The tariffs will put the country in the fast lane to the upcoming recession, soon to be followed by a depression. If you are lucky and smart enough to have some disposable money, now would be a good time to stock up on some essentials before prices increase, then increase some more. Also, be aware that more businesses will be closing.
No, it looks mostly like a usual economic cycle caused by the incompetence of the Fed. As to the final collapse, plenty of saliva dripping rich totalitarians waiting to grab the remnants of their planned destruction.
United States/Demons of Israel. Freedom? A Constitution? lol
The rape and pillage of a country is not anything thats new. I am watching the series "The Tudors", about King Henvy VIII. Such decadence, corruption. I'm sure a lot of it is blown out of proportion, but the general gist of what happened then is happening today. History is on a constant merry go round. Its built into human nature to be power hungry, greedy, murderous, etc. No, it doesn't make it right.
The mass formation psychosis in both countries is now officially out of control. This is worse than the convid psychosis. Here in Canada the former Prime Minister Trudeau has vowed that Canadians will continue booing the American national anthem at all events and “elbows up”.. as if we are in some kind of gold medal economic hockey game!The newly “installed” globalist WEFer, former head of the bank ofCanada and bank of UK with three citizenships,liberal party leader and defacto prime minister Mark Carney is shouting that he is the only one capable of fighting Trump and saving Canada. This asshat is pushing for a net zero Canada, zero oil and gas and digital everything. The Canadian zombies are buying his rhetoric for “Team Canada” though.. don’t buy American, boycott travel to the states, retaliatory tariffs, which coincidentally is pretty much rhymed word for word by the official opposition party leader as well. Much the same way Trump has riled up the American people with the America first, cutting the fat with Doge and draining the “swamp”!
I believe this is the planned path for both countries to accept the digital slavery in the name of national unity,or freedom, or democracy, or whatever spin they decide to put on it when launch time comes depending upon how the narrative is progressing. Unfortunately blinded by the narratives, most folks will fall into line in the name of saving their national sovereignty…even though they are willingly giving away their own personal sovereignty. A sad reality awaits.
I don’t think they will ever learn. So many people here in Alberta put all of their faith in Danielle Smith the Premier elected two years ago to save the province from the evil Ottawa government and to ultimately save Canada from the economic collapse that is imminent. Since her election victory not one election promise has been completely fulfilled, some not even touched on. Not at all surprising. Now as of the Team Canada psyop narrative she has pretty much fallen into line with Ottawa, although she still stands firmly on not bringing in any taxes, levies or shipping disruptions of our oil and gas to the states.. for now. So many in our province want to join the USA making Alberta the 51st state, I ask them,what happens in 4 years when a new President is selected.. like gruesome Gavin would you feel about it then ? No politician on either side is going to save us.. they just don’t get it though.
Actually, I don't consider my article great, but a 4th installment of a sequel (which is in it) that is most likely unique.
Didn't know Canadians can be divided even by the state. In the US, it's usually the Federal Government vs. the state, and the color "in charge" usually supports its own policies in states where it presides. It's a show, but it slows down the degeneration of the country, while speeding up the degeneration of its inhabitants...
As you are also noting and I also observed in my DOGE article, this is about the final stage of centralizing power... DOGE is just another example after the convid circus that the executive branch is assuming all three branches of the grabberment...
Turdeau (my wife is Canadian, and that's the way we spell it) also seems to have played a side show, while the country has been, and is, going down the drain... Lots of Canadians still seem to believe in party politics. When are they going to learn that nobody will ever represent their interests?
Because the corporate (group think) mind is not subject to natural law or reason, they know that they can exercise undue influence on the lives of individuals who do not share their desires to command and control. I find the same oppressive measure in the local utility companies, raising the bar on what is acceptable to them to the detriment of the poor. When the local Propane gas monopolies decided that they would not offer mobile service to anyone not ordering 100 gallons or more (anywhere between $350-$450) or the local Electric monopoly wanting a $349.00 deposit just to begin their service; to someone who only gets $311.00 a month to survive on from SS, the numbers might be profitable for government, and their corporate interest, but when opportunities to work are limited to whoever wants to employ you on their terms, if they choose not to pay receives no rebuttals from locals in the community, then it's easy to see that those who value money over life are in abundance. There is neither checks or balances when on the titter-totter of life the individual is on one side and the elephant in the room is on the other.
Unfortunately, I have never found anything "Civil" about war. If the neighbors in the north can kill,steal and destroy their neighbors in the south, and then pass "Reconstruction Acts", to justify their piracy/privateering under the flag of the Jolly Roger, then when the collective votes to de-humanize those who provoke their ire by criminalizing them, it's only a matter of time when natural law kicks in, and those who try to preserve their life, liberty and property will have the hard choice of either joining or not joining the collective. One of Disney's operant conditioners was "If you can't beat them, join them" I know I cannot beat them, but I also know that to enjoin those who intend to do me harm is folly. If the devils in the pulpit assume authority without the consent of the governed, the sacrifices they demand are only reasonable to those who refuse to be accountable. I make my account to God that I haven't gone completely "Galt" but am being pushed to that point where becoming an misanthropist is naturally easier than loving my neighbors as myself.
On a lighter note from another substack, he shared this link in comedy of the tragic circumstances many of us are facing. Called "The Expert"
There is absolutely no connection between government and anything rational, useful and desired. We do not exist to serve or pander to any government and its insane leaders.
djt acts like he's standing up for us, for the country ----- he's not. Many don't see it. Many are.deceived. It's exasperating. And it's a shame.
Thank you so much!
The tariffs will put the country in the fast lane to the upcoming recession, soon to be followed by a depression. If you are lucky and smart enough to have some disposable money, now would be a good time to stock up on some essentials before prices increase, then increase some more. Also, be aware that more businesses will be closing.
This doesn't look like a planned recession, but the final collapse...
No, it looks mostly like a usual economic cycle caused by the incompetence of the Fed. As to the final collapse, plenty of saliva dripping rich totalitarians waiting to grab the remnants of their planned destruction.
Tariffs sure seem like a great way to bully a country into erasing their border & perhaps becoming the 51st state of another country. Just sayin.
United States/Demons of Israel. Freedom? A Constitution? lol
The rape and pillage of a country is not anything thats new. I am watching the series "The Tudors", about King Henvy VIII. Such decadence, corruption. I'm sure a lot of it is blown out of proportion, but the general gist of what happened then is happening today. History is on a constant merry go round. Its built into human nature to be power hungry, greedy, murderous, etc. No, it doesn't make it right.
Great article Ray.
The mass formation psychosis in both countries is now officially out of control. This is worse than the convid psychosis. Here in Canada the former Prime Minister Trudeau has vowed that Canadians will continue booing the American national anthem at all events and “elbows up”.. as if we are in some kind of gold medal economic hockey game!The newly “installed” globalist WEFer, former head of the bank ofCanada and bank of UK with three citizenships,liberal party leader and defacto prime minister Mark Carney is shouting that he is the only one capable of fighting Trump and saving Canada. This asshat is pushing for a net zero Canada, zero oil and gas and digital everything. The Canadian zombies are buying his rhetoric for “Team Canada” though.. don’t buy American, boycott travel to the states, retaliatory tariffs, which coincidentally is pretty much rhymed word for word by the official opposition party leader as well. Much the same way Trump has riled up the American people with the America first, cutting the fat with Doge and draining the “swamp”!
I believe this is the planned path for both countries to accept the digital slavery in the name of national unity,or freedom, or democracy, or whatever spin they decide to put on it when launch time comes depending upon how the narrative is progressing. Unfortunately blinded by the narratives, most folks will fall into line in the name of saving their national sovereignty…even though they are willingly giving away their own personal sovereignty. A sad reality awaits.
I don’t think they will ever learn. So many people here in Alberta put all of their faith in Danielle Smith the Premier elected two years ago to save the province from the evil Ottawa government and to ultimately save Canada from the economic collapse that is imminent. Since her election victory not one election promise has been completely fulfilled, some not even touched on. Not at all surprising. Now as of the Team Canada psyop narrative she has pretty much fallen into line with Ottawa, although she still stands firmly on not bringing in any taxes, levies or shipping disruptions of our oil and gas to the states.. for now. So many in our province want to join the USA making Alberta the 51st state, I ask them,what happens in 4 years when a new President is selected.. like gruesome Gavin would you feel about it then ? No politician on either side is going to save us.. they just don’t get it though.
Actually, I don't consider my article great, but a 4th installment of a sequel (which is in it) that is most likely unique.
Didn't know Canadians can be divided even by the state. In the US, it's usually the Federal Government vs. the state, and the color "in charge" usually supports its own policies in states where it presides. It's a show, but it slows down the degeneration of the country, while speeding up the degeneration of its inhabitants...
Divide and rule indeed works in mysterious ways:
As you are also noting and I also observed in my DOGE article, this is about the final stage of centralizing power... DOGE is just another example after the convid circus that the executive branch is assuming all three branches of the grabberment...
Turdeau (my wife is Canadian, and that's the way we spell it) also seems to have played a side show, while the country has been, and is, going down the drain... Lots of Canadians still seem to believe in party politics. When are they going to learn that nobody will ever represent their interests?
Because the corporate (group think) mind is not subject to natural law or reason, they know that they can exercise undue influence on the lives of individuals who do not share their desires to command and control. I find the same oppressive measure in the local utility companies, raising the bar on what is acceptable to them to the detriment of the poor. When the local Propane gas monopolies decided that they would not offer mobile service to anyone not ordering 100 gallons or more (anywhere between $350-$450) or the local Electric monopoly wanting a $349.00 deposit just to begin their service; to someone who only gets $311.00 a month to survive on from SS, the numbers might be profitable for government, and their corporate interest, but when opportunities to work are limited to whoever wants to employ you on their terms, if they choose not to pay receives no rebuttals from locals in the community, then it's easy to see that those who value money over life are in abundance. There is neither checks or balances when on the titter-totter of life the individual is on one side and the elephant in the room is on the other.
Even SSI is a bad joke... Nobody can live on that on their own.
Unfortunately, I have never found anything "Civil" about war. If the neighbors in the north can kill,steal and destroy their neighbors in the south, and then pass "Reconstruction Acts", to justify their piracy/privateering under the flag of the Jolly Roger, then when the collective votes to de-humanize those who provoke their ire by criminalizing them, it's only a matter of time when natural law kicks in, and those who try to preserve their life, liberty and property will have the hard choice of either joining or not joining the collective. One of Disney's operant conditioners was "If you can't beat them, join them" I know I cannot beat them, but I also know that to enjoin those who intend to do me harm is folly. If the devils in the pulpit assume authority without the consent of the governed, the sacrifices they demand are only reasonable to those who refuse to be accountable. I make my account to God that I haven't gone completely "Galt" but am being pushed to that point where becoming an misanthropist is naturally easier than loving my neighbors as myself.
On a lighter note from another substack, he shared this link in comedy of the tragic circumstances many of us are facing. Called "The Expert"
There is absolutely no connection between government and anything rational, useful and desired. We do not exist to serve or pander to any government and its insane leaders.
The way DOGE is playing out, the concentration of power it entails seems frighteningly rational...
The only things certain are death and taxes.