Where is the crown with the Coh-i-noor diamond? Just curious. Oops! Wrong image! Next!
American troops, wherever they were commanded to spread “democracy” in order to open up business for US investors, have been also using warheads with depleted Uranium for several decades. Radiation poisoning remains there long after the armed conflict would end. That’s only one more reason why veterans have a hard time “re-adjusting” to something that by then they know has always been a lie, especially because many of them have been “thanked for their service” with chemicals in their bodies from war materials (Agent Orange is the most well-known one) or from “vaccines” (until recently, Anthrax “vaccines” have been the worst, but the impact of the latest brands of lethal injections has not been fully identified). Ordered to kill strangers who posed no threat was only a bonus on the job. Their suicide rates are also significantly higher than the increasing rates among the general population, which invites association to one of Dr. Mengele’s experiments in which the subject was injected a certain chemical and given a loaded pistol. The “scientists” quickly lost interest in the experiment, because it ALWAYS ended in suicide… Of course, not all troops commit suicide, but even that can be only a result of the need for plausible deniability, as it happened to various batches of the carefully-distributed “covid” injections. All analogies, no evidence… Still, the outcomes are undeniable.
The fact-checker-approved leaders of the military freak show, who make and execute US foreign policy do hardly more than follow their globalist game-masters’ script that even a monkey could read from a teleprompter, were monkeys able to read.
Okay, I am a double, but a lot cuter than my original!
According to certain resources, some of them can, but only from teleprompters and they are allowed only after they have been elevated to a position that receives sufficient publicity for the job.
Famous and powerful people used to have doubles, but those days are mostly gone. These days, even monkeys are not really needed for such roles; deepfakes can do the job. If you are in doubt, watch a few movies made after 2020: you cannot tell about cameos if they are real, because they come and go too fast, but protagonists tend to use the same 20-25 eye movements, which can be recorded in an hour or two in a one-time sitting with the actor and the rest can be easily done in computer animation. For example, take a close look at Russell Crow’s deepfake in The Call of the Wild! To make it a bit more interesting, some people used to note about the British monarch before she was officially buried that, in her last years, she used to smile quite brainlessly like a pothead on some hilariously potent weed, while pot and grinning had never been in her public repertoire:
The scriptwriters are definitely making fun of the public, showing their subjects every step of the way that their opinions and even their resistance don’t matter. The officially-certified uber-sophisticated audience of TV news and pharmaceutical commercials are duly and properly addressed by “experts”! Here are a few, who are already ready to explain the next series of planned catastrophes and food and energy shortages, to the masses (apologies from the photographer; Turdeau’s name is misspelled, but you can still get the idea!):
You will not starve and freeze to death in vain! These heroes are standing up for you!
What is real and what is not? Search engines are now cutting off 99.99% or more of your search results. Even conjecturing is becoming next-to-impossible, because representatives of the controlled opposition are advertised by being restricted, demonized, and banned which, of course, only extend their popularity among those, who cannot think outside the box and/or question, or even notice the outcomes.
What are all those influential people doing now? They are busy, for your sake, saving the world! Here is an example:
Whose grave is this going to be?
You pegged the US invasions to the 'T.' Someone recently suggested that I watch Netflick's 'The Swimmers.' I'm thinking it's about swimming and suddenly it's about the bombing in Syria and the Syrian family 'escaping' to Germany. I had to turn it off until I find out just who made that movie. Mentioned it to a friend whose reply was: 'I don't even remember what was going on in Syria.' Continuous war, everywhere--keep people in a fog.
Neither the red nor the blue, its all fake and propped up.