Trench warfare, to the best of my knowledge, is an invention of Maori maybe during the New Zealand wars in the 19th C.

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From the military point of view, in WW1, it was the fully automatic machine gun and the tank (no matter how primitive it was) that necessitated it, and it elicited the deployment of mustard gas against the trenches at Ypres in 1917. I have no clue about the Maori.

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Does anyone have any information regarding the white "standard" white masks worn by dentists and other medical personnel?

I've noticed that my dentist always suffers from a persistent dry cough whenever he treats me.

Now since I don't wear perfume or deodorant, the source of his cough can't be me ( I hope...).

When I asked his wife about the cough, she had no idea what I was talking about. So the culprit must be the mask. Any thoughts?

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Yes, enough radiation to affect the mind. And perhaps the light and heavy metal content of chemtrails amplifies these waves when they reach the brain? In addition, they are naturally poisonous and harmful. I think they kill more birds with one stone... They don't just affect the weather, they don't just affect the disease. The question is, what is their primary goal?

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Hi, Ray.

There are some dissident people claiming that the depopulation agenda is a hoax, that the Covid jab doesn't have nothing to do with it. One of them recently engaged me in a discussion about it, basically atguing that the statistics doesn't point to any depopulation. That if Rashid Buttar talked about the depopulation agenda, that must be enough for me to not believe it.

I argued that the depopulstion was boosted with the Covid jab, but that OF COURSE it will not be evident in the short term, and that even the devil can and have to tell some truths in order to lie better.

No way: He insists that I was just "speculating" with no "evidence" and banned me from his chat.

I'm getting tired of this Dissident Babylon.

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"Population reduction was described in the Rockefeller-sponsored Club of Rome document, The Limits to Growth, and codified in the Kissinger Report or National Security Study Memorandum 200 in 1974."

This I have copied from Money Circus's latest post.

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You and the Bregins are spot on today.

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Watt is great, when it comes to legal problems, but there is no legal solution, so I stopped reading her a good while ago.

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Hi, Ray.

As I wrote here earlier, there are some dissidents that were presented to me as "brilliant" claiming that the depopulation agenda is a hoax (as well as 5G lethal effects in human beings, as I mention in another comment days ago), that the Covid jab doesn't have nothing to do with it (moreover, according to them, there isn't any silent mass culling being perpetrated "thanks" to the jab right now) and that there is no nano technology in it, but "maybe" there is some graphene oxide (of course, Noack himself as his graphene hidroxide explanation were as fraudulent as Buttar and he faked his own death too, and La Quinta Columna's research is a bunch of crap).

In abstract, they claim that all these statements or theories are just "fearmongering". That if the former soldier Rashid Buttar or any other recognized gatekeeper supports or supported one or more of those theories, than that must be enough to reject them.


I'm getting tired of this Dissident Babylon.

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What are they dissident about?

Poor labelling unless it is to attract dissidents and then harass them.

Don't go there Carmen.

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I have to re-view this, to ponder. "'David Icke was right about "Covid", the jab, the Cloud, and manipulation by a non-human force' - by the team that identified graphene in the fake vaccine " https://banned.video/watch?id=65a6c2f2a2bca6fd622615e7&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email . I read that Dr Roger Lier, who worked with people who said they had been abducted, found the same nano tech things in their blood. https://en.paranormaldaybook.com/11773891-dr-roger-lear-and-his-study-of-cases-of-introduction-of-alien-implants-into-humans And thank you, Ray Horvath.

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Bingo! I made a comment the other day saying the longer they deflect the more we forget. Humanities ability to "forget" trauma is incredible.

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My next article is likely to be on "trauma"; it's been in the works for at least a week. :)

I'm also sensing an unhealthy amount of Stockholm syndrome at work in people's reactions...

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I'm pretty sure they are counting on it.

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The muzzles have been fully upgraded, all 3M brand thicker diaper masks with the duck bill look. When they look up, which is rare, their eyes look crazy. They are not sheep, they are not ducks, they are pathetic fearful ignorant genetically modified humans now infected with multiple disease potentials.

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