That was an interesting read Ray, And although self defense is a natural tendency within our genetics, those social engineers who take issue with "certain" people defending themselves re-code them to destroy their individual identities, (as in branding, labeling, conjuring images that are inherently degrading, marginalizing with additional stigma's that prey upon the incredulous weakness of our minds to resist the psychic driving of crowds to re-identify with the unnatural. Those who are delusional enough to believe that "being created in the image of God" makes them gods who have to create a god in their own image vs those who are humble enough to understand that the creature is not the ultimate ruler over creation, but Jesus Christ made all things for his pleasure, and his banner over us is love. Whether people choose to unite under that banner is once again personal and spiritual, but certainly not political in any sense of the word.
The sacrament I learned was called Extreme Unction. I guess it is known as the last rites. That was over 60 years ago and I don't recall ever running across the word "Unction" for any other use. Yes, the Catholic church tracked for for the first 25 years of my life but not the last 50. I hope the pope ain't mad at me.
All the Sacraments were changed following the Second Vatican Council. It’s a scandal that has only caused confusion, and for some, a loss of Faith. God love you and keep you.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
Lots and lots of good research, Ray, and, as usual, very clever and entertaining as well. However, all this would make life hopeless, meaningless, and unlivable (without resorting to a way, or ways, of escape, as you say), were it not for the fact that religion is not the same as the God who is real and is reality. Thanks to Him, we share in His divinity, and at the highest (or lowest) level of ourselves, beneath (or above) our fallen spirit, we are one with Him, and there is real meaning and hope in who we are. It's not heaven we should await, but life right now and forever in Him. The great difficulty is in finding ourselves in (Kierkegaard's) despair and finally letting it all go and looking up. It actually works. (We Are Fallen Angels by Pamela Smith)
NB (typo): "Concents and monasteries..." << Convents :-))
great post, very sobering.
Thanks! :)
That was an interesting read Ray, And although self defense is a natural tendency within our genetics, those social engineers who take issue with "certain" people defending themselves re-code them to destroy their individual identities, (as in branding, labeling, conjuring images that are inherently degrading, marginalizing with additional stigma's that prey upon the incredulous weakness of our minds to resist the psychic driving of crowds to re-identify with the unnatural. Those who are delusional enough to believe that "being created in the image of God" makes them gods who have to create a god in their own image vs those who are humble enough to understand that the creature is not the ultimate ruler over creation, but Jesus Christ made all things for his pleasure, and his banner over us is love. Whether people choose to unite under that banner is once again personal and spiritual, but certainly not political in any sense of the word.
The sacrament I learned was called Extreme Unction. I guess it is known as the last rites. That was over 60 years ago and I don't recall ever running across the word "Unction" for any other use. Yes, the Catholic church tracked for for the first 25 years of my life but not the last 50. I hope the pope ain't mad at me.
All the Sacraments were changed following the Second Vatican Council. It’s a scandal that has only caused confusion, and for some, a loss of Faith. God love you and keep you.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
The Curse of Canaan
Eustace Mullins 1987
Lots and lots of good research, Ray, and, as usual, very clever and entertaining as well. However, all this would make life hopeless, meaningless, and unlivable (without resorting to a way, or ways, of escape, as you say), were it not for the fact that religion is not the same as the God who is real and is reality. Thanks to Him, we share in His divinity, and at the highest (or lowest) level of ourselves, beneath (or above) our fallen spirit, we are one with Him, and there is real meaning and hope in who we are. It's not heaven we should await, but life right now and forever in Him. The great difficulty is in finding ourselves in (Kierkegaard's) despair and finally letting it all go and looking up. It actually works. (We Are Fallen Angels by Pamela Smith)
Wonder if one is able to follow and explain the other un-challenged religious perspective so eloquently
without retribution?
That curiosity alone speaks volumes regarding what may lay ahead!
Many understand the RC perspective is working towards a 'one religion' merger in near future!
Their are only two jurisdictions under law.
People, who do not have to obey "legislation" and "people of the state", who have to follow all their evil rules.
Maybe this is why they are so persecuted?