The United Disgracedom of America
Yes, I love my country, but that doesn't mean I agree with the path it's taken.
That pertains to all enemies of the State: foreign and domestic.*
I suppose, the meme is a bit overdone; drones can do the job just the same.
You have been told it was your duty to make your life miserable for grandma:
In the meanwhile, grandma was being killed in the nursing home or ended up on the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol in a hospital after a fraudulent “test.” Of course, officially, she died of the invented illness, “covid,” either way:
After that, you were told it was your duty to die healthy:
These days, it doesn’t look like the authorities care anymore. They simply don’t have to:
For the elected and not-so-much elected dictators in the country, here is an exit to take off the road they have been following:
Of course, that will happen only in a fairy tale, but at least the exit is there!
* Some of my articles use Rays the Alarm’s memes. I heartily recommend his site for more fun:
I served my whole adult life in the military and only learned after I had retired (because I was way too busy to know what was happening, and why) that my country was the biggest terrorist organization on the planet. Talk about cognitive dissonance! Nonetheless, reality is reality, and truth is truth.
The frightening thing is that I'm not certain there is anyone who will, so to speak, 'come to the rescue'. So many are complicit.