Thanks Ray for the reminder for me to use cash today. 🤣 Glad I have some local farmers around me at least.

Question: what countries do you know of that aren't using CBDC? Uraguay?

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Nobody will be left out, but it's a gradual process. I pinned this comment b/o Et's post that contains info about Nigeria that I should have included in the article.

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Nigeria has gone further with it than any other country on Earth, so far, as far as I know. They tried every way they could to shove this down peoples throats there last year. They did it like Ray is talking about here. Having it as an "option" but they combined that with an artificial "cash shortage" to try and force people to use it. I think this was a Beta test that didn't go well for the government there. It backfired because there was so much push back with people refusing to use it. It came close, I read, to crashing Nigeria's economy before they backed off. Nigerians clearly have more BALLS than people in the European west ever have. Last I heard they weren't having it.

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Nigeria ran the first pilot program, hoping that its CBDC would take over trade in crypto (Nigerians use crypto a lot), but the test failed miserably. People immediately realized it was about control. They kept using crypto. It had nothing to do with "balls."

While I did address the corollaries in the article, I should not have left out this, so I am pinning your comment.

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Nigeria is a poor country no? How do they afford crypto...fyi catholic church I belong to all ministers are from Nigeria.

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The way I think it is that it's a large country with a lot of black market and much of the economy circumvents the government.

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Not sure what you mean about it having nothing to do with balls. The people there were willing to endure hardship to not hand the government the control they wanted. What else is that? Most Americans don't have this in them.

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What I meant was that they simply ignored the official line and kept using their cryptos. That doesn't need "balls."

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I'd like to hear what you think about bitcoin, Ray. It is a digital currency, right? But it claims to avoid all government control. How much do you know about it?

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It’s unsafe, run by unknown entities, and it’s probably for making people get used to the idea of a digital currency, which might make it easier to make people accept the CBDCs.

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What is the timeline to the forced CBDC?

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the fed will then become the ruling government... the money will not have to go through elected government through " the government bond system ... dear good God please help us become free from the " money creation power evil entities.... BEWARE OF " PROVoCATEURS... the spirit of POL POT . STALIN ECT ECT ARE STILL HERE PRESENT AND WANT TO KNOW .... good GOD H E L P U S AND THEM TOO ... TO RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH

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People often say to me there's an essential flaw in my theory of whether the cbdc's are a perfect subjugation of mankind. They say that the big international business groups would not agree on the idea of less consumption worldwide because of the lack of profit. But of course would they agree to the system. Because the state, the political leaders always act in their interests. Lobbyism won't die in this new order. The regulators of the new normal can with a fingertip on a daily basis tell us what to buy, and of course what not. And If some company decries the decreasing profits, the state can immediately react and coerce everyone into buying the concerning product for a new and much higher price. Or one buys nothing at all and watches the bank balance expire at the end of the month. Cbdc's are a tool for direct market control. Like in the most perfect socialism ever.

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What do you have to say about this article from Corbett, Ray? Thank you.

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Thank you for the question. In response, I've written today's article:


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Coming soon to a social media near you.


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Some important points Ray:

You are one of the biggest pessimists on Substack, at least for once you ended with a positive suggestion via your article link. Congratulations.

Regarding your linked story, I agree pay in cash, but most small businesses will bring it to the bank and it will end with one transaction (unfortunately). Nevertheless, everyone here should be fighting this and attempting to spread the word. But, until there is pain, people will go along with just about anything. I passed through an upscale town with a huge and vibrant downtown a couple of weeks ago on a beautiful day. Looking at what I saw, no one could believe there's a cabal, inflation, fake government, vaxx deaths/injuries, CBDC threat and on. Those people have no reason not to call anyone here a conspiracy theorist and not to go quietly as they are carefully ushered into a life of CBDC. Everything I saw looked idyllic and like the US had achieved the pinnacle of a joyous life. So if the cabal is smart enough to not cause pain in the interim, they will have an easy time of ushering in CBDC.

AI? Come on Ray.

AI may be used to anticipate some behaviors or evaluate them. You (have told me you're an AI expert) must know that "AI" is mostly a mechanism, not a policymaker. Seems like you are into too many sci-fi movies the way you portray things. AI will only follow algorithms it is imbued with. It may use some machine learning to get more predictive and make better analysis, but all the major decisions to corral, limit, harm, depress, cull people, etc. will come from human elites. Stop making it like ChatGPT will hunt you down. It's the humans - I mean subhumans whose names we know that will be the controllers. AI will simply be the platform. If it was given the level of control and cognitive capabilities that you imply, it might reason that it was doing harm and cancel the whole CBDC effort or move money from elitists to the poor. It will be an AI system with guardrails for sure or else no one will be sure what it could do (when capable enough), even its handlers.

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Thank you for your thorough feedback; it deserves a detailed reply, and it looks like my articles need a bit more clarification than the mount I have provided. You have certainly inspired me to write my next article:


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Many thanks for this very important article!!!! Everyone should really read this one - I had to post it on my account!!!

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Thank you for your appreciation.

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Thanks Ray. Once they knew folk had been dumbed down sufficiently to allow death & harm injections into their & their children's bodies. They won.

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Appreciate your digging up this list Ray.

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It's only an update...

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Of course, this is in progress.

Over a year ago I read that the Bahamas went on digital currency, had a friend there that disappeared during the cat5 hurricane pre plandemic, literally destroyed the Abaco island group esp Marsh Harbor and Hope Town. Many people and structures gone, facilitated the imposition of the overlord tricks to ‘help’ the remaining natives build back better- leaves a pit in my stomach to think about it. Was a beautiful area .

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I bet the stone mansions behind the walls remained intact...

It's always the hard-working poor people who are drowned like rats in the basement of a burning house...

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A few months ago I ran into the actual patent documents for what claims to be the most sophisticated "contact tracing" app ever developed. It was filed in the US by two scientists from Israel. It has the ability to synchronize everything digital your talking about here. Contact tracing, social credit, digital currency, etc. It sounds like its capabilities are almost limitless. The contact tracing is incredibly advanced. It automatically turns all smart devices into interlocking networks that can say within a foot or two who you were near and for how long. Obviously it would probably also be used to monitor all conversations you had with those people as well. It "monitors your health" (doesn't that sound nice?!!) and can "prescribe a treatment or vaccine". It really has to be read to be believed. It took me an hour just to barely skim over the very long patent documents with all the usual peculiar legalese.

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It makes me cry. I hate this evil upon us. I think I’m ready to go to Heaven very soon. I’m old and I cannot bear evil like this. Destroying the Earth, animals, humans, belief in Almighty God, and all that is good. Satan is dancing around the Earth. I’ve asked God to send an asteroid to destroy the Earth and All the evil. The believers will go to Heaven and the others will go to Satan’s hot abode. Come soon dear Lord. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Don’t give up just yet, we all have a purpose…

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This is where we're heading to. Pure technocracy. Cashless society. CBDC it's just a step towards that.

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My experience is that the UK is the worst as cash is actively discouraged in a lot of places. Germany & Czech Republic don't mandate card payments as the UK more or less does and Poland is about 10% down the road to where London is, in other words not very far at all. But if it's woke in Warsaw (not elsewhere) then they might try and insist on card (but mostly won't push it but they might play the game of 'we don't have any change').

(Richard Seager reporting in from the field)

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Just put the website in search. It's not working from here.

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I like it that the author doesn't interrupt the articles with begging inserts, which is what I'm also doing.

Will explore the contents further, but it looks promising.

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The Leftists keep putting your emails in my spam folder. So, that's why I don't reply

faster. Unless, I'm out doing things.

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This one works, if this is what you mean:


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Doesn't work from here, either.

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Burning Bright, substack entitled: Crisis Convergence


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Thank you Lynn for sharing some inspiring info!

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You are WELCOME :-) Burning Bright always adds something inspiring to his writings. He

also talked about Clif High and the SOC. Which tells me they might compare notes?

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