New York Intel: UN Mercenaries Occupy Ottawa Canada?

and farther on down i see an article that says, "Day 1 of Clinton’s Military Tribunal at GITMO" and then another article from the same "operationdisclosureofficial" website.

Yea that webpage looks more like satire.

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And it probably is. Still, China has been buying up real estate in Canada and in the States and up to 98% of the incoming illegals are not Hispanics...

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Trudeau....yes, we have seen it before, I am sure...but it bears repeating ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daE0jthD5F8

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Turdeau it is, not Trudeau. :)

He doesn't even dare to show his ugly face in public anymore.

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Well, he was at the Calgary Stampede...yeehah!! ...and Sudbury, etc....the celebrity tour....wish it was the walk of shame right before he resigns....

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Did he try the bugs or the weevils? :)

Normally, only a superior life form is supposed to eat an inferior one, so he wouldn't even deserve the chance to try! :)

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I have amused myself with the idea of Nigerian Blue Helmet peace keepers in Chicago.

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Thank you for bringing us the truth. It’s so upsetting, but I would rather know what is really going on. Now how to convince others that the mainstream media is not telling the truth about anything!

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Even today, I still got the baloney from someone that I am spreading "conspiracy theories."

Can anyone be more stupid than that?...

I have an itch to write a Limerick for such people's gravestones, but I'm too sorry for them to make fun of them...

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Yes, I posted this on GETTR and Canadians were defending this.....even the non-Trudeau supporters.... here are the two responses along with mine..... https://gettr.com/comment/c1914on469c

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Keep spreading the good news! By Christmas, Santa will not be needed! :)

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Jul 12, 2022Edited
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It's "only" cooperation and coordination among the three "big ones," the US, China, and Russia...

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Cooperation? I doubt that the Chinese think that it's cooperation unless they're stupid.

And as for infiltration I suspect that coop needs to (carefully) check out the shareholders on the big Chinese companies.

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It was the Chinese, who started the scam, while the symptoms were based on chemical pollution and 5G installations. In the meanwhile, the red herring for the "western devils" was there that the non-existent virus originated from a wet market or a "secure" lab in Wuhan. The lab definitely played its role in developing and testing the trillions of variations of the lethal injections, but that's just about it. And the US taxpayer paid for the scheme targeting the controlled extermination of humanity.

Stock markets are planned to collapse soon, along with national currencies, so stock ownership is moot. The monsters have unlimited access to the current fiat money after which the taxpayer even pays an interest, while it's distributed among friends and family.

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The Chinese didn't shut down NZ. Nor did they suggest de-population to the local Extinction Rebellion morons (they're still trying to suggest it to me as justification 'subtly' just two weeks ago). As for the lab trialing the lethal injections, sure I'm willing to entertain that idea but I'd suggest that their sample population was a little biased towards the locals unless the Americans had been flying in prisoners but even then it would still be biased.

Nor did the Chinese invent the WEF which only started noticing China after about 20 or eve 30 years of existence. Nor do I see any of the Chinese corporates in the sponsorship of the WEF.

Maybe the problem in the West is that we don't have an 'aspirational' society despite the propaganda and everyone knows this meaning that divide and rule has a fertile terrain to play on. Never too late.

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No, the Chinese shut down Wuhan and a number of other places, and they keep continuing the scam to this very day. The cooperating Americans shut down America, following suit of the "wise" Chinese.

In the secret labs worldwide, they used DNA samples from all over the world; there was no "sample population." Human subject were simply not needed. It was mostly computer simulation and animal "studies."

Not sure how the three powers cooperate and what they expect, but their concerted actions are obvious, based on propaganda and nothing else. I would say the three would each get their chunk out of the "digital currency vouchers" that will operate as today's debit cards. The dictators (not the politicians, they are puppets) of most countries embrace the idea of full control over their citizenry.

What will people be able to do once they start starving, they cannot travel, and their money loses its value? Gather in public demonstrations?

It's been too late ever since the Patriot Act.

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You're sounding like George HW Bush. Except maybe pessimistic instead of optimistic.

It's not too late and never is too late. Also the confidence in crypto is rapidly disintegrating as is the confidence in the jabs. And AI?


Imagine the level of bullshit that AI takes in.

Of course there will be fallout, there already is, but it will only be enough to make populations angry rather than disintegrate them for Tyranny Inc.

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Exactly correct, Ray.

And no, the Canadian thing is not a good look.

Not a good look at all.

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