ive seen some weird 'aircraft' and will rule nothing out, thats being closed minded :)

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Your wife is right about the chimpanzee. Time moves backward, as Merlyn said in The Once and Future King. And so it does. Uncle Charles predicted our doom.

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golly moses, fergot ta share this--why Roman houses and temples and art outlasted ours...


They figgered it out--RECENTLY. I read that prior ta this discovery the universe-itty eggheads thought them Romans were just lazy with so many sloppy "inclusions" in poorly mixed chunky concrete--that assumption was wrong--talk 'bout human engine-u-ity!

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For all we know shape shifting reptilianoids are true beings older than Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Christianity did clear away in human thought the existence in the psyche of demons to be satiated.

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You were in quite the mood when you wrote this. You may find what I have to report fascinating; then again you may simply dismiss it until I can present concrete proof to you through other means. My first Honors class in college was about quantum physics and using a quote from Goethe for my essay to "Know Thyself", I carried on a little tradition of mine to end with a phrase that I used in one draft of my Valedictory address in high school that I borrowed from a wall poster, "We shall never cease from exploration. And the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time" by T. S. Eliot. When you talk about aliens and science without qualifying the topic using both subjective and objective examples, you may be restricting the boundaries of your conclusions. Perhaps there are very few people like me who extended their core academic love of science and biology with a dive into the phenomenal with quantum physics. My curiosity came with allowing myself the luxury of an open mind when it comes to the alternative and complimentary healing, arts and methodologies. We have healed people using the sound of ones voice, color, and frequency technologies - a blend of science, mysticism, and the articulation of the human instrument. Some of this knowledge is said to be from ET visitations in the distant pass in India and China. So too have "out of body" experiences shaped me as have encounters with the supernatural while exploring all this world has to offer to better understand the human experience. I have witnessed ETs when they were too close for comfort and at a considerable distance (stories available by request). I sought answers to those common questions about ancient civilizations and the ET dimension with some remarkable discoveries which continue to fascinate me (without idolizing any of them). Respect and disdain perhaps, but not one idol among them. What has been prophesied to come may result in the best evidence for many when we watch the skies above Qatar and Palenque. There's more to say, but suffice it to stop here while I prepare dinner with some of that valuable science and biology from the culinary world.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

ha ha, speaks ta me this'un!

I'm more than amazed in human artistry and ingenuity--Notre Dame warn't built by aliens and (thankfully) smarties not too long ago figgered out the "mystery" of Stonehenge--it wasn't pulleys alone--it was ANIMAL FAT on which they slid the heavy stones a few miles--dang! Ingenious! (An' they enjoyed a feast the night before what besides!)

I recall seein' a terrific mini documentary wherein all manner've puffed up "experts" stated that crop circles ONLY could be made by ALIENS. So a couple'a British college boys (with a good few pints in 'em fer sustenance...) got lawnmowers (the quiet hand-operated push kind) and over just ONE NIGHT turned a huge 1 acre of fallow field into a set of BRILLIANT crop circles. After the news-pundits and woo-sayers Oood and Ahhhh'd and Coo'd and Caw'd over this thing fer about a week (it was IMPRESSIVE!)--the boys fessed up. Punked!

And yet... many still believe in crop circles...sigh.

To this day even though Houdini revealed all the Spook Crooks an' their SCAMS and even tho' the Lilydale Loonie Gals and the Cottingly Fairy Fakiers (sister all've 'em--great stories thar!) FEESED up FULLY--folks still choose to BELIEVE in the bunk.

I love old sci fi flicks! Martians an' moon men from Melies onward are a dee-lightful diversion. But the rest of this alien agenda is LOST on me... truly. I'll stick to the movies an' opt out've wartchin HollowGrahams in the skies (whenever they bring 'em out).

Side note--most alien spacecraft sighted were Paperclip Nazi high-tech fighter and stealth planes--ask Werner von Braun! ( in this case it vus German versus American known-how...)

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Well. Yes ancient engineers. Yes human intelligence like a fire cultivated carefully so as not to be extinguished. This said, say 100,000 years of rise and fall, 10 civilizations coming and going and the last not the best but obviously not like ours,

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