Ahhh, sad. I discovered him years ago, haven’t kept up with his latest. But thanks.

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Loved the joke! :)

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Being hearing impaired and needing hearing aids makes movie-going a nightmare, what you see now on TV makes you want to puke.

Even if it's fairly clean, remakes are all wrong. The last one I saw was the newest Tarzan, as I'd read the books, I knew the whole movie was a waste of money. Tame by today's WOKE/CRT standards, not even soap operas escape it.

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Adderal shortages, may the shortages be forever. https://abc7ny.com/adhd-adderall-shortage-medication-what-is/12324115/

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Fun post. XD

But on a serious note, the most addictive, viral memes generally win out and propagate.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My explanation is no return to Eden. Eden you can't go home to again, Eden is now the forbidden fruit for man with no God. No superior to Ego exists then. Absent Christianity no concept of the human person as a decisive and important spiritual category came into existence Thriving in this situation, tastin ​total freedom at last, all knowing Faustian man triumphantly shouts I Not Thou. There is no Higher Principle than appetite. No morality then or sense of norms we assume day to day. Psychology for it's faults has good writing on I and Thou. When the Thou no longer is the I problems emerge since there is no master over man but nature since there is no Divine.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good joke an' agree fully an' that fee-nomenon combines with the reduced span'o' at'ten-shun (i.e. after ten minutes shun the info!).

All the phone-addicted are' addle-brained (or adderall brained...) an' cain't sit for five minutes without checkin' their d-vices. So overly-stimulated, under-informed, inattentive and now drug addicted (to whatever pills'n'potions they'z shellin' out), the last FEW generations r' royal messes.

And o' course yup, turnin' beauty standards upside down and makin' toddlers sex objects (like in Brave New World) makes pro-creation moot! Thatz wat'cher test tubes 'r fer.

Golly this is mighty dystopian! Folks need to fergit lookin' at camels (or two spirit gender folks) as mates. Camels are fulla good sense, the original preppers! They store water and fat an' kin survive purdy well in draughts n' deserts. They move fast too! (unlike most Amerikans today...) Larn from em' and as with all hooved ani-mules, stay away from their backsides!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good joke, Ray. 😂

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

As for the stimulation in society, when I want to pray & fast, I shouldn’t food fast because of my health so fasting from social media works. It’s harder than I thought it would be. Before the censorship I was addicted to YouTube, went down a lot of rabbit holes there . Impossible nowadays.

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I’m on disability. When I was about 45, my neurontin/ gaba pen tin wasn’t working anymore. I was told I was at my maximum dose, they offered addictive pain killers as an option. I had gotten sober from alcohol at 30. No way was I going to destroy my liver and life with that. I started weaning off all the prescriptions except my thyroid medicine. Many of my issues improved.

I saw my dad tortured by the medical industrial establishment. his doctor went to jail for 8 months then moved to New Jersey and started all over again.

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Ni dieu ni maître!

(Neither God nor master)

Louis-Auguste Blanqui

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deletedOct 17, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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