The vax installs mac address. indestructilble synthetic biology hydrogel and quantum dots are in everyone that assemble and grow w frequencies- dr ana mihalcea substack. this is the abomination of desolation that must b destroyed w fire or no flesh would b saved. the quantum dots are quantum computers [anthony patch quantum entanglement} 3rd strand of DNA. Dna and quantum dots are targeted by frequencies for mind/ body control. Bank of england has the RFID implant chip. AN implatable chip/router MOTB would allow the PROGRAMMABLE quantum dots aka LUCIFERASE to travel to the CHIP making you lucifers race. You are then a zombie cyborg mind controlled slave of the satanic AI beast systm Quantum realm. with no abilty to repent and no free will. LOST. And part of the enemy probably on earth. wondering if the synthetic bio kills, is rejected, or synthesized into certain kinds of ppl. Does it synthesize if you tend toward evil? wondering?

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Hard to "like" that post, but I had to.

It likely synthesizes based on RF / Microwave frequencies that can be targeted.

Don't get too inconvenient.

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As karen kingston called it the demonic quantum realm.

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If you take a close look, Kingston is usually a few months, but at least a week or two, behind me.

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Boy, what a "Ray" of hope this is. There are always unintended circumstances when mankind sets out to defy nature or alter the biosphere or the humansphere. It's the same problem with ALL governments. You have one ruler at the top and when all his mandates, laws, regulations and dictates are finally established and carried out, there is no need for any underlings. But that is the supreme arrogance of these clods who support these "top" geniuses. They blindly are engaging in their own sudden deaths.

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I have been on this topic of the COVID scam and the pseudovaccines in writing since summer of 2020 and wit a podcast posted on December 11, 2020. And let's not enter "Ph.D." into the discussion. There are Ph.D.s that are horses' asses and there are Ph.D.s that are not. I tried to be funny and self-deprecating by abbreviating "by the way" to b.t.w. The problem is recent social-media abbreviations. This is not an attack on you as a person. Other than very standard abbreviations, b.t.w., like "etc.," "i.e.," "e.g.," or "viz.," to name a few, undefined abbreviations are not labor saving when they are introduced at a rate that the reader in bogged down looking up this stuff. Even when it becomes used or know, the brain has to become a glossary of abbreviations doing look up actions. That is tedious and does not make for great writing.

Thank you for your engagement and your patience. This is what it is about. Sorry if I was too cranky-sounding.

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Thanks David. The new lingo can be a bog at times!

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WOW!!!! This is your best Substack that I have read to date Ray. You pretty much covered it all. I hope you are starting to feel better. Blessings

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This is a brief reminder of previous stacks by me. I wrote it over a year ago. There are plenty more that are better. :)

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This all violates Schmitt's Dictum No. 1: Never offer analytic commentary (also known as "griping") without an equal or greater degree of proposed, "what do we do next." Here is my proposal right now: Observe Schmitt's Dictum No.1.

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On this site, all ideas are welcome, but people must make up their own mind. THEY must decide "what to do next."

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Who else even COULD decide?

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You've read about the distribution of the jab, how about 20-25% got SALINE? So, then, there was NEVER ANY

need, was there for 'a vaccine', even if it were possible and worked because there was never any virus.

The saline group went to 'dems', 'atheists', and so on, those 'blue states' and other world areas.

Then, about 35%, estimate(it might have been in the video), had longer term or perhaps 'milder' events.

Then, the remainder were deadly, usually maiming or killing quickly, 'instantly' going to 'red states' and

those like it in other parts of the world, to 'Christians' of all kinds. Not at all sure about other religions.

The article said these deadlies went to outlying areas, so maybe that's the 'off grid' group that thought

they'd escape society.

So, say 1/3 of the population in US received toxins that destroy, probably 'dumb down'.

I have to wonder if this might not contribute to the 'Trump fixation' in the US? It's more

than 'mass formation'.

One of the biggest lies which is world wide accepted is 'the globe', or 'glob', that endlessly spinning at

very high speed, but which pales in comparison to the orbiting speed of 66,600,000 (cute number, huh?),

for which there can be NO instruments to measure. The massive, BURNING sun, 93 million miles?

SCIENCE is measurement, testing, and 500 YEARS ago!!??, there were definitely no instruments for that.

But there's plenty of evidence of a 'flat earth' which is laughed at, dismissed, mocked.

Dr. Dollard's life is beyond amazing. Talk about attacked, pursued. I doubt we could have

survived a small amount. His area of study? The sun. He determined the sun not only

was relatively 'close', about 3,000 miles away, but as he said it is a TRANSFORMER, like a giant

lightbulb, which is, incidentally exactly what it looks like!! How strange!! That it would BE what


Flat earth has some problems, yes, but solves many situations, and for which there is plenty of

proof. I've studied some which I could follow for about 10 years. But some is advanced physics,

like Brian Mullen in 'Balls out physics', who lost his engineering license in several states for

daring to put out ...excellent, fully proven....videos, who had gotten married, had a kid,

had to 'opt out'. Sure miss him. But others did many other things, and our good old earth

did the best!! Earth's FOUR longest rivers have the audacity to start in the SOUTH and,

of all things, run NORTH, defying gravity with new laws that let water then run

UPHILL over the globe to the NORTH. I'm sure they have an explanation, they always do.

But the simple one, is that 'OCCAM'S Razor?', some kind of razor, is that the earth is flat,

perfectly stationary, not moving, and the very center of the 'heavens'. So then we DO indeed

have UP and DOWN. You know you lose up and down in the 'globe theory'.

But given the jab percentage in US, I wonder about their next election. I really feel for

Jack Smith who must be shaking his head with all his absolutely legal proof for

what Trump DID, very openly, hidden in plain site, yet speaking and getting lots

of contrinuing support, no matter what he does or did. He was always a grifter,

but definitely could 'talk the talk' and made sense in so many ways.

How you could have BOTH in one person, was too much for me to process.

I don't give as much power to 'the destroyers', and I really think WAYS can and WILL be

found....by SOME, maybe not available to the masses.

But, we'll all see, all find out. We follow the Lord of the bible, and the prescriptions there.

Many? Most? don't for whatever reasons. I actually believe in FAITH. I didn't 'get' it either

for YEARS even when a believer in 'Yehoshua' (since the name Jesus is ..another LIE, so many lies).

I only GOT this meaning recently and am thrilled now to have it.

We all find out way in some way, however it 'makes sense' to us.

Btw? I was delighted to negotiate with Big Tech to both 'comply' and have them lower

their 5G to 4G for me. They were confused why I wanted it. I expalined that

being elderly, with very weak immune system, I'd read it was not always a good idea.

They were immediately sympathetic and turned off 5G.

Step one.

Then we're trying to get a wee bit going on the land we have, not much, but something.

We even cut off the roots of some things, replant and they often grow, even with

everything going on.

Thanks for letting me reply here, Ray, you've been a big help to us all.

Wishing you and your wife good things.

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We have had our minds hacked as surely as our bodies...even those who are warriors at heart have little rage left, and are at a loss as to how to fight back with what little desire we still possess for self-preservation. Not only have we been poisoned beyond our ability to detox, scrambling to try and stay healthy, we are all trauma-based mind-control victims now..,

Most have no idea how tranzhuman we've all become and how our synth bodies are already taking over. So many of our thoughts are no longer our own. Imperceptible to most. But I feel the shifts, the lack of incentive, beyond weary from the battlefield. and maybe it's just me. My guess is that most would never admit to such things even if they felt it.

musings brought to you by Debbie Downer...ugh.

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read my comment on this substack. im not going to rewrite it cuz i type w 1 finger cluelessly- its hard. anyway see my comment. think i figured out MOTB. yes the languishing is scary. part of it though is ppl realize we dont have the power to stop these evil ones nor to stop prophecy. it gets like you r just complaining self defeated in the face of evil. and its traumatic.

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You know we're in dire straits when wishing that Sol will unleash another X100+ Carrington Event to destroy the world's technology grid is likely the best possible hope for (original, un-modifed) humanity's continued existence.... Light a candle & some frankincense and say a prayer to Amon Ra !

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I find my mind keeps coming to the same conclusion; the big lightswitch being turned off would be an end for many, but I would celebrate it being an end for the assholes behind the curtain, at least wrt their ability to keep the masses complacent and complicit. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Best free human

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19 out of 20 people would perish, but the survivors might still be humans...

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What is "wrt?" Please, people, stop using junk talk. No educated person uses these acronyms in writing, b.t.w.

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with respect to, commonly used, easy to look up. Give a try.

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Yes, you can use Google. I did that for one 3 letter code though and got a bunch of different things. So I asked the writer who used it. She sent me an eye roll emoji. Thankfully someone else clued me in.

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No time for that nonsense.

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Many a Ph.D did not have time to look up what was really in the Covid vax, thanks for proving that once again the educated led us to our demise.

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You are stupid. I participated in the early criticism of the mRNA vaccine.

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I keep thinking maybe it's time for a pole shift...would it be an equalizer?

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Well, a pole shift would likely entail a lot of major physical upheaval to the landscape. Carrington Event would be more likely to just take out the electrical grid without all the extra spiciness of volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes (although dams failing & nuke plant failures may be on the menu). Either way, much of the population would be doomed, but I think those that do manage to survive the initial aftermath would stand a much better chance with the CE scenario.

At the very least, it would give them ~15-20 years to get proficient with surviving in a no-tech lifestyle before Sol's next round of "surprise attack" (solar micronova) lands on our doorstep. That's currently projected to happen in the late 2030's to mid 2040's, and it will involve all the aforementioned massive planetary upheavals.

Either way, I think either a CE or PS event now would be preferable to humanity becoming genetically modified and enslaved transhuman drones before the inevitable CE, PS or MN events happen. We're 100% done for if that order of operations is what happens. Not that it's much better, but the 95-98% done for odds are still better :)

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Science and technology, they being the trap we have set for ourselves, will never help us out of it. Western religion being tied up with the writings in a book is of a piece with science and technology. In my view it spawned both. So religion is of no use either.

However there MUST be a way out.

Anybody any suggestions?

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Suggestions? I'll leave you with a search derived from three of your words used in these comments: religion, maker, heaven. May you be led on the true path. https://presearch.com/search?q=what+is+%22true+religion%22+maker+heaven

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You know what will get us out of here?

Pure, simple, total honesty in ALL our dealings, with each other, ourselves and our maker.

It would sweep the planet out of its orb and straight into heaven.

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Scary stuff, when do we start gathering in Taverns, Barns and Churches, to decide, what for.

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Bring the torches and pitchforks. Warm up the chippers.

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If only we would or could. We have had our minds hacked as surely as our bodies...even those who are warriors at heart have little rage left, and are at a loss as to how to fight back with what little desire we still possess for self-preservation. We are all trauma-based mind-control victims now..,

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We can. Do you see the numbers that show up at Trump rallies? I don't consider myself a mind-controlled victim. If anything I think the rage is growing.

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trump is controlled op following false savior.

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Your opinion only 👎

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Love to hear this, the rage is growing.

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