Caprice, I just saute the liver in butter in a pan. Sometimes I saute onions in butter before adding the liver. Simple. Salt and pepper to taste.

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I'll say it for the first time here. Copper is essential for making RBCs in the bone marrow. It's missing in our diet, because it's being chelated out of the soil and out of our food plants and our food animals by... GLYPHOSATE! It must be supplemented to get the daily RDA, which is only 0.9mg per day. I'm here to tell you, along with Jason Hommel who wrote the Copper Revolution and Morley Robbins who wrote Cure Your Fatigue, that copper is not toxic and we need far more than 1mg per day to rectify the damage done by its absence. I'm currently consuming 20mg per day and that's adequate to meet my needs right now. OBTW, copper is absolutely required to make ADP in the Krebs Cycle in order to make Mg-ATP cellular energy currency. Without ATP, our cells die and we are diseased. Can't make ADP without RBCs transporting oxygen to the mitochondria. There you have it. Simple as that. Learn more about the importance of copper at rcp123.com and https://revealingfraud.com/ Number one source of dietary copper is grass fed beef liver. It that's not appealing, supplement copper. Namaste.

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Do you have any recipes for using beef liver?

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Most recipes are lightly sauted in butter or a casserole in oven with bacon, onion and beef stock. Dust any liver in seasoned flour first, to protect from drying out when frying and to thicken stock when in casserole - mashed(whipped) potatoes goes well with casserole. I only eat lamb's liver fried. Beef is stronger taste so with onions and bacon in casserole, gives extra flavours. Very cheap meal and very nutritious.

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Cross-posted to Notes:

In this post, Ray brings up a common question I’ve head often over the past couple years: ‘Is there any evidence Viruses really exist or has it all been a fraud from the very start by Rockefeller’s controls over health and education going back more than a century?’ Well, the DoD developing benign common cold viruses taken from nature to be modified and used as weapons seem to think so, as well as those who’ve supposedly died from them.

My fist concerns are not so much the naturally-occurring pathogens, but those taken from nature that were no threat in the first place to be modified into an unnatural threat (imaginary or real), as well as the very real “quantum dot self-arranging nanotechnologies” found in vaccines, medications, food and the blood of people and animals nobody in government or mainstream media ever talks about—which makes it impossible to ever “get to the bottom of “what’s real” or “total bullshit.”

Ray makes another good point about ‘whether or not treating the blood also treats what’s systematically found in all organs such as bones or bone marrow, and how worthless and expensive it is to keep treating a problem that never can be resolved.’ No kidding, especially if both the media and our governments are behind it for both profit and more control over terrified sheeple.

But what about the underlying “real threats?” What the Hell are we going to do with the corrupt, bloody lawyers who’ve trapped all of us to these problems by-way-of their own policies created to keep the entire world threatened and terrified, and then use these threats, fears and wars against viruses and people to cower behind for protection while “We the People” fight over what’s real or unreal and who’s to blame…all by these same crooked lawyers working for the disease, terror and war profiteers trapping the entire world to death.

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There is no such thing as "the cold virus." The globalists' nanotech research is light-years ahead of the DoD. They are in the implementation and deployment phase. The govt is only a humble servant to its masters.

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I was referring to the Coronavirus first claimed to be isolated for development by the DoD & CIA in the 1960’s…University North Carolina 1990’s, which was referenced as a “common cold virus” at that time. Real or not, I’ve been anti-vaccines since active duty late 1980’s, then by the 1990’s medically discharged for reasons only the Army chem-biological war department can answer.

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You are right. The main problem is not the "science," but the global enslavement it is used for:


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I'm working towards having enough of Us just quit consenting to being ruled by the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground (MUCH higher than legal ground, which is in the sewer, thwarting Ethics far more than serving them), deal with the system under duress ONLY, be prepared to protect Self and Others from bullies (whether in costumes or not), and work to co-create vastly better.

Society of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/society-of-ethical-sovereigns-soes

I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent

And take back Our wealth They (the psychopaths in control) have been stealing from Us since birth and putting in "trusts" with Them as "trustees." Did You know that You - yes, **YOU** personally - are a multimillionaire?

Trusts (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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The people are never asked.

How exactly do you think the people's wealth can be "taken back from them"?

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It's EFFECTIVELY returned to Us - add free energy tech, share awareness of the blueprint, and in 10 years, the cost of things will have dropped to zero, We will have build robots for necessary work no One WANTS to do, and All be freed to live as richly as We choose within the three Laws of Ethics.

So it's not so much taking from Them (except in terms of power) as it is allowing Us to access a life where We can follow Our bliss, fulfill Our potential, make Our dreams come true.

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Oh my, robots again ... What about the sweat dripping from one's forehead? Why not just no robots? What's wrong with doing work noone wants to do? Where is the limit? I like driving my car, but I would not have a problem living like the Amish...

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Would You do work You didn't want to do when You can live as richly as You choose, fulfilling You potential, following Your bliss, making Your dreams come true?

Nothing is "wrong" with doing work You don't want to do - knock Yourself out. And if You want to live in a cave as a hermit, go for it. If You want to live like the Amish, have at it. If You want to live in a castle (why anyOne would when it's not even a status symbol is beyond Me) enjoy! Want a yert in Mongolia? It's Yours. Want a 3 brm house in the woods? You can have it...

Point is, not to enslave People.

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

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Yeah, I do hate the bloody bullies. But it really does all come down to first going after and institutionalizing the lawyers who work for them—the money junky war & disease profiteers—who are also horrific bullies. I don’t hate all lawyers, by the way, such as professor Boyle who’s been standing up against Israeli bullies for decades.

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Humbly, as long as We're playing in Their game (legal/governmental system), We loose. Withdraw consent. They have ZERO jurisdiction over Ones who do not consent to the system.

I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent

Under Duress Only (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/under-duress-only

You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-have-a-choice-will-you-choose

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Al Capone tried to run a parallel system, but they got him on income taxes. :)

That doesn't mean I acknowledge their legitimacy.

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Agree. I’m so way ahead of you already. I’ve been “conscientiously objecting” for a few decades now.

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[smile] There's a difference between conscientiously objecting, and outright withdrawing of consent - My articles go into more depth. And I think I started My path to withdrawing consent in... 1997, I think it was, that I knew something was not adding up... Haha!

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Trust me, I get it and have been “withdrawing consent,” and paying dearly for it while on Active Duty late 1980’s through early 1990’s.

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The globalists own the courts. Who and how could "go after them"?

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I contemplate the possibilities daily, Ray.

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And how can one identify anyone above the enabler/enforcer level? Where are they?

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The way I figure, we can never go wrong by blaming 99% of all lawyers of media and the disease & war profiteers, the government (Republican and Democrats), starting with those “working” the monies attached to those two party structures. We can go about this all day, hypothesizing, or complaining, or killing each-other, again, but that’s retarded to an extreme, again.

I think I may run for Missouri Governor or Senate, and if by some bloody chance I win, begin by imprisoning whoever I replace on charges of Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.

For me, this problem is like that autistic kid in the movie The Accountant with Ben Aflac (is that how he spells it?), where he can’t find that last piece to the puzzle and starts flailing. Well, I’ve found all the pieces, and I’m too tired to keep flailing, so something’s got to give and I NEVER quit, and “they” know it. So I gues we’ll see.

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as with all pyramidal structures they're in the shadows. that famous motto shouldn't have been 'go West, young man, go West', but 'go up, young man, go up', untill reaching the top layers and exposing their network (I know, a girl can dream, no...?).

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Ray, I 100% agree we need further diagnostics besides blood tests for many of the same reasons you address. Eventually this activism will have to get off the net, and people will have to be shown this stuff in real life. It's one thing to see a picture on the internet (which can be faked), but it's much harder for someone to argue with you when you've drawn their blood and shown them the results in person. While shortcomings in the current diagnostic methods must be diagnosed and addressed, it's important to not make the perfect the enemy of the good here. There are reliable diagnostic methods available, but I wholeheartedly agree that they are not wholly sufficient for the threat we face.

After exploring this topic more yesterday and consulting with my colleagues, Bone marrow biopsies are simply not a feasible method of doing so. The process is extremely painful, costly, and extraordinarily invasive. You essentially must stab the bone with a metal needle strong enough and thick enough to pierce bone without bending (The needle for reference: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FU57tU1tA7_o%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6d17bc5952bdc275964f8776491f9de1bd320c7783e29f027ac71feae092be46&ipo=images). It's not something you can just roll up to someone's house and perform, and we once again run into the problem of needing painkillers and IV drugs which we know are contaminated.

The largest hurdle isn't that we don't know what other diagnostic methods to use, it is that they are prohibitively expensive for a layperson to acquire. People that are financially equipped to do so are doing that work already, such as La Quinta Columna and Dr. Robert O. Young. The same universities that have access to this equipment, such as mass spectrometers, are the very universities helping to churn out these bioweapons. Most of us can't even afford a new house, let alone a piece of equipment that costs even more than that.

If you have better methods of trying to solve a crime, while the crime is ongoing, in the midst of the crime scene itself, I would love to hear them brother.

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The gaslighting works on me, so it must work on others, too. Most people, including me, don't have the capacity to perform tests and don't know anyone in person who does and allows them to be present during such tests.

Bone marrow biopsy is not feasible, but the bone marrow is not even mentioned. There must be other methods, but they are probably too limited or expensive. Examining MRI layers with spectroscopy might work, but it's not affordable or widely available. As you are saying, such equipment is probably wholly limited to enablers.

As I have been able to use conjecturing, honest professionals might also try their hands on it.

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Indeed Ray, we’re certainly between a rock and hard place.

The one honest professional I know, a lifelong friend, is helping me in my research. We have been doing free tests in this fashion and allowing our patients to see the sample while we process it. Im not preaching anything I don’t believe in and don’t do myself.

It’s take a little bit of learning and study, some trial and error for sure, but I think most of us can perform these tests in our own neck of the woods and among our neighbors and family. Learning proper sterilization techniques and procedures is the most intensive part.

For those interested, this is the scope we are using:


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Love your substack! FYI:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


If we fail with that, then prep for this until 2040:

The full PLAN exposed:


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Thank you!

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Thank you for your research... a true erudite =)

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Yes, I believe, most people can do many of the tests, and those results tend to be quite reliable; they are like open source software.

Thanks for the link! Right now, my wife (she is a skilled lab tech) is using a $9.99 microscope. :)

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Won't it be grand when "affording" things is no longer an issue? And gaining money no longer a motivator?

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

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Money is only a neutral tool for buying goods and services. It actually allows for a selection for the buyer, as opposed to barter. It is the criminals who have taken control of the money flow worldwide are the ones who enslave the world.

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Not exactly - unless You mean buying People to lie for You, to do Your dirty work, and obtain schools, publishing, media, and governments to push plannedemics with as "services..." (ALL controlminds ("governments") on Our planet are for-profit corporations, and They own then all, those psychopaths in control)

It is a tool, a VERY dangerous tool, and an archaic one. It WILL promote psychopaths to power - and that is the danger - and if You read the article, You will see how it is archaic. Also (assume nothing based on titles):

Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Born To Fail (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/born-to-fail:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

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Although I've posted this dozens of times, it looks like I have to say it again.

The Rockefeller club owns over a 160 central banks in the world. They can pick up "loans" on the taxpayer's behalf and distribute it among friends and family. They determine each country's access to their own money, so they have politicians in their "pockets" without having to pay a penny. Their fiat "money" has no inherent value, anyway.

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I am aware of all that. It does not matter, though, "fiat" or not, ALL money systems - or perhaps I should call it "energy accounting systems" (EAS) if that will help You grasp - WILL promote psychopaths to power.

As all money (EAS) is, at the foundation, energy accounting, and free energy would make accounting for energy pointless, small wonder They avidly hide and suppress those technologies.

Here is what I know of one such technology My dad worked on as an aerospace engineer at Convair (a major company in that industry back then):

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

So I do know We have free energy tech.

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