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Another useless eater club member here! 62. This may sound nutty, but I have never really trusted cell phones. We still have a land line at our house, but I have a cell phone for convenience of texting, etc. I usually leave it in another room, I never carry it "on my person", like in a pocket. I've know a lot of folks who died from brain tumors, my ex husband among them. I have known people as young as twenty something with malignant brain tumors. What is causing that? I never heard of such things when I was younger. When microwaves first came out my dad refused to buy one for the longest time- he said he didn't trust them. All this technology is not natural- I think it's going to be our demise.

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You Dad was smart. Microwaves are bad.

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We have four landlines between my wife and me, and I turn on our 10-year-old cell once a day for a minute or two to check for messages. :) Otherwise, the cell has its battery removed. When in use, it's on speaker, several inches away from our bodies.

Movies show you how to use a cell, if you want brain tumor. Even a Senator Kennedy died of that, but among children, cases went up by several times after they started using cell phones. They microwave their brains. Microwave cookers turn real food into goo that the body can't even recognize (fattening at best) and in the meanwhile, the radiation causes unpredictable damages...

Technology will kill the monsters, but average mortals will go first. That's you and me. :)

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You are above average Ray, by far. Your awareness level far surpasses everyone. I am surprised you still subscribe to doctors. Never forget, they are licensed to kill.

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Ray, do you think faraday bags "work" at all? My husband says he read some research that says that they don't work. I guess you are saying that the safest thing is to remove the battery.

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Genevieve, test your Faraday bag by calling the phone while it's on, inside the bag. You might need to double-bag it.

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Allegedly (which I cannot confirm), the aluminum foil must be sevenfold...

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Wrapping your phone in a Mylar blanket works too.

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They do work, but the cell phone, with or without the battery in, as long as the SIM card is less than, say, two years old, will record everything, if the microphone is still exposed.

You must remove the battery, place the darn thing into a Faraday cage (aluminum wrap), but also isolate the sound.

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so sim card out and your gold or do you think using WIFI with no sim is a no-no?

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Every phone has an IMEI and a serial number and every router assigns a MAC address to users... Nobody is invisible. The tech must be also in the SIM card, probably in the form of an EPROM that keeps refreshing itself, in case the phone dies. The fact that they are still selling phones with removable batteries suggests that spying on the user doesn't require a battery, so an old SIM card might still save the day, but it must be older than 2015 and, preferably, 2012, when graphene-based computers were already fully functional.

Burner phones might work in places where the buyer is not asked for an ID at the time of purchase. Alternatively, giving ten bucks to a homeless guy to buy the phone can also work.

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so if they have a beam for you on stand-by, when you put your batt in the once a day your gonzo?

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What do you mean?

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See you on the other side! LOL!

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