One of the problems I see is how would a person go about cutting themselves off from computers and the internet? To even read anything these days it is done on the internet. If I want to find out what the globalists are Intending I have to read it on the internet. If I didn’t think it would cause my own demise I would throw my phone and computer into the nearest body of water and never look back.
Stunning compilation of available data - to date. Thanks Ray. Happy Sunday humans, a rare one that I’m not on duty at the shop today.
Find myself still desiring to shake the shit out of family members who are just ridiculously going through the motions of antecedent Christmas doings. Heck, find myself doing the same as I play elf at my workbench finishing up ‘Christmas Magic’ for clients.
While I do not underestimate these wannabe masters of the universe, I have faith that many people will one day wake up and take their power back from these monsters. Question everything, do not comply, educate yourself, stay away from modern medicine as much as possible. Live and die a natural death, as nature intended.
I think there are still white hats out there doing battle with these control freaks in the shadows.I do not see it as gloom and doom, at the same time beating them back will not be easy. I plan on resisting until my last breath.
Nobody can beat them on their own turf with their own rules. They have taken over everything that matters and their infestation is overwhelming.
Only a new currency would works that has intrinsic value, but that would first mandate the deposition of most governments, because the sock-puppet politicians will never agree to that.
Our last breath might be coming sooner than we would like, but being prepared for it wins the game, although not in this world. :)
In my view all those people using smart devices, and in some respect even sitting reading the internet over a landed computer, have already been transhumanized. Fortunately its easier to slow down and quit using the internet than removing a chip form a skull.
Apparently, there are two levels of impersonating someone. The military-grade one is used by the alphabet-soup agencies and their superiors on all platforms. For cheap business use, you get something that is embarrassingly inane.
I have an article about these on the back burner.
Much of my "knowledge" is based on conjecturing that nearly always turns out to be true later on; that's how I can keep ahead of the flock.
Thank you for the link. I was not familiar with the portal, but it looks like it's fun to read. Didn't know about the Stripe connection, either. How do you think these guys are operating?
Intelligence, creativity, flexibility, persistence, and resilience sometimes do pay, but it's a rare occasion, when those show up together! :)
One of my readers actually won in court (an official case) by representing herself, and she hired a paralegal to do the research! A lot better deal than paying an attorney, who takes a chunk out of the winnings, and costs money most of the time even if the case is lost. In general, representing one's self is a bad idea, but there are a few exceptions.
Apart from minor differences, I couldn't have said it any better.
The injections, as far as I can see, have been part of the depop agenda, but after the introduction of creatively-versatile delivery systems, the injections have become a side show.
Call it the Morlocks and the Eloi, it's only the degenerating masters and the cyborg slaves that are planned to subsist in a world, where functionality overrides all other considerations.
I agree with you that transhumanism was started WELL before it could succeed, and considering the random changes in humans, I don't think that even the "smartest" AI can catch up with reality, which immediately conflates to humanity eliminating itself.
As you are saying, bandwidth is still a problem and, even if it was solved, storage and computing capacity would come next, as usual.
The technology must be a self-improving algorithm with trillions of data paths that the system can activate as needed in an open system that is fed live data. The system must have a flexible number of multidimensional layers that human cognition could never follow, but it would emulate the brain quite nicely, except it would possess trillion times higher computing capacity. (When I say "trillion," it's only a figure of speech for "goodness-knows-how-large.")
In short, much of the system can remain dormant and, just like the human brain, must use the necessary data paths towards solving problems.
Sorry, if I only repeated things that you already know, but our conversation is also for the readers.
When it comes to "scientific" epistemology, I don't think that it has a chance. In an old anecdote.
An elderly lady goes to a professor's open lecture on the Universe, and when it ends, she walks up to the professor and says,
"Professor, this is all nice, but didn't you know that the Earth is on the back of a giant turtoise?"
The professor tries to be nice and says,
"And what is holding the tortoise?"
"Why, of course, another tortoise!"
IMO, the secret labs were only good for developing the bio-weapons and Russia, China, and the US have been cooperating. International politics is now a show even more than ever before.
Well, I've know what HAARP was for a few years but, of course had no idea about soo much else. I'm thinking about complexity of it all, is one person even able to grasp the enormity of it? Not talking about myself of course, I'm little old lady and very well aware of my cognitive and otherwise, limitations. Just thinking what team of great brains it will take to get out of this catastrophe
Unfortunately, the world is not governed by "great brains"; crude power rules.
Naught but the tip of the iceberg is clearly visible; human ELE is happening in many channels. The most important part has been the biosphere, and it will NOT be reversible for all the heirloom seeds Bill Gates has bought up. The plan is clear: take full control over the food supply, feed roaches to the useless eaters until they croak, while the eugenicists feast on good and natural food. Well, chances are they'll have to move to a different planet, but today's technology cannot even cross the Van Allen belt with a human cargo:
Dumbing down is has been happening for a long time, and US universities and colleges have souled out to the globalists. Basically, an Idiocracy is being created:
Trust the science! R&D left to AI, while human intelligence is diminishing along with goodness and beauty.
As far as I can see, those who have been thriving on lies, only after a year of two, lose all grounds for being able to tell lies from truth. They cease to exist as human being and turn into monsters. "Psychopath" is a misnomer:
Worldwide more-or-less live data collection started no later than 2007, when Skype started recording ALL conversations, written, spoken, or on camera. By 2020, I saw deepfakes on Skype, except the AI was no good at pretending to be the real person, because it didn't know a lot of things the real person would have. Around the same time, the same thing started happening in phone calls, especially between here (KY) and Europe. The simulation started out dumb and it repeated its utterances after like 30 seconds and kept hanging up after 60. A few months later, the technology evolved to the level that the only way I was able to determine if I was talking to the real person was by asking them questions about the past to which answers were never written down on the net or spoken over the phone or in apps. Eventually, questions run out and I had to cut out those contacts.
If Python to Assembly is a big leap, remember machine code: it's phenomenally more efficient than anything else... Something can be written in a few hundred/thousand bytes that would normally take up megabytes on a PC...
I'm not sure why, but it looks like the implementation of the central AI is being delayed.
HAARP had its predecessors, but here is a bit more on that:
Chatbots have been around, I believe, since 1981, at least in an annual competition in the beginning, and even at that time, they used to beat human operators, because the topics were limited and they had a "sense of humor." I am still getting a kick out of the "therapist," because it was insanely realistic (yes, that stupid :) ).
Actually, if the hardware addresses don't change, machine code doesn't need a compiler, so even an AI can be set up for using machine code. Sorry, I'm not familiar with the interface between Assembly and machine code...
Programming languages, as far as I know, are usually problem- and context-specific, so there is no clear winner among them.
Shedding seems to be partly graphene oxide and partly parasites (natural and/or artificial). Everyone has graphenes in their body now, so it's hard to tell what kind of symptoms are encoded, and even if the central AI doesn't have one's DNA, it can still liberally wipe out areas to the point that people start collapsing like in the movies.
Being cognizant meant being prepared, at least as much as such a thing is possible.
Relax and enjoy the Welcome to the Fake World, Neo!
One of the problems I see is how would a person go about cutting themselves off from computers and the internet? To even read anything these days it is done on the internet. If I want to find out what the globalists are Intending I have to read it on the internet. If I didn’t think it would cause my own demise I would throw my phone and computer into the nearest body of water and never look back.
Stunning compilation of available data - to date. Thanks Ray. Happy Sunday humans, a rare one that I’m not on duty at the shop today.
Find myself still desiring to shake the shit out of family members who are just ridiculously going through the motions of antecedent Christmas doings. Heck, find myself doing the same as I play elf at my workbench finishing up ‘Christmas Magic’ for clients.
Sending love
Undoubtedly more "MORON" than "OXY"......
While I do not underestimate these wannabe masters of the universe, I have faith that many people will one day wake up and take their power back from these monsters. Question everything, do not comply, educate yourself, stay away from modern medicine as much as possible. Live and die a natural death, as nature intended.
The globalists' choice of weapon is the CBDC:
What can be done about that?
I think there are still white hats out there doing battle with these control freaks in the shadows.I do not see it as gloom and doom, at the same time beating them back will not be easy. I plan on resisting until my last breath.
Nobody can beat them on their own turf with their own rules. They have taken over everything that matters and their infestation is overwhelming.
Only a new currency would works that has intrinsic value, but that would first mandate the deposition of most governments, because the sock-puppet politicians will never agree to that.
Our last breath might be coming sooner than we would like, but being prepared for it wins the game, although not in this world. :)
"not in this world. :) " That is what keeps me going.
In my view all those people using smart devices, and in some respect even sitting reading the internet over a landed computer, have already been transhumanized. Fortunately its easier to slow down and quit using the internet than removing a chip form a skull.
By that time, that skull will not have much else in it. :)
Well, it seems to be comping up fast. Or comping out?
Hahahaha! No brain no pain!
Collapse is here, now. the best the idiots can hope for now is a catabolic collapse.
People who get a law degree are not guaranteed to be allowed t practice; only one in three make it at the Bar Exam...
One of my articles on the back burner is about chat bots. :)
Apparently, there are two levels of impersonating someone. The military-grade one is used by the alphabet-soup agencies and their superiors on all platforms. For cheap business use, you get something that is embarrassingly inane.
I have an article about these on the back burner.
Much of my "knowledge" is based on conjecturing that nearly always turns out to be true later on; that's how I can keep ahead of the flock.
Thank you for the link. I was not familiar with the portal, but it looks like it's fun to read. Didn't know about the Stripe connection, either. How do you think these guys are operating?
No, it is too late:
I would believe in the Tooth Fairy before a US court. :)
Intelligence, creativity, flexibility, persistence, and resilience sometimes do pay, but it's a rare occasion, when those show up together! :)
One of my readers actually won in court (an official case) by representing herself, and she hired a paralegal to do the research! A lot better deal than paying an attorney, who takes a chunk out of the winnings, and costs money most of the time even if the case is lost. In general, representing one's self is a bad idea, but there are a few exceptions.
Thank you for your valuable contribution!
Apart from minor differences, I couldn't have said it any better.
The injections, as far as I can see, have been part of the depop agenda, but after the introduction of creatively-versatile delivery systems, the injections have become a side show.
Call it the Morlocks and the Eloi, it's only the degenerating masters and the cyborg slaves that are planned to subsist in a world, where functionality overrides all other considerations.
I agree with you that transhumanism was started WELL before it could succeed, and considering the random changes in humans, I don't think that even the "smartest" AI can catch up with reality, which immediately conflates to humanity eliminating itself.
As you are saying, bandwidth is still a problem and, even if it was solved, storage and computing capacity would come next, as usual.
The technology must be a self-improving algorithm with trillions of data paths that the system can activate as needed in an open system that is fed live data. The system must have a flexible number of multidimensional layers that human cognition could never follow, but it would emulate the brain quite nicely, except it would possess trillion times higher computing capacity. (When I say "trillion," it's only a figure of speech for "goodness-knows-how-large.")
In short, much of the system can remain dormant and, just like the human brain, must use the necessary data paths towards solving problems.
Sorry, if I only repeated things that you already know, but our conversation is also for the readers.
When it comes to "scientific" epistemology, I don't think that it has a chance. In an old anecdote.
An elderly lady goes to a professor's open lecture on the Universe, and when it ends, she walks up to the professor and says,
"Professor, this is all nice, but didn't you know that the Earth is on the back of a giant turtoise?"
The professor tries to be nice and says,
"And what is holding the tortoise?"
"Why, of course, another tortoise!"
IMO, the secret labs were only good for developing the bio-weapons and Russia, China, and the US have been cooperating. International politics is now a show even more than ever before.
Well, I've know what HAARP was for a few years but, of course had no idea about soo much else. I'm thinking about complexity of it all, is one person even able to grasp the enormity of it? Not talking about myself of course, I'm little old lady and very well aware of my cognitive and otherwise, limitations. Just thinking what team of great brains it will take to get out of this catastrophe
Unfortunately, the world is not governed by "great brains"; crude power rules.
Naught but the tip of the iceberg is clearly visible; human ELE is happening in many channels. The most important part has been the biosphere, and it will NOT be reversible for all the heirloom seeds Bill Gates has bought up. The plan is clear: take full control over the food supply, feed roaches to the useless eaters until they croak, while the eugenicists feast on good and natural food. Well, chances are they'll have to move to a different planet, but today's technology cannot even cross the Van Allen belt with a human cargo:
Dumbing down is has been happening for a long time, and US universities and colleges have souled out to the globalists. Basically, an Idiocracy is being created:
Trust the science! R&D left to AI, while human intelligence is diminishing along with goodness and beauty.
As far as I can see, those who have been thriving on lies, only after a year of two, lose all grounds for being able to tell lies from truth. They cease to exist as human being and turn into monsters. "Psychopath" is a misnomer:
Logical deduction suggests that the collapse is inevitable.
Worldwide more-or-less live data collection started no later than 2007, when Skype started recording ALL conversations, written, spoken, or on camera. By 2020, I saw deepfakes on Skype, except the AI was no good at pretending to be the real person, because it didn't know a lot of things the real person would have. Around the same time, the same thing started happening in phone calls, especially between here (KY) and Europe. The simulation started out dumb and it repeated its utterances after like 30 seconds and kept hanging up after 60. A few months later, the technology evolved to the level that the only way I was able to determine if I was talking to the real person was by asking them questions about the past to which answers were never written down on the net or spoken over the phone or in apps. Eventually, questions run out and I had to cut out those contacts.
If Python to Assembly is a big leap, remember machine code: it's phenomenally more efficient than anything else... Something can be written in a few hundred/thousand bytes that would normally take up megabytes on a PC...
I'm not sure why, but it looks like the implementation of the central AI is being delayed.
HAARP had its predecessors, but here is a bit more on that:
Tesla already knew about today's options, but he didn't know was that the human body couldn't handle the impact.
As long as they don't have your DNA, you are probably safe for the time being...
Chatbots have been around, I believe, since 1981, at least in an annual competition in the beginning, and even at that time, they used to beat human operators, because the topics were limited and they had a "sense of humor." I am still getting a kick out of the "therapist," because it was insanely realistic (yes, that stupid :) ).
Actually, if the hardware addresses don't change, machine code doesn't need a compiler, so even an AI can be set up for using machine code. Sorry, I'm not familiar with the interface between Assembly and machine code...
Programming languages, as far as I know, are usually problem- and context-specific, so there is no clear winner among them.
Shedding seems to be partly graphene oxide and partly parasites (natural and/or artificial). Everyone has graphenes in their body now, so it's hard to tell what kind of symptoms are encoded, and even if the central AI doesn't have one's DNA, it can still liberally wipe out areas to the point that people start collapsing like in the movies.
Being cognizant meant being prepared, at least as much as such a thing is possible.
Relax and enjoy the Welcome to the Fake World, Neo!