Who is who?
Famous and popular people keep publishing obsolete materials. The following is only from today, only from a few minutes ago:
Of course, “brave” people keep showing up two years or more after the damage is done and nothing can be done about it:
Most of such “authors” disallow unpaid subscribers to contribute and some, as Eugyppius, crudely, rudely, and nonchalantly ban dissenting opinions, proving only one thing: (s)he is a brute and a shill:
Considering the space “Eu” is getting from the fake alt media, the suspicion that (s)he is not to be taken seriously is further confirmed, unless fake opposition is a serious matter.
Still, such “authors” must be studied by those, who are interested in anything close to the truth.
Karen Kingston definitely put on a good show for the uninformed and the under-informed today . For those, who have had the time to follow the events in the last 32 months and research back by several decades, she is not even stating the obvious.
Moreover, she is still projecting that ALL “covid” injections contained the same thing (at least, graphene oxide), which is absolutely nonsense:
The part, where she could actually come out with something substantial is that graphene oxide can be converted to the speedy killer, graphene hydroxide, using 5G or comparable technologies.
Draw your own conclusions…
Previously, my readers participated in a discussion regarding what can be done about graphene oxide:
There is a new article about it:
I am not familiar with the technology, but it might be extremely important.
The following article might also be useful, depending on the type of poisoning. It was published only after my article, so I have to append it here:
Great noticings of BELIEF and you two exchanging chats. The quests for certainty run deep n wide.
Children’s story, the Velvetine Rabit. Read hundreds of times to my Cub when she demanded, at about 3yrs old. The question of the story-what is real? ❤️😎
euggypius is a dodgy entity. I've just been banned for 100 years from commenting, due to posting the following:
The arguments made by the virus promoters have of late been declining in quality. This post https://www.eugyppius.com/p/not-everything-is-fake is an example. Its argument, once the speculations, warnings, and digressions are skipped over, is:
1. Everything in the public sphere is deemed fake by one or another (small) group of people.
2. Not everything can be fake.
3. Therefore, PCR tests and COVID are real.
I can accept steps 1 and 2, but the leap to step 3 requires more power than I can logically muster.