Thank you Ray. By proxy Snake oil gets so much bad wrap these days.

It was brought in by Chinese and from what I've read, was a rather successful remedy. The phrase "snake oil salesmen" has proven itself very useful indeed.

Thank you Ray and your wonderful lady for keeping on the fight.

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Thank you for your kind words. We just hope our work might help a bit.

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I’m surprised 2nd Smartest Guy banned you, and for what, just stating your opinion, and without any explanation? I will say this about Ivermectin: As a former Army medic, nurse, and well-rounded farmer, I’m very familiar with Ivermectin and have never known anyone or any animal to react negatively to it, but I’m not prepared to go to war over the shit, or any persons choices, unless they insist I gotta take the it, like the bloody compulsory Vaxx protocols from Hell. I’d rather just insist on honest labels and demand freedom and choice for all. Period. Problem solved. Just Don’t Shed On Me, bitch, or tread on me, or point a gun at me…and we’re totally cool.

But I’ve got you beat on getting banned, Ray. Several months ago I said, “F%$K” (spelled exactly like that) in Steve Kirsch’s chat, and in less than 5 minutes I received a message stating he banned me for Life, plus 100 years. Seriously. Though I can’t be sure that’s why I received such a harsh ban because he never expressed a reason for it. But after I had time to look into Steve’s social-policies, it occurred to me the banning probably had more to do with my Substack in general; me calling out Silverstein and blaming Israel for 9/11 and other Jews like Bill Gates for the Scamdemic—as if I’m responsible for why so many Jews are so guilty for so much evil in the world. I’m sure that if Silverstein or Gates were Mexican, Cuban, Russian or Chinese, the Zionist-controlled press would never let up blaming and referring to them with one of those national-racist labels in every published article.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I also received "100 year ban" message when trying to comment on Latypova's website. I thought the message was from her and that she'd banned me for challenging her about something she claimed in a previous article. I complained to Substack as I was a paid subscriber and my subscription was valid until July 2024 but they offered no help and Latypova also ignored my request for reimbursement.

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Latypova seems to be controlled opposition. Katherine Watt, while her legal stuff seem fine, is following Latypova in "viral" matters, which questions her authenticity, too. Moreover, these people congregate over and over, so their company is also suspicious. I stopped reading Latypova a few months ago, because she only ticks me off like Karen Kingston.

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I never received any notification about being banned and I am always respectful. Still, I am in good company among the banned by 2nd:


Well, Kirsch banned him, too:


2nd became a shill around the time when he started pushing ivermectin. The value of his/her posts reached exactly zero. A couple of other inconsequential "authors" banned me, but I don't even remember their names. Well, The Midwestern Doctor threatened me with a lawsuit, after I wrote about him/her. :)

You wouldn't even be a real person, if you hadn't been banned. :)

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Re. 2nd smartest et al. I was catching up this morning on several SS articles I hadn't had time to read during week, incl. several of yours, Proton Magic, Matt's microscopy, S. Latypova and a couple of others. I then took lunch break before which I closed the articles I'd read (because I don't like having too many open tabs cluttering my desktop/mind), thinking I'd recuperate them through history function because I wanted to come back to several of them. Anyway, when I searched my history only 2nd smartest & Latypova's came up. So it seems there's a blue check system in place but wondering who attributes blue check. I was using Chrome. About to repeat experiment on other browsers I use but I'm pretty sure SS is culprit.

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Looking forward to you results. Chrome is spyware, as it is. 2nd and L. are controlled opposition (2nd is way too obvious, but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out Latypova, either). PM and Matt are authentic, at least, that's what I believe for the time being.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

About the only way I see to be free of scams is to be ad, media, government, big tech and medicine adverse. Meaning you avoid and ignore them all and work your way backwards if there is something that piques your interest. Assume everything related to them are all frauds until you can prove otherwise, should you desire to do so. There is no longer any reason to blindly trust anything.

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Perhaps We can get free energy out and stop accounting for Our energy added into the system...

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

Then, scams become pointless, or just aren't possible.

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As all people get from search results is government and corporate sites, those pages tend to provide aspects to consider in terms of what they are recommending. :)

Also, they often create folk heroes by pretending to oppose them. All popular politicians belong to this club, and there are a lot of "alt" sources offering "medical" opposition.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, I'm averse to the quagmire of lies and deceit. Question everything. Take nothing at face value.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

People preying on the vulnerable during this craziness are the lowest of the low in my eyes.

It’s even more egregious when these shysters claim this is an extinction level event, the human race is at stake, etc., etc.

Then they shill their magical cure-all; for the right price, of course.

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And they keep pouring in every day...

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Ray..read dr kory. Almost impossible to do on it.

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Please, explain.

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It is hard to OD on Ivermectin....almost impossible. Your eyes will blur way before you get there (unless you are trying to od deliberately). When it wears off you see clearly again. Reports coming in from all over...it also fights a lot of cancers....NOT from 2nd smartest (who repeats it, but it is from a reputable doctor who doesn't sell it..

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To each, their own...

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People must learn to control their emotions, but I don't think modern parents are doing much to help that.

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Modern parenting is ...... Fill in the blanks.

Part of the problem.

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