Oct 12, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sounds like a good plan. How about no corporations and no non-profits.

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I agree with almost all of your list, but it can not be achieved without first eliminating the system of legal bribery that has developed in the US due to campaign contributions and dark money used to generate propaganda. Therefor, I believe a necessary and sufficient condition to achieve everything on your list is the passage of the 28th Amendment clarifying that:

1. Corporations and other government-chartered entities are not "persons," have no "rights" that government at any level is bound to respect and may be regulated by government, which is the representative only of natural, biological people unaltered by gene therapies or implanted/injected communications devices.

2. Money is not speech, and any monetary expenditure in pursuit of speech may be regulated by government as described in the above paragraph.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I agree it must start within each of us, then local, and spread outward - with the center being the strongest, thus reducing the need for control the farther out it spreads. ‘It’ being our own existence.

I also agree it all needs to be restructured. But- who do we trust to lead that?

Thought provoking article......

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a. Most activities on the Stock Market must be outlawed (the most prominent one is the option to bet on outcomes that those with financial or political power can manipulate).

Absolutely! One of the largest avenues for corruption in the world today.

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(Banned)Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Our local water company says that they will not "mass medicate" when we asked if they add fluoride to our water supply. That expression would cover a lot of ills.....

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A "House of Cards" is a house of cards.

The foremost order of the day would seem to be the rooting out of the $piritual Wi¢kedness in High Places -- as well as that which dwells in our own worthy hearts! --, starting with the Crown of their Achievement, the World Bank, that is keeping the monopoly game propped up, and is yet due to fall. ...see ya, Babylon.

When we quit making and spending money, or as close to it as we may get, we may start taking our lives back into our own hands, but we are so civilized (read, domesticated) that many will frown away from such, choosing the life of "safety", borrowing and renting their whole lives-long from the Company Store, and walmart, not even sure if there is reason for concern.

Many, if not most people, seem to be alright with the plastic techno-industrial trash, which is designed to fail, and to be thrown away, and to be replaced with more of the same..., even to the point of whining about how their Freedom to Waste is being yanked away ( as if it is an inalienable right ), when someone opts for No More Disposable McCups , McForks, or McKnives.

The crimes that are committed in that lusty pursuit of Caesar's Coin-- not merely by people of wealth and influence, but by All of We that Play the Game -- take the Lion's Share of responsibility for humanity's suffering, with the Whole Damned Business being High Crime, enforced by the 4- and 3- letter agencies of the Schwabbies and crew, this Economic Feudalism that we all find ourselves stuck within-- ever to 'get out', alive, no less?...as it will try and SQUEEZE us between the chute even after we're dead and done for; taxing our descendants for our burial plots, no doubt...

A revived appreciation for simpler times, with down-to-earth skills under our belts, and the ability and willingness to share and barter those skills equitably -- that would be a good direction, but seems to rob those freedom-lovers of their Freedom to **** it up for All Others-- those of us that don't have, or do not care to exert, the brute strength with which to dominate the calmer minds, or for other reasons seek digression from such barbaric behavior.

This premise reminds me of the book "World Made By Hand", by James Howard Kunstler, which, in memory, was a worthy read of fiction.

Living with a newly developed sense for the profound and the Sacred, as well as the common sense to not 'mess our nest', attempting a balance within our individual, collective lives that works WITH, rather than THROUGH, our natural larder and hardware store -- Earth... "Why, why- That's Preposterous!", many if not most will claim, thinking that it is just "our nature" or "our instinct" to recklessly destroy ourselves, as if we are some sort of kamikaze virus.

We have chosen to don the yoke that sits upon our necks, that has led to our soft plumpness, and would seem to prevent many from achieving even the most basic and common sense goals, yet we cannot remain blind to the Rothschilds', and the Bilderbergs', and the WEF's steady, coercive presence in our individual lives, on so many levels, for all of these decades, turned centuries, turned millennia...pumping out their poisons at gun-point, and Unless We Should Remain there, as willing slaves (as many will resign theirselves , sadly...) we should be seeking a way out from under The Yoke.

Miracles Have Been Known To Occur.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

How far can such a hope come true, indeed. Far far.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

A HUGE undertaking. How about small steps. Individual steps/choices that could lead to better ways ?What might they be ? I think the person by person approach is the only hope. Large scale changes will have tremendous resistance. So what can just people do, on their own, to bring about a better day ? Possibly: cut way back on debt & spending. Begin collecting gold & silver coins. Grow food somewhere. Network with like minded 'pioneers of the new way' ?

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Love the Video at the end !!!!

As far as "implementation" of your menu of items, It won't be done under the current realities or societal-governmental structures.

The Feral Reserve Ponzi Scheme has Failed, a futile attempt to keep Fiat $ Viable, oxymoronic, with Digital $ will also fail. The current USSA is Bankrupt beyond all imagination.

The Feral DC Gov will be downsized by Default, forced into a subservient role to the States. The Feral Gov will impose more Tyranny in an attempt to remain domestically relevant, it will fail. Militarily it may become a Regional or State organization. States will attempt to hold the Economic line and remain viable as governments though severely reduced in size and scope. Some states will collapse and be asorbed into regional alliances. Counties have the best chance of continuing to function as protectors of it's citizens, law & order, some minimal services like water etc. Regional Electrical Grids hopefully will continue to function even if only sporatically.

So, yes the Worst of Times, the Best of Times as the USSA Tree is drastically cut back. Whether Mr. Jefferson's Tree gets Watered is an open question, I think so against the last gasps of the Federales.

But the Land Abides and so will the most Hardy of the People, to then build up your list as society, like hope springs anew.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"No more privately-owned central banks! " Start here, but be careful. Look what happens to leaders and countries that attempt to live without a central bank; it isn't pretty. The international banking cartel is at the root of all our problems, and they exercise such immense power that they now control nearly all sovereign national governments on the planet.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My big comment. The question I ask myself: what is the next thing that it feels right for me to do? And then, very often, I do it.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ambitious post, thanks. A very tall order!

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