we are all subject to mental /emotional sickness... [ and heaven forbid spiertual sickness ] most deny it some recognise it some are ashamed of it , most today applaud it , some seek liberation from it , some lament it ,some repent of it , ... our quintessential nature is goodness , sickness is a state of being ill sick which are like dirt on a cleen shirt ,its not our true identity there fore its definition of psyco [mental] path [pathology ] sickiness . we are not sickness but victims [willing ] of sicknesses . good God please enlighten our darkness
My theory on the rise of psychopaths, narcissists and just plain "mean people."
We are poisoned, all of us. Some of us (esp those who took jabs) are suffering neurological damage. This damage, reinforced by the blue light devices, is throwing people into "survival mode."
In survival mode, the only person one can think of is themselves. They cannot see anyone else's suffering, and cannot realise it. This incapacity means that one is the centre of the universe. Cutting someone off in traffic, impulsive moves, even manipulative moves - all come from the need to survive in a toxic world.
I try to be understanding, but - have little tolerance for this BS. Trying to cultivate from those who can perceive others, have empathy, and caring.
This stuff is CIA-approved, stolen copyright-material from L. Ron Hubbard.
It has been completely watered down to fit mainstream & DEEP STATE purpose.
The core information has been censored.
It is their "EVIL INTENTION" that drives Psychopaths along their lives from deeply hidden earlier trauma, which could be hunted down in an earlier lifetime, if the CIA would not have busted & destroyed this entirely peaceful religion by the name stemming from "Science" & "Logos"
A Psychopath must be real good at camouflage to succeed (like VAXX-criminal Bill Gates, who presents himself & camouflages his crimes against humanity, pretending to be a "philanthropist")
Does a person "WALK his/her TALK?" is the ONLY way to find out all the lies & all the other crimes of that perfectly camouflaged criminal!
SORRY for hurting you - from too much pain - I had to live through in this lifetime
With "this stuff" I mean the mixture of knowledge & FAKE-data around "psychopathy".
I have been researching this since 1975 - when a Scientologist helped me understand the suicide of my dad on July 19th in 1963 - who was a great but unhappy surgeon, when he wanted to be a violinist and a classic singer, as he had that musical ear . . .
As the medical field until today has no clue regarding the cause of depression - I had finally solved the case of my dad after 12 years of research INSIDE the medical field to no result, when a Scientologist opened up a hitherto closed door, with his remark: "Failed Purpose!"
So I was more curious than ever before:
What did Scientology teach much better than Medicine about depression?
So I decided to find out in the Church in Munich/Germany, where I lived at that time.
I was more enthused than ever in my life - and I remember a specific phone-call to my mother in Bremen/Germany - where I told her:
"You always wanted me to study Medicine - and now I can assure you, I have found the "Medicine of the Future" - so I will become a Class XII Auditor in Scientology!"
But shortly after - a lot of trouble set in at the level of our local church - coming in the form of "missions" from higher places in Copenhagen/Danmark or the "Sea Org". When they left, more than 180 staff were sick repeatedly. The orders from "above" were crazy and ANTI-Scientology. So I had to change plans, and became an INVESTIGATOR. The chance was with me in early 1976, when I could move to Copenhagen with the plan to become a Hubbard Professional Wordclearer, which is the best possible foundation for later studies. There I encountered first difficulties in my studies, as Hubbards Policies where NOT applied, justified with "lack of money", or "we don't do that anymore!"
So I had to change - and accepted a mission-ticket to Clearwater/Fla/USA - with the intention to be educated up to Class IV Auditor.
As I had been unable to finish properly my Professional Wordclearer's Course at Advanced Organization Saint Hill in Copenhagen - this was my first declaration upon arrival in the US, as I had no doubt whatsoever, those top technicians would swiftly correct that failure from Copenhagen to apply a costly "WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST" to my situation.
To my dismay I had to realize, that my overworked American Wordclearer from the FLAG-Landbase in Clearwater was completely incompetent, just working like a robot . . .
Other things happened - as excessive pressing for money - but my main concern was that complete automated stupidity form overworked personnel, that would not comprehend the "TECH" of L. Ron Hubbard.
Instead of my promised TRAINING to become a Class IV Auditor - they pressed for money - that I had to organize from the sister of my mother in Guatemala . . .
I decided something was completely "fishy", and I needed to get out as fast as possible . . .
On my flight back to Europe - I wanted to check out Saint Hill in England - maybe they were clean, and would deliver "Standard Tech" as promised . . . ?
But I was arrested at Heathrow Airport in London because I carried a Scientology-Book - and sent directly to Copenhagen - where they didn't know what to do with me, so just before Christmas I was handed a little scratch paper: "You are to leave Denmark tonight."
So ever since the end of 1976 I have been banned to enter any Scientology Church.
But that did not stop me from continuing to research the truth.
In order to keep this comment as short as possible, I post a link, that represents to the best of my knowledge, the assembled research of many other Scientologists from Europe.
Yes, some systems require participants to be psychopathic. Anybody can be heartless from time to time. I've seen that among gangbangers who wanted to recruit me, when I was young, and they behaved that way only b/o peer pressure. One by one, they tended to pass for human beings. :)
So, I am inclined to talk about psychopathic behavior rather than psychopaths. Such behavior can be tackled only if I can address each person one by one and those who wouldn't listen can only be countered in the manner they are attacking me... Does that make me a psychopath?
maybe .,... anyone that does something to someone else , but wouldnt like it if someone else done the same thing to them is mentally cognitivly sick , ill ie pshycopath .... good God please help us all return to goodness , truth and you
I think it’s all the attributes together. Not just one, one time or the other. The problem as I see it is we as human culture value wealth and power so much we elevate these individuals with psychopathic traits. We allow them to take over every top position in all fields. We have only ourselves to blame.
Sometimes when we try to decipher complex concepts with words we tie our own rhetoric up in knots of projections. Funny how that happens.it is a trap of pseudo intellectual dishonesty in and of itself. There is knowing and then a pretense of knowing. Clearly fundamental to exactly where we find ourselves. No wonder so many, caught in the vestigial European Romanticism lingering in America, fell for the pretty words of psychopathic politicians. It is easy to get caught up in a trap of tangled words.
All in all it really doesn’t matter whether we call them serial abusers, toxic narcissists or psychopaths. Just don’t allow the little Hitler’s out of their cells. And certainly bar the doors.
You see, Hitler actually went against the globalist bankers, who used Stalin to kill him off (Stalin concentrated troops at the German border in 1941, leaving Hitler with no choice, but to attack first). When I lived in Germany at the end of the 70s, he was still amazingly popular, because he brought the country out of the recession (he kicked out the central bankers) in three years, and created never-before-seen living standards for the average German. Most of the stuff about him out there is propaganda. He lost the war, when he sent his troops against Stalingrad instead of the oil fields in Baku. France and Germany declared war on Germany (yes, it was they, who started WW2) for Hitler re-occupying German-majority territories annexed to Poland in 1920, but didn't declare war on Stalin, who took the rest of Poland. Poles still dislike Russia for that, although it was the largest mass murderer in history, Stalin, who did that, and he was the ally "the US" chose, because the country even at that point was basically owned by the global bankers.
Yes, even according to Germans, his fatal mistake was to drag Jews to labor camps (the war created labor shortages, and communists and criminals were not high enough in numbers). Most deaths occurred after the allies bombed the supply lines and there was no food and no medication in the camps; deaths continued even after liberation (which is when the famous photos were taken), while the German genocide by the allies goes unremembered (about two million German civilians in death camps and another six as a result of carpet bombing). Anne Frank's diary was apparently written by his father, and she was treated in the camp's hospital, which is hardly a thing one would do to a race that is supposed to be exterminated... Myths and myths again...
The way Hitler handled the bankers is something that would help people even today. I do not condone forced labor of any kind.
Pretty good story. I like all those twists and turns. With all this mythology who needs common sense? Going to find my abacus. That and my scribbled Nashville charts for the music.
Yes, there is an Israeli rabbi, who even openly declared that the H* story was not true, but useful. The six m. figure was a mere invention by a snake oil salesman, who established the Wiesenthal Center, doing a lot of disservice to real Jews... Bobby Fisher, the former chess world champion was 100% Jewish and he despised the fake history and Zionism, for which he seems to have been "taken care of."
The Hoax of the 20th Century written by the Jewish history professor Arthur C Butz is a shining example of a Jew who hated the lies that were perpetuated in the name of the Jewish people.
Well....nice argument, but, it should be obvious to anyone that honest to goodness psychopaths exist. Just like "Johnny". The lack of empathy seems to be a determining factor. They can fuck you and everyone around them to get what they want and it doesn't matter what they do to get it.
First off, could you kill someone you don't know for no reason other than you were ordered to without remorse or having a guilty conscience? Rape? Theft? Any and all major felonies that the politicians and their enforcers inflict on the average person day in and day out? Think about it...they OBVIOUSLY exist. No NORMAL person wants the "job" of ruling anyone else. Hell, I have enough of a hard time ruling myself!
Anyone can act as a psychopath... There are people, who are more used to it, especially those who wield power. It's often impossible to use power and compassion at the same time. That is part of the way humans function... Still, all civilizations need stability and stability, with the exception of a few brief periods, can only be assured by force and violence. Machiavelli was quite accurate about that.
Absolutely agree that no normal person would want to perform such tasks, yet power and money tempt people into the situation, where there is no way out anymore.
constitutional americans knew that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly therefore they created a system of " checks and balances " of power , only 2 term presidency, congress , veto power , decentraliased power , independant state power the whole system is designed to prevent tyrany ... the price of all freedoms worldly and spiritual is constant vigilance , and the indespensible help from our good God
But the clincher here is that normal people do not act as psychopaths. Normal and psychopathic is an oxymoron. Even the actors who cleverly portray psychopaths are often hardly normal. Trust me, I’m not a psychopath, I just play one on TV.
Well...an actor IS an actor. Keanu Reeves is a very giving generous person in real life according to all accounts. But he plays one crazy ass dude in the John Wick series. Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays or played Negan in Walking Dead and from what he says and people that know him, his real life persona is a complete opposite of Negan. I also suspect that one of the most well known actors in the world who played many parts is not really the part he played in Silence of the Lambs. That being Anthony Hopkins. And the bottom line is "what is normal?" Normal would have to be an average of humanity. And then the psychopath is way on one side of the average and total pussies on the other side.
is it normal to be sick ??? can and under what circumstances can mental and spritual pathology be considered normal,,, unfortunatly it seems to have become the norm.. currantly and historically
There are always the outliers the one's who defy anyone's classifications. Which is why I qualified the sentence as "are often hardly normal". On the other hand I could come up with a list of actors who set off my personal alarms - but I will not.
Those we worry about are the one's who set off most of our internal alarms symptoms. Those who use us for their own gains. Who are willing to stop at nothing to serve themselves.
Oh, Dear, EVERYONE acts as a psychopath no later than they feel that they or their friends or family are threatened. The very way the term is used is, more often than not, "psychopathic." :)
There is no mercy for the enemy of one's choice... It's only human nature.
its only fallen perverted depraved hate full selfish jelous human nature , thankfully there exists noble, rightous ,truthfull ,loveing , compassionate ,mercy full human nature ... which will we / i choose to follow ??? is the choice in our power to make ???
Being normally aggressive to protect friends and family no psychopathic. Intentionally seeking to manipulate or harm someone else because a person is weak and insecure trends in that direction at least. Like the proverbial kid that tortures insects or small animals.
Yes, it is not psychopathic, but the ONLY way to fight off the murderers is to consider them for what they are and place empathy on hold, which means assuming THEIR attitude. Even blinking would make me lose.
My problem with "weak" people is that they want YOU to be "strong" instead of accepting THEIR part and taking responsibility for themselves. Frankly, I despise them... I hope the only person in history who was supposed to die for them, managed to accomplish the job, because I surely won't do it.
When I was nice to such people, they thought I was weak or stupid, and I had to demonstrate that I was neither...
childern are weak ... they need our and Gods help to grow into manhood and womanhood ... adults that are weak are immature childern .;.. you would die for your childern ... Good God died for his childern
maybe turning the other cheek is not out of fear or weakness ,,, how many of us can do it knowing in ourselves that we could destroy them,,, would that be considered a worldly loss but a spiritual victory??? still we are obliged to protect our loved ones... we need right discernment here too
Weak people abound. They are the majority of humanity by all means. The universe has a select 3% who are willing to stand up against tyranny. They are the natural leaders. They are the ones that you won't find wanting to BE a leader, but people will follow them if the shit hits the fan because they will be the ones who are fearless in the face of adversity. They are the ones right NOW that are resisting the government in any way they can. It just hasn't turned kinetic YET.
The way that many of them GET power and money is by stealing it from someone else. Mark Suckerberg? Bill Gates?
If the only reason government existed for was to protect the lives, liberty and property of those governed, it would be a government that would be accepted by all, except of course by those who want to rob, rape and pillage. Force and violence would be appropriate to maintain the true reason for government AGAINST those who violate the very principles. Which is why governments fail. Because those that take power are psychopaths that rob, rape and pillage those that they pretend to represent. We haven't had representative government in my lifetime. Or my fathers or his father. As a matter of fact Lincoln was a perfect example of a psychopath.
The FIB anointed the Sucker to become an emblem for a fraud. He has obviously always felt "exceptional," which is even true as long as exceptionally stupid and evil are also considered as such.
Governments form automatically from the robber barons (= gangs, clans etc.) at the beginning of each civilization after a balance of power is established.
I'm not sure if violence ever fails, but Stalin's victims or the dead from Hiroshima could convince me, if they were around...
To me, it still seems that, more often than not, power creates psychopaths. Once you become part of the "elite," you only have two options: 1. play along 2. get eliminated. Lincoln is probably a good example, but I don't know enough about him to say it either way.
Oh, I am fully aware of the objective of the War of Northern Aggression. :)
Poor suckers (including many Irish immigrants and conscripts from poor neighborhoods from the North) were sent to die for the same people, who are now working on killing off 95% of humans. The "blue soldier" was also instructed to commit atrocities in order to weaken the southerners' willingness to fight... Not so different from other US military operations all over the world after 1867...
When viewed from the history of the Civil War ( War of Federal Aggression) it all makes an evil picture. The current corporatocracy - allegiance of governments, corporations, institutions - began wth the rise of corporate/industrial America Inc.
The main distinction between psychopaths & narcissists is that psychopaths feel very little emotion (and therefore no brakes & a strong need for stimulation) and narcissists feel a huuuuuge amount of emotion. Psychopaths can learn to fake it, with the same variety of outcome as people learning to ice skate or paint landscapes. Narcissists can learn to cover it up until nobody's looking except their latest punching bag and then out it all bursts.
Studying psychology is very useful for both groups (all the better to manipulate you with, sucker) and psychologists & psychiatrists have a lot of power (people are predisposed to disbelieve their targets / patients), therefore attractive professions for those seeking power. No surprise then, that there is a lot of muddying of the waters to cause confusion and for the truly pathological to avoid being unmasked as the anti-social bastards they are.
Add all the confusion and changeability inherent in the human condition & modern world, as Ray discusses above, and there's either too much finger-pointing (by snowflakes & manipulators) or not enough (by aiders, abetters & those just trying to avoid their wrath).
Psychopathy and narcissim (of which there are many flavours) share many traits on a spectrum we all inhabit (hence the ease of accusations), except they're waaaay above the red run-away-from line. If you've ever spent a fair bit of time alone (even the dumbest know they have to hide their proclivities from the world at large) with a psychopath (about 1% of the population) or a malignant narcissist (the most alarming subset of the 5%+), it brings great clarity about who's an average asshole and who's really dangerous.
You see, when someone wants to murder my wife, I am not going to contemplate on how many children he has or how hard his childhood must have been. I have to put my mind to the task, which temporarily turns me into a "psychopath." There is no other way.
There are plenty of ways to tackle psychopathic behavior and it doesn't matter if the other party is a psychopath, a narcissist, or whatever else. Strangely, one must lock out emotions and turn manipulative against such attackers, because they immediately notice and utilize one's weakness.
In a culture, where people cannot tell right from wrong, everyone can become a "psychopath," at least as far as "socially expected" behavior goes.
During my 23 years of academic teaching, I always told my students that they must read Eric Berne's classic, Games People Play (1964), if they ever cared to consider themselves college graduates. It's the best introduction to manipulative behavior that is often used against one's self, too.
"You see, when someone wants to murder my wife, I am not going to contemplate on how many children he has or how hard his childhood must have been. I have to put my mind to the task, which temporarily turns me into a "psychopath." There is no other way."
I disagree. Self defense doesn't turn someone into an emotionless psychopath. You will most likely end up with a form of PTSD which psychopaths never have. I don't have to lock out emotions to protect someone. It would come instinctively in my case due to my years of self defense training.
And telling right from wrong is no excuse. EVERYONE should understand that harming someone else in their life, liberty or property is "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
I do believe that our society still understands that RAPE is wrong. That MURDER is wrong. That ROBBERY is wrong. The founding fathers called those HEINOUS crimes or "felonies". Now for someone to not consider smoking an herb to be WRONG, is right. For instance:
No "law" should exist for a crime unless there is a victim involved. If you are willing to cage or kill me for keeping the fruits of my labor, YOU are the criminal, not me. If you are willing to cage or kill me enforcing a law telling me that I cannot smoke, eat or drink what I want, YOU are the criminal not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing a law that says that I can't own a certain type of gun or because I decide to put a AR pistol to my shoulder, YOU are the CRIMINAL, NOT ME. If you are willing to kill me or cage me because I refuse to fight for you in an illegal war of aggression, YOU are the CRIMINAL not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing ANY LAW where there cannot be shown that a VICTIM existed, YOU ARE THE CRIMINAL, NOT ME. Taking the property of the people without a warrant or probable cause makes YOU the criminal not me. THEFT is THEFT. A badge or "position of authority" does not do away with the fact that YOU are the criminal not me. When those who administer GOVERNMENT VIOLATE THE LAW, THEN THERE IS NO MORE LAW...JUST A FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL.
EVERYONE uses "manipulative behavior". It is learned at a young age. My wife used manipulative behavior to get me to continue to date her and eventually marry her. I used manipulative behavior to get my way in many case in our marriage. I say, if I earn it and the bills are paid I should be able to buy whatever I want with what I earn. That is manipulative but it surely doesn't make me a "psychopath".
All of us are narcissitic to some degree. The definition is as follows:
Someone in love with hisself or herself (as an example it is written that Jesus said, love thy neighbor as thyself so you NEED to love yourself to a degree to be able to love your neighbor. If you hate yourself, you will find it much easier to hate your neighbor)
Person full of egoism and pride. (so if I "brag" about being a 2nd degree black belt in two different styles of martial arts, sure, that is ego, and pride because I EARNED it. And if I say at the age of 68 I can hammer curl 50 pounds with each arm 75 reps, is that ego and pride? So what is really wrong if it is TRUE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t0cElsAHWk
One who shows extreme love and admiration for himself or herself.
You are absolutely correct that self-defense doesn't turn one into a psychopath permanently. What I meant to say is that during the act, my best way to succeed is by assuming the role of one. And yes, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep well after that for quite a while. It happened even after I had to defend out kitteny border collie, when a pitbull on the loose attacked him and started to choke him even after he immediately surrendered... It took me two kicks just to make the pitbull let go. He still considered attacking me, too, so I had to resort to some unorthodox methods to make sure he ran away. Luckily, no dog got hurt.
Not everybody manipulates. By the age of nine, I realized I could get people into believing anything I said (I was a cute and smart little boy), and I was able to get what I wanted, but only after a few attempts, I gave up on the practice, because I was sorry for the people I used, and it was so easy that the gains brought me no joy, either. I have kept it that way, ever since. It took my wife and me a whole year only to kiss each other and we got married shortly after that... We knew it was going to be a "package deal," but by then, we were familiar with the small print. :)
Playing games is another story. It is next to impossible not to play games, especially against someone who initiates a game against you. Games, according to Eric Berne, replace intimacy or honesty to the self (many games people play are against themselves). So, if that's what you mean by "manipulating others," I agree. Playing a game against someone objectifies the other person, which is exactly what a psychopath does. I can't see a huge difference between being a psychopath and behaving like one, because the results are the same.
As for the Second Commandment, you and I are on the same page. What does it mean to love your neighbor as you love you? If you can do that, you are surely not a psychopath, right? Well, there is a traditional mistranslation involved here. the original text is "Love your neighbor, because he is like you," not "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," which makes sense, because most people can't stand themselves (e.g. cannot tolerate silence and constantly seek affirmation from others or join a flock only "to become somebody"). Grabbing things or trying to control people are signs of insecurity, an appetite that cannot be satiated, because no possessions can fill the void of an empty self.
Healthy self-respect comes from personal integrity and a sense of responsibility, both parts of the continuity of the self. Some people might call this as "self-love," but the latter rings empty to me.
There is nothing wrong with your video; it's a good example of a positive attitude that others can pick up on. Putting oneself down is false humility. Humility, in my experience, includes that admission of one's faults (and the constant effort to rectify them), but it also includes one's strengths, because those require personal responsibility to use them well.
A crazy guy, who was 30 years younger, a few inches taller, and ten times stronger than I was, wanted to beat me up eight years ago, because he simply wanted to rob me (I am only a few years younger than you are). He was yelling at me that I was afraid, and charged at me like a crazed bull. I stepped aside and was ready to use his energy against him (as in Aikido), but he stopped halfway, like a bull who lost sight of the matador. At that point, I quietly but firmly told him that yes, I was afraid, because I was afraid of hurting him. I can use a finger or more, a palm, a fist, a knuckle, or even an occasional kick to disable my opponent and there are 283 points (add or take a few, it doesn't matter) on the human body where a matching impact can cause permanent injury or death. The encounter wouldn't be longer than 1-3 seconds. There would be no fight and I couldn't guarantee that he would wake up in this world again. I didn't yell back; I was quiet and detached. He walked away. I was glad, because I think he was pumped up on something and only a broken knee or a broken neck would have stopped him, but there was no room for kicking... Was I bragging? No, it was a warning, and I meant every word of it. Am I bragging now? In a histrionic sense, perhaps, but this is also an example. :) Still, where I grew up, you had to learn to fend for yourself at an early age... That's how I know that living in fear is worse than death.
Great songs. I start the day with classical and when unbound from my desk play more modern genres loud. But for most of the day am besieged with young Nashville musicians who either have played with or dream of playing with some of these great figures of country music. Mostly they just seek to copy their scrawled charts on my printer, eat lunch and drink prodigious amounts of coffee. Mercenary bunch.
Military institutions are tailor-made for psychopathic killers. The five percent or so of human males who feel no remorse about killing their fellow human beings make the best soldiers. And the 95 percent who are extremely reluctant to kill make terrible soldiers—unless they are brainwashed with highly sophisticated modern techniques that turn them (temporarily it is hoped) into functional psychopaths.
In his book, "On Killing" (1996), Lt. Col. Dave Grossman has re-written military history to highlight what other histories hide: The fact that military science is less about strategy and technology than about overcoming the instinctive human reluctance to kill members of our own species. The true "Revolution in Military Affairs" was not Donald Rumsfeld’s move to high-tech in 2001, but Brigadier Gen. S.L.A. Marshall’s discovery in the 1940s that only 15-20 percent of World War II soldiers along the line of fire would use their weapons: "Those (80-85 percent) who did not fire did not run or hide (in many cases they were willing to risk great danger to rescue comrades, get ammunition, or run messages), but they simply would not fire their weapons at the enemy, even when faced with repeated waves of banzai charges" (Grossman, p. 4).
Marshall’s discovery and subsequent research proved that in all previous wars, a tiny minority of soldiers—the five percent who are natural-born psychopaths and perhaps a few temporarily-insane imitators—did almost all the killing. Normal men just went through the motions and, if at all possible, refused to take the life of an enemy soldier, even if that meant giving up their own. The implication: Wars are ritualized mass murders by psychopaths of non-psychopaths (This cannot be good for humanity’s genetic endowment!).
Marshall’s work, brought a Copernican revolution to military science. In the past, everyone believed that the soldier willing to kill for his country was the (heroic) norm, while one who refused to fight was a (cowardly) aberration. The truth, as it turned out, was that the normative soldier hailed from the psychopathic five percent. The sane majority, would rather die than fight.
Social hubris
The implication, too frightening for even the likes of Marshall and Grossman to fully digest, was that the norms for soldiers’ behavior in battle had been set by psychopaths. That meant that psychopaths were in control of the military as an institution. Worse, it meant that psychopaths were in control of society’s perception of military affairs. Evidently, psychopaths exercised an enormous amount of power in seemingly sane, normal society.
How could that be? In "Political Ponerology," Andrzej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests) psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want. In court, for example, psychopaths can tell extreme bald-faced lies in a plausible manner, while their sane opponents are handicapped by an emotional predisposition to remain within hailing distance of the truth. Too often, the judge or jury imagines that the truth must be somewhere in the middle, and then issues decisions that benefit the psychopath. As with judges and juries, so too with those charged with decisions concerning who to promote and who not to promote in corporate, military and governmental hierarchies. The result is that all hierarchies inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths.
So-called conspiracy theorists, some of whom deserve the pejorative connotation of that much-abused term, often imagine that secret societies of Jews, Jesuits, bankers, communists, Bilderbergers, Muslim extremists, papists, and so on, are secretly controlling history, doing dastardly deeds, and/or threatening to take over the world. As a leading "conspiracy theorist" according to Wikipedia, I feel eminently qualified to offer an alternative conspiracy theory which, like the alternative conspiracy theory of 9/11, is both simpler and more accurate than the prevailing wisdom: The only conspiracy that matters is the conspiracy of the psychopaths against the rest of us.
Average asshole = most people. Dangerous = politician, most "law" enforcement officers, preachers, heads of large corporations...like Moderna, GSK, Phizer...
Only about seven percent of people can think logically and the rest are easy to confuse, mislead, or manipulate with "logic."
People learn only from their own mistakes, that is, if they are honest and lucky. That's why I don't mean to convince anyone here; I'm simply posting questions for people to answer to themselves. :) The "Socratic method" is based on questions, but it's easy to lie in questions:
"How many people have you killed," for one, implies that you have killed people.
There isn't much difference between "soft" and "hard" sciences, because the only criterion both have to meet is usefulness. Based on that, a lot of crazy things have been, and are, called "scientific."
DSM-5 only prove how fraudulent and inept the field of Psychiatry is... Questioning authority is considered a disorder... Of course, these con artists consider themselves "authority." In the meanwhile, they don't even have a working paradigm, because the latest one, "chemical imbalance in the brain" was refuted about two years ago. Yet these crooks have the power to destroy people's lives...
When it comes to disarming the citizenry, I'm sure, it won't happen before the food riots, when the previously law-abiding citizenry will willingly kill each other for a bowl of thin soup. The other option is to submit and accept the lethal injections. This is conjecturing, but if I were one of the mass murderers, this is the way I would handle it. People assist with depopulation and eventually beg for "food" and "order." Americans, I believe, are well aware that the camps have no evacuation plans, but plenty of coffins and body bags, so they are unlikely to give up their weapons. That will not solve anything, because after the foreign mercenaries flee, satellite-driven drones will take over, and the scene might be spiked with some toxins from chemtrails (imitating a "pandemic"), WW3 on TV, and an "alien attack" comprising minitanks, some humanoid robots, and a few animated holograms in the sky.
Trolls and bots resort to name-calling on Substack, too, but when challenged, they remain speechless. I usually gently challenge their "intelligence," too. :) They cannot hurt me: we are not in the same league. More often than not, I am also sorry for them (e.g. Slanderman). Still, it was stunning, when Eugippius banned me "for 100 years for being an obnoxious tit" after a polite post:
That person is a shill, a moron, and a brute. How can a self-respecting person talk to someone else like that? I'm pretty sure it will cost him in subscribers, because instead of reporting him (I support free speech), I posted his behavior all over the place and my site is becoming amazingly popular...
The Supreme Court decisions are red herrings, serving the purpose of further dividing people.
We are all responsible for ourselves, which might or might not be logical, but it seems likely that those who are pushing for "logic" don't want to take responsibility for their words or for their actions...
I usually don't get angry, so I don't have to forgive.
People from the same tradition are easier to live with. Although my wife is from Canada, it turned out, we grew up in the same city 12 years apart, and went to high school a few hundred yards from each other. Ultimately, we all have to grant trust to those, whom we are attempting to love and sometimes it actually works out. :)
In my experience, "bad" people might change their attitude to specific people, but people, in general, don't change.
Interesting set of coincidences regarding your wife. My husband’s Dad born in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan. Imagine Berkeley California meets Moosejaw. As far as the medical profession, including psychiatry, well we have seen their true colors. Nothing wrong with some of the concepts but there’s a lot wrong in the application.
Funny, when I lived in Vegas (taught for CSN there) for six and a half years, I was still looking for a soulmate, but after drawing up the statistics (two people compatible with me in a city of two million), I gave up on finding one. It all came out of the blue, and it is still hard to believe that, if we are both lucky, we won't have to die alone. If she went first, I'm sure, I'll closely follow...
I had an old friend, who is not around anymore, who used to say that "with God, the most unlikely is the most likely." And I hate it, when "doctors" treat their victims (okay, "patients") as figures, which is how they killed my sister at the age of 32. My friend's example was Beethoven, who inherited syphilis (which made him lose his hearing later in life) as the 15th child in such a family (not sure about the number, but that's what he said), and as such, he would be aborted these days.
Already in August, 2020, I was bawling in the car, listening to Mozart, because it was clear to me that all the goodness and beauty was about to be killed off in the name of functionality...
Take heart. We haven't lost the music quite yet but dangerously close. Beethoven made wonderful music after going deaf. It is about vibrations. We are beings composed of vibrations.
After all the complicated word smithing and philosophies it comes down to some pretty elementary and fundamental truths.
we are all subject to mental /emotional sickness... [ and heaven forbid spiertual sickness ] most deny it some recognise it some are ashamed of it , most today applaud it , some seek liberation from it , some lament it ,some repent of it , ... our quintessential nature is goodness , sickness is a state of being ill sick which are like dirt on a cleen shirt ,its not our true identity there fore its definition of psyco [mental] path [pathology ] sickiness . we are not sickness but victims [willing ] of sicknesses . good God please enlighten our darkness
My theory on the rise of psychopaths, narcissists and just plain "mean people."
We are poisoned, all of us. Some of us (esp those who took jabs) are suffering neurological damage. This damage, reinforced by the blue light devices, is throwing people into "survival mode."
In survival mode, the only person one can think of is themselves. They cannot see anyone else's suffering, and cannot realise it. This incapacity means that one is the centre of the universe. Cutting someone off in traffic, impulsive moves, even manipulative moves - all come from the need to survive in a toxic world.
I try to be understanding, but - have little tolerance for this BS. Trying to cultivate from those who can perceive others, have empathy, and caring.
& 'Narcissist'?
That's even more common!
This stuff is CIA-approved, stolen copyright-material from L. Ron Hubbard.
It has been completely watered down to fit mainstream & DEEP STATE purpose.
The core information has been censored.
It is their "EVIL INTENTION" that drives Psychopaths along their lives from deeply hidden earlier trauma, which could be hunted down in an earlier lifetime, if the CIA would not have busted & destroyed this entirely peaceful religion by the name stemming from "Science" & "Logos"
A Psychopath must be real good at camouflage to succeed (like VAXX-criminal Bill Gates, who presents himself & camouflages his crimes against humanity, pretending to be a "philanthropist")
Does a person "WALK his/her TALK?" is the ONLY way to find out all the lies & all the other crimes of that perfectly camouflaged criminal!
What do you mean by "this stuff"?
Also, please, be specific in the rest of your comment, too.
SORRY for hurting you - from too much pain - I had to live through in this lifetime
With "this stuff" I mean the mixture of knowledge & FAKE-data around "psychopathy".
I have been researching this since 1975 - when a Scientologist helped me understand the suicide of my dad on July 19th in 1963 - who was a great but unhappy surgeon, when he wanted to be a violinist and a classic singer, as he had that musical ear . . .
As the medical field until today has no clue regarding the cause of depression - I had finally solved the case of my dad after 12 years of research INSIDE the medical field to no result, when a Scientologist opened up a hitherto closed door, with his remark: "Failed Purpose!"
So I was more curious than ever before:
What did Scientology teach much better than Medicine about depression?
So I decided to find out in the Church in Munich/Germany, where I lived at that time.
I was more enthused than ever in my life - and I remember a specific phone-call to my mother in Bremen/Germany - where I told her:
"You always wanted me to study Medicine - and now I can assure you, I have found the "Medicine of the Future" - so I will become a Class XII Auditor in Scientology!"
But shortly after - a lot of trouble set in at the level of our local church - coming in the form of "missions" from higher places in Copenhagen/Danmark or the "Sea Org". When they left, more than 180 staff were sick repeatedly. The orders from "above" were crazy and ANTI-Scientology. So I had to change plans, and became an INVESTIGATOR. The chance was with me in early 1976, when I could move to Copenhagen with the plan to become a Hubbard Professional Wordclearer, which is the best possible foundation for later studies. There I encountered first difficulties in my studies, as Hubbards Policies where NOT applied, justified with "lack of money", or "we don't do that anymore!"
So I had to change - and accepted a mission-ticket to Clearwater/Fla/USA - with the intention to be educated up to Class IV Auditor.
As I had been unable to finish properly my Professional Wordclearer's Course at Advanced Organization Saint Hill in Copenhagen - this was my first declaration upon arrival in the US, as I had no doubt whatsoever, those top technicians would swiftly correct that failure from Copenhagen to apply a costly "WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST" to my situation.
To my dismay I had to realize, that my overworked American Wordclearer from the FLAG-Landbase in Clearwater was completely incompetent, just working like a robot . . .
Other things happened - as excessive pressing for money - but my main concern was that complete automated stupidity form overworked personnel, that would not comprehend the "TECH" of L. Ron Hubbard.
Instead of my promised TRAINING to become a Class IV Auditor - they pressed for money - that I had to organize from the sister of my mother in Guatemala . . .
I decided something was completely "fishy", and I needed to get out as fast as possible . . .
On my flight back to Europe - I wanted to check out Saint Hill in England - maybe they were clean, and would deliver "Standard Tech" as promised . . . ?
But I was arrested at Heathrow Airport in London because I carried a Scientology-Book - and sent directly to Copenhagen - where they didn't know what to do with me, so just before Christmas I was handed a little scratch paper: "You are to leave Denmark tonight."
So ever since the end of 1976 I have been banned to enter any Scientology Church.
But that did not stop me from continuing to research the truth.
In order to keep this comment as short as possible, I post a link, that represents to the best of my knowledge, the assembled research of many other Scientologists from Europe.
How much money are you out?
These guidelines to spot psychopaths are indeed quite gray area stuff in humanity.
But there is one plus to the definition which has been bragged about as a superpower to run heartless things like the stock market etc ...
If it was a positive to be a psychopath to run a certain system, doesn't that illustrate that system itself as psychopathic?
Yes, some systems require participants to be psychopathic. Anybody can be heartless from time to time. I've seen that among gangbangers who wanted to recruit me, when I was young, and they behaved that way only b/o peer pressure. One by one, they tended to pass for human beings. :)
So, I am inclined to talk about psychopathic behavior rather than psychopaths. Such behavior can be tackled only if I can address each person one by one and those who wouldn't listen can only be countered in the manner they are attacking me... Does that make me a psychopath?
I'm not sure if it does, I guess it depends on how far you'll push.
I think you would like this therapist who wrote really good books on the topic.
Pretty good videos too!
maybe .,... anyone that does something to someone else , but wouldnt like it if someone else done the same thing to them is mentally cognitivly sick , ill ie pshycopath .... good God please help us all return to goodness , truth and you
I think it’s all the attributes together. Not just one, one time or the other. The problem as I see it is we as human culture value wealth and power so much we elevate these individuals with psychopathic traits. We allow them to take over every top position in all fields. We have only ourselves to blame.
Sometimes when we try to decipher complex concepts with words we tie our own rhetoric up in knots of projections. Funny how that happens.it is a trap of pseudo intellectual dishonesty in and of itself. There is knowing and then a pretense of knowing. Clearly fundamental to exactly where we find ourselves. No wonder so many, caught in the vestigial European Romanticism lingering in America, fell for the pretty words of psychopathic politicians. It is easy to get caught up in a trap of tangled words.
All in all it really doesn’t matter whether we call them serial abusers, toxic narcissists or psychopaths. Just don’t allow the little Hitler’s out of their cells. And certainly bar the doors.
You see, Hitler actually went against the globalist bankers, who used Stalin to kill him off (Stalin concentrated troops at the German border in 1941, leaving Hitler with no choice, but to attack first). When I lived in Germany at the end of the 70s, he was still amazingly popular, because he brought the country out of the recession (he kicked out the central bankers) in three years, and created never-before-seen living standards for the average German. Most of the stuff about him out there is propaganda. He lost the war, when he sent his troops against Stalingrad instead of the oil fields in Baku. France and Germany declared war on Germany (yes, it was they, who started WW2) for Hitler re-occupying German-majority territories annexed to Poland in 1920, but didn't declare war on Stalin, who took the rest of Poland. Poles still dislike Russia for that, although it was the largest mass murderer in history, Stalin, who did that, and he was the ally "the US" chose, because the country even at that point was basically owned by the global bankers.
Yes, even according to Germans, his fatal mistake was to drag Jews to labor camps (the war created labor shortages, and communists and criminals were not high enough in numbers). Most deaths occurred after the allies bombed the supply lines and there was no food and no medication in the camps; deaths continued even after liberation (which is when the famous photos were taken), while the German genocide by the allies goes unremembered (about two million German civilians in death camps and another six as a result of carpet bombing). Anne Frank's diary was apparently written by his father, and she was treated in the camp's hospital, which is hardly a thing one would do to a race that is supposed to be exterminated... Myths and myths again...
The way Hitler handled the bankers is something that would help people even today. I do not condone forced labor of any kind.
cHristians killing christians , muslims killing muslims, christians killing muslims , muslims killing christians ... CUI BONO
Pretty good story. I like all those twists and turns. With all this mythology who needs common sense? Going to find my abacus. That and my scribbled Nashville charts for the music.
Yes, there is an Israeli rabbi, who even openly declared that the H* story was not true, but useful. The six m. figure was a mere invention by a snake oil salesman, who established the Wiesenthal Center, doing a lot of disservice to real Jews... Bobby Fisher, the former chess world champion was 100% Jewish and he despised the fake history and Zionism, for which he seems to have been "taken care of."
The Hoax of the 20th Century written by the Jewish history professor Arthur C Butz is a shining example of a Jew who hated the lies that were perpetuated in the name of the Jewish people.
The plot thickens.
Oh, well... :)
Well....nice argument, but, it should be obvious to anyone that honest to goodness psychopaths exist. Just like "Johnny". The lack of empathy seems to be a determining factor. They can fuck you and everyone around them to get what they want and it doesn't matter what they do to get it.
First off, could you kill someone you don't know for no reason other than you were ordered to without remorse or having a guilty conscience? Rape? Theft? Any and all major felonies that the politicians and their enforcers inflict on the average person day in and day out? Think about it...they OBVIOUSLY exist. No NORMAL person wants the "job" of ruling anyone else. Hell, I have enough of a hard time ruling myself!
Anyone can act as a psychopath... There are people, who are more used to it, especially those who wield power. It's often impossible to use power and compassion at the same time. That is part of the way humans function... Still, all civilizations need stability and stability, with the exception of a few brief periods, can only be assured by force and violence. Machiavelli was quite accurate about that.
Absolutely agree that no normal person would want to perform such tasks, yet power and money tempt people into the situation, where there is no way out anymore.
constitutional americans knew that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly therefore they created a system of " checks and balances " of power , only 2 term presidency, congress , veto power , decentraliased power , independant state power the whole system is designed to prevent tyrany ... the price of all freedoms worldly and spiritual is constant vigilance , and the indespensible help from our good God
But the clincher here is that normal people do not act as psychopaths. Normal and psychopathic is an oxymoron. Even the actors who cleverly portray psychopaths are often hardly normal. Trust me, I’m not a psychopath, I just play one on TV.
Well...an actor IS an actor. Keanu Reeves is a very giving generous person in real life according to all accounts. But he plays one crazy ass dude in the John Wick series. Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays or played Negan in Walking Dead and from what he says and people that know him, his real life persona is a complete opposite of Negan. I also suspect that one of the most well known actors in the world who played many parts is not really the part he played in Silence of the Lambs. That being Anthony Hopkins. And the bottom line is "what is normal?" Normal would have to be an average of humanity. And then the psychopath is way on one side of the average and total pussies on the other side.
is it normal to be sick ??? can and under what circumstances can mental and spritual pathology be considered normal,,, unfortunatly it seems to have become the norm.. currantly and historically
There are always the outliers the one's who defy anyone's classifications. Which is why I qualified the sentence as "are often hardly normal". On the other hand I could come up with a list of actors who set off my personal alarms - but I will not.
Those we worry about are the one's who set off most of our internal alarms symptoms. Those who use us for their own gains. Who are willing to stop at nothing to serve themselves.
Pigeon-holing only hurts the person who is doing it. :)
Oh, Dear, EVERYONE acts as a psychopath no later than they feel that they or their friends or family are threatened. The very way the term is used is, more often than not, "psychopathic." :)
There is no mercy for the enemy of one's choice... It's only human nature.
its only fallen perverted depraved hate full selfish jelous human nature , thankfully there exists noble, rightous ,truthfull ,loveing , compassionate ,mercy full human nature ... which will we / i choose to follow ??? is the choice in our power to make ???
Read my "I Just Want to Be Left Alone" post and tell me...am I a psychopath or am I someone who simply WANTS TO BE LEFT ALONE??
you would be lonely not having anyone else wouldnt you?
Leben und Leben Lassen...
Sounds "normal" to me. :)
Live and Let Live...I like that. My family crest motto is Jus meum tuebor - I am protecting my right to freedom.
Being normally aggressive to protect friends and family no psychopathic. Intentionally seeking to manipulate or harm someone else because a person is weak and insecure trends in that direction at least. Like the proverbial kid that tortures insects or small animals.
Yes, it is not psychopathic, but the ONLY way to fight off the murderers is to consider them for what they are and place empathy on hold, which means assuming THEIR attitude. Even blinking would make me lose.
My problem with "weak" people is that they want YOU to be "strong" instead of accepting THEIR part and taking responsibility for themselves. Frankly, I despise them... I hope the only person in history who was supposed to die for them, managed to accomplish the job, because I surely won't do it.
When I was nice to such people, they thought I was weak or stupid, and I had to demonstrate that I was neither...
childern are weak ... they need our and Gods help to grow into manhood and womanhood ... adults that are weak are immature childern .;.. you would die for your childern ... Good God died for his childern
maybe turning the other cheek is not out of fear or weakness ,,, how many of us can do it knowing in ourselves that we could destroy them,,, would that be considered a worldly loss but a spiritual victory??? still we are obliged to protect our loved ones... we need right discernment here too
Weak people abound. They are the majority of humanity by all means. The universe has a select 3% who are willing to stand up against tyranny. They are the natural leaders. They are the ones that you won't find wanting to BE a leader, but people will follow them if the shit hits the fan because they will be the ones who are fearless in the face of adversity. They are the ones right NOW that are resisting the government in any way they can. It just hasn't turned kinetic YET.
The way that many of them GET power and money is by stealing it from someone else. Mark Suckerberg? Bill Gates?
If the only reason government existed for was to protect the lives, liberty and property of those governed, it would be a government that would be accepted by all, except of course by those who want to rob, rape and pillage. Force and violence would be appropriate to maintain the true reason for government AGAINST those who violate the very principles. Which is why governments fail. Because those that take power are psychopaths that rob, rape and pillage those that they pretend to represent. We haven't had representative government in my lifetime. Or my fathers or his father. As a matter of fact Lincoln was a perfect example of a psychopath.
The FIB anointed the Sucker to become an emblem for a fraud. He has obviously always felt "exceptional," which is even true as long as exceptionally stupid and evil are also considered as such.
Governments form automatically from the robber barons (= gangs, clans etc.) at the beginning of each civilization after a balance of power is established.
I'm not sure if violence ever fails, but Stalin's victims or the dead from Hiroshima could convince me, if they were around...
To me, it still seems that, more often than not, power creates psychopaths. Once you become part of the "elite," you only have two options: 1. play along 2. get eliminated. Lincoln is probably a good example, but I don't know enough about him to say it either way.
Here is where you can get a good idea of "The Real Lincoln". https://www.amazon.com/Real-Lincoln-Abraham-Agenda-Unnecessary/dp/0761526463
Oh, I am fully aware of the objective of the War of Northern Aggression. :)
Poor suckers (including many Irish immigrants and conscripts from poor neighborhoods from the North) were sent to die for the same people, who are now working on killing off 95% of humans. The "blue soldier" was also instructed to commit atrocities in order to weaken the southerners' willingness to fight... Not so different from other US military operations all over the world after 1867...
When viewed from the history of the Civil War ( War of Federal Aggression) it all makes an evil picture. The current corporatocracy - allegiance of governments, corporations, institutions - began wth the rise of corporate/industrial America Inc.
Wow...check this criminal out.... Fed Chairman blames inflation on the unvaccinated…
As of 2025 = retracted.
The main distinction between psychopaths & narcissists is that psychopaths feel very little emotion (and therefore no brakes & a strong need for stimulation) and narcissists feel a huuuuuge amount of emotion. Psychopaths can learn to fake it, with the same variety of outcome as people learning to ice skate or paint landscapes. Narcissists can learn to cover it up until nobody's looking except their latest punching bag and then out it all bursts.
Studying psychology is very useful for both groups (all the better to manipulate you with, sucker) and psychologists & psychiatrists have a lot of power (people are predisposed to disbelieve their targets / patients), therefore attractive professions for those seeking power. No surprise then, that there is a lot of muddying of the waters to cause confusion and for the truly pathological to avoid being unmasked as the anti-social bastards they are.
Add all the confusion and changeability inherent in the human condition & modern world, as Ray discusses above, and there's either too much finger-pointing (by snowflakes & manipulators) or not enough (by aiders, abetters & those just trying to avoid their wrath).
Psychopathy and narcissim (of which there are many flavours) share many traits on a spectrum we all inhabit (hence the ease of accusations), except they're waaaay above the red run-away-from line. If you've ever spent a fair bit of time alone (even the dumbest know they have to hide their proclivities from the world at large) with a psychopath (about 1% of the population) or a malignant narcissist (the most alarming subset of the 5%+), it brings great clarity about who's an average asshole and who's really dangerous.
Keep in mind, in personal relationships, it takes a Borderline to feed a Narcissist.
It takes 2 to tango. Borderline <---------> Narcissist is a spectrum.
You see, when someone wants to murder my wife, I am not going to contemplate on how many children he has or how hard his childhood must have been. I have to put my mind to the task, which temporarily turns me into a "psychopath." There is no other way.
There are plenty of ways to tackle psychopathic behavior and it doesn't matter if the other party is a psychopath, a narcissist, or whatever else. Strangely, one must lock out emotions and turn manipulative against such attackers, because they immediately notice and utilize one's weakness.
In a culture, where people cannot tell right from wrong, everyone can become a "psychopath," at least as far as "socially expected" behavior goes.
During my 23 years of academic teaching, I always told my students that they must read Eric Berne's classic, Games People Play (1964), if they ever cared to consider themselves college graduates. It's the best introduction to manipulative behavior that is often used against one's self, too.
"You see, when someone wants to murder my wife, I am not going to contemplate on how many children he has or how hard his childhood must have been. I have to put my mind to the task, which temporarily turns me into a "psychopath." There is no other way."
I disagree. Self defense doesn't turn someone into an emotionless psychopath. You will most likely end up with a form of PTSD which psychopaths never have. I don't have to lock out emotions to protect someone. It would come instinctively in my case due to my years of self defense training.
And telling right from wrong is no excuse. EVERYONE should understand that harming someone else in their life, liberty or property is "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
I do believe that our society still understands that RAPE is wrong. That MURDER is wrong. That ROBBERY is wrong. The founding fathers called those HEINOUS crimes or "felonies". Now for someone to not consider smoking an herb to be WRONG, is right. For instance:
No "law" should exist for a crime unless there is a victim involved. If you are willing to cage or kill me for keeping the fruits of my labor, YOU are the criminal, not me. If you are willing to cage or kill me enforcing a law telling me that I cannot smoke, eat or drink what I want, YOU are the criminal not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing a law that says that I can't own a certain type of gun or because I decide to put a AR pistol to my shoulder, YOU are the CRIMINAL, NOT ME. If you are willing to kill me or cage me because I refuse to fight for you in an illegal war of aggression, YOU are the CRIMINAL not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing ANY LAW where there cannot be shown that a VICTIM existed, YOU ARE THE CRIMINAL, NOT ME. Taking the property of the people without a warrant or probable cause makes YOU the criminal not me. THEFT is THEFT. A badge or "position of authority" does not do away with the fact that YOU are the criminal not me. When those who administer GOVERNMENT VIOLATE THE LAW, THEN THERE IS NO MORE LAW...JUST A FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL.
EVERYONE uses "manipulative behavior". It is learned at a young age. My wife used manipulative behavior to get me to continue to date her and eventually marry her. I used manipulative behavior to get my way in many case in our marriage. I say, if I earn it and the bills are paid I should be able to buy whatever I want with what I earn. That is manipulative but it surely doesn't make me a "psychopath".
All of us are narcissitic to some degree. The definition is as follows:
Someone in love with hisself or herself (as an example it is written that Jesus said, love thy neighbor as thyself so you NEED to love yourself to a degree to be able to love your neighbor. If you hate yourself, you will find it much easier to hate your neighbor)
Person full of egoism and pride. (so if I "brag" about being a 2nd degree black belt in two different styles of martial arts, sure, that is ego, and pride because I EARNED it. And if I say at the age of 68 I can hammer curl 50 pounds with each arm 75 reps, is that ego and pride? So what is really wrong if it is TRUE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t0cElsAHWk
One who shows extreme love and admiration for himself or herself.
You are absolutely correct that self-defense doesn't turn one into a psychopath permanently. What I meant to say is that during the act, my best way to succeed is by assuming the role of one. And yes, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep well after that for quite a while. It happened even after I had to defend out kitteny border collie, when a pitbull on the loose attacked him and started to choke him even after he immediately surrendered... It took me two kicks just to make the pitbull let go. He still considered attacking me, too, so I had to resort to some unorthodox methods to make sure he ran away. Luckily, no dog got hurt.
Not everybody manipulates. By the age of nine, I realized I could get people into believing anything I said (I was a cute and smart little boy), and I was able to get what I wanted, but only after a few attempts, I gave up on the practice, because I was sorry for the people I used, and it was so easy that the gains brought me no joy, either. I have kept it that way, ever since. It took my wife and me a whole year only to kiss each other and we got married shortly after that... We knew it was going to be a "package deal," but by then, we were familiar with the small print. :)
Playing games is another story. It is next to impossible not to play games, especially against someone who initiates a game against you. Games, according to Eric Berne, replace intimacy or honesty to the self (many games people play are against themselves). So, if that's what you mean by "manipulating others," I agree. Playing a game against someone objectifies the other person, which is exactly what a psychopath does. I can't see a huge difference between being a psychopath and behaving like one, because the results are the same.
As for the Second Commandment, you and I are on the same page. What does it mean to love your neighbor as you love you? If you can do that, you are surely not a psychopath, right? Well, there is a traditional mistranslation involved here. the original text is "Love your neighbor, because he is like you," not "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," which makes sense, because most people can't stand themselves (e.g. cannot tolerate silence and constantly seek affirmation from others or join a flock only "to become somebody"). Grabbing things or trying to control people are signs of insecurity, an appetite that cannot be satiated, because no possessions can fill the void of an empty self.
Healthy self-respect comes from personal integrity and a sense of responsibility, both parts of the continuity of the self. Some people might call this as "self-love," but the latter rings empty to me.
There is nothing wrong with your video; it's a good example of a positive attitude that others can pick up on. Putting oneself down is false humility. Humility, in my experience, includes that admission of one's faults (and the constant effort to rectify them), but it also includes one's strengths, because those require personal responsibility to use them well.
A crazy guy, who was 30 years younger, a few inches taller, and ten times stronger than I was, wanted to beat me up eight years ago, because he simply wanted to rob me (I am only a few years younger than you are). He was yelling at me that I was afraid, and charged at me like a crazed bull. I stepped aside and was ready to use his energy against him (as in Aikido), but he stopped halfway, like a bull who lost sight of the matador. At that point, I quietly but firmly told him that yes, I was afraid, because I was afraid of hurting him. I can use a finger or more, a palm, a fist, a knuckle, or even an occasional kick to disable my opponent and there are 283 points (add or take a few, it doesn't matter) on the human body where a matching impact can cause permanent injury or death. The encounter wouldn't be longer than 1-3 seconds. There would be no fight and I couldn't guarantee that he would wake up in this world again. I didn't yell back; I was quiet and detached. He walked away. I was glad, because I think he was pumped up on something and only a broken knee or a broken neck would have stopped him, but there was no room for kicking... Was I bragging? No, it was a warning, and I meant every word of it. Am I bragging now? In a histrionic sense, perhaps, but this is also an example. :) Still, where I grew up, you had to learn to fend for yourself at an early age... That's how I know that living in fear is worse than death.
I rest my proverbial case, lol. https://youtu.be/FhIL8H2P1Jk
Here is one from Kris Kristofferson; I used it, when I was young and taught ESL:
Small world. Great song. My brother and his wife taught ESL in England.
Thank you for the music! I'll play it for my wife, too; she is a sucker for country! :) I also care for a few pieces, here is one:
and another:
Great songs. I start the day with classical and when unbound from my desk play more modern genres loud. But for most of the day am besieged with young Nashville musicians who either have played with or dream of playing with some of these great figures of country music. Mostly they just seek to copy their scrawled charts on my printer, eat lunch and drink prodigious amounts of coffee. Mercenary bunch.
The beginning of your post made me think of this:
Military institutions are tailor-made for psychopathic killers. The five percent or so of human males who feel no remorse about killing their fellow human beings make the best soldiers. And the 95 percent who are extremely reluctant to kill make terrible soldiers—unless they are brainwashed with highly sophisticated modern techniques that turn them (temporarily it is hoped) into functional psychopaths.
In his book, "On Killing" (1996), Lt. Col. Dave Grossman has re-written military history to highlight what other histories hide: The fact that military science is less about strategy and technology than about overcoming the instinctive human reluctance to kill members of our own species. The true "Revolution in Military Affairs" was not Donald Rumsfeld’s move to high-tech in 2001, but Brigadier Gen. S.L.A. Marshall’s discovery in the 1940s that only 15-20 percent of World War II soldiers along the line of fire would use their weapons: "Those (80-85 percent) who did not fire did not run or hide (in many cases they were willing to risk great danger to rescue comrades, get ammunition, or run messages), but they simply would not fire their weapons at the enemy, even when faced with repeated waves of banzai charges" (Grossman, p. 4).
Marshall’s discovery and subsequent research proved that in all previous wars, a tiny minority of soldiers—the five percent who are natural-born psychopaths and perhaps a few temporarily-insane imitators—did almost all the killing. Normal men just went through the motions and, if at all possible, refused to take the life of an enemy soldier, even if that meant giving up their own. The implication: Wars are ritualized mass murders by psychopaths of non-psychopaths (This cannot be good for humanity’s genetic endowment!).
Marshall’s work, brought a Copernican revolution to military science. In the past, everyone believed that the soldier willing to kill for his country was the (heroic) norm, while one who refused to fight was a (cowardly) aberration. The truth, as it turned out, was that the normative soldier hailed from the psychopathic five percent. The sane majority, would rather die than fight.
Social hubris
The implication, too frightening for even the likes of Marshall and Grossman to fully digest, was that the norms for soldiers’ behavior in battle had been set by psychopaths. That meant that psychopaths were in control of the military as an institution. Worse, it meant that psychopaths were in control of society’s perception of military affairs. Evidently, psychopaths exercised an enormous amount of power in seemingly sane, normal society.
How could that be? In "Political Ponerology," Andrzej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests) psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want. In court, for example, psychopaths can tell extreme bald-faced lies in a plausible manner, while their sane opponents are handicapped by an emotional predisposition to remain within hailing distance of the truth. Too often, the judge or jury imagines that the truth must be somewhere in the middle, and then issues decisions that benefit the psychopath. As with judges and juries, so too with those charged with decisions concerning who to promote and who not to promote in corporate, military and governmental hierarchies. The result is that all hierarchies inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths.
So-called conspiracy theorists, some of whom deserve the pejorative connotation of that much-abused term, often imagine that secret societies of Jews, Jesuits, bankers, communists, Bilderbergers, Muslim extremists, papists, and so on, are secretly controlling history, doing dastardly deeds, and/or threatening to take over the world. As a leading "conspiracy theorist" according to Wikipedia, I feel eminently qualified to offer an alternative conspiracy theory which, like the alternative conspiracy theory of 9/11, is both simpler and more accurate than the prevailing wisdom: The only conspiracy that matters is the conspiracy of the psychopaths against the rest of us.
Average asshole = most people. Dangerous = politician, most "law" enforcement officers, preachers, heads of large corporations...like Moderna, GSK, Phizer...
Great username BTW :)
Thanks :D
https://www.brighteon.com/84ac7082-99d1-408a-86e8-5d098970e7df Climate Change is a false flag.
I am just making a comment. We started listening to Mike Adams about a year ago. He is not
always correct in what he states.
He's inflammatory. If you remove the flammable stuff, filter it down, at least I think he believes what he claims.
At least he doesn't want to kill me! No human is always correct, anyway. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi....It sounds like you're familiar with Mike Adams, too :-)
Only about seven percent of people can think logically and the rest are easy to confuse, mislead, or manipulate with "logic."
People learn only from their own mistakes, that is, if they are honest and lucky. That's why I don't mean to convince anyone here; I'm simply posting questions for people to answer to themselves. :) The "Socratic method" is based on questions, but it's easy to lie in questions:
"How many people have you killed," for one, implies that you have killed people.
There isn't much difference between "soft" and "hard" sciences, because the only criterion both have to meet is usefulness. Based on that, a lot of crazy things have been, and are, called "scientific."
DSM-5 only prove how fraudulent and inept the field of Psychiatry is... Questioning authority is considered a disorder... Of course, these con artists consider themselves "authority." In the meanwhile, they don't even have a working paradigm, because the latest one, "chemical imbalance in the brain" was refuted about two years ago. Yet these crooks have the power to destroy people's lives...
When it comes to disarming the citizenry, I'm sure, it won't happen before the food riots, when the previously law-abiding citizenry will willingly kill each other for a bowl of thin soup. The other option is to submit and accept the lethal injections. This is conjecturing, but if I were one of the mass murderers, this is the way I would handle it. People assist with depopulation and eventually beg for "food" and "order." Americans, I believe, are well aware that the camps have no evacuation plans, but plenty of coffins and body bags, so they are unlikely to give up their weapons. That will not solve anything, because after the foreign mercenaries flee, satellite-driven drones will take over, and the scene might be spiked with some toxins from chemtrails (imitating a "pandemic"), WW3 on TV, and an "alien attack" comprising minitanks, some humanoid robots, and a few animated holograms in the sky.
Trolls and bots resort to name-calling on Substack, too, but when challenged, they remain speechless. I usually gently challenge their "intelligence," too. :) They cannot hurt me: we are not in the same league. More often than not, I am also sorry for them (e.g. Slanderman). Still, it was stunning, when Eugippius banned me "for 100 years for being an obnoxious tit" after a polite post:
That person is a shill, a moron, and a brute. How can a self-respecting person talk to someone else like that? I'm pretty sure it will cost him in subscribers, because instead of reporting him (I support free speech), I posted his behavior all over the place and my site is becoming amazingly popular...
The Supreme Court decisions are red herrings, serving the purpose of further dividing people.
We are all responsible for ourselves, which might or might not be logical, but it seems likely that those who are pushing for "logic" don't want to take responsibility for their words or for their actions...
I usually don't get angry, so I don't have to forgive.
People from the same tradition are easier to live with. Although my wife is from Canada, it turned out, we grew up in the same city 12 years apart, and went to high school a few hundred yards from each other. Ultimately, we all have to grant trust to those, whom we are attempting to love and sometimes it actually works out. :)
In my experience, "bad" people might change their attitude to specific people, but people, in general, don't change.
Our tomatoes are about to be ready to be picked!
Interesting set of coincidences regarding your wife. My husband’s Dad born in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan. Imagine Berkeley California meets Moosejaw. As far as the medical profession, including psychiatry, well we have seen their true colors. Nothing wrong with some of the concepts but there’s a lot wrong in the application.
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth.....”
Funny, when I lived in Vegas (taught for CSN there) for six and a half years, I was still looking for a soulmate, but after drawing up the statistics (two people compatible with me in a city of two million), I gave up on finding one. It all came out of the blue, and it is still hard to believe that, if we are both lucky, we won't have to die alone. If she went first, I'm sure, I'll closely follow...
Doesn’t it always come out of the blue? Isbell has a song about knowing it can’t go on forever.
I had an old friend, who is not around anymore, who used to say that "with God, the most unlikely is the most likely." And I hate it, when "doctors" treat their victims (okay, "patients") as figures, which is how they killed my sister at the age of 32. My friend's example was Beethoven, who inherited syphilis (which made him lose his hearing later in life) as the 15th child in such a family (not sure about the number, but that's what he said), and as such, he would be aborted these days.
Already in August, 2020, I was bawling in the car, listening to Mozart, because it was clear to me that all the goodness and beauty was about to be killed off in the name of functionality...
Thanks for the music!
Take heart. We haven't lost the music quite yet but dangerously close. Beethoven made wonderful music after going deaf. It is about vibrations. We are beings composed of vibrations.
After all the complicated word smithing and philosophies it comes down to some pretty elementary and fundamental truths.