home birth is the norm infant mort-ALLitty is far lower... We've all been sold a bill'a goods (mebbe yer mama wuz an exception? but most women don't need medi-cull interventions ta have a chile... I know a lotta good home birth outcomes, even from my friends that had their wee ones over 40)

NOW as fer Cipro... all the fluroquinolones are EVIL! they didn't give 'em a black box warnin' 'til late 2008 (my youngest was born early '08) but the stuff wuz given out like candy... it's a whole rabbit hole... I'll give ya the SPOT fer startin' yer downward descent... but there's a TON of poisoned folks out thar... we are all "floxxies"... people who have eczema or auto-immune stuff includin' EhlersDanlos/hypermobility tend ta be the worst afflicted (that'd be me) so I feel dang lucky it warn't worse fer me but my tendons / ligaments are FRIED thanks ta this toxic modern MediSin. (Makin' bone broth RIGHT NOW as I cain't make collagen internally--Cipro fux up the mechanism! surelyl BY DESIGN too!)


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That was some mighty good explainin, Miss Daisy. Got me feelin all queezy inside but, at least, I got well-informed. Later, Ma'am. (darn spell check goin all crazy on me too.)

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thx, thx! indeedy writin' in the vernacular is the best FOIL fer bots, trolls, AI immyTaters an'... spellcheckers! (but yup.... quezzy is right...) Modern MediCULL insty2shun is a Modern MediCULL Mess ;-)

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I like the style.

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Come on Ray! You know it, admit it, dirt is addicting and even to this day you have to indulge in a tongue full here and there. Tell the truth. LOL!

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Face it, hospitals in the 'First' World, weaponized by harmful leftist ideology, have become a chamber of quiet horrors. Approach with caution. Use at your own risk. Best to avoid altogether. Frankly it's safer to visit a 3rd World hospital.

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3rd-world hospitals are less equipped with the killing machine, but they still operate by the same principles...

In my understanding, there is no left and right, only good cop and bad cop.

The technocrats operate at a completely different plane, where only efficiency is admitted as a value...

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No doubt about it Stephen.

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You are probably right.

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Huh, I was taught that during labor pains to DANCE (hopefully to rhythmic drums) ... Not to be laid back in a bed & given drugs. The child will naturally drop down the birth canal ensuring a beautiful 1st dance into this whirled for the baby. Interesting how everyone has lost their collective minds.

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Not "everyone".

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You're right, there are still a few left that dance to the beat of their own drum.

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Makes me glad my birthing days have past. Lol

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I was married to a mid-wife for 25 years and, because I helped her and her colleagues study for their exams and minded their kids on study sessions. When their certificates were presented an Honorary Midwifery Certificate was jokingly announced for me. Why? Because I have previously helped hundreds of ewes give birth; plus sundry other domestic animals. In the case of the ewes, in nature, this would not have been necessary but idiot farmers, profiting from meat/wool combos, bred Border Leicester ewes with Southdown rams, giving rise to lambs with heads too big to enable forelegs to advance and lead the way down the mothers' canal.

For some reason known only to sheep intellectuals, the ewes give birth on exposed ridges so that rain, snow, and sleet causes ultimate suffering to the poor farm hand at 5 in the morning. It was my function to intervene in incorrect deliveries wherein the front hoofs had not preceded the head on its journey as nature intended. I would lubricate my arm, manipulate the lamb back into the womb, link my little finger and thumb around the front legs, with middle fingers guiding the upper head surface, and work these into the passage, thus enabling easy birth, which then took place in seconds. I would do a dozen or so every early morning and again in the late evening.

I mention this ancient episode because it raises the speculation that this should work for humans too, in the instances of breech birth. That I suggested this to the midwifery students caused my wife to roll her eyes (I was her constant embarrassment), but others seriously weighed up my notion that perhaps, ancient midwives had small hands and the knowledge to rearrange babies who had lost direction. One later told me that discussions with African and European midwives had revealed this to be the case. By 2003, all documentary evidence of this disappeared from libraries, along with histories of actual democracies and of the amazing Irish Monks (the greatest of whom was a woman, which is why in the 7th century the Vatican introduced celibacy). The primary cause of this obstructionism was, of course, doctors, whose hands were too big to qualify.

After many children and grandchildren I conclude that today's midwifery and obstetrics is designed to produce children who will develop many profitable illnesses throughout their lifetimes; eventually to die when care investment outweighs profitability. Under the heading "The Autism Controversy" in the site "Australia Fights Back" (URL oziz4oziz.co/) is produced evidence that has thus far convinced every reader that not only is no vaccine safe, all cause injury, and that vaccines did not contribute in any way to dissipation of diseases. The evidence of the latter was the substance of every Public Health Exam curriculum taught from the 1880s until 1970. Vaccines never saved one single life.

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Wow, you had an amazing job that you were performing due to man's insistence on TRYING to be smarter than our Creator. I can only imagine. Speaking of vaccines...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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Thank you for sharing your insights. The link didn't work or was blocked from USSA, but I found you on Substack. You are spot on with your statement on vaccines. Poisoning your blood for health has never been a good idea.


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USSA...hmmm...is that the United Sovietized States of America by any chance?

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Yes, close enough, I call it United Soviet Socialist America.

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LOL. Has anybody ever mused on the relative structures of United States, USSR, EU, and other more recent proposals that point to ultimate global coalition? In the case of USA, I suspect the horrified discovery that Thomas Paine's references to "All authority resides in The People" and other "Rights of Man", had been excised prior to mandating of the Constitution, provoked the first ten amendments, and then the later 18.

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I am a free subscriber to midwestern doc and I can read the entire article

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This morning, I was able to access more than yesterday, when I wrote my article, but I am still bumping into the "7-day trial" link, if I want to read the rest. I don't need to.

I added this to my article.

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And, you probably don't want to be lied to. I don't trust a Midwestern Plagiarist.

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On my end, it doesn't work, but I don't think there is anything in it that I don't already know, and what I know is most likely not in it.

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Water birth. No primal shock to the new born.

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😄. O could easily be much worse. Oakland, San Jose, Walnut Creek, urbanization in SF is good enuf. No car

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Birthing must be woman centered. Another world is possible by freeing our heads from dominator scientism and becoming fully human. My grounding in this goes to the 1970’s when I was a kid of 13 reading magazines like Mother Earth, then the Whole Earth Catalog. Northern California is my home since 1966 and Sacramento county. Now I am in San Francisco since 1987.

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San Francisco? I'm sorry to hear that.

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