Diversions all of them to deflect from the fall of the banking systems. All to push and direct the herd into the CBDC system. Our small banks will be ‘bailed out’ and swallowed by (insolvent)bigger banks- the bigger banks are squabbling over the booty and fighting amongst themselves for bigger pie.

Results will be painful as the whole system of payments of/for everything is absent or very delayed. Be prepared. As this inconvenience (understatement) will force 99% to go for the digital currency plan, it WILL and is currently being marketed as the savior of convenience.

The Trump indictment is just a show of what could happen to you too if you step out of line. As you say Ray, several goals are injected into each act of the play

Yes this creeps me out and I have a runny nose:)

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Kabuki Theater... all of it. The only ones coming ‘save us ‘ is US.. We The People... as God watched if we can get out of Sodom & Gomorrah..

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Same with the Trump arrest news. Political theater.

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Quite a few words in Russian have French origins. Putin seems to be one of them.

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Trump, Biden, putin, Xi, zelensky and the globalists are all actors in the same play playing their role to manipulate our actions. Trumps call to protest is another good one. Dont fall for it. Be warned.

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True dat.

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Yep,they're all part of the global gang otherwise they would be ten feet deep by now.

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Where is my buddy, Trudeau.....

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May I correct the spelling, please? It's turdeau. :)

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And Charles the Turd.

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I'll remember that! :)

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