its not an expermental vaxxx nor is all the other tech ... the KNOW the effects exactly ...their expermentation is / has been completed way before the implimentation ,,, which is what we are starting to experience now... we are just playing a pathetic " catch up " only an act of the good GOD can help now ,,, therfore pray like trying to get out of hell,,, for their redemption from evil and ours too ,,, the time is short its later than we think but [with the good God ] we are stronger than we know
the power of magnetrons microwave cell towers [ a few meters in size ] mentioned here is massive ... then consider a magnetron that is 25 MILES IN SIZE.... THAT IS " [[" C E R N '""]]] dear good God help us all return to goodness and truth ...
I'm starting to take my sim card out and just use the phone for music and photos. I wonder if even using just WIFI without the SIM may still be trouble eve if 4g if they can locate you. Don't have vax and dont use earphones/buds or mask, never had PCR.
4G is certainly slower, but probably enough for locating users. I bet, new 4G phones have 5G built-in, but they trick the user they are "old and safe" technology.
5G transmits all kinds of details, user activities, life signs, and recorded data (while the user doesn't experience a huge jump in speed). SIM cards since about 2015 might already have the nano-transmitter that allows them to be located by beams (which seem to be able to scan at the speed of light and identify targets), and taking out the battery doesn't help, because the nanotech can use tiny amounts of energy to keep being powered up. Perhaps shielding can work, but even that depends of the intensity of the transmission. As long as the battery is in, cell phones are very much alive even with the SIM card out, and these days, "dumb phones" contain the same tech as smart phones, except it's not available for the user, who remains the product.
The second security camera footage moves a lot and I’m wondering why it’s so shaky and seems to follow the poor guy’s action. I’m not saying it’s not true but seems that security cameras should be fixed in one direction. That train one makes me nauseous. Can’t imagine witnessing that first hand:(
I have written about this on many substacks. The sudden death events (SADS) are ELECTRICAL events, not clots. These people, from a vertical position, fall flat on their faces or occiputs and stop moving, or go into prolonged Grand Mal seizures.
Only 2 things can do that; syncope from complete asystole (no pulse) OR total brain misfiring. The 2 electrical organs are the heart and the brain. Something is triggering these electrical events. One component is likely the heavy metals and graphene, the other could very well be non-ionizing radiation like 5G.
Actually, on second thought, what about enzymes and hormones that affect the brain and the heart? Also, neurons are everywhere in the body, and neural transmission does NOT depend on the heart or the brain, when the order is reversed...
These allow for a LOT of room for alternative sources, the kind that seem to have started around 1961:
Thank you for your explanation! Would you care to send me one of your writings to post or post a link here to your comments/articles, please? It would be most useful.
The scenes do look genuine; the only question is how security camera footages found their way to the Internet.
Graphene can be instructed by 5G to perform specific tasks, so the presence of both is definitely ideal for generating a kill switch. Even one of them can cause irreparable harm.
It looks like sometimes it is the heart and sometimes it is the brain that is targeted, and your explanation accounts for the reason! The brain sometimes fixes itself (although in rare cases even Ivermectin can cause fatal brain damage, when parasites clog blood vessels in the brain), but the heart can never do that. I am finding it peculiar that myocarditis is supposed to kill in no more than five years, yet a dissident doctor posted a couple of days ago that "only" half of the children with the condition will die in five years.
The way they stiffen up in a frozen state looks like electrocution. I have a TENS unit that I sometimes set too high and causes the muscle to do it’s own thing (kinda scares me) but seeing them end up like a dead bug reminds me of dying by electrocution.
A comment from this morning on Utobian substack (Toby Rogers):
Toby, one small missing detail which makes ALL the rest understandable:
This iatrogenocide is NOT a biological event (mRNA and SPs). It's a fully teleological CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. There is NO evidence for functional mRNA in the vials. ( I challenge anyone on this substack to send me a single article proving that there is). SO:
No mRNA = no SPs = no SARS Cov2 virus => chemical poisoning with self assembling nano-structures. This is why they are pushing boosters so much, they need to elevate the the toxins to the MLD (median lethal dose). The mRNA subterfuge is the Trojan horse that delivers chemical, not biological warriors.
The SPs found in tissues are the EFFECT of the toxins on cells, not the cause, similar to prions accumulating in degenerative diseases (including post jab - Dr Jessica Rose has written on this.) The whole 'SPs destroying immunity' model is wrong. The toxins are killing the immune systems, not OAS or ADE.
The spikes in deaths with each round of jabs is the elevation of toxins in the body, many of which are heavy metals. The pattern of deaths we are seeing in SADS are ELECTRICAL events in the 2 electrical organs in the body: the heart (full stop asystole) and the brain (prolonged Grand Mal seizures).
I did NOT want to go there until about 6 months ago and many prominent substackers are heavily invested in the mRNA-SP model. They are poo-pooing the evidence for self-assembling nanoparticulates because their level of cognitive dissonance won't allow them to see the obvious. It is my belief and that of others that some prominent truthers have come over covertly to the chemical side, including Dr. Yeadon and Dr Cahill.
Remember 911? It took a LONG time for people to accept the 'no plane' theory and the fact that rogue elements in the deep state had captured NORAD. Now the deep state and globalists have captured all the governments and medical agencies around the world in this concerted CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. Why do you think China never got on board the mRNA shots? - they KNOW what is going on and are possibly locking down people because of the serious threat of shedding (which was right there in the original Pfizer trial documents).
mRNA was first developed in the Soviet Union is 1981, but it was never deployed in public, because it would start an uncontrollable chain reaction that would lead to an extinction-level event. (Even the publicized "Pfizer documents" are not exactly accurate.)
Ana is good about posting stuff over and over (the scheme was clear even about 18 months ago), because some people just don't get it without several repetitions. I have been doing the same well before her, but she can reach a lot more people (I started up my Substack as a farce, only to realize there is a dire need for it, but I should have used my "Dr" title and a marketable name instead of what I've been using, but my point of view is not accessible for most readers most of the time, because I come out 2-3 months before the popular ones follow and are celebrated for it, yet I am glad to serve the few who are also light-years ahead of the crowd, although it doesn't exactly pay well :) ).
While Yeadon gave up on "viruses," he still allegedly pushing the mRNA/spike protein BS...
9/11 may have been only holograms, indeed (priming the masses for a UFO attack?), but signs of controlled demolition have been abundant.
China is using a different type of mass extermination most of the time, but they must be also using graphene oxide in order to ensure that every subject is accounted for. The Chines are also in the 2030 project, along with the Russians. The rest is political theater.
Marc, what you wrote about the "spike proteins" found in people's tissues and organs being the results of toxicity on cells is the most logical explanation (given the fact that mRNA is not found in the majority of the vials), they're most certainly exosomes secreted by the cells because of high toxicity in the body.
You're a doctor and will know more than me about this, but given the average size of exosomes (something in the range ~30 nm to ~150 nm ?), under a microscope these exosomes would be very easily mistaken for a viral spike protein. Therefore when the japanese did those biodistribution studies to see where those spikes were expressed, they were maybe actually mistaking those for simple exosomes produced en masse by the cells everywhere in the body, because of high toxicity from the graphene, metals and other toxins in the shots ? Then the main thing those jabbed people (still alive) should take is things like powerful antioxydants and things to reduce toxic load ?
Indeed the sudden deaths are electrical in nature (although some deaths are also caused by these horrific clots), caused by EMF, activating the graphene ...
Actually, it's safe to say the mRNA has never been found in the vials, although they definitely contain a creative concoction of toxins, parasites, pathogens (not "viruses"), and graphenes.
Exosomes seem to be exactly what "viruses" are claimed to be, except that there is no contagion involved:
Marc Mullie, or others, please explain why a strong conservative voice against the vxx (Dr Ryan Cole) would say this as I recently heard on Blaze CR podcast: "'The tin-foil hat' crowd insists there is GO in the vials, but what they are actually seeing is cholesterol crystals." This is the first I have heard him come out and say this. Thanks.
fyi, please no offense, but the no-plane theory is just plane non-sense (pun intended). Watch the "911" movie by the French brothers filming the first plane flying into WTC. Clearly watch the fire fighters on the street as they turn their head to follow the noise of the jet plane behind the foreground buildings. They heard and saw and filmed the plane hitting the tower. QED.
According to some eye-witnesses, the planes had no windows...
The site was still glowing in the morning; obviously not from airplane fuel that doesn't even burn at a high-enough temperature to melt steel. Building 7, ditto. The remnants were quickly removed, which prevented any further investigation. That included the tons of gold insured a few months before the event...
I would add the possibility of parasitic infestation, which is only one of the many options and combinations that could explain the symptoms... I suspect that even "prion disease" is possibly a mundane, but not very nice, parasitic infection, possibly from weaponized stocks. The public test runs must have tested for dates of expiration.
For that matter, as a cognitive scientist, I am extremely familiar with the technology for self-assembling nanostructures, and some of the investigations allegedly produced evidence of their presence in some of the vials. When the outcome is considered, they are almost certainly present and not only in the injections.
I did have a few civil conversation with Yeadon before he turned around (sorry, I refuse to prostrate before "Dr," because I am quite familiar with its meaning; I also have two doctoral degrees, so I know what I'm talking about), and he is nice, honest, and refused to serve as one of the hired killers called "doctors." In fact, it was I, who pointed out to him that the outcome of what he wants to see also presides in what he expects from life. Since then, he has found his home (the very first thing a thinking person had to do already in early 2020 was make peace with their Maker).
911 is even more peculiar, because by now, it's easily possible that the planes were holograms (as the forthcoming UFOs will be that two out of three Americans presume to exist). The detonations were obviously due to controlled demolition (esp. in the case of Bldg. 7). The metal was still glowing red in the morning and the mess was speedily cleaned up in order to prevent any further chances to collect evidence.
The US, China, and Russia are paddling/peddling towards the WEF's 2030 event and cooperate. mRNA is NOT used in public; greaphene and 5G are more than enough to do the job, but for plausible deniability, a large number of pathogens and parasites (I assume, mostly malignant nematodes from chemtrails) are also in the pack.
Of course, they know what they are doing. There are no "side effects." The bioweapons applied have been extensively developed and tested in the 160-or-so "secret" labs worldwide for decades, and their impact is exactly predictable.
Shedding is still a question. What is being shed? Parasites for sure and perhaps some toxins and nanotech. Goodness knows. It's all conjecturing by trying to keep the whole picture together without too many contradictions. Data are either not available or not reliable.
I became super suspicious when they began putting up towers while everyone was "home" for "covid" and they began GIVING AWAY 5G phones. It just didn't "look" right.
I’ve seen these videos, I’m thinking it’s more likely a hoax than anything else. Remember the videos from China in early 2020 of people dropping dead in the streets? These are in the same style and they’re mostly low resolution CCTV style videos. In the era of deep fakes, seems like something dropped into the alternative sphere to drive up anxiety and lead people to false conclusions. That isn’t to say that there couldn’t be some sort of self-assembling biologically-based technology being injected into folks who took the shot. We just don’t know for sure.
There's a bitchute video (sorry, I don't have the link) that speculates an AI algorithm is randomly selecting "sudden death" victims and using 5G to trigger the nanotech in the clot shots. There was also talk of vaxxed people having unique BlueTooth addresses. There are lots of vaxxed people around me at my work but I've never seen this when I turn on BT on my phone.
I wonder how close you need to be to the phone to get affected, assuming unvaxed. If you are vaxed I'd ditch the phone, OR maybe keep it far away and let the AI think they "got you".
Chances are, everybody is "vaxed" by now to a certain extent, and 5G can affect their body even without a phone. The phone is faster, of course, but I'm not sure how fast the DNA-based point-to-point access is from a tower to a target...
The phone's BT list will not show random Hexadecimal MAC addresses, you need to load an additional App like BLE Scanner or nRF Connect, then scan and watch all of the randomly assigned MAC addresses show up (no Manufacturer designation in the first section of MAC). The other thing to look up is Nanotube self-assembly Teslaphoresis at Rice Unviversity to see how that substance can reacts to EMF near a Tesla coil. Is this related? I don't know, but it sure looks suspicious and we are likely consuming graphene in foods from what I have read.
Attorney Todd Callendar, strikes me as a pretty careful, methodical type. Unlikely to speak without some evidence in hand is my surmise. In this conversation he speaks of nanotechnology/nanobots in food products. Specifically names Pepsi, Coke and Smart Water (whole new meaning to that one). Inclusion absolutely NOT limited to these products. Apologies I don’t have time mark for this specific comment. Frankly, in the moment it took my breath away.
Once the self-assembling nanoreceivers/transmitters are set up, they operate on bioelectricity and the person has a unique UDID, transmitted through a unique MAC address that allows for two-way communication between the person's nanotech and the worldwide AI that is running the live emulation and selects various fates for its victims...
Crisis actors were definitely ruled out for guy who got hit by train. The whole turning head and spinning thing is bizarre. 5G in combo w/ jabs? Very strange.
Heard this is common before grand mal siezures, its how you know someone is about to sieze, per a careworker on some forum somewhere....between this and the (search) black eyed babies (also see la quinta columna) seems we wont need Halloween this the 5g and nanos in the body, they can and will disrupt any body signal they want with directed waves. No words. Sorry.
I hesitated to update my iPhone for more than a year, thinking they could be installing a more advanced tracking or recording update on my phone. I finally gave in a few months ago to see if my phone would work better. Isn't it creepy how many updates are constantly being developed?
My youngest daughter says she's seen ads enticing people to upgrade to a 5G phone for a $400 gift. Isn't that special? Mine is an iPhone 8, so rather out of date, but who knows what they can be including in the new ones.
Live everyday like it your last, because it could very well be, now more than ever.
My provider wanted to give me a 5G phone "for free" and halve my monthly $30 for "unlimited use"! Sounds suspicious, if you think of it, because I am definitely of the age of the "useless eaters"! :)
That's a very good question that I've similarly pondered about revealed govt. email exchanges that could have easily been deleted. Therefore, I think they're playing both sides. They are ultimately making our governments look so inept, murderous, and corrupt that when they've worn us down, they'll offer a so-called solution, where most fall for it out of sheer exhaustion. We may all be very hungry at that point, as well, seeing as forest fires are killing animals, there are major fish-die-offs, they are killing chickens, cattle, etc. for various reasons, are restocking lakes with sterile fish, and not failing to mention food shortages and supply chain issues. Murderous god-complex psychopaths have NO conscience, empathy, or common sense. It's like soul-men/women against the human looking machines.
Their huge technological advantage definitely ensures they can incriminate anyone, anytime, anywhere, and they seem to be conducting, among other things, a war of attrition by constant gaslighting, by leading "the opposition," and by commandeering the masses. Much of the damage they are causing can be irreversible, at least during the blink of an eye human history is compared with the age of the Earth.
The reason why they cannot recognize the devastation they are causing to themselves, too, is that they consider themselves invincible (most likely, they are) and, consequently, infallible (which is where they are wrong and it will cause their own demise, too).
Another useless eater club member here! 62. This may sound nutty, but I have never really trusted cell phones. We still have a land line at our house, but I have a cell phone for convenience of texting, etc. I usually leave it in another room, I never carry it "on my person", like in a pocket. I've know a lot of folks who died from brain tumors, my ex husband among them. I have known people as young as twenty something with malignant brain tumors. What is causing that? I never heard of such things when I was younger. When microwaves first came out my dad refused to buy one for the longest time- he said he didn't trust them. All this technology is not natural- I think it's going to be our demise.
We have four landlines between my wife and me, and I turn on our 10-year-old cell once a day for a minute or two to check for messages. :) Otherwise, the cell has its battery removed. When in use, it's on speaker, several inches away from our bodies.
Movies show you how to use a cell, if you want brain tumor. Even a Senator Kennedy died of that, but among children, cases went up by several times after they started using cell phones. They microwave their brains. Microwave cookers turn real food into goo that the body can't even recognize (fattening at best) and in the meanwhile, the radiation causes unpredictable damages...
Technology will kill the monsters, but average mortals will go first. That's you and me. :)
You are above average Ray, by far. Your awareness level far surpasses everyone. I am surprised you still subscribe to doctors. Never forget, they are licensed to kill.
Ray, do you think faraday bags "work" at all? My husband says he read some research that says that they don't work. I guess you are saying that the safest thing is to remove the battery.
Added the following link:
its not an expermental vaxxx nor is all the other tech ... the KNOW the effects exactly ...their expermentation is / has been completed way before the implimentation ,,, which is what we are starting to experience now... we are just playing a pathetic " catch up " only an act of the good GOD can help now ,,, therfore pray like trying to get out of hell,,, for their redemption from evil and ours too ,,, the time is short its later than we think but [with the good God ] we are stronger than we know
the power of magnetrons microwave cell towers [ a few meters in size ] mentioned here is massive ... then consider a magnetron that is 25 MILES IN SIZE.... THAT IS " [[" C E R N '""]]] dear good God help us all return to goodness and truth ...
I'm starting to take my sim card out and just use the phone for music and photos. I wonder if even using just WIFI without the SIM may still be trouble eve if 4g if they can locate you. Don't have vax and dont use earphones/buds or mask, never had PCR.
4G is certainly slower, but probably enough for locating users. I bet, new 4G phones have 5G built-in, but they trick the user they are "old and safe" technology.
5G transmits all kinds of details, user activities, life signs, and recorded data (while the user doesn't experience a huge jump in speed). SIM cards since about 2015 might already have the nano-transmitter that allows them to be located by beams (which seem to be able to scan at the speed of light and identify targets), and taking out the battery doesn't help, because the nanotech can use tiny amounts of energy to keep being powered up. Perhaps shielding can work, but even that depends of the intensity of the transmission. As long as the battery is in, cell phones are very much alive even with the SIM card out, and these days, "dumb phones" contain the same tech as smart phones, except it's not available for the user, who remains the product.
Just watched the kill switch. Damn your good. thanks.
The second security camera footage moves a lot and I’m wondering why it’s so shaky and seems to follow the poor guy’s action. I’m not saying it’s not true but seems that security cameras should be fixed in one direction. That train one makes me nauseous. Can’t imagine witnessing that first hand:(
It is the uniformity that bothers me.
I have written about this on many substacks. The sudden death events (SADS) are ELECTRICAL events, not clots. These people, from a vertical position, fall flat on their faces or occiputs and stop moving, or go into prolonged Grand Mal seizures.
Only 2 things can do that; syncope from complete asystole (no pulse) OR total brain misfiring. The 2 electrical organs are the heart and the brain. Something is triggering these electrical events. One component is likely the heavy metals and graphene, the other could very well be non-ionizing radiation like 5G.
I don't believe these are staged.
Marc Mullie MD, Montreal
Actually, on second thought, what about enzymes and hormones that affect the brain and the heart? Also, neurons are everywhere in the body, and neural transmission does NOT depend on the heart or the brain, when the order is reversed...
These allow for a LOT of room for alternative sources, the kind that seem to have started around 1961:
What do you think about my latest hypothesis?
Thank you for your explanation! Would you care to send me one of your writings to post or post a link here to your comments/articles, please? It would be most useful.
The scenes do look genuine; the only question is how security camera footages found their way to the Internet.
Graphene can be instructed by 5G to perform specific tasks, so the presence of both is definitely ideal for generating a kill switch. Even one of them can cause irreparable harm.
It looks like sometimes it is the heart and sometimes it is the brain that is targeted, and your explanation accounts for the reason! The brain sometimes fixes itself (although in rare cases even Ivermectin can cause fatal brain damage, when parasites clog blood vessels in the brain), but the heart can never do that. I am finding it peculiar that myocarditis is supposed to kill in no more than five years, yet a dissident doctor posted a couple of days ago that "only" half of the children with the condition will die in five years.
The way they stiffen up in a frozen state looks like electrocution. I have a TENS unit that I sometimes set too high and causes the muscle to do it’s own thing (kinda scares me) but seeing them end up like a dead bug reminds me of dying by electrocution.
Possibly, it is a Directed Energy Weapons through 5G, which also fries the brain...
A comment from this morning on Utobian substack (Toby Rogers):
Toby, one small missing detail which makes ALL the rest understandable:
This iatrogenocide is NOT a biological event (mRNA and SPs). It's a fully teleological CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. There is NO evidence for functional mRNA in the vials. ( I challenge anyone on this substack to send me a single article proving that there is). SO:
No mRNA = no SPs = no SARS Cov2 virus => chemical poisoning with self assembling nano-structures. This is why they are pushing boosters so much, they need to elevate the the toxins to the MLD (median lethal dose). The mRNA subterfuge is the Trojan horse that delivers chemical, not biological warriors.
The SPs found in tissues are the EFFECT of the toxins on cells, not the cause, similar to prions accumulating in degenerative diseases (including post jab - Dr Jessica Rose has written on this.) The whole 'SPs destroying immunity' model is wrong. The toxins are killing the immune systems, not OAS or ADE.
The spikes in deaths with each round of jabs is the elevation of toxins in the body, many of which are heavy metals. The pattern of deaths we are seeing in SADS are ELECTRICAL events in the 2 electrical organs in the body: the heart (full stop asystole) and the brain (prolonged Grand Mal seizures).
I did NOT want to go there until about 6 months ago and many prominent substackers are heavily invested in the mRNA-SP model. They are poo-pooing the evidence for self-assembling nanoparticulates because their level of cognitive dissonance won't allow them to see the obvious. It is my belief and that of others that some prominent truthers have come over covertly to the chemical side, including Dr. Yeadon and Dr Cahill.
Remember 911? It took a LONG time for people to accept the 'no plane' theory and the fact that rogue elements in the deep state had captured NORAD. Now the deep state and globalists have captured all the governments and medical agencies around the world in this concerted CHEMICAL poisoning of humanity. Why do you think China never got on board the mRNA shots? - they KNOW what is going on and are possibly locking down people because of the serious threat of shedding (which was right there in the original Pfizer trial documents).
Marc Mullie MD, Montreal
Yeadon was also denying graphene up to last year to me in email even.
He is still not totally over the official propaganda, but I forget which part. :)
I think he is captured prey of the Cabal because he should know all this stuff and he got huge sums from Pfizer
Looks like it.
Yes, mRNA is a red herring:
mRNA was first developed in the Soviet Union is 1981, but it was never deployed in public, because it would start an uncontrollable chain reaction that would lead to an extinction-level event. (Even the publicized "Pfizer documents" are not exactly accurate.)
Ana is good about posting stuff over and over (the scheme was clear even about 18 months ago), because some people just don't get it without several repetitions. I have been doing the same well before her, but she can reach a lot more people (I started up my Substack as a farce, only to realize there is a dire need for it, but I should have used my "Dr" title and a marketable name instead of what I've been using, but my point of view is not accessible for most readers most of the time, because I come out 2-3 months before the popular ones follow and are celebrated for it, yet I am glad to serve the few who are also light-years ahead of the crowd, although it doesn't exactly pay well :) ).
While Yeadon gave up on "viruses," he still allegedly pushing the mRNA/spike protein BS...
9/11 may have been only holograms, indeed (priming the masses for a UFO attack?), but signs of controlled demolition have been abundant.
China is using a different type of mass extermination most of the time, but they must be also using graphene oxide in order to ensure that every subject is accounted for. The Chines are also in the 2030 project, along with the Russians. The rest is political theater.
911 was both a controlled demolition (plainly visible) and the planes were holograms. September clues (website).
Marc, what you wrote about the "spike proteins" found in people's tissues and organs being the results of toxicity on cells is the most logical explanation (given the fact that mRNA is not found in the majority of the vials), they're most certainly exosomes secreted by the cells because of high toxicity in the body.
You're a doctor and will know more than me about this, but given the average size of exosomes (something in the range ~30 nm to ~150 nm ?), under a microscope these exosomes would be very easily mistaken for a viral spike protein. Therefore when the japanese did those biodistribution studies to see where those spikes were expressed, they were maybe actually mistaking those for simple exosomes produced en masse by the cells everywhere in the body, because of high toxicity from the graphene, metals and other toxins in the shots ? Then the main thing those jabbed people (still alive) should take is things like powerful antioxydants and things to reduce toxic load ?
Indeed the sudden deaths are electrical in nature (although some deaths are also caused by these horrific clots), caused by EMF, activating the graphene ...
The Japanese biodist study looked ONLY at LNPs not spikes.
Actually, it's safe to say the mRNA has never been found in the vials, although they definitely contain a creative concoction of toxins, parasites, pathogens (not "viruses"), and graphenes.
Exosomes seem to be exactly what "viruses" are claimed to be, except that there is no contagion involved:
In a comic relief:
Remedies for the toxins are a hit-and-miss, but that doesn't mean they must be abandoned:
Marc Mullie, or others, please explain why a strong conservative voice against the vxx (Dr Ryan Cole) would say this as I recently heard on Blaze CR podcast: "'The tin-foil hat' crowd insists there is GO in the vials, but what they are actually seeing is cholesterol crystals." This is the first I have heard him come out and say this. Thanks.
fyi, please no offense, but the no-plane theory is just plane non-sense (pun intended). Watch the "911" movie by the French brothers filming the first plane flying into WTC. Clearly watch the fire fighters on the street as they turn their head to follow the noise of the jet plane behind the foreground buildings. They heard and saw and filmed the plane hitting the tower. QED.
So, cholesterol crystals are in the vials.
Spectrum analysis doesn't lie. People do. :)
According to some eye-witnesses, the planes had no windows...
The site was still glowing in the morning; obviously not from airplane fuel that doesn't even burn at a high-enough temperature to melt steel. Building 7, ditto. The remnants were quickly removed, which prevented any further investigation. That included the tons of gold insured a few months before the event...
Readers have discussed this topic before:
Oh, dear; I've been posting that mRNA was/is a red herring for months:
I would add the possibility of parasitic infestation, which is only one of the many options and combinations that could explain the symptoms... I suspect that even "prion disease" is possibly a mundane, but not very nice, parasitic infection, possibly from weaponized stocks. The public test runs must have tested for dates of expiration.
For that matter, as a cognitive scientist, I am extremely familiar with the technology for self-assembling nanostructures, and some of the investigations allegedly produced evidence of their presence in some of the vials. When the outcome is considered, they are almost certainly present and not only in the injections.
I did have a few civil conversation with Yeadon before he turned around (sorry, I refuse to prostrate before "Dr," because I am quite familiar with its meaning; I also have two doctoral degrees, so I know what I'm talking about), and he is nice, honest, and refused to serve as one of the hired killers called "doctors." In fact, it was I, who pointed out to him that the outcome of what he wants to see also presides in what he expects from life. Since then, he has found his home (the very first thing a thinking person had to do already in early 2020 was make peace with their Maker).
911 is even more peculiar, because by now, it's easily possible that the planes were holograms (as the forthcoming UFOs will be that two out of three Americans presume to exist). The detonations were obviously due to controlled demolition (esp. in the case of Bldg. 7). The metal was still glowing red in the morning and the mess was speedily cleaned up in order to prevent any further chances to collect evidence.
The US, China, and Russia are paddling/peddling towards the WEF's 2030 event and cooperate. mRNA is NOT used in public; greaphene and 5G are more than enough to do the job, but for plausible deniability, a large number of pathogens and parasites (I assume, mostly malignant nematodes from chemtrails) are also in the pack.
Of course, they know what they are doing. There are no "side effects." The bioweapons applied have been extensively developed and tested in the 160-or-so "secret" labs worldwide for decades, and their impact is exactly predictable.
Shedding is still a question. What is being shed? Parasites for sure and perhaps some toxins and nanotech. Goodness knows. It's all conjecturing by trying to keep the whole picture together without too many contradictions. Data are either not available or not reliable.
I believe we have come to the same conclusions. This is a great video from in Spain:
Basically, GO and its irradiation with 5G from cell phones or towers can explain everything.
Their website is a fantastic source of information on GO and its effects on the body.
My provider started to disable old phones like mine and is pushing 5G...
I became super suspicious when they began putting up towers while everyone was "home" for "covid" and they began GIVING AWAY 5G phones. It just didn't "look" right.
Life after cellphone is just great. And you never have to charge the damn thing. Let go, it's ok Ray.
I’ve seen these videos, I’m thinking it’s more likely a hoax than anything else. Remember the videos from China in early 2020 of people dropping dead in the streets? These are in the same style and they’re mostly low resolution CCTV style videos. In the era of deep fakes, seems like something dropped into the alternative sphere to drive up anxiety and lead people to false conclusions. That isn’t to say that there couldn’t be some sort of self-assembling biologically-based technology being injected into folks who took the shot. We just don’t know for sure.
James, I have seen enough video clips of the 'spinners' to conclude its not a hoax.
Moreover, the technology is there... OUTRAGED describes it, but so do I:
As I noted in another comment, I am also suspicious, but that doesn't affect the whole picture. It's happening...
"What would you care to see right before you die?"
My future life.
There's a bitchute video (sorry, I don't have the link) that speculates an AI algorithm is randomly selecting "sudden death" victims and using 5G to trigger the nanotech in the clot shots. There was also talk of vaxxed people having unique BlueTooth addresses. There are lots of vaxxed people around me at my work but I've never seen this when I turn on BT on my phone.
I wonder how close you need to be to the phone to get affected, assuming unvaxed. If you are vaxed I'd ditch the phone, OR maybe keep it far away and let the AI think they "got you".
Chances are, everybody is "vaxed" by now to a certain extent, and 5G can affect their body even without a phone. The phone is faster, of course, but I'm not sure how fast the DNA-based point-to-point access is from a tower to a target...
The phone's BT list will not show random Hexadecimal MAC addresses, you need to load an additional App like BLE Scanner or nRF Connect, then scan and watch all of the randomly assigned MAC addresses show up (no Manufacturer designation in the first section of MAC). The other thing to look up is Nanotube self-assembly Teslaphoresis at Rice Unviversity to see how that substance can reacts to EMF near a Tesla coil. Is this related? I don't know, but it sure looks suspicious and we are likely consuming graphene in foods from what I have read.
Attorney Todd Callendar, strikes me as a pretty careful, methodical type. Unlikely to speak without some evidence in hand is my surmise. In this conversation he speaks of nanotechnology/nanobots in food products. Specifically names Pepsi, Coke and Smart Water (whole new meaning to that one). Inclusion absolutely NOT limited to these products. Apologies I don’t have time mark for this specific comment. Frankly, in the moment it took my breath away.
*edit: Callendar’s comments on nanobots in food products shortly after 18:00
That's great information!
Once the self-assembling nanoreceivers/transmitters are set up, they operate on bioelectricity and the person has a unique UDID, transmitted through a unique MAC address that allows for two-way communication between the person's nanotech and the worldwide AI that is running the live emulation and selects various fates for its victims...
Do you have the option show bt devices without name turned on?
I had a rather X-rated vision that I probably shouldn’t articulate here.
Now thats a twist on the 'Internet Kill Switch' from years ago.
Yes, I'd like to see the Milky Way and all my sweet dogs faces, right before I die. That's what's dear and beautiful to me.
All I can say is pantomime style, "Watch out behind you!"
Crisis actors were definitely ruled out for guy who got hit by train. The whole turning head and spinning thing is bizarre. 5G in combo w/ jabs? Very strange.
They know how to act in a crisis.
Heard this is common before grand mal siezures, its how you know someone is about to sieze, per a careworker on some forum somewhere....between this and the (search) black eyed babies (also see la quinta columna) seems we wont need Halloween this the 5g and nanos in the body, they can and will disrupt any body signal they want with directed waves. No words. Sorry.
2.5 years later - I haven't heard anything more about these strange babies.
Wondering if I was fooled in 2022.
Maybe the train was also a crisis actor? :D Or was it a manikin?
Certainly looks like a kill switch.
I hesitated to update my iPhone for more than a year, thinking they could be installing a more advanced tracking or recording update on my phone. I finally gave in a few months ago to see if my phone would work better. Isn't it creepy how many updates are constantly being developed?
My youngest daughter says she's seen ads enticing people to upgrade to a 5G phone for a $400 gift. Isn't that special? Mine is an iPhone 8, so rather out of date, but who knows what they can be including in the new ones.
Live everyday like it your last, because it could very well be, now more than ever.
My provider wanted to give me a 5G phone "for free" and halve my monthly $30 for "unlimited use"! Sounds suspicious, if you think of it, because I am definitely of the age of the "useless eaters"! :)
No such thing as a useless eater. That's like calling yourself a goyim, whatever that means.
Me too! :) 63
Ray, are these incidents only taking place in Asia?
There are few 5G towers in Japan and no sign of these events it seems.
It's a mystery to me. They all look like recordings from security cameras, but how did they become available?
That's a very good question that I've similarly pondered about revealed govt. email exchanges that could have easily been deleted. Therefore, I think they're playing both sides. They are ultimately making our governments look so inept, murderous, and corrupt that when they've worn us down, they'll offer a so-called solution, where most fall for it out of sheer exhaustion. We may all be very hungry at that point, as well, seeing as forest fires are killing animals, there are major fish-die-offs, they are killing chickens, cattle, etc. for various reasons, are restocking lakes with sterile fish, and not failing to mention food shortages and supply chain issues. Murderous god-complex psychopaths have NO conscience, empathy, or common sense. It's like soul-men/women against the human looking machines.
That sounds quite a bit like it.
Their huge technological advantage definitely ensures they can incriminate anyone, anytime, anywhere, and they seem to be conducting, among other things, a war of attrition by constant gaslighting, by leading "the opposition," and by commandeering the masses. Much of the damage they are causing can be irreversible, at least during the blink of an eye human history is compared with the age of the Earth.
The reason why they cannot recognize the devastation they are causing to themselves, too, is that they consider themselves invincible (most likely, they are) and, consequently, infallible (which is where they are wrong and it will cause their own demise, too).
Welcome to the club! :)
Another useless eater club member here! 62. This may sound nutty, but I have never really trusted cell phones. We still have a land line at our house, but I have a cell phone for convenience of texting, etc. I usually leave it in another room, I never carry it "on my person", like in a pocket. I've know a lot of folks who died from brain tumors, my ex husband among them. I have known people as young as twenty something with malignant brain tumors. What is causing that? I never heard of such things when I was younger. When microwaves first came out my dad refused to buy one for the longest time- he said he didn't trust them. All this technology is not natural- I think it's going to be our demise.
You Dad was smart. Microwaves are bad.
We have four landlines between my wife and me, and I turn on our 10-year-old cell once a day for a minute or two to check for messages. :) Otherwise, the cell has its battery removed. When in use, it's on speaker, several inches away from our bodies.
Movies show you how to use a cell, if you want brain tumor. Even a Senator Kennedy died of that, but among children, cases went up by several times after they started using cell phones. They microwave their brains. Microwave cookers turn real food into goo that the body can't even recognize (fattening at best) and in the meanwhile, the radiation causes unpredictable damages...
Technology will kill the monsters, but average mortals will go first. That's you and me. :)
You are above average Ray, by far. Your awareness level far surpasses everyone. I am surprised you still subscribe to doctors. Never forget, they are licensed to kill.
Ray, do you think faraday bags "work" at all? My husband says he read some research that says that they don't work. I guess you are saying that the safest thing is to remove the battery.
See you on the other side! LOL!