If it's over for us, it is over for them! We are the ones who have been supporting them all these years! Like my father always said, don't forget where you came from! We need to go back to a barter system and free ourselves from digital and monetary slavery!! I believe it is too late!

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Mar 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I commenced preparing my survival site 8 years ago, which has provided much opportunity for reflection and review.

I had already rejected the bunker concept in 2010 because it is simply not sustainable. The crisis will probabaly last around three years, and possibly up to ten. I concluded that the globalists will experience some problems of cost-effectiveness by year three and will prioritise in favour of large population targets. Those occupied by a handful of unnoticeable individuals will fall through the cracks, if very discreet.

The basic requirements are: remoteness, preferably in a wilderness; with permanent fresh spring water, within walking distance of the sea; and in a tropical zone so that needing a fire to keep warm is not an issue. Smoke is nature's flag to say "I'm here!"

Planning is key. Once moved in, there can be no "... oops, I forgot cigarette lighters". You need the means of lighting a fire to last you ten years. You also need a shortwave radio and spare batteries so that you know when it is safe to come out. It would be so disappointing to survive for seven years, only to emerge for a look-see and be torn to pieces by robot dogs. You also need to understand organic vegetable gardening.

All else is luxury. My already-installed luxuries include solar-batteries for night fans (monsoonal tropics feature intolerable hot sweaty nights), solar water pumps, a fuel plant (biodiesel from shark livers and petrol from kasava), lots of fish spear prongs and fish hooks, a boat and outboard motor, a sail craft, and all tools required for construction and repair. Be prepared to jettison the western house design. You need a roof to keep the rain out. All else is luxury. The roof must be camouflage-painted.

Finally, avoid habits. Tracks where you walk can be seen plainly from the air. A space blanket may negate your heat signature from choppers and satellites. We can exchange notes in 2034. All dozen of us on planet earth.

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I saw that episode on Naked and Afraid!!

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Episode of what? Is that a movie?

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I don't think one will be safe anywhere. My suggestion is if you're going down, take one of the evil buggers with you.

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What if gold is being used by the globalists as an electromagnetic shield? They would need tons of it in order to protect themselves.

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Mar 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Creatures from Jekyll Island, was and still is worth reading, you will have a very clear (Picture) of what is going on, from a long time ago !!!!!

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Good examination! One advantage (like maybe the ONLY one) to being homeless, disabled, and destitute is... One does not have consternation over what to invest in. LOL! Still and all, no doubt Others will benefit.

Me? I'm aiming to promote free energy tech so We can stop accounting for Our energy added (the foundational function of money in any form, from trade/barter to electronic bits) and ALL live as richly as We choose - while stripping the psychopaths in control of Their single tool to power.

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

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Gold can be confiscated and bitcoins outlawed by the government. Neither is safe when SHTF. Government is not going to allow anyone to bypass its monetary tyranny that easy.

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Not to mention... When the next Carrington event occurs, anything electronic, unless greatly protected and out of touch with the outside, will be fried. Making electronic bits unusable to account for the energy We add into a system.

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I posted this on Agent lots of numbers site. Thought you might find it interesting.



K-TAW = Kindly-Tizing ArtWork :: a kind of funny money

ArtWork backed by community spirit of exchange

MISSION: We are artists banded together in partnership with businesses and community to exchange Art-Works in support of the local economy.

METHOD: Beyond permaculture currency. Barter. Banter. Build.

De-centralized. Organically local. Open Source. Bank on yourself.

PURPOSE: Dollar-sized ArtWorks used as advertising and gifted into the local economy. To be used by businesses and citizenry … to trade.

CONSUMER Instructions

1.  Use ArtWork as you would cash for dinner, coffee, soda, tips, a massage, health care, child care, & more. Ask the community business if they take the ArtWork.

2.  You may receive ArtWork in your change when buying a product locally, as a gift for a birthday, as a tip for a job well done, & more.

3.  Closer to the expiration date (find date on the ArtWork), turn it back to the owner of the ArtWork and they will give you cash or more-than-equivalent services or products.

4.  The more ArtWork is passed for exchange in the community before it is turned in, the more sustainable the community economy!

Get real…. Spend ArtWork…. Go local.


OWNER::BUSINESS instructions

Why use ArtWork as local exchange in Advertising:

   --Get people talking about what you are doing.

   --Use your advertising budget locally.

   --Subtract the cost of your ArtWork as advertising.

   --Watch people smile & laugh when “playing” with your “funny money”.

How to get started:

   --Pay a small amount to a local artist for the ArtWork. Or make your own.

   --Set aside an amount of cash to pay the “reward” for the return of the ArtWork. (You also may barter for the ArtWork with services or product.)

   --Write or pay a writer to add:

      1. Your business & slogan & offerings.

      2. Your area of “good within ___miles of your place of business”.

      3. Expiration date. Usually 3-6 months.

   --Give your ArtWorks away.

      1. You can only spend ArtWork other than your own.

      2. Offer as a thank you to: Regulars, High pay customers, Bonuses &

Perks, Friends & Family, Lovers.

When the ArtWork is presented back to you

   --Give cash or

   --Give services or

   --Give a product.

Keep gifting it out until closer to the expiration date.


ARTIST instructions

1. You may

   --Make your own ArtWork to advertise you and your business.  OR

   --Be commissioned to make ArtWork for someone else to advertise.

   --Do one or the other because the Kindly-Tizing ArtWork is Open Source, meaning the ArtWork is not copyrighted. K-TAW believes in a gift society and a healthy local economy.

2. If you are commissioned to produce an ArtWork for someone else:

   --You may sell your labor and supplies. Once a business, person, or a not-for-profit owns the ArtWork then the ArtWork totally belongs to them. They must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date.

3. If you create the ArtWork for yourself to advertise yourself:

   --You are the owner. When you own the ArtWork, you are the one who must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date. The Owner must give ArtWork away as a gift to the community economy.

   --You may take the cost of ArtWork off your income for advertising.

4. The Owner of the ArtWork must give/gift it away during the time period.

   --Because if you sell the ArtWork, you

      1. must pay taxes on the sale and

      2. cannot deduct ArtWork as advertising.


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Buy that single bullet, and a whole lot more, you are guaranteed to need them.

Don't wait too late.

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Mar 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

What you write is very good. But don't forget that the agent also seeks the truth and has many good writings. In the search for truth, one is not yet where the other is. One still believes in the future, and the other already knows that either we or they can stay on earth. For now, unfortunately, they are close to winning... Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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This is not a race; the two articles complement each other quite a bit.

Unless the globalists make a mistake, the carnage will be horrible, and that's the best-case scenario.

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Mar 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Okay! Then sorry, I probably misunderstood the translation! :(

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Not necessarily. I should probably emphasize this in the text, but my focus is on the differences.

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Mar 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'd just read Agent's article before yours. All Central banks are the same. I don't know much, but it seems bringing down USA is key to the globalist plans, which, in turn, will topple all the others. What will happen in those odd few without?

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The Rockefellers own about 160 central banks. 'Nuff said...

The CBDC plan seems a bit more complex than jut bringing down the US:


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Please, always introduce your link in a few words. It helps other readers.

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Not really! Nice try!

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