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A comment from this morning on Utobian substack (Toby Rogers):

Toby, one small missing detail which makes ALL the rest understandable:

This iatrogenocide is NOT a biological event (mRNA and SPs). It's a fully teleological CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. There is NO evidence for functional mRNA in the vials. ( I challenge anyone on this substack to send me a single article proving that there is). SO:

No mRNA = no SPs = no SARS Cov2 virus => chemical poisoning with self assembling nano-structures. This is why they are pushing boosters so much, they need to elevate the the toxins to the MLD (median lethal dose). The mRNA subterfuge is the Trojan horse that delivers chemical, not biological warriors.

The SPs found in tissues are the EFFECT of the toxins on cells, not the cause, similar to prions accumulating in degenerative diseases (including post jab - Dr Jessica Rose has written on this.) The whole 'SPs destroying immunity' model is wrong. The toxins are killing the immune systems, not OAS or ADE.

The spikes in deaths with each round of jabs is the elevation of toxins in the body, many of which are heavy metals. The pattern of deaths we are seeing in SADS are ELECTRICAL events in the 2 electrical organs in the body: the heart (full stop asystole) and the brain (prolonged Grand Mal seizures).


I did NOT want to go there until about 6 months ago and many prominent substackers are heavily invested in the mRNA-SP model. They are poo-pooing the evidence for self-assembling nanoparticulates because their level of cognitive dissonance won't allow them to see the obvious. It is my belief and that of others that some prominent truthers have come over covertly to the chemical side, including Dr. Yeadon and Dr Cahill.

Remember 911? It took a LONG time for people to accept the 'no plane' theory and the fact that rogue elements in the deep state had captured NORAD. Now the deep state and globalists have captured all the governments and medical agencies around the world in this concerted CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. Why do you think China never got on board the mRNA shots? - they KNOW what is going on and are possibly locking down people because of the serious threat of shedding (which was right there in the original Pfizer trial documents).

Marc Mullie MD, Montreal

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Yeadon was also denying graphene up to last year to me in email even.

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He is still not totally over the official propaganda, but I forget which part. :)

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I think he is captured prey of the Cabal because he should know all this stuff and he got huge sums from Pfizer


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Looks like it.

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Yes, mRNA is a red herring:


mRNA was first developed in the Soviet Union is 1981, but it was never deployed in public, because it would start an uncontrollable chain reaction that would lead to an extinction-level event. (Even the publicized "Pfizer documents" are not exactly accurate.)

Ana is good about posting stuff over and over (the scheme was clear even about 18 months ago), because some people just don't get it without several repetitions. I have been doing the same well before her, but she can reach a lot more people (I started up my Substack as a farce, only to realize there is a dire need for it, but I should have used my "Dr" title and a marketable name instead of what I've been using, but my point of view is not accessible for most readers most of the time, because I come out 2-3 months before the popular ones follow and are celebrated for it, yet I am glad to serve the few who are also light-years ahead of the crowd, although it doesn't exactly pay well :) ).

While Yeadon gave up on "viruses," he still allegedly pushing the mRNA/spike protein BS...

9/11 may have been only holograms, indeed (priming the masses for a UFO attack?), but signs of controlled demolition have been abundant.

China is using a different type of mass extermination most of the time, but they must be also using graphene oxide in order to ensure that every subject is accounted for. The Chines are also in the 2030 project, along with the Russians. The rest is political theater.

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911 was both a controlled demolition (plainly visible) and the planes were holograms. September clues (website).

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Marc, what you wrote about the "spike proteins" found in people's tissues and organs being the results of toxicity on cells is the most logical explanation (given the fact that mRNA is not found in the majority of the vials), they're most certainly exosomes secreted by the cells because of high toxicity in the body.

You're a doctor and will know more than me about this, but given the average size of exosomes (something in the range ~30 nm to ~150 nm ?), under a microscope these exosomes would be very easily mistaken for a viral spike protein. Therefore when the japanese did those biodistribution studies to see where those spikes were expressed, they were maybe actually mistaking those for simple exosomes produced en masse by the cells everywhere in the body, because of high toxicity from the graphene, metals and other toxins in the shots ? Then the main thing those jabbed people (still alive) should take is things like powerful antioxydants and things to reduce toxic load ?

Indeed the sudden deaths are electrical in nature (although some deaths are also caused by these horrific clots), caused by EMF, activating the graphene ...

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The Japanese biodist study looked ONLY at LNPs not spikes.

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Actually, it's safe to say the mRNA has never been found in the vials, although they definitely contain a creative concoction of toxins, parasites, pathogens (not "viruses"), and graphenes.

Exosomes seem to be exactly what "viruses" are claimed to be, except that there is no contagion involved:


In a comic relief:


Remedies for the toxins are a hit-and-miss, but that doesn't mean they must be abandoned:


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Marc Mullie, or others, please explain why a strong conservative voice against the vxx (Dr Ryan Cole) would say this as I recently heard on Blaze CR podcast: "'The tin-foil hat' crowd insists there is GO in the vials, but what they are actually seeing is cholesterol crystals." This is the first I have heard him come out and say this. Thanks.

fyi, please no offense, but the no-plane theory is just plane non-sense (pun intended). Watch the "911" movie by the French brothers filming the first plane flying into WTC. Clearly watch the fire fighters on the street as they turn their head to follow the noise of the jet plane behind the foreground buildings. They heard and saw and filmed the plane hitting the tower. QED.

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So, cholesterol crystals are in the vials.

Spectrum analysis doesn't lie. People do. :)

According to some eye-witnesses, the planes had no windows...

The site was still glowing in the morning; obviously not from airplane fuel that doesn't even burn at a high-enough temperature to melt steel. Building 7, ditto. The remnants were quickly removed, which prevented any further investigation. That included the tons of gold insured a few months before the event...

Readers have discussed this topic before:


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Oh, dear; I've been posting that mRNA was/is a red herring for months:


I would add the possibility of parasitic infestation, which is only one of the many options and combinations that could explain the symptoms... I suspect that even "prion disease" is possibly a mundane, but not very nice, parasitic infection, possibly from weaponized stocks. The public test runs must have tested for dates of expiration.

For that matter, as a cognitive scientist, I am extremely familiar with the technology for self-assembling nanostructures, and some of the investigations allegedly produced evidence of their presence in some of the vials. When the outcome is considered, they are almost certainly present and not only in the injections.


I did have a few civil conversation with Yeadon before he turned around (sorry, I refuse to prostrate before "Dr," because I am quite familiar with its meaning; I also have two doctoral degrees, so I know what I'm talking about), and he is nice, honest, and refused to serve as one of the hired killers called "doctors." In fact, it was I, who pointed out to him that the outcome of what he wants to see also presides in what he expects from life. Since then, he has found his home (the very first thing a thinking person had to do already in early 2020 was make peace with their Maker).

911 is even more peculiar, because by now, it's easily possible that the planes were holograms (as the forthcoming UFOs will be that two out of three Americans presume to exist). The detonations were obviously due to controlled demolition (esp. in the case of Bldg. 7). The metal was still glowing red in the morning and the mess was speedily cleaned up in order to prevent any further chances to collect evidence.

The US, China, and Russia are paddling/peddling towards the WEF's 2030 event and cooperate. mRNA is NOT used in public; greaphene and 5G are more than enough to do the job, but for plausible deniability, a large number of pathogens and parasites (I assume, mostly malignant nematodes from chemtrails) are also in the pack.

Of course, they know what they are doing. There are no "side effects." The bioweapons applied have been extensively developed and tested in the 160-or-so "secret" labs worldwide for decades, and their impact is exactly predictable.

Shedding is still a question. What is being shed? Parasites for sure and perhaps some toxins and nanotech. Goodness knows. It's all conjecturing by trying to keep the whole picture together without too many contradictions. Data are either not available or not reliable.

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I believe we have come to the same conclusions. This is a great video from laquintacolumna.net in Spain:


Basically, GO and its irradiation with 5G from cell phones or towers can explain everything.

Their website is a fantastic source of information on GO and its effects on the body.

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My provider started to disable old phones like mine and is pushing 5G...

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I became super suspicious when they began putting up towers while everyone was "home" for "covid" and they began GIVING AWAY 5G phones. It just didn't "look" right.

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Life after cellphone is just great. And you never have to charge the damn thing. Let go, it's ok Ray.

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In my old car, it is good to have a phone on me even if the battery is out. Still, life existed before phones, and eventually, I'll have to let go. My phone and my SIM card are about eight years old, so they still probably don't have much, if any, nano-tech built into them. As long as 5G service is still available, old phones can do the job (sorry, there are no more "basic" phones; even the "dumb" ones have the tech built into them and, as usual, the user is the product).

On the other hand, new batteries for old phones probably contain the nano-tech...

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Oct 26, 2023
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Old phones are relatively safe with an old SIM card. I can only guess that the demarcation line is around 2015.

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