And yet, there are examples of good kings and without the common good, people loose.

my 2 pennies:

The only way out of the freemason crystal maze is to build a new system from scratch with the following keynotes:

Money: it’s a bad idea that Government has a monopoly of anything, especially currency. Anything of worth should be legal tender, even vouchers, IOUs, warrants, etc. Communities should be entitled to run their own monetary system, based on real assets. No only gold, silver, copper, platinum, lithium, precious metals and minerals, but also barter vouchers such as a pound/kg of flour, a gallon/liter of gasoline, human hours, distance transported (humans, volume, weight, special care).

Townhall Direct Democracy: votes should never be anonymous. Face to face contact is important in an era of deep fake and fake news, but even more for accountability. Representative democracy isn’t necessary if there are efficient and safe voting systems. You represent yourself, though you have the power to delegate your voting power to different representatives for different topics/mandates for a limited time and recover it whenever you want, even before the period is over.

Direct spending: those that vote believing that their votes count, also believe that they have to obey and endure whatever “their” representative government commands, because they voted for it. This can easily be solved by constitutional restrictions with severe punishment for any violation, especially, spending more than income should be forbidden and jailed. But that won’t stop the corruption, therefore we need direct spending: the federal, state and county incomes are divided by all the inhabitants (including the unborn), and you get to decide where every single proportionate cent is going to be spend in public goods and services. There’s a Spanish saying: “the eye of the master, fattens the cattle”. Direct spending would reduce bureaucracy, corruption, inefficiency, waste, unmet needs and government spending in things that are not a priority for the people. Deficit and borrowing should be illegal. After some years of solving critical problems, people will find harder to justify projects with low socio-economic net present value or internal rate of return, thus surplus would be returned to tax payers, and eventually, taxes lowered: it seems to be the only realistic mechanism to stop the spiral of government deficit and debt, where banksters take hostage future generations and politicians have nothing to lose by increasing spending and everything to win in terms of each group of voters thinking they are taking advantage of their politician/party by receiving more than the rest (e.g. detaxing the rich!).

Brutal transparency: reps should live stream at all possible times (not only working hours). All budgets, bids and transactions should be open for online scrutiny.

Democratic justice: community courts should be formed by people: the number of judges in the court is decided by the community. They could be elected for a certain period by chance or by vote, from a list of those capable of interpreting texts or from a list of lawyers. The same, for higher appeal courts. There’s no true democracy if natural law, including natural human rights, isn’t above the Constitution.

The police should be a local force. The captain should be elected.

The penitentiary system should be community based and directed towards reformation and paying back damages. House arrest or fenced working zones should be the norm.

My little contribution to the discussion:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


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What I can see it that the invisible powers that are using the choke hold on governments by controlling the money supply is using front groups (Masons, Jesuits, Zionists, and the like) as patsies or useful idiots.

You seem to focus on "Freemasons."

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Due to our current mason-cracies increasing number of thinkers are attracted by anarchy, the government of no-one. Anarchy only works when you live alone in an island! Those keyboard revolutionaries forget that they are even allowed to write and share their messages (to a certain extent) because there’s a police force saving your life and possessions just by the threat of law enforcement. Any free society ends up in the thugs dominating the peaceful or cowards.

Therefore, we’ll always need some form of government. When Israel didn’t have kings, they had the Judges, which means that there was:

- a consented law with penal clauses

- a judiciary system

- law enforcers

- punishment

- a system to help self-develop the full potential (helping the suffering, zero unemployment, education, religion)

Without the latter, any society will collapse because pain, hunger, ignorance (especially, ignorance of God) breed crime, until it becomes government.

That’s why the family is the only structure that doesn’t have a formal system of government that generally works great, but only when parents strive for the common good instead of selfishness.

Anarchists reject fighting for the common good. Some even question the concept, because they consider that any common good would be an expropriation of the individual-good. They don’t realize that without society they wouldn’t be able to develop and thrive into what they’ve become. They take for granted the freedoms and economy provided by the common. That’s why they don’t care much for patriotism: ‘there’s no need of sacrificing my good for the common good, because there’s no common good, and thus, no debt to my nation’. If they were left in the middle of a poor country, they’d quickly learn to be thankful for what the earlier generations built for them.

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Please, post at least a single credible source that ALL Freemasons are involved. In 2002, the average age of a Mason in the US was 74 or something like that...

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This is a really good discussion . Will try to work out some more ideas in a post later. My immediate thoughts are

(1) I read the Constitution differently. Those unalienable rights are not conferred by any documents or governments. They are conferred by a creator to each of us. This to me is the great center thought of what could be a Democracy.

(2) the founding ancestors failed partially because of their own deficient understanding of these rights. They felt it was fine to exclude women, blacks, native Americans, etc.

(3) we must be extraordinarily careful in assuming our history in America is well understood - it isn’t.

(4) there is a huge misunderstanding of the freedom called license, versus actual freedom. It is freedom we’re after and not license. License is anarchy.

(5) our nation state has been a corporation from before it even existed.

(6) without resorting to the noble savage argument there is far more to the conflict between Native Americans themselves and that between the corporate European invaders and NA’s. their history is widely misinterpreted from lack of real knowledge

(7) the deal we make to trade freedom for security underlies the entire hierarchical structure of all civilizations from time immemorial. There are poorly appreciated reasons for this.

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Continue thought ... personal responsibility, humility and a continual questioning of what’s going on. To be able to adapt and adjust is a continuous project. Nature has a way of smacking down stupid, the penalty for stupid is extinction.

Eat good food, Do good work, be honest- especially with yourself-

Thanks for all Ray:)

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I didn't do it. You did it! :)

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Goodness! IMO, both extremes - totalitarian control and anarchy, are not useful. When society is stressed, extremes seem to polarize, msm and the forces pushing humans into what ever the control grid vision is they have and have fostered and nurtured a polarized population. This is useful to keep the whole population from noticing the machinations of their demise.

These are the same tactics used for all of humanity over the ages.

Hello!!! Since the scientific method crept onto the scene- via Galileo, Francis Bacon , founding fathers esp Jefferson and Ben F. The deist gang , conflict was set into motion as belief structures were open to questioning.

I’m thinking that freedom requires virtu

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Many have found that real anarchy is a mess in practice (even if by another name, even on a small scale) but bein' ruled / governed -- as per Barnett--as much of 20thC Amerika has experienced--is an escalating disaster at least given the deep state.

Methinks NO utopia exists (and that anarchy ain't it) BUT consentin' to limited government WITH the (always intended) choice to disband the whole shebang if it goes sour (is it NOT time NOW to do this in Amerika?)... seems a worthy compromise for allowing some structure.

As Ben Franklin said, it's a bonafide republic "if you can keep it." Well, we were lousy curators but partly as we didn't know the shenanigans behind the scenes... Do we get a chance to do a "redo"???? Are most folks too "stoopid" now to "keep it" if we got it back?

No solutions here but I DO like Ron Paul (fwiw) and I think if we got rid of the FED and (per Todd Callendar) made sure NOBODY in office more than 2 years got re-elected so we could drain the swamp (sure he has a far more elaborate plan that that!), then those two steps would indeed be a good start... if it ain't too late as boy golly we're in hot water now!

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"MILITARY DETENTIONS IN 2021–2022: Maria Barret (detained), William Charles Ayers (life imprisoned at GITMO), David Axelrod (detained), Amy Coney Barrett (detained), Patricia Conrad (detained), Melinda Gates (detained), Paul Pelosi (life imprisoned at GITMO), George Soros (detained), Brian Stelter (detained). Real Raw News.

MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2022: Alec Baldwin (hanged), Richard Cheney (hanged), Francis Collins (hanged), Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon (firing squad), Michael Donilon (hanged), Anita Dunn (hanged), Anthony Fauci (hanged), Avril Haines (two head-shots), Valerie Jarrett (hanged), Loretta Lynch (hanged), Denis McDonough (two head-shots), Gavin Newsom (hanged), Sonia Sotomayor (hanged), Michael Sussman (firing squad), Thomas Vilsack (hanged). Real Raw News

MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2021: Huma Abedin (hanged), William Barr (hanged), Joseph Biden (firing squad), Hunter Biden (hanged), Deborah Birx (firing squad), John Brennan (hanged), George Bush Sr. (euthanized), George Bush Jr. (hanged), William Clinton (suicide), Hilary Clinton (hanged), Chelsea Clinton (hanged), James Comey (guillotine), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), William Gates (hanged), Tom Hanks (euthanized), John McCain (firing squad), Mark Mezvinsky (hanged), John Podesta (firing squad), Colin Powell (suicide), Susan Rice (hanged), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), Adam Schiff (hanged), Peter Scolari (hanged). Real Raw News ”

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My dear readers and contributors! Please let "Gary Cooper" do its stuff and in the meanwhile, we can carry on. :)

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What STUFF? #

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