Was going along quite well with this article until he mentions Frances Leader who I think may not be all that she is purported to be; not saying that this comment about Frances is true but trust no one you don't personally know and you can't always trust those you do.

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again what will take iron out of the blood and also remove graphene

I take only furic

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Thanks for “liking” my comments. As for iron, there are heavy metal chelators, but got to get them from a doc. I hope you ( or whoever has/had the problem) are feeling better, and got some items to remove graphene.

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Thank you for your comment. It inspired my following article:


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Give blood at least once per month if you can, it’s the only way I know to remove iron. As for graphene, people have different protocols, I don’t have sources easily to hand, but take lots of antioxidants-NAC if you can get it, Quercetin and Zinc together (Q helps Zinc to get into cells), Chlorine Dioxide-you need to know what you’re doing there, but it’s pretty easy to learn, high dose vitamin c, milk thistle. High dose vit D3 also, but then you’ve got to use vit K2 and magnesium to keep calcium from being in blood vessels. (I know, I know it’s a lot!). I would use all of these, except milk thistle, if I could afford it. Not using them altogether in one hit, except Q and Zinc. If I couldn’t afford all, I would try for NAC and Chlorine Dioxide.

Just off the top of my head, The Expose out of Britain has articles on how to get rid of graphene. Link (hopefully works) expose-news.com You’d have to search “how to remove graphene from body” or similar search.

Sorry for a very late reply, I just now saw your comment. There are other protocols, but see what you find at the expose, they’re quite good, I reckon. Good luck!!!

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Your list quite a bit coincides with the one I have gathered as being advised by respectable resources:


I found some of the items on the list immediately harmful, and even the single one that helped for a month, started harming later, which is largely the reason why I am cautious with "solutions" and wrote the article about sodium citrate:


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Why didn’t you tell her then? I’ve used everything I mentioned except milk thistle, absolutely no deleterious effects!

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High iron levels are bad to begin with, but under the circumstances, they are likely to exacerbate problems, too.

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Positive or Negative ions Ray?

One is benign typically ie Ozone from the Sea.

The other very dangerous especially to older folk.

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Not sure what you mean. Ozone, in general, in my understanding, is not good for humans.

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Can you site the work that told you that please?

I will route out my old sources from the 1970's (later tonight) that were a big thing when the effects of modern ionization were properly comprehended- necessitating carpets & air conditioning throughout the worlds 'poshest' offices to be ripped out .

What is Ozone, how is sea air so invigorating , because it is saturated in specific IONS (not the smell which is seemingly dimethyl sulfide).

If you dont know what the difference in types of IONS are, then all you know about Ions needs to be radically & rapidly reviewed. Obviously your work needs to be also revised !

I have no idea what rubbish they teach people now about Ions, nor what the internet tries to spin about them, however from practical experiences I can defiantly tell you one type is benign & the other far more detrimental, especially to older folk.

I'm not saying which because that will spoil the joy of discovering & learning for yourself, and I'm also sick of sharing knowledge & receiving nothing but ingratitude or petty displays of arseholism in return 😊

Let's see if you are a decent human being about this, or just another ungrateful poseur who hasn't got a clue, & can't learn anything new & useful 😁 I hope its the former, for a change.

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It's from personal experience. When I put a ozone generator in the room (about 45 years ago), it gave me a sore throat, whenever I turned it on. As far as I understand, there are two types, as you are saying it, and the one I tried for a few weeks must have been the "bad" kind. Sorry, I haven't dug into the topic any further, which is why I don't write articles about it, and only voice my opinion with caution. I am still certain that when someone is exploring ozonizers, they must be cautious, as with all electronic devices.

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Looks helpful.

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thank you for all this information.

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thank you for all this information.

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I hope, it helps.

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I'm an eternal optimist and believe it's not too late, but could be the end of most of us in a couple years if we don't wake up. Thanks for getting the word out. 60 Ghz sucks up oxygen, and causes our cells to gradually suffocate. (warburg effect) To understand EMF basics, you can check out my article here: https://open.substack.com/pub/romanshapoval/p/emf101?r=1iykap&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I'm a big believer that MANY of the behavioral changes that we are witnessing from both ANIMAL AND HUMANS alike are from these effects.

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Absolutely - here is a list of peer-reviewed symptoms and an appeal to share:


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Thanks so VERY much for posting that, which I've signed (and have forwarded to others) despite it having been around for a very long time, due to the comprehensive factual coverage so rarely seen these days.

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MUCH appreciated!! I've already shared it with my college student child who is always saying there is no evidence that it is a problem. Thank you!!! I'll continue to push it around.

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Thank you! Feel free to share this as well, evidence from multiple authors and perspectives: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5g-satellites-a-threat-to-all-life

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What do you think of this? Our son retaliated with it, lol:


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Excellent article, as usual, on your site!

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Well, this is unique and one of the best. :)

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Have you checked out

In Q tel website 🤬🤬😱😱😱😱😱

The tethered drone!


Frequency Towers , destroying weather patterns.

Technology has become our death.

I’d go back to basics. No problem.

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Are you talking to me?

Have you checked out my previous articles? They address all the concerns you are talking about and they testify to my "knowledge," if I may use the term for my opinion.

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Not really you.

It was an in general to all comment.

My shock of in Q tel website.

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Sorry about the misunderstanding.

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No worries and understandable that you might think ,

“ you talkin to me”


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It's hard to tell; I use "you" as a general subject, too. :)

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Hi Ray, I'm new to your newsletter so thanks for you info/sharing! I'm becoming much more aware of the basic threat of these issues having my own personal "awakening" trying to read an iPad in bed etc. What can you share about the info. I've found from Arthur Firstenberg (author of : The Invisible Rainbow")? Thanks again for your efforts for humanity's success over insanity/tyranny, and God bless you and yours in this Christmas season and beyond!

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Please, go to my page and on the top, click on "Archive."

After that, you will have access to my previous, but far-from-obsolete posts.

The Invisible Rainbow is a classic, but there have been quite a few recent steps, some of which available in my articles. Please, notice that most of the stuff I publish are either the first or something you cannot find anywhere else.

Just sayin'. :)

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There's plenty of ambient radiation above 30-45 ghz and not all life is killed.

So that's wrong too.

Maybe science isn't your thing, ray.

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You know what?

Stick to your science, wear 15 muzzles, get your fraudulent PCR every day, and get all the boosters!

That will rid of this site from your disruptive and abortive remarks! I'm quite sure most people who know you will also be grateful for your following your "science"!

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Your "science" is certainly not "my thing."

Examples? Oh, I see, they don't exist.

Even if there were any, it is the intensity that kills. 5G at 6GHz is not any more harmful than 4G or a home Wi-Fi, if it is operated at the level of intensity the "phone" service requires. Of course, most of the bandwidth is not used for the phone, but for data collection. Test runs for higher frequencies and higher intensities are apparently in progress.

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We need a DIY handbook on how to take towers down....

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And take down cameras so those 'helping' are safe. In London UK hundreds of 'ULEZ' (used for spying on cars & how far they travel and a lot more ie roll out of 15 Mminute Cities etc) cameras have been 'retired' by anonymous heros affectionately called 'Blade Runners' Those on power have made us used to being surveillance 24/7 for decades, which monitoring makes fighting the system a lot more risky. 5G towers and all gov cameras need to go.

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THe work of Sharon Daphna at Under the Chembow suggests Orgonite neutralizes towers. They are continuing the work of Wilheim Riech

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The French (probably the injured and their friends and families) have been destroying towers for at least a year. Some commenters after articles about the French suggested sulfuric acid for the fiber-optic cables, but I have no knowledge of such events.

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I recently read somewhere all you need is some gasoline and a match? But don't get caught, automatic 10 yrs.

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Probably a few methods

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Excellent idea.

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Someone also suggested cutting the fiber-optic line that is supposed to be occasionally clearly visible, but I am convinced that the towers have tons of surveillance cameras that can identify people even from their bodily parameters and from the way they walk.

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These things contain a lot of copper and a fair amount of precious metals.

...Not trying to give anybody ideas or anything, just pointing out that this problem will probably be taken care of by market forces, soon.

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All I know is that silver is the byproduct of copper production.

A few countries are suspiciously piling up on gold reserves in Europe. Everyone knows about Russia, but the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary are the new ones from the last two years. Do they know something that others do not?

The market is planned to collapse and even if it weren't, it soon would. It's on life support by the banks and corporations that have been conspiring to run it for several decades.

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By "market forces" I mean entrepreneurs will "liberate" them for their scrap value.

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As in, out of work catalytic converter thieves

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Shouldn't it be "entrepreneurs" coming to the rescue? :)

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Been saying it for a couple of years. "The Tools of Totalitarian Tyranny are all around you, and in your pocket. You can begin tearing them down whenever you are ready. I hope everyone gets ready very, very soon."

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Submission is in every person as soon as they submit to it; more often than not, it's some manifestation of Stockholm syndrome.

If you don't raise walls inside you, there is nothing to tear down. The walls outside belong to other people, both from the inside and from the outside. :)

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I see tge problem as being that most people do not know that radical depopulation is being carried out on pole globally ie not that they identify or whatever er with the murderers but that they are simply unaware. They are not stupid 'sheep' etc in my view but just mind controlled, as we all have been at some point no doubt, to trust etc.

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Yes indeed, my post can be viewed from the higher perspective of base ego vs spiritual freedom.

However, in that post I am referring to smart phones, microwave transmitter/receiver towers, fiber optic cables, cameras and sensors everywhere, etc. Those are the literal Tools of Totalitarian Tyranny being erected all around us. Transhumanist tyranny only works if the technology works. All of the TOTT can all be cut, burned, torn down whenever the people want to do it.

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One lesson from history is that if something can be done, someone will do it, so temporary destruction of what will be restored using taxpayer's money only delays the completion of the project. Still, gaining time can sometimes solve many problems. :)

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"if something can be done, someone will do it"

You are right.

Someone did opened The Narrow Gate 2k years ago for us.

But few care.

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I've heard it said, many times that John, before being exiled was boiled in oil, survived. Probably true because the 'king'?, said apparently 'get him out of my sight'. They'd happily have killed him.

Same today.

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Please, explain what you mean and the way it pertains to the topic...

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