Enhanced gun control and, eventually, nearly complete prohibition of firearms can be at play, but thinking about the “riots” in the summer of 2020, when about 30 thousand people were released from prison and were bused around to wreak havoc (Rittenhouse’s attackers were all “recently-released,” it looks like creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty was a major reason as well.
Of course, both potential reasons are probably reasonable causes.
We are being poisoned from all sides. PFTE on non-stick utensils and flame retardants and plastics/microplastics are only the tips of the iceberg.
The controlled demolition of production and distribution is in progress; only the excuses vary, but sometimes none are given. The unwashed peasant is sentenced to death, anyway, so why bother?
Th next logical steps are food shortages, food riots, looting, people killing for food, and martial law, when opposing elements are going to be taken to the camps (first in order to "protect them," and later those, who don't fall for that, will be dragged away at gunpoint, unless a faster areal poisoining is imlemented in their neighborhood in order to make it look like a "killer virus").
No way a boy can do this job. Especially when cops fear to tread and a military plane lands. https://mobile.twitter.com/RadarAtlas/status/1529927662738849807?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1529927662738849807%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.godlikeproductions.com%2Fforum1%2Fmessage5148560%2Fpg1
The script resembles the one used for 9/11.
Agree 100%. So many different sinister things going on and somehow they must be connected.
Just added the following:
Enhanced gun control and, eventually, nearly complete prohibition of firearms can be at play, but thinking about the “riots” in the summer of 2020, when about 30 thousand people were released from prison and were bused around to wreak havoc (Rittenhouse’s attackers were all “recently-released,” it looks like creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty was a major reason as well.
Of course, both potential reasons are probably reasonable causes.
We are being poisoned from all sides. PFTE on non-stick utensils and flame retardants and plastics/microplastics are only the tips of the iceberg.
The controlled demolition of production and distribution is in progress; only the excuses vary, but sometimes none are given. The unwashed peasant is sentenced to death, anyway, so why bother?
Th next logical steps are food shortages, food riots, looting, people killing for food, and martial law, when opposing elements are going to be taken to the camps (first in order to "protect them," and later those, who don't fall for that, will be dragged away at gunpoint, unless a faster areal poisoining is imlemented in their neighborhood in order to make it look like a "killer virus").
Either way, it doesn't look good.