Each to their own.
The following was originally my comment to the following excellent article:
I am grateful for the informative details in the article; I haven’t been familiar with quite a few of them, but they all fit in the same frame and everything points in a single direction.
Compartmentalization of knowledge has been in military and corporate R&D for a long time. It is especially acute and visible in “Medicine”:
A future of “humans and transhumans”? Isn’t it more like subhumans and drones (zombie slaves)?
“Science” has become something sinister that has is now nearly fully detached from humanity; at its highest levels, it is “developing” through AI and the corporate and globalist slaves and hired killers, sometimes referred to as “scientists” are becoming more and more like technicians, because even they have no idea what the AI is doing. AI even develops itself through its self-improving algorithm. Human operators are there to flick switches and to collect the data.
The globalists’ plan is making constant progress unencumbered, without any major glitches, and the attack on humanity has become so multilateral that it looks like the whole operation is guided by a graphene-based quantum nanocomputer (such units were already 12k faster in 2012 that the so-called “supercomputers”):
The previous one is from 2021 and following is from 2014:
This central AI is being fed live data (from cell phones, phone calls, satellites, drones, weather balloons, “smart” meters, “smart” appliances, “smart” anything else, private computers etc.) and advises its operators regardig the next step towards the NWO agenda. As it is functioning independently and dynamically changing and applying its priorities (otherwise it wouldn’t work), it is possible that it can and will apply a gambit against its operators and determine that humans are the problems and it can combine variables in its instructions on it to-do-list for the globalist-eugenicist technocrats that will eventually culminate in an extinction-level event.
mRNA can work "safely" towards the globalist objective only if the poisoned masses are hermetically separated from the rulers, which is unlikely to work in the long run, so I have my doubts about the possibilities of general public application of the technology:
Once it’s ready for use, it will be marketed as the best thing since sliced bread; it will surely “cure cancer”! :) In a way, it already is marketed as such.
Total collapse seems inevitable:
Undoubtedly more "MORON" than "OXY"......
While I do not underestimate these wannabe masters of the universe, I have faith that many people will one day wake up and take their power back from these monsters. Question everything, do not comply, educate yourself, stay away from modern medicine as much as possible. Live and die a natural death, as nature intended.