"Most of those, who have been docile for two years, are conditioned well beyond the point of no return; they will remain submissive and agreeable to new oppressive edicts."

Not necessarily. Have you ever had a friend where you put up with a lot and then they do one bad thing too many and you remember all the other similar bad things things they did and blow your top? I'm hearing that lots of people (far more than we're led to believe) are quietly stewing and, at some point, like when the Berlin Wall fell, one event will start a cascade. They'll remember the lies, the parking tickets, the awkward bureaucracy, the handouts to billiionaires, more lies, can't get a dentist appointment .... Mount Krakatoa sat around quietly for a long time too. Until it didn't.

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My BIL huffs if fauci asked him to cut off a finger—he would do it. Remind me to stay away from him. This is what we are still dealing with.

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Sadly, some of the Covidians are not only pathetic, but also psychotic.

You can recognize them easily, because they muzzle themselves!

As such, they definitely pose danger to themselves and, as such, perhaps even to people around them, too.

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“See, how stupid and worthless you have been?”

Exactly! How could any intelligent group of people fall for all the scams, false flags, obvious endemic corruption, financial crimes, redistributed insanity, disinformation, race baiting, this totally perverted 'trans' nonsense, CRT which is simple RACISM, and on and on and on.

"Beam me up Scotty."

"Captain, I'm sorry, this transporter won't beam anything up if its IQ is less than its shoe size.

I canna change the laws of physics."

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Of course, nonsense like CRT, sex changes, men competing in women's sports, "men can get pregnant" etc. are simply further conditioning the compliant to shut up. Once they shut up long enough, they are too ashamed to think, too...

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Well, I guess it may turn into a real life "Time Machine" scenario where the morlocks live underground and come out and eat the Eli ever so often. The elite being the morlocks of course. There is a problem with groups forming and trying to resist as an organized force against whatever may be coming down the pike. And that would be the weaponry available to the enemy of mankind as you listed. However there is another problem. That being leaderless resistance or 4th generation war of the flea type of resistance. People will start doing things in groups of 2 or three against these slime and "they" can't ever win against that type of resistance. See 20+ years of our "bad ass" military not being able to overpower a bunch of goat herders.

Watch when one man or woman or son or daughter walk into a board meeting of a place like Johnson and Johnson and wipe the complete group out. It is going to get nasty before it gets better. I know a lot of people who are putting away food for a day of famine. The big city dwellers will be a problem but only to a degree as an automobile can only go so far before it is out of fuel and fuel will be scarce. A Walking Dead type of scenario at the least. The country dwellers are more self sufficient and most likely will be the ones that the "powers that be" will have an impossible time subduing as they are also the ones most willing to defend their families and way of life.

Educating people so they will take a stand is an issue we all face. I figure we will be plowing local land to feed our families and neighbors and of course they will need to help plant the crops and harvest them. My job isn't to wake up the sheep, my job is to wake up the rest of the LIONS. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/when-lions-roar

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I'm afraid real "lions" haven't been asleep in the last couple of years, so it would be difficult to wake them up. Moreover, I wouldn't consider myself a lion only because I am staying human.

Insiders could sabotage the globalists' operations, so waking them up is probably most applicable. Once they realize they won't be spared either, they might switch sides.

Nobody will bother to hunt down 2-3 people. The illusion of a "pandemic" can be maintained by making everyone sick or die with the same symptoms in specific areas; if mass murder with military tech will ever happen, it will be probably incremental, without targeting anyone specifically. Highly-populated areas are already bad...

The "war" in Afghanistan was never meant to be won, only the hardware modernized and replenished. The locals were invincible, because as you are saying, tribes united only for specific tasks, so the resistance couldn't be beheaded. In such warfare, the only way to win is to kill them all, which was not feasible (not sure, why, but it is possible that the redistribution of the $80b worth of military hardware was needed for further global destabilization, and the opium trade was also essential for the operation or its potential future revival).

There are good conversations going on on my recently-opened topic (I know, you know this, but I still post it for readers who don't):


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As soon as the economy collapses the wealthy elite will retreat to their bunkers because they do not want to actually pay for any of these dreamt up responses to the coming rebellion.

I fully expect when the compliant have been killed off all that will be left is them and us.

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The real "elite" are already on their remote islands (must have been for years); bunkers are for suckers.

There will be no rebellion (who exactly people could rebel against and how could they coordinate their movements with all modes of communication disengaged?), only murder...

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They have no idea they will die there. I have seen bunkers, they will die in those bunkers too.

There will be a rebellion, it will be coordinated, and the wealthy elite will lose. Guaranteed.

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Whether they will die or not, will probably depend on the oxygen reserves for the occupants, but it they can be poisoned through the vents, it's game over for them; they will come out after their stock of gas masks is depleted.

I hope, you are right about who will lose and who will win; I just can't see how.

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The simple answer is to figure who can live without modern technology.

If you can't see it, then maybe you will die too?

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I mentioned that a few times on my substack before, too. :)

Bartering has its limits, but skills for a pre-industrial era will make people invaluable!

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We've got our share of American made bunkers here in NZ with the intended occupants also Americans. They won't survive. And as Rick says even if they do they'll have poor skill levels for the changed world. Also they've chosen the wrong parts of NZ. Scenic though.

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That was the intention on that side that I noticed on Twitter back in 2019/2020 or maybe earlier. I remained hopeful that it wouldn't come to pass although I certainly knew of it just from reading between the lines. And in the 2019 local elections here environmentalist me had as my main enemies, the ones who tried to stop me from having voice, the climate change brigade.

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The rainforest is a huge red herring; anywhere between 50 and 90% of oxygen is produced by plactons in the oceans, and they are being killed off at light speed.

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Aug 1, 2022
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Considering that the ocean is being killed by radiation and plastics (including microplastics), that doesn't compute... I hope, you are right! :)

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Aug 1, 2022
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The following is closer to what I have been encountering in recent years:


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Who were gender warriors to a man and woman. Eugenicists in other words.

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I just read an article that highlighted jet exhaust in cold parts of the atmosphere as the main contributor to this abrupt climate change, and that the climate would go back to normal almost instantly if the planes were shut down. Now, that would delineate those who rely on money from those who don't.

Hey elitest, you are the problem not me.

The wealthy elite have strayed so far a way from nature they can not ever go back. Without the life of the planet coursing through their veins they will die off soon.

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An interesting possibility. Certainly the amount of emissions per person has been heading skywards in the estimations for a while as everything rather than just straight burning of fuel was taken into consideration. There are no berths out of NZ though, literally the only choice is by plane and the country is not big enough for Jacinda and 5 million others.

Away from the bad jokes I think industrial pollution has a lot to do with the warming of the north of the Northern Hemisphere as well.

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I think the number one contributor to abrupt climate changes are the elimination of climax forests. Look it up how they effect the climate.

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There's some opposition to that idea these days. Basically the idea is that in tropical zones forests are net emitters of CO2 and in temperate zones forests are net storers of CO2.

Question is though, how much of this CO2 stuff has been exaggerated. Anyone would think that it was only CO2 but it's not. Before human civilization warming happened and then CO2 levels followed about 20 years later from memory. The second did not cause the first. Warming was caused by Milankovitch cycles. CO2 increase seemingly caused by the warming.

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Indeed, islanders may be more guilty regardless whether this article has validity or not..

But really there is a fuel supply problem and no one wants to think about it, stops the flow of dopamine.

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I've certainly contributed my share of aircraft emissions over my lifetime though. Not as much as some but well above the average.

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I flew only a few times, a few for business and one for my son's wedding.

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Aug 1, 2022
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Too large of move for heaters.

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