Nobody expects you to judge. However, it was I, whose time "Mark" wasted with his comments of diminishing value at first, and disruptive and abusive attitude later. It took me up to eight hours a day to answer his "comments" until I realized what was going on
Apparently, you still haven't read my report on that, yet you are ready to oppose my findings. Why is it that you haven't read what I wrote?
If comments don't load on other computers on other days, the trolls/bots might now be hidden by Substack.
If everybody liked me, I would say, there would be something seriously wrong with me, besides what there already might be. :)
Ignoring legitimate-looking posts that, nevertheless, are diversions or trying to discredit everything my readers or I say is a death sentence to the site. I have three options:
1. Try to answer everybody's comment responsibly (which didn't work, because long and irrelevant comments wore me out);
2. Ban the trolls/bots (which I had to, once their intelligent timetable became clear to me);
3. Remove comment by the agent provocateur (haven't tried that, but considering it).
You call yourself THE SOURCE. You vain self aggrandising bastard. I hope Mark in the wilds of Australia learned that you are not worthy of his efforts. I certainly have.
You seem to be suffering from jealousy...... Cliff High came to substack with YEARS AND YEARS of followers in tow. You are nobody Ray. A big fat NOBODY.
Yes, Ray, I, after having read over again- I still do not see anything but a PERSON trying to have a thoughtful and provocative discussion, perhaps a little edgy with a couple of comments, but nothing like how you see -and have now painted him.
And now that these seeds of discord have been planted, we are all the more screwed, because you have become placed in the awkward position of being that sower of discord and fear.
We're all being watched and subverted- Screw Them- it's a given-but now we've got all the liberal clods nodding their heads in agreement "ban him, ban him", and I think this reflects very poorly upon anyone that would quickly endorse banning and censorship.
I will give Mark the fair observation that he remained willing to discuss this- not to rant and rage terribly, as I might have been inclined to do under the same circumstances.
I'm getting my dander up, but have come to like you as a person, with your "Ray-ness", though you are not a king, or a judge, or a god, BUT you do not need my permission to conduct your site in any way you see fit, and so I will hold my peace.
This is unfortunate, and it will not stop now, but will continue on, I predict, as a half-@$$ Nostradamus.
It is not good. Expecting or asking or subtly asking supporters to patrol other people for you is a symptom or red flag of narcissistic abuse and their Flying Monkey enforcers. We are getting far too much of that on social media - observed on Twitter.
Perhaps Substack needs to have a "Wall of Shame" tag feature that writers and readers can visually tag those imposing commenters with and other people can check out. Once these bots/sociopaths infect a thread or subject it does ruin the content being discussed significantly.
Once you tag them, you can choose to ignore them from that point on and no longer respond to them.
Yes, and all that is needed is for you to tip off your local police, and do not concern yourself with being outed as a Nazi informer, because you can narc them out anonymously, with a discreet text.
Do you see, Ray, what is already occurring here?
You are outing all of the brainless , soulless ones that are quick to out the "sociopaths and bots", as these informant types-- licensed psychologists, and AI experts all-undoubtedly are the same ones that that would tattoo the Jews, crippled, gypsies, and dissenters as they're being ushered OUT.*
Art (and ilk), you should try to be a little bit more careful, and put on your hood, so we don't know your identity.
*Hmmm, if that was your intention, Ray, then I would say "Brilliant!", because surely you see where this has landed it?
Incredible, but I've had the same happen to me from comments I posted on a You Tube channel. Some comments I will respond to if I feel they are worthy of my time and energy, the rest I ignore and delete/block if I feel its a CIA bot (which is about 95% of the time). I try to not let people anger me or get too confrontational because then it causes me undo stress while the "person" on the other side gets a win. If someone tries to entice you into an argument, wish them a nice day. I found that usually ends the conversation with the troll. Most of us here are pretty intelligent, I think we can find out who's a real person, and who isn't. Be Blessed, Ray!
The problem is that if I leave the bots/trolls to operate at will, they take over the comment sections and most of my authentic commenters, and eventually, readers, are gone.
Angering me is nearly impossible, but I can realize what's happening, which is what happened this time after spending about 30 hours answering "Mark's" comments. In the long run, I cannot see any other protection for my readers than banning the disruptors. I am fair, and I don't care if that angers someone who doesn't understand. They don't care for me or anyone else here, anyway.
As a cognitive scientist, I can assure you it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between an AI and a real person. In tests, people usually choose the AI, and I encountered fully real-looking deepfakes already three years ago, and they have become outstanding over the phone. :)
Probably is the best recourse, just delete them. I am sure you are aware they will appear under another name. Maybe I am hopeful or stupid, but I feel if someone has the time and energy to be so disruptive, better use of time would be in becoming good and helpful to others. Yes, that is not the MO of today's society. All we can do is be kind, giving, and helpful to others and hope it has a major impact. I enjoy reading your articles and the comments from others. There is always something useful to learn. In addition, its given me Faith that God has blessed this Earth with some extremely Good People!
No, you are not stupid. Neither is "Mark"; (s)he changed his tune eventually and now (s)he is gone. Now I am prepared for this type of bot/troll and I won't allow it to intervene for days again. And yes, the bots/trolls are now becoming a universal nuisance and they are goood!
How did J say it? "I'm not good. Only God is good."
Other than that, one can only do what is fair and possible. My luck is that I am blessed with a wonderful wife, who is supporting me at every step.
Thank you for your appreciation. There has been a good community of truth-seekers forming here in the last several months, and this is a major disruption. I am also learning a lot from fellow readers.
I like noticing and encouraging people who choose good over evil. :)
Well, my newfound brother, I think that your willingness to stand free, and to be forthright has won you the reward of such as that will bring, and I hope that you read this, but I don't blame you for shaking the dust from your feet, and bidding these frightened sheep such peace as they are afforded.
Many of you are, sadly, too watered down to sense when the dark hand is about your throats, but will hang the very messenger sent to warn you from within your smug delusions, and you too will receive the just compensation for such wickedness that arises from allowing some other to do your thinking and living for you.
Remember that a wolf in sheep's clothing is not going to slap you awake before the slaughter ensues, but is going to encourage your sleepy docility.
Do not be misguided fools, but do your own due diligence. Or perish.
Alas, the division sets in, and the true colors are bleeding through...
Mark, not "Mark", gets the benefit of being labeled as a bot for his long-windedness, and for being a confrontational sort, eh?
I feel as if I myself am no longer wanted here, for I am a similar soul, and will stand with the "bot".
I will return to the lonely place that is to be always at odds with the accepted "norms" of this faulty and failing system, and it's willing participants.
I have enjoyed many of the interactions here, but do not agree with a lot of what I now witness pouring from the minds and mouths of the likes of some of you (I'll not be naming names).
Farewell on your worthy journeys through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, which most would seem to be confused as to it's location - the battlefield of the invisible soul.
Love Conquers The Dark Will of Hate, and that is all.
You are the second Substacker to write about this problem. Steve Kirsch just posted about shutting off his comments to deal with a spam bot that was posting a comment on his articles every few minutes.
Kirsch contacted Substack’s CEO and is hoping to resolve the issue soon.
Your site is also good! According to a friend of mine, bot/troll attacks are a sign of success. Sadly, I seem to have a number of them; the first one was only soliciting, but this last one is the "smart" one that befriends you before it abuses you, your site, and destroys your comment sections.
I think that there is a combination of bots and paid human agents. When a topic is popular enough, the trolling company may actually have a live agent manage the trolling on a particular thread.
In "Mark," I did notice a fluctuation of linguistic competence and frequent changes in aspects and attitudes. At least three live agents was needed for that, plus a bot, just in case, but a good AI can probably do that, which doesn't make sense, if the variations are published under the same "commenter."
Funny; I may have been a testing ground for this latest AI, because they know AI-human communication has been my field. :)
Another SubStack I am subscribed to, (Steve Kirsch) got the comments hacked by a bot that just kept showing up under different email addresses. He contacted the platform and then had to figure out a convoluted way to allow comments.
I think, first, real people must protect the site and if that doesn't work, the author must ban the bot/troll. Of course, the same thing will start up again in no time.
The latest "smart" trolls are difficult to handle, unless I want to appear to be heartless, rude, or whatever else.
I am trying to find out how we can help you but I don't quite see my way. In that last conversation you linked he is obviously teasing. I had not read it before.
If you would answer (others like) him in a few words ("I do not appreciate this kind of comment") we, your readers, would know to stay away from them. When the fish don't rise the lonely angler goes home. Don't they? For sure it is a waste of your time.
Before I subscribed to your Newsletter I didn't even know you try to answer us all. I enjoy the interaction but knowing the preciousness of time I would not be offended if you didn't. So if I may make a cautious suggestion, please do AS YOU PLEASE. Spend as much or as little time on comments as suits your day. I would not be the less grateful for the valuable items you send out. It seems a heavy workload enough. Please understand I do not mean to meddle.
Trying to make me verbally abusive or aggressive is something I've encountered before.
If readers simply respond to such commenters in an alarm mode, I'll get the message (I am notified every time a new comment comes in).
Actually, trolls/bots like this become encouraged, when left alone and become bolder and bolder, which happened despite my trying to harness the situation. Ignoring them is definitely an option, though, because they reveal themselves for what they are.
The problem is that bot/troll stupidity can wreck a site, because if left alone, they take over the comment section, which loses its value for real readers.
It looks like I'll have to start banning commenters soon. According to a friend, it is a sign of success that I am under attack. :)
Thousands of visitors a day definitely suggest that. I wish more people could support the site financially, because I still have to make money, too. :) On the other hand, I fully understand that most people don't have the resources or cannot expose their financial links, lest they should fall victim to a frozen bank account, as supporters of the Canadian truckers experienced. I am happy, when people feel at home in my comment sections and are free to conduct respectful and productive conversation with each other, which has been the case until now. The most precious assets of this site is not me; it is the readers, especially those, who participate in the discussions.
I have felt that I was free to speak my mind u til the most recent situate with the two who challenged my perspective so radically. It made me hesitant to comment further, but then I did some checking. Ever hear of Five Eyes? I decided that they will not deter me in speaking of what I have researched and know from personal experience. My old WordPress blog was hacked by the Chinese in 2008 for talking about organ harvesting and the genocide of Tibetan Buddhists. I'm going to choose who to respond to here to keep the mark from further interruptions. I will follow your lead as well.
You know, I really think in my guts that you are a bot, of sorts, and just love spreading whatever it is that you spread, or viewing whatever it is that you view.
I have not liked your brand of business dealings since I laid eyes on you.
So, Mizz Lynn- if you are a woman (very hard to tell by the way that you write, and we are all anonymous for the most part, here online, right?), we are to find ourselves back at your removing me from "bestie" status, I guess, because you stink like a drowned rat, and I don't like the smell.
Your gut needs a little detox program. For the record, I smell like several distinctive Essential Oils which are a grouping which supports immune function for those who are aware of the shedding phenomena. You would detect Valor, Fennel, Pine, and a blend of Cinnamon/Clove/Lemon/Rosemary/Eucalyptus. Needless to say, I am not a bot.
Please, Marcus, reconsider the timetable he followed. If you end up following the same, you will certainly be suspected, but I don't think that will happen.
Your soliloquies in the comments are now becoming disruptive, which is stage five in "Mark's" eight-step timetable, except it took him only a couple of days to get there...
"Mark" is now banned "forever" for the following comment:
Please, pay close attention to the link in the next pinned comment.
tis happening everywhere:
Useful source. I am pinning it. Of course, these bots are supposed to take over live people's roles, and it's happening.
Rife with the spread of fear and suspicion, while also causing the 'real and true' of our beings to be further divided than most already are...
Divide and conquer. Fear Everyone and Everything, unto a rabbit's death.
Nope, it's not fear or suspicion; it's a direct deduction from "his" actions. Please, re-read his "timetable."
Ray, given that many seem to "live and breathe" on the interwebs these days, I am not following you.
How many hours are spent by those with the leisure to do so on here typing away their frustrations?
I, myself, find that I spend much more time here than my better parts would cautiously warn me of as being slothful.
I refrain from the judgement of "Mark".
Nobody expects you to judge. However, it was I, whose time "Mark" wasted with his comments of diminishing value at first, and disruptive and abusive attitude later. It took me up to eight hours a day to answer his "comments" until I realized what was going on
Apparently, you still haven't read my report on that, yet you are ready to oppose my findings. Why is it that you haven't read what I wrote?
I am sorry, Ray, I do not gather the same meaning from this as you are.
I will now withdraw to see how this madness unfolds, as I do feel to respect your space here.
I just don't think that he was a bot-ly saboteur, my 2¢, and have stated my position.
And you backed the wrong entity, only because you thought he was like you. He wasn't.
Thanks Marcus;
If we were in the same part of the world i would gladly give you my trust and take on the enemy knowing you had my back
And I am only looking at the outcome. "You can recognize a tree from its fruits."
Huh? Says 93 comments, then 'error loading comments'?
Wanted to hear others. Pretty hard to fix. So much can be abused.
Question? Could you tell me what happens if you ignore
comments with various problems?
Mostly, people back off to attack again. Sorry, hope I'm too negative,
I like your posts. Keeping a good life seems #1.
Thank you for your appreciation.
If comments don't load on other computers on other days, the trolls/bots might now be hidden by Substack.
If everybody liked me, I would say, there would be something seriously wrong with me, besides what there already might be. :)
Ignoring legitimate-looking posts that, nevertheless, are diversions or trying to discredit everything my readers or I say is a death sentence to the site. I have three options:
1. Try to answer everybody's comment responsibly (which didn't work, because long and irrelevant comments wore me out);
2. Ban the trolls/bots (which I had to, once their intelligent timetable became clear to me);
3. Remove comment by the agent provocateur (haven't tried that, but considering it).
I have banned YOU for life for your astounding bitchiness and hypocrisy. You say in this post that you do not pick fights...... hmm.
You certainly went ahead and picked one with me, didn't you leech?
You call yourself THE SOURCE. You vain self aggrandising bastard. I hope Mark in the wilds of Australia learned that you are not worthy of his efforts. I certainly have.
"Mark" might be an AI chatbot. They're in the comments. If someone's a big pain in the ass, ask them to solve a CAPTCHA. Here's an example:
Cliff is still strange. It took me two months to reach 100 subscribers, and his announcement already received 51 "Likes" before he even started.
He seems to be serving the following psy-ops:
You seem to be suffering from jealousy...... Cliff High came to substack with YEARS AND YEARS of followers in tow. You are nobody Ray. A big fat NOBODY.
Thanks! "He" is definitely either a bot/troll or a moron. :)
A. Ignoring comments is okay.
B. Banning people for disagreeing with you is not really.
Your post was about his comments and he disagreed with you. This is not looking good for you Ray. Sorry.
Yes, Ray, I, after having read over again- I still do not see anything but a PERSON trying to have a thoughtful and provocative discussion, perhaps a little edgy with a couple of comments, but nothing like how you see -and have now painted him.
And now that these seeds of discord have been planted, we are all the more screwed, because you have become placed in the awkward position of being that sower of discord and fear.
We're all being watched and subverted- Screw Them- it's a given-but now we've got all the liberal clods nodding their heads in agreement "ban him, ban him", and I think this reflects very poorly upon anyone that would quickly endorse banning and censorship.
I will give Mark the fair observation that he remained willing to discuss this- not to rant and rage terribly, as I might have been inclined to do under the same circumstances.
I'm getting my dander up, but have come to like you as a person, with your "Ray-ness", though you are not a king, or a judge, or a god, BUT you do not need my permission to conduct your site in any way you see fit, and so I will hold my peace.
This is unfortunate, and it will not stop now, but will continue on, I predict, as a half-@$$ Nostradamus.
I am finished with discussing the topic.
She has banned me for 100 years! I haven't banned her! :)
It is not good. Expecting or asking or subtly asking supporters to patrol other people for you is a symptom or red flag of narcissistic abuse and their Flying Monkey enforcers. We are getting far too much of that on social media - observed on Twitter.
Perhaps Substack needs to have a "Wall of Shame" tag feature that writers and readers can visually tag those imposing commenters with and other people can check out. Once these bots/sociopaths infect a thread or subject it does ruin the content being discussed significantly.
Once you tag them, you can choose to ignore them from that point on and no longer respond to them.
Yes, and all that is needed is for you to tip off your local police, and do not concern yourself with being outed as a Nazi informer, because you can narc them out anonymously, with a discreet text.
Do you see, Ray, what is already occurring here?
You are outing all of the brainless , soulless ones that are quick to out the "sociopaths and bots", as these informant types-- licensed psychologists, and AI experts all-undoubtedly are the same ones that that would tattoo the Jews, crippled, gypsies, and dissenters as they're being ushered OUT.*
Art (and ilk), you should try to be a little bit more careful, and put on your hood, so we don't know your identity.
*Hmmm, if that was your intention, Ray, then I would say "Brilliant!", because surely you see where this has landed it?
Well observed. Ray is now the 'source' of fascism.
Please, keep going. You are exposing yourself for what you are. :)
Incredible, but I've had the same happen to me from comments I posted on a You Tube channel. Some comments I will respond to if I feel they are worthy of my time and energy, the rest I ignore and delete/block if I feel its a CIA bot (which is about 95% of the time). I try to not let people anger me or get too confrontational because then it causes me undo stress while the "person" on the other side gets a win. If someone tries to entice you into an argument, wish them a nice day. I found that usually ends the conversation with the troll. Most of us here are pretty intelligent, I think we can find out who's a real person, and who isn't. Be Blessed, Ray!
The problem is that if I leave the bots/trolls to operate at will, they take over the comment sections and most of my authentic commenters, and eventually, readers, are gone.
Angering me is nearly impossible, but I can realize what's happening, which is what happened this time after spending about 30 hours answering "Mark's" comments. In the long run, I cannot see any other protection for my readers than banning the disruptors. I am fair, and I don't care if that angers someone who doesn't understand. They don't care for me or anyone else here, anyway.
As a cognitive scientist, I can assure you it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between an AI and a real person. In tests, people usually choose the AI, and I encountered fully real-looking deepfakes already three years ago, and they have become outstanding over the phone. :)
Probably is the best recourse, just delete them. I am sure you are aware they will appear under another name. Maybe I am hopeful or stupid, but I feel if someone has the time and energy to be so disruptive, better use of time would be in becoming good and helpful to others. Yes, that is not the MO of today's society. All we can do is be kind, giving, and helpful to others and hope it has a major impact. I enjoy reading your articles and the comments from others. There is always something useful to learn. In addition, its given me Faith that God has blessed this Earth with some extremely Good People!
Yes "Just Delete Them".
Are you employed by Klaus Schwab, because the WEF can use those like you that are so eager to delete the obvious "useless"?
You may even be allowed to live, yourself- if you are willing to eat zee bugs.
No, you are not stupid. Neither is "Mark"; (s)he changed his tune eventually and now (s)he is gone. Now I am prepared for this type of bot/troll and I won't allow it to intervene for days again. And yes, the bots/trolls are now becoming a universal nuisance and they are goood!
How did J say it? "I'm not good. Only God is good."
Other than that, one can only do what is fair and possible. My luck is that I am blessed with a wonderful wife, who is supporting me at every step.
Thank you for your appreciation. There has been a good community of truth-seekers forming here in the last several months, and this is a major disruption. I am also learning a lot from fellow readers.
I like noticing and encouraging people who choose good over evil. :)
Well, my newfound brother, I think that your willingness to stand free, and to be forthright has won you the reward of such as that will bring, and I hope that you read this, but I don't blame you for shaking the dust from your feet, and bidding these frightened sheep such peace as they are afforded.
Many of you are, sadly, too watered down to sense when the dark hand is about your throats, but will hang the very messenger sent to warn you from within your smug delusions, and you too will receive the just compensation for such wickedness that arises from allowing some other to do your thinking and living for you.
Remember that a wolf in sheep's clothing is not going to slap you awake before the slaughter ensues, but is going to encourage your sleepy docility.
Do not be misguided fools, but do your own due diligence. Or perish.
The link I pinned to the top also provides insights. I usually figure things out on my own.
Please, refrain from a prohetic tone, unless you have some form of evidence. I have presented mine.
Alas, the division sets in, and the true colors are bleeding through...
Mark, not "Mark", gets the benefit of being labeled as a bot for his long-windedness, and for being a confrontational sort, eh?
I feel as if I myself am no longer wanted here, for I am a similar soul, and will stand with the "bot".
I will return to the lonely place that is to be always at odds with the accepted "norms" of this faulty and failing system, and it's willing participants.
I have enjoyed many of the interactions here, but do not agree with a lot of what I now witness pouring from the minds and mouths of the likes of some of you (I'll not be naming names).
Farewell on your worthy journeys through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, which most would seem to be confused as to it's location - the battlefield of the invisible soul.
Love Conquers The Dark Will of Hate, and that is all.
Please, carefully read the timetable "he"was following.
You are the second Substacker to write about this problem. Steve Kirsch just posted about shutting off his comments to deal with a spam bot that was posting a comment on his articles every few minutes.
Kirsch contacted Substack’s CEO and is hoping to resolve the issue soon.
Your site is also good! According to a friend of mine, bot/troll attacks are a sign of success. Sadly, I seem to have a number of them; the first one was only soliciting, but this last one is the "smart" one that befriends you before it abuses you, your site, and destroys your comment sections.
At least, by now, it's clear for me how it works.
I hope, Steve will do something about that, too!
I think that there is a combination of bots and paid human agents. When a topic is popular enough, the trolling company may actually have a live agent manage the trolling on a particular thread.
edit: I think you are labeling this "smart troll"
In "Mark," I did notice a fluctuation of linguistic competence and frequent changes in aspects and attitudes. At least three live agents was needed for that, plus a bot, just in case, but a good AI can probably do that, which doesn't make sense, if the variations are published under the same "commenter."
Funny; I may have been a testing ground for this latest AI, because they know AI-human communication has been my field. :)
Another SubStack I am subscribed to, (Steve Kirsch) got the comments hacked by a bot that just kept showing up under different email addresses. He contacted the platform and then had to figure out a convoluted way to allow comments.
Really? You mean Substack operates upon their own bots?
Bots are EVERYWHERE, and no need to panic, just educate yourself, or just say screw it, and be yourself, nice, observant, thoughtful, and FEARLESS.
I think, first, real people must protect the site and if that doesn't work, the author must ban the bot/troll. Of course, the same thing will start up again in no time.
The latest "smart" trolls are difficult to handle, unless I want to appear to be heartless, rude, or whatever else.
I am trying to find out how we can help you but I don't quite see my way. In that last conversation you linked he is obviously teasing. I had not read it before.
If you would answer (others like) him in a few words ("I do not appreciate this kind of comment") we, your readers, would know to stay away from them. When the fish don't rise the lonely angler goes home. Don't they? For sure it is a waste of your time.
Before I subscribed to your Newsletter I didn't even know you try to answer us all. I enjoy the interaction but knowing the preciousness of time I would not be offended if you didn't. So if I may make a cautious suggestion, please do AS YOU PLEASE. Spend as much or as little time on comments as suits your day. I would not be the less grateful for the valuable items you send out. It seems a heavy workload enough. Please understand I do not mean to meddle.
Thank you for your kind and supportive response.
Trying to make me verbally abusive or aggressive is something I've encountered before.
If readers simply respond to such commenters in an alarm mode, I'll get the message (I am notified every time a new comment comes in).
Actually, trolls/bots like this become encouraged, when left alone and become bolder and bolder, which happened despite my trying to harness the situation. Ignoring them is definitely an option, though, because they reveal themselves for what they are.
The problem is that bot/troll stupidity can wreck a site, because if left alone, they take over the comment section, which loses its value for real readers.
It looks like I'll have to start banning commenters soon. According to a friend, it is a sign of success that I am under attack. :)
Thousands of visitors a day definitely suggest that. I wish more people could support the site financially, because I still have to make money, too. :) On the other hand, I fully understand that most people don't have the resources or cannot expose their financial links, lest they should fall victim to a frozen bank account, as supporters of the Canadian truckers experienced. I am happy, when people feel at home in my comment sections and are free to conduct respectful and productive conversation with each other, which has been the case until now. The most precious assets of this site is not me; it is the readers, especially those, who participate in the discussions.
I have felt that I was free to speak my mind u til the most recent situate with the two who challenged my perspective so radically. It made me hesitant to comment further, but then I did some checking. Ever hear of Five Eyes? I decided that they will not deter me in speaking of what I have researched and know from personal experience. My old WordPress blog was hacked by the Chinese in 2008 for talking about organ harvesting and the genocide of Tibetan Buddhists. I'm going to choose who to respond to here to keep the mark from further interruptions. I will follow your lead as well.
Wow! Take a week or so away, and come back to this? I miss the insightful comments, an now its like a bad open mic night.
You know, I really think in my guts that you are a bot, of sorts, and just love spreading whatever it is that you spread, or viewing whatever it is that you view.
I have not liked your brand of business dealings since I laid eyes on you.
So, Mizz Lynn- if you are a woman (very hard to tell by the way that you write, and we are all anonymous for the most part, here online, right?), we are to find ourselves back at your removing me from "bestie" status, I guess, because you stink like a drowned rat, and I don't like the smell.
Please, address the actual problems you are discussing with Lynn...
Your gut needs a little detox program. For the record, I smell like several distinctive Essential Oils which are a grouping which supports immune function for those who are aware of the shedding phenomena. You would detect Valor, Fennel, Pine, and a blend of Cinnamon/Clove/Lemon/Rosemary/Eucalyptus. Needless to say, I am not a bot.
It's more complicated than I thought. But from now on I'll respond more carefully to (unknown) visitors.
Mark needs his own sub stack. Bid him adieu.
I will, but I'll still let "him" expose "himself" a few more times to the benefit of all. :)
I think Mark is a troll bot
Yes, quickly point your finger!
I think that you are not a traditional bot, but are confined to robot thinking, to so quickly voice such...
Catholic ? Psychologist ?
I may out you as suspected of being a troll yourself for any whim of my choosing, right Laura?
Thanks for your bland docility, as you may feel smug within such mightiness as that may afford you.
Please, Marcus, reconsider the timetable he followed. If you end up following the same, you will certainly be suspected, but I don't think that will happen.
Ray, I do not follow a timetable, per se, but am a wild and crazy guy that does things in his own unique way!
But in this bland, homogenized world of 3letter agencies that aim to divide and conquer we the people, I guess I am the only friend that I've got.
Your soliloquies in the comments are now becoming disruptive, which is stage five in "Mark's" eight-step timetable, except it took him only a couple of days to get there...
Looks like it, but I'm not banning "him" yet, because I am still eager to learn more about "his" tactics." :)
Ray is doing the right thing by opening dialog and allowing for reflection and remediation but no 3rd chances. Substack is not the same as Reddit.
For "Mark," there will be no third chance. On the other hand, I am now familiar with this type of attack.