Dec 23, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I break for psychopaths. New bumper sticker needed.

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"What Are "Mental Health Professionals" Used for? By Whom?"


Political Abuse of Psychiatry—An Historical Overview


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"What Are "Mental Health Professionals" Used for? By Whom?"

45 Declared Communist Takeover Goals (1963)

You've probably seen this document before. See item 38 & 39.

38.) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral

problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39.) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining

coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.


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Something can be done about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y4CdMc2yZQ

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

They are used for this......... https://gettr.com/post/p1u0ym99732

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To affirm garbage like this. California Superintendent Defends 7th-Grade Boy Masturbating in Front of Classmates, Claims It’s Normal


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...and the other part is knowin' they should say "no" loud n' clear ! -- of the folks I know that are "following the leaders" they were happy to say "yes"--to masks, distancin' the jabs, all was a-ok by them. But yup, those who might've known better (many MDs fer sure) said yes JUST to keep up appearances... I hope they don't sleep well at night...

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Used mostly so far for behavior modification methods and techniques discovered with the vast amount of experiments and active psych-operations. A "How to" reference manual must have been pulled together to show how to: Exploit Mimetic Desire, Create Virtual PTSD, Induce Stockholm Syndrome, Exploit Obedience to Authority, Create and Exploit In vs Out Groups (Scapegoats). Probably a bunch of other mind manipulations that I failed to mention. And they're not done, just getting started.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

not to denigrate those in the pro-fession (fessin' up to bein' pro's at it) but most imo are engaged in psycho-quackery even if they themselves don't know it! I've heard such a ball'a bunk from friends, family, and others-who-insist-they-know-better that I'd need a crater bigger'n Badwater Basin ta'fill it all. But as ya say, psycho-logy (the logic of psychosis) works to manipulate folks (Bernays-style) and do more harms than a pile'a red fire ants up yer pants. Problems worsen when it's on a grand scale. Inflated pundit-people on their pedestals 'n podiums are not the ones we SHOULD be hearin' (call it the Dunning-Kruger effect), so the masses are hypnotized, lulled, scared silly, and all sitch like chickens runnin' round with their heads cut off unable to just THINK. All this apart from the pharmaco-highly-illogical harms done or are planning... won't even git started on the stuff that's in the drinkin' water like fluoride. to me, the pro-fession is like a sideshow barker (aka talker) -- draws everyone into the show (and what a show it is now!) but it's the "side" attraction (distraction from the REAL main events) and cheats'em too!

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