There must be people who remember the old British school joke about American students:
Teacher: “Do you know where the English Channel is?”
Student: “Dunno. We can’t get it on our TV.”
So, where are all these “countries”?
What about the money?
Well before the plandemic started, the web was already full of posts whose authors considered themselves witty by manufacturing jokes, puns, and memes about how Big Pharma was making money out of its clients and multiplying them with often versatile, sometimes innovative, but always devastating methods of treatments1. The jokes continued with the sooner-or-later lethal “covid” injections, and I tried to point out in vain that it’s always been about power and control, not just “money,” although money has certainly been used to herd all countries into the WHO’s flock under the control of the globalist bankers:
To make a long story short, when it comes to who owns the US, it’s the banking interests behind the private bank, the Federal Reserve, and as the interests are now exceeding one trillion a year, the collateral is next, which is “all the assets of the country, its citizens, their assets, and their lives and limbs.”
As the USD has no intrinsic value, there is not much to prevent the CBDC from taking over the currency that is rapidly losing its value. In the meanwhile, the introduction of CBDCs is coordinated worldwide by the same powers that brought you “covid,” the muzzle, the “tests,” the lockdowns, and the injections, while “injecting” you even from chemtrails, 5G towers, and the food/water supply2.
Saying it’s “all about the money” resembles someone saying that guns are all about shooting. Nope, guns provide powerful tools for controlling situations.
What about Hungary?
According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), here is what used to be the former Republic of Hungary3:
Here is the top of the page:
Here are the country’s owners:
- PNB Paritas
- Deutsche Bank Securities
- GoldmanSachs International
Stock Market 101
Majority shareholders determine the direction of their usually partially-owned companies, and in this case, there are only four of them. It’s unclear how much “Hungary” has reserved for itself, but all four owners are globalist fronts. Normally, majority shareholders can decide if they collect their periodic profits or invest further. In my understanding, what can be seen here is not even the tip of an iceberg in a Byzantine corporate-governmental money-laundering system in which, apart from the insiders, nobody really knows where the money is. The real culprits are hiding behind several facades that also keep being replaced over and over. This setup seems typical of modern “economies.”
Moreover, these shares are not publicly traded, which directly indicates the presence of corruption. The Stock Market is the largest playground of insiders. There, they can commit crimes that would land the average mortal in prison. For example, they can bet on the future prices of something or a failure of a company, and these blokes are powerful enough to manipulate prices values and make or break whole countries or, as the case is today, the whole financial system at global levels. “Hungary” and its four “owners” constitute an elite conglomerate of crooks.
Trading usually takes places in the global reserve currency, which still tends to be the USD. There is a market for trading currencies, too. In fact, George Soros made a killing from the fact that currencies were not trading at exactly the same rates all over the world, so he moved huge amounts fast (which obviously wasn’t his money, especially at the beginning) and made millions each time on differences amounting to pennies.
The approximately 160 privately-owned and usually Rockefeller-related central banks in the world has the power to issue money in the form of debt at the taxpayer’s expense (which amounts to the infamous “fractional reserve” system). These criminals have been stealing whole countries, while sentencing their citizens to generations of slavery. With the CBDC, there will be no more need for debt-based currencies, and the worldwide tracking/control system will ensure permanent dominance over the parts of the masses that will be allowed to survive in the IoT.
Of course, the real question is: who owns these entities?
Let me invite you to find out about other countries and to elaborate on your finding in the comment section!
Well, sometimes it’s a bit too late to be enlightened.
Most of the modern “illnesses” are diagnosed from symptoms and, as such, can be considered invented ones whose only limit is the Rockefellerian establishments’ imagination.
… and probably most pharmaceutical products… Anything can be tainted by now.
This might sober up those who still believe that Hungary is a respectable renegade in the EU. You can also check out my article on the subject from last summer:
Hi Ray, just for people new to this, on the SEC page you looked up the Company called Hungary and found it is in NY and has XYZ owners and it used to be the Republic, is this what this is saying? And that means that the owners own all the Govt assets in Hungary? Pls give a little more introduction to this if you can.
There is more stock traded privately than on the stock markets according to the Apes on Reddit.