This War of Attrition Is Based on Diversions
Diversions are occupying and exhausting the mind
Did you notice that the muzzling is coming back into fashion? Who wudda thunk?
Don’t worry; it’s only a diversion.
While the NWO is marching towards depopulation and total control over every single living organism, their political and journalist lackeys are making people busy by threatening them, for instance, with loss of rights without which life would not be worth living1.
Attacking the Freedom of Speech is one of those rights, and the attack is not new, but mandating uniformity resembles the most murderous regimes in history.
Originally, disinformation was guaranteed by gaslighting people with useless and contradictory information, often from pseudo-alt sources. The latest attack, “fighting disinformation,” means that only one “opinion” is tolerated in speech and writing.
The very idea of the Freedom of Speech has not even always existed, and was rarely applied in civilian life. It has received the most global attention only in recent decades, when often violated in countries that otherwise proudly declared their support for it. For example, ever since the legal scope of “hate speech” has been extended from inciting others to commit violence to expressing opinions that disagree with the official narrative or, shall I say, the globalist rulers’ requirements? These days, “medical disinfo” is taking the lead, which is all the more ironic, because allopathic “Medicine” is based on a fraud itself2. Resistence in this case is easier than one might think, and as long as people don’t get isolated, they might still stand a chance:
Anyway, it’s only another diversion.
As soon as the WHO is allowed to exercise control over billions of people, it can theoretically mandate muzzling, “testing,” and imprisoning its captive subjects in countries who usurping and globalist-assigned politicians sign the “agreement” to authorize it to do so, and commoners might be injected with various technocratic cocktails even at roadstops. Oh, well, the WHO was not even needed for the lockdowns and the muzzle mandates. Why would it be needed later? It’s fully dispensable, but what’s coming is not:
As the next stage in the globalist-written script, “freedom fighters” will “stop” mandatory “vaccinations,” and people will think they have “won.” The rulers might even throw a few nondescript thugs under the bus in order to please the mob and to keep up the appearance of law and order.
Yet all those diversions make no difference. To appease the public, several “concessions” will be made, “rights” will be restored and perhaps even new ones granted. By then, the exhausted survivors will have been decimated and under full control, not at last because they failed to notice crucial problems led to their total enslavement. The globalist success will be based on nobody noticing it relies only on two factors: nanotechnology and microwave radiation. That is the main line of attack.
When the whole world is about to be turned into a detention camp and a killing field, I understand that it’s pretentious of me to call it a “war.” Still, the fight does exists, although it’s mostly within, and I’ll consider it victory, if I can depart from this world as a human being.
Here is where I draw the line:
Germ Theory can be now fully acknowledged as a fraud, but it is still the fundamental premise in modern “Medicine.”
The muzzles have been fully upgraded, all 3M brand thicker diaper masks with the duck bill look. When they look up, which is rare, their eyes look crazy. They are not sheep, they are not ducks, they are pathetic fearful ignorant genetically modified humans now infected with multiple disease potentials.
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