Psychiatry: Voodoo Science is the fourth book in my Medical Monopoly series. Editing it now. Canadian psychiatry- the Good, the Bad and the Ugly is covered.

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I corrected My status. Now what They own is nothing. The ALL CAPS name is a TRUST for which I am trustee. But I am not in Their system Myself. I am a Secured Party/Creditor.

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I can only imagine how George Washington is spinning in his grave. Wish I could clone him and/or bring him back, but he might be rather happier where he's at figuring he served his time. For Owen Stroyer to be thrown into the Klink, what a joke. Like what they tried to do to Alex Jones, I believe Hillary (Killery) was behind all that nonsense. The Clintons are at the top of the Destroyer Chain Gang, like Barack, truly Hateful of American Citizens. One does NOT dare to go against them as we all know from their long rap sheet of kills. Love Richard Gage. He is pretty much on top of it all. Anyone can deduce how those towers came down - explosives. All one has to do is research how other building are removed - by professionals. I'm all for a revolution, 1776 style. If I have to go down, it may as well be with pride and dignity. Not being jabbed to the hilt and suffer from all the consequences of it, i.e. slow death.

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Ray..you have been looking into the abyss a long time. How do you go on? And keep your spirit strong?

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Been a long time comin' since 1789 and Congress adding 12 amendments. Of course #12 not ratified until 1804. 12th Amendment provides the method for selecting president and vice president of the United States. Though Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution had mandated that each elector cast two votes without differentiating between their choices for president and vice president, the 12th Amendment requires electors to split the balloting for the two offices.

In any case, EMPIRE is ideology in great power games. And our Empire no exception.

And as Mr. Marcel states-

What are equal, what must be postulated as equal, are not human beings but rights and duties which men must reciprocally recognize; for if that recognition is lacking, we have chaos, we have tyranny with all its frightful consequences—the primacy of the most vile over the most noble.

But we become guilty of a tragic error when, from what has to do with rights, we claim to pass to what has to do with men themselves, and it would be easy to show by what sort of dialectic process egalitarianism, properly so called, leads to the monstrous aberrations of which we are the witnesses to-day. This dialectic process is linked precisely to the fact that equality, being a category of the abstract, cannot be transferred to the realm of beings without becoming a lie and, in consequence, without giving rise to contemporary inequalities which surpass any that have been ever seen under non- democratic systems. Here, too, it is war which supervenes, but in forms under which it is not even recognized as such any more, since it is in fact the systematic crushing of millions of beings reduced to a total impotence.

We should never cease to recall to ourselves that a world in which millions, in which tens of millions, of beings have been reduced to slavery cannot be considered as a world at peace; but, on the other hand, whatever may be said to the contrary, a condition of iniquity of this sort is radically different from anything that may have existed at a time when the fundamental principles of law and human rights had neither been proclaimed nor even thought of. The most scandalous aspect of the present state of affairs, for anybody who reflects at all, is precisely the intolerable contradiction between these principles of human right which nobody has quite the courage to make a formal argument against and the systematic violation of the most elementary actual rights. Our most serious problem is that of discovering how such a contradiction is possible—possible as a matter of actual experience, not as a mere mental notion.

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