Welcome to the Unites States of the World
Globalist policies in Hungary reveal more than intended
They are telling you you are still better off than others; it’s only a step away from enforcing “equity.”
Showing that someone else is worse off is one of the common ways to pacify people; it is a psyop.
The following article will show that a theoretically remote and insignificant country, Hungary, has a LOT to do with whatever is happening in the US.
During the plandemic, I noticed that not all countries received the same amount of lethal/toxic batches as the Five-Eyes countries, so “vaccine” injuries were less extensive. Still, “covid” policies were just as crazy and humiliating as in the Five Eyes:
Hungary is not projected to lose a significant amount of population according to the Deagel forecast:
How is that possible for a country, whose population decrease exceeded the irreversible rate of dying out by about 2000 is not a mystery. This is about replacing the original population.
Divergence in mortality and in the extent and pace of economic demolition suggests that there are several paths towards Agenda 2030, just like the CBDC is being introduced only gradually worldwide:
Similarly, there are many paths to white genocide. Hungary has been demonstrating the principle ever since the country has been stolen by former communists and sold to international corporations.
In the last few years, Orban’s Hungary has been making the news in the US, too. Hundreds of bots/agents have been popularizing Orban as a hero, who has been defying EU rules, whereas he simply wanted to keep his and his gang’s cut from Hungary’s tax revenue, while keeping EU subsidies successfully.
My first article on the subject clarified a lot:
In July, 2023, I added that Hungary is very much part of the globalist banking network:
Apparently, Orban & Gang’s performance has been for nothing but gaslighting and public entertainment. The “no-refugee” policy has been easy to maintain, because there are no Swedish or German-style welfare payments, not even Hungarians can get a job without a permanent address, and unemployment is about $120 a month, but it’s linked to full-time “community work,” the type that US judges resort to in sentencing for petty crimes.
While Hungary never gave up on Russian gas through Ukraine, its recent “defense” contract with China (What?… Am I serious? Yes, I am.) also proves that China, Russia, and the US are cooperating and any sign of antagonistic display is only for a show, and “collateral damages” can be charged to the account of the ongoing program of global depopulation:
Some things never change, I suppose, except that the drunk pervert has been replaced by Xi Jinping.
China in Hungary
China singled out Hungary to become a hub on its new Silk Road. In 2015, Hungary “signed up”:
In February, 2024, Hungary signed a “defense agreement” with whom? You won’t guess it, so let me tell, you, China!
The following page is in Hungarian, but I copy-and-paste the English translation from Firefox.
China signs defense agreement with Hungary
Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaokhung said Beijing would guarantee the security of our country. Diplomatic relations between China and Hungary have been in place for 75 years.
2024.02.19. 10:29 | Author: VG
A Chinese-Hungarian law enforcement summit was held in Budapest on Friday. At the meeting, Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiao-hung held talks with Interior Minister Sándor Pintér. According to the Ministry of Interior, the cooperation of the two countries is facilitated by the guarantee of security and stability, which are essential in the foundation and further development of comprehensive strategic cooperation. Wang met not only with Pintér, but also with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during his visit.

At the meeting with the Prime Minister, China offered to support Hungary on public security issues in addition to trade and investment relations, which it considers as its strategic partner, Reuters reported. The two countries celebrate their diplomatic relations this year. anniversary.
Vang said he hoped that security cooperation would be the new climax of bilateral relations. According to the Minister, these efforts would cover areas such as security and the building of law enforcement capacities.
An important element of President Xi Jinping’s initiative is to connect China with the world through trade and infrastructure relations.
Vang and Pintér signed documents on law enforcement and security cooperation on Friday, but details of this have not yet been disclosed.
According to Reuters, the defense agreement with Beijing was made because the government is trying to reduce its dependence on the West and open up to the East. China’s state media NATOhas described NATO’s current policy as one of the major challenges of global peace and stability, and therefore a diplomatic success for China is the agreement that could open the door for it in the European Union, as several members of the bloc can consider whether to strengthen their ties with the world’s second-largest economy. He recalled that on several occasions Hungary has not shared the common EU position on China.
The Telegraph further informs its readers on the subject:
Agreement with Budapest raises fears of Beijing’s growing influence in Europe
Chinese police will patrol alongside Hungarian officers after an agreement with Budapest, raising fears of Beijing oppression being meted out in Europe...
When can all those illegals from China be expected to “patrol the streets” in the US? Or have they been invited by the usurpers to be trained and used against Americans in corporate armies as well?
Anyway, who are the enemies that Hungary shares with China? The common denominator is the globalist point of view, and the enemies are usually the ones who disagree with the official narrative or with government policies by which they cause monetary or ideological harm to the owners of a country.
China has its roles in policing under globalism. Here is its Pacific police footprint:
Chinese police have deployed in the Solomon Islands since 2022...
Kiribati's acting police commissioner Eeri Aritiera told Reuters last week uniformed Chinese officers were working with police in community policing and a crime database program.
The Hungarian “guest-worker” program
After nearly three decades of Hungarian economic and international policies managed to chase away the vast majority of skilled and educated workers, Hungary is now resorting to banishing the remainder by introducing a system of “guest workers,” which eliminates even more jobs for Hungarians by importing work force from even poorer countries. Forget that Orban’s government has been selling the ideology of being a Christian country to the masses. When it comes to replacing Hungarian workers, the government is not picky.
Hungary is advertising for foreign labor in English (and probably in native languages as well, but I don’t speak those). Profit uber alles or just making progress in the depopulation agenda?
Here are a few examples.
“Hungary Opens Doors To All Workers: Free 3 Years Hungary Work Visa & Permit 2023-2024: Bring Family”:
“Work in a factory” hiring-campaign videos:
Working in poultry processing used to be for Hungarian EU workers in the UK, but now Filipinos are invited to Hungarian plants. The employer covers all necessities for their foreign workers, including accommodation, electricity, gas, transport, food, etc. The offered wage is higher compared to what their home countries offer, reaching double or triple without the extra expenses. Hungarian workers are offered the same amount of money, but without the everyday living expenses. Paying for living expenses is tax-deductible, and there is no reason to hire foreigners to jump through the same hoop. Jobless Hungarians are forced to emigrate, turning the “Country of the Blessed Virgin” into the home of Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus who come in all skin colors, look down on the natives as inferior, and whose mixing of races and religions can, in the long run, promote the idea of a “one-world religion” and ensure white genocide. The Orban government is exhibiting a pragmatic approach by leaving out darkies from Africa and the Arab world, with the exception of Egypt. Wow, the government can be accused of racism! Oops! My bad. In fact, there are food delivery people from Senegal, and I discriminated again guest workers from Turkey by not mentioning them.
EuroNews reports on Indonesian, Filipino, Korean workers in Hungary:
Sri-Lankans, Vietnamese, Chinese workers in Romania and Hungary:
The Vietnamese, thanks to their history of French occupation, are the most compatible, because most of them are Catholics, which is the same for Filippeans, except that the heritage there is Spanish, followed by American.
Ukrainans, most of which are native Hungarians, also live and work in Hungary1, except some of them only “live” in Hungary at a reported address with another 30 or 40 or their countrymen, are collecting pensions from the Hungarian government, although they have never worked and paid taxes in Hungary:
Mongolia, Egypt, India, and the Philippines are also providing cheap labor (the videos in the footnotes are only in Hungarian)2.
A Hungarian meme, appropriately names “tragicomedy,” shows that Hungarians haven’t lost their sense of humor:
Here is the English translation:
How different is the US?
For Americans, the Mexican farm workers, the Filipino nanny, and the Hispanic landscaper are no news. The hiring of Spanish-speaking agricultural laborers working for pittance in encouraged by the fact that farms hiring them are receiving the same subsidies as the ones who employ only Americans, which is still less dishonorable than politicians, and now Bill Gates as the largest “landowner,” are collecting in government subsidies for NOT growing anything. Well, I’m sure Gates is making sure his GM plants infect everything around and turn all plants infertile, which will require buying his GM seeds in the future. After all, GMO performs a dual task: it ensures food monopoly and after successfully killing lab rats, it also works towards depopulation.
After eliminating industrial production by moving it abroad in the last 40 years, farms in the US are also being wiped out:
And all that besides AI and robotics taking over most jobs.
It looks like equal rights will be soon globalized by making sure no commoner will have any. The US has been abandoned by its owners several decades ago, and the same owners are now about to establish global hegemony.
Welcome to the Unites States of the World…
The video is only in Hungarian:
These videos are only in Hungarian:
Egy Fülöp-szigeteki televízió beszámolója szerint tízezer munkavállalót vár
(atv magyarország)
Vietnamese workers are hired as seamstressed in Vasad, a place for 1800 inhabitants. Obviously, the location for the factory was selected in order to make sure there wouldn’t be enough native workers. This is sold to Hungarians as the Vietnamese “saving” the local business…
South-Koreans are hired in Salgótarján at the Bumchun battery plant, while Hungarians are being fired:
Food delivery workers are rapidly being replaced, too. The following interview is only in Hungarian:
Glad to see it confirmed. Orban is WEF through and through. Sigh
May the FULL force of justice of “cause & effect” find all satanic incarnates, every demon in every dimension, the Reptilians, dark AI, the ArChons, along with ALL their servants…find you NOW, and into eternity.
Whatever their thoughts and feelings about anyone - they bring to Themselves.
Peace to ALL….
Be it so…