Feb 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Peter Gariaev was bringing together the notion of both electromagnetic and acoustic wave aspects of homeostasis versus illness before he died suddenly in 2020. He was quite aware of the positive and negative uses of both of these modalities and warned about this apparently.

Worth a look into his life work.

https://rumble.com/v40k98l-peter-gariaev-genomicaondulatoria.html https://wavegenetics.org/en/issledovania/

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Feb 25Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I've just spent the last half hour or so listening to the sound waves and now feel rejuvinated! I read about this before and watched some videos showing how the health of people had improved. The treatment came from Russia and maybe this man or his associates. I also watched the video which was very interesting indeed, chilling aspects and yet another untimely death. Makes one into a conspiracy theorist.

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Feb 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This might be a good option for light therapy. I have done some research on it to help heal my father. Unfortunately, my dad did only one session and refused to continue for no reason other than he only did it because I pleaded with him.



"The Chiren™ instrument developed by Johan Boswinkel allows the therapists to tune into their clients and measure where the biophotons are emitting chaotic light. It is based on the discovery that all living biological cells emit light or biophotons.

The state of health depends on the body’s state of light. The body’s own energy is not distributed randomly throughout the body, but flows along certain pathways or meridians, that were discovered by Chinese physicians thousands of years ago. The Chiren checks the quality of light (biophoton emission) in all body systems via meridians.

The Chiren identifies disturbances in the energetic body, and transforms the chaotic light into coherent light, restoring the communication between the cells.

By restoring biophoton coherence, the Chiren provides an exceptional method for stimulating the body to heal itself."

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Feb 20Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I do not watch Cynthia and Matts lectures but do find many of their articles fascinating. I do have an element of confirmation bias on some of their work though. Will read the bluemoon piece too.

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Can you provide a link to something that is worth reading, please?

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Laissez tomber Pasteur, Montagnier et les autres : tous des imposteurs.

Lisez Béchamp et vous comprendrez comment fonctionne réellement la Vie.

L'article de Ehret est un salmigondis impossible à lire !

Les raisons de tomber "malade" sont : chocs (voyez le travail du docteur Hamer), empoisonnements (ingestion de substances toxiques) et carences (alimentation pauvre en nutriments). Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de la "résonance de Béchamp": qu'est-ce que c'est ?

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Feb 20Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

A couple of years ago, I took Ehret to task over some lie he told and was prompty banned for 100 years. Rejected by a globalist. Not much room for regret there.

On a happier note, I now live in a place that nobody knows about and I am eating only correct foods, even if a little toxic and unnutritious. No processed. This imperfection will be remedied within six months. But the best thing is the globalist grip on local politicians has been severed and a majority now oppose the internationalists. Thus, there is now rationale in the conventional fight before retireing into the wilderness to sit out the collapse of life as we know it. Frankly, life as we knew it was not that crash hot.

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Oh, dear, if there were a 100 years of penalty for every lie pointed out there, the time served would be longer than the age of the Earth. :)

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Romanoff wrote a great book about the Jewish Hasbara. His mention of Ehret is very brief but it makes a lot of sense in the context. I unfollowed Ehret a while ago, I couldn’t figure out what I didn’t like about him until I read Romanoff’s book.


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Entertaining writer, but I would be cautious to take ANYTHING HE says for granted. For example, he believes that the invented illnesses exist and they are parts of the biological warfare on humanity. Typical limited hangout:


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I agree

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Ehret is a historian of course, so not gettin' the "walrus vs notta walrus" livin' amongus (like fungus!) wuzn't in his fish tank. Montagnier wuz a bit of a 5-day-ol'poisson hisself havin' capitalized on the HIV "fishin' boat" that hooked an' netted a LOT of MDeez an' reg'lar citoyens alike. "Ball Park" Francs! But even the Luc(k)-y guy admitted they didn't isolate the thing (cuz we know ye cain't isolate a chimera!)--here's a bit on it:

"In an interview published in late 1998 which Montagnier gave to the French journalist Djamel Tahi, Montagnier was asked why he and his colleagues did not publish electron micrographs proving that the 1.16g/ml band (the "purified virus")contained isolated HIV particles. Montagnier answered: No such proof was published, because, even after "Roman effort", at the density of 1.16g/ml they could see no particles with "morphology typical of retroviruses". He gave similar answers to repeated questions, including "I repeat, we did not purify", that is, isolate HIV. "

"Discovered" but not isolated? in translation DrLuc said: "Dis cover-up, I's SO elated!" Kaching!

HIV/AIDS wuz a profitable death cult that took many lives AND they used the same dang faux-science this time 'round too--I don't fault Ehret fer not gettin' it then--by now he likely is more aware (?)--many've us were long-snookered inta "believin'" in dangerous walruses...

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