The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the ego of the oppressed

The ego is a measurable quantity

The real reason behind the accelerated process of crashing and resetting the civil society is the new light that disturbs the current system of egos like never before in the history


I don't care anymore if you will erase my comment

I am Zafla

One of the few banned by RAY HORVATH, "THE SOURCE" :)

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I’m not a fan of SS payment system. It’s even turned billionaire Steve Kirsch into a beggar. Robert Malone boasts he has tens of thousands of paid subscribers so I think if we put a Dr in front of our name it will attract paid subscribers even if our articles read like a phone book. Some good writers have bailed out because it’s not worth their time here.

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Ray, I really enjoy your work, you have made me see several things in a different light. I have also had a few discussions with you even as unpaid guy. There has to be more to your work that nets a gain for you either monetarily or not. I don’t know what that may be but I’ll tell you a short story of my substack writer experience in the early days of substack and as always you comments are welcomed.

Steve Kirsch was soliciticing volunteers to he get his words out about C 19. I said I’d try and help out.

Of course we all know Steve Kirsch needs no financial help at all. I was willing to help him because I believed his message that Covid is BS just like you and I both believe. I was asked to join or lead several different type groups, and then I was even contacted by a guy who was supposedly from Mexico. I shortly realized it was all a game and Steve Kirsch, who, as we know, invested heavily in substack, and is probably profiting greatly from it was in need of no help actually.

I’m not sure what he was really trying to do with the app, but he did solicit a lot of names and people for whatever reason that might’ve been.

I’m not putting you in that category with Steve Kirsch as I don’t know anything about you Ray but I do know Steve is a very wealthy man even as he said he and his family had to been injected with the dreaded shots. I think you yourself has commented that sub stack has been infiltrated by controlled opposition, and I certainly think it’s also been infiltrated by the AI bots.

And again, I’m not saying that is you Ray, as I really have been in enlightened by much of your writings.

Peace to you Ray Horvath and I will kick in a few bucks cause you are worth it in my opinion.

I believe you have faith in our Father, and Lord Jesus Christ even if you don’t use those words.

Oh ya, I mentioned God’s earth being flat with a firmament once and you were willing to give that a voice. KJV Genesis ch. 1 mentions what our earth is in creation. Read that and tell me God did not create the firmament to separate the waters above from the waters below, and he created the sun, the moon and the stars also. HE DOES NOT MENTION AN EARTH ROCK, BALL SPINNING 1,000 MPH around a sun. He says the sun, moon and stars are inside His firmament. He does not mention planets. Yet he speaks in great details of experiences of men, their wives and their prodigency. Wouldn’t a universe of stars and planets outside our “solar system” warrant a chapter at least?

501(3)c churches cannot talk about this cause they are controlled. Are you controlled Ray?

Now therein lies a truth. Do you agree? Is it worth a few dollars more?

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It seems we're all in the same boat. I'm persona non grata in my own country, if I didn't have a (very) small pension from another country I worked in that kicked in at 60, I'd be sunk. And probably will be anyway.

But I do have some bitcoin. Not my fave currency, but it can be useful. Many countries have a site called bitrefill, where you can buy gift certs with bitcoin to a number of places, like grocery stores, amazon, whatever. If it'd be of use to you, let me know, I'll send some - lightning network only, regular bitcoin network has usurious sending fees these days.

Hoping we all get thru this mess. And thanks for your stack. I don't always agree with you, but you always write something worth thinking about.

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I did a monthly subscription. Wish I could do more but every little bit helps I think. Having a fixed income can be a challenge although not an insurmountable one. The time, effort and hard work you put in, and that of your wife, deserves my support. I'm probably making a hash of this but thank you, I enjoy this substack immensely.

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There is nothing I'd like better than to support you and all the other wonderful ss journalists I've discovered. I would also like to pay my bills and have something left over at the end of the month. Being a widow on one income just isn't cutting it. Sorry.

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I am glad to hear honest sharing on the results of the platform in so far as paying a decent income or growing a following. I came with 14,700 subscribers over 7 years on Mailchimp. I lost 6,000 in the first 6 months and attributed it to the higher frequency I was writing and took awhile to understand the difficulty with jumping through hoops to be a sub, to give a like or heart on the emails that requires getting on the platform, signing in and then a comment. I found the subscribers who converted to paid, some charter, others monthly, have had trouble getting their credit cards, banks, and methods of payment through without kickbacks. Some renewals cause issues for the subs not expecting it and many names change or emails get dropped. Overall, I am growing my free subs but slightly losing paid subs... projected $4,500 but then Stripe is insanely expensive as a payout method which is a forced choice at 14% + which combined with Substack, they are the big winners given the service for either sucks. After 3.5-4 million words and thousands of pictures, I also learned Stripe is a Woke Company thus Substack must be too, and thus why I have had a bit of the censoring and shadow-banning issue on this platform. Sadly, this does not look like the solution I was hoping for.. but now I must figure out where to go that is not selling out in the near future, an persistent outcome for every Freedom committed platform where privacy is supposed to rule, yet there is no traffic or means to make an income. In 15 years, FB, Youtube, never let me monetize my sites. Why does this site not promote conservative solution oriented writers. I doubt anyone writes more than us, but with only a portion of what I write on this site, still much to do. Where to go if this won't do? I know... too long a comment as you told me before.

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I am able to trade in kind services of drafting

and herbal tinctures, if those are are of any

use to you. Or songs on guitar or trombone.

You are across an ocean, are you not?

I am Oregon USA

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deletedJun 2, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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