Great comment on the Catherine Austin Fitts post Ray. The ongoing theatre here in Canada is much the same with the tariff issue. It seems that the “MAD” terminology from the Cold War era has taken on a new relevance in its right. Mutually Assured Destruction of the west that is. Our fearless PM said he would step down on January 6…of all days, once a replacement leader of the Liberal Party is selected. Within a few days of that he suspended parliament, fully aware of the upcoming tariff situation from the soon to be in power Trump. So our government is shut down completely in the face of the looming economic collapse of Canada. In the meantime Trudeau ramps up the rhetoric on the party funded news media that we as Canadians are “All in this together”.. gee where have I heard that line before. Buy Canadian he says… we make next to nothing in Canada anymore, like the states, everything is offshored. It’s winter nine months of the year so very little fresh fruit or vegetables are from here, hell out of the four brands of toilet paper on the shelves only one is Canadian made. But yet the easily manipulated and programmed masses watching the theatrical production every evening at six o’clock scream Trump is evil, buy Canadian, support small business,fly a Canadian flag, boo the American anthem at every sporting event! Yes these are the same folks that only a few years ago shouted, death to the unvaccinated, that the Canadian flag is an extremist Nazi symbol, boycott and shut down any small business that is not following the mask/vax passport mandate. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding. I have to actually laugh out loud at these virtuous Canadians in the grocery stores examining labels..soon there will be arrows on the floor to lead them to the one small “made in Canada” aisle!
These folks have been happily asleep for the past ten years while our PM in hiding destroyed the Canadian economy and people with the woke /green agenda/legalized injection sites and “safe supply”and endless virtue signal “donations for support” of endless countries..except our own. They are now cheerleading for ultra globalist WEF superstar Mark Carney to take over the leadership of Canada,as he is the only one who can stand up to Trump. Carney will deliver the coup de grace to Canada with his anti oil green agenda and socialist policies. He like Trump deemed to be the ones to save their respective countries will be the ones leading us into the bleak future of the western world. Totalitarianism awaits.
Looking forward to your next work, whatever it may be Ray, Cheers!
on mRNA: a great science-for-dummies-type of article in which the author describes how RNA resembles urine, since "...most of [DNA's] nucleotides were supposedly isolated from waste filtering organs or literal waste and in the special case of Uracil came from urine [...] Uracil is a distinct nucleotide to RNA, [therefore] considering that it was isolated from Urine and tested positive for being Urine, it is a pretty easy conclusion to come to that RNA is Urine...." -
I think they are looking for very specific DNA lines of people who can SEE or have come in to fight this evil. The innoCULLations are a way to take out those specific bloodlines. IMO. They KNOW ...far BEFORE the birth & can only hope that they are born in a hospital to inject them with their poisons to stop those bearing SWORDS ... possibly the autistic? I don't know Ray...It's just a feeling i get.
That would be an overkill. People are powerless as they are, and they are certainly culled. I think, they are marking those whom they mean to survive these rounds. Autism is "only" one of the "side effects" (very much intentional...).
it illustrates how we're being lied to. one can observe and intuitively understand the sun (a star) is moving in the sky. one can also feel and intuitively understand the earth is not spinning around its axis at the speed of ~1.000 mph. so what is it? Biblical Earth perhaps.
It’s not so much the shape, but the lie that matters. We are at the center of creation. We are special and God created this place for us. The heliocentric model, along with the Big Bang and evolution are theories meant to make us feel random, insignificant and meaningless. NASA was created to hide God. The word Hebrew word means, “to deceive or lead astray.”
It also empowers you because you will not fall for the standard fear tactics promoted by the billionaire-owned news outlets, etc.
I don’t have to worry about asteroids, nuclear war, or viruses as these are all fabricated to control the deceived masses.
Great comment on the Catherine Austin Fitts post Ray. The ongoing theatre here in Canada is much the same with the tariff issue. It seems that the “MAD” terminology from the Cold War era has taken on a new relevance in its right. Mutually Assured Destruction of the west that is. Our fearless PM said he would step down on January 6…of all days, once a replacement leader of the Liberal Party is selected. Within a few days of that he suspended parliament, fully aware of the upcoming tariff situation from the soon to be in power Trump. So our government is shut down completely in the face of the looming economic collapse of Canada. In the meantime Trudeau ramps up the rhetoric on the party funded news media that we as Canadians are “All in this together”.. gee where have I heard that line before. Buy Canadian he says… we make next to nothing in Canada anymore, like the states, everything is offshored. It’s winter nine months of the year so very little fresh fruit or vegetables are from here, hell out of the four brands of toilet paper on the shelves only one is Canadian made. But yet the easily manipulated and programmed masses watching the theatrical production every evening at six o’clock scream Trump is evil, buy Canadian, support small business,fly a Canadian flag, boo the American anthem at every sporting event! Yes these are the same folks that only a few years ago shouted, death to the unvaccinated, that the Canadian flag is an extremist Nazi symbol, boycott and shut down any small business that is not following the mask/vax passport mandate. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding. I have to actually laugh out loud at these virtuous Canadians in the grocery stores examining labels..soon there will be arrows on the floor to lead them to the one small “made in Canada” aisle!
These folks have been happily asleep for the past ten years while our PM in hiding destroyed the Canadian economy and people with the woke /green agenda/legalized injection sites and “safe supply”and endless virtue signal “donations for support” of endless countries..except our own. They are now cheerleading for ultra globalist WEF superstar Mark Carney to take over the leadership of Canada,as he is the only one who can stand up to Trump. Carney will deliver the coup de grace to Canada with his anti oil green agenda and socialist policies. He like Trump deemed to be the ones to save their respective countries will be the ones leading us into the bleak future of the western world. Totalitarianism awaits.
Looking forward to your next work, whatever it may be Ray, Cheers!
on mRNA: a great science-for-dummies-type of article in which the author describes how RNA resembles urine, since "...most of [DNA's] nucleotides were supposedly isolated from waste filtering organs or literal waste and in the special case of Uracil came from urine [...] Uracil is a distinct nucleotide to RNA, [therefore] considering that it was isolated from Urine and tested positive for being Urine, it is a pretty easy conclusion to come to that RNA is Urine...." -
The link is in my last article on mRNA.
I think they are looking for very specific DNA lines of people who can SEE or have come in to fight this evil. The innoCULLations are a way to take out those specific bloodlines. IMO. They KNOW ...far BEFORE the birth & can only hope that they are born in a hospital to inject them with their poisons to stop those bearing SWORDS ... possibly the autistic? I don't know Ray...It's just a feeling i get.
That would be an overkill. People are powerless as they are, and they are certainly culled. I think, they are marking those whom they mean to survive these rounds. Autism is "only" one of the "side effects" (very much intentional...).
How does believing in the heliocentric vs. geocentric model change the way one must life life?
it illustrates how we're being lied to. one can observe and intuitively understand the sun (a star) is moving in the sky. one can also feel and intuitively understand the earth is not spinning around its axis at the speed of ~1.000 mph. so what is it? Biblical Earth perhaps.
(NB typo: life life = live life?)
It’s not so much the shape, but the lie that matters. We are at the center of creation. We are special and God created this place for us. The heliocentric model, along with the Big Bang and evolution are theories meant to make us feel random, insignificant and meaningless. NASA was created to hide God. The word Hebrew word means, “to deceive or lead astray.”
It also empowers you because you will not fall for the standard fear tactics promoted by the billionaire-owned news outlets, etc.
I don’t have to worry about asteroids, nuclear war, or viruses as these are all fabricated to control the deceived masses.