Thanks Ray.

Take way too long. BUT!!! Be interesting to know if the "depressed ones" are the similar folk to those still awaiting the coming of the "Messiah"? As if some illusory figure's going to pop up to save the world! Bless em all! If all else fails. Tell them to Foxtrot Oscar! : )

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It was fun while it lasted but not much here that entertains my mind.

Bored would be an apt description, cheers have fun with your doom and gloom Ray.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

😂 Seppuku is our only hope. Flash mob in the Rose Garden or on the White House lawn live streamed on all Social Media platforms. 10,000 people, maybe more, people talking without speaking screaming Basta instead of whispering and in the neon light online the ritual suicide involved disemboweling with a short protest sword like the tanto, an edged dagger with a length between 15–30 cm. Make the A.I. overlords sit up and take notice. No simulation envisioned it.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray don't get upset about the 97% of the 3%. It ain't worth it.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"Ray do you have any solutions? Or do we read your stack to become hopeless and depressed?"

I noticed this on my own then saw the comment and its a fair comment Ray.

I am an eternal glass half full human and I know God always wins in the end. Thing is and I* feel I am correct here it can clearly happen not in my timeline as well, so I may suffer in some way.

If thats part of Gods plan for me then so be it.

I hate saying it this way because it sounds, well it sounds like I think I'm special or something and I am not but life is exceptionally complicated and its further complicated in untold measures by other humans.

Gods plan is very complex and at times I feel I have figured out some of how it works meaning karma and reincarnation which I also believe to be very real. Evil people changed the good books a long time ago to suit their own nefarious purposes of undermining our Creator and claimed reincarnation was not real. We can not possibly imagine to make our soul what it should be in one human life time.

This is simply impossible.

Found this today and its interesting on account of my comment yesterday in mentioning the complexities in growing our souls.


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These families, and that's the reality here, have been dreaming of and plotting a return to some form of feudalism ever since it started to get away from them centuries ago. They have been biding their time, plotting and scheming while they waited for the day that technology could make it all come true. The truth is these people have flow charted and accounted for every variable that might come up as this moves along. It is going to be nearly insurmountable because they have tech they are hiding (we have seen glimpses of it) and they have had time to think of everything. They aren't going to back down and they intend to win at nearly any cost. This is the reality that confronts anyone that is actually willing to pull the blinders totally off. I am thankful for the small handful of people like Ray that have the fortitude to do that and just tell things as they actually are and not what we all wish they were. I have 0 use for candy coatings.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have never, no, not once, been depressed by honesty. We are, after all, facing worldwide genocide, so I am glad you don't decorate the place with cute ballons and stuff. I also really appreciate how organized your mind and writing is that you can post links to your previous work. You have created a very coherent summary of the times, well cross referenced. Most of us are just skipping stones.

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Well, as Crrow777 pointed out in his podcast, if you want to criticize someone doing the work for not doing it how you want it done; do it yourself. It's not your job to solve all of these problems or to look after our feelings. You do an excellent job of presenting the info as you understand it. Thanks for your good work.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you, Ray.

You have indeed pointed out countless solutions. Just because we don’t know how to do anything and/or the emotional discomfort is overwhelming, it doesn’t mean you didn’t offer anything.

This is the stage where, according to Matthias Desmet, the angry mob tends to sacrifice dissenters, and those who know better may still join in mob-think extremism simply for a sense of connection and relief. Such is our animalistic human wiring reacting to the agony of long-term fear and loneliness. We will consume wrong answers over no answers.

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Just love this!!! Thank you for reminding us "we are responsible"!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Nailed it again Ray. We all need to find our own path but cooperate and collaborate to find the solutions that suit our individual circumstances.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray, I think we, the people, are going to have to take action before it gets much worse, not after.

I really don't think that can happen, given the minimal interest the American citizen shows.

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deletedJun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023
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