This is good and very close to what I see as the biblical truth. I wrote a book called We are Fallen Angels. Yes, we are born with a clean slate, but, as you wrote, we go on to want to live apart from God. I would just add that it is our own fallen spirit that inspires us to try to live apart from God. We are divine creatures, and we are fallen.

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That's pretty much the only was I was able to make sense of the story of the Garden of Eden.

This whole world would not be necessary, of the desire to be independent of God were not innate, which is often called "Original Sin."

The problem of Free Will is a more sensitive topic, and I've been able to interpret in a cognitive context:


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Satan is often portrayed as elegant, rich, highly educated, urbane... Until you cross him.

In reality, frightening deceiver wanting your soul

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So many times evil is not the great satanic black mass, but those little choices we make each day, to not be kind, to not consider someone else's view, to not exercise. These are the frontlines of a greater evil. Without these, evil wouldn't have a larger "church" where to conduct mass.

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It doesn't look like "black masses" even exist or, if they do, only morons are present, which is uncharacteristic of Elitism. I personally think that evil starts with being afraid and with seeking divine power ("witches," "scientists," and spiritual bottom-feeders that, occasionally, seems to include a few "mental health professionals").

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Fiona Barnett, Eyes Wide Open, a very comprehensive look at Satanic Ritual Abuse from a victim. 2019

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I believe you are both utterly right.

As children we are not being taught or even encouraged to tap the infinite riches of the Spirit. If we were, we could steer clear of any and all religion.

And if we'd learn to mine the Spirit on our own we are the queer one in the room.

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Hebrews 2:14-15 "…Now since the children have flesh and blood, He [Christ] too shared in their humanity (Hypostatic union), so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death." The last three years we have witnessed how the fear of death was used to terrify people and manipulate them to take an experimental injection which had untested technology with unknown outcomes. Instead, 'fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.' Repentance holds the key for overcoming death and receiving eternal life. The world lies in the power of the evil one, Satan, also called the prince and power of the air. Luke 4:5 in the famous exchange with Jesus and the Devil, . . "The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” Many people fall for the temporal trappings of power and riches but God offers an eternity of unimagined beauty (I Cor 2:9) and joy, etc. The only future worth contemplating is one where we are aligned with the Creator of the universe.

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Did you know that in early Christianity, there were siren-shaped candle-holders on the altar? Just like Odysseus was not charmed away from his mission by the siren's songs, so Christ was not lured away by the Devil? :)

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To me, it's all too much of a guilt trip; I prefer St. Theresa's approach that God is creating me the way I am, so He knows my imperfections. As long as I keep trying to stay on the path, I can be saved. Of course, that's only me. Somehow, I cannot envision a god who is angry with me, but an energetic, good-humored, and compassionate one is the One I've seen. :)

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There’s a bit more than what you have mentioned to be Saved. I guess you mean saved so you go to Heaven?!

I think God is very angry atm, at the people on Earth, and especially at those who don’t know how to turn to Him properly, but think they do. It’s up to those people to find out how, or they are lost.

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Thankfully, what happens here on earth in this ephemeral material existence matters not compared to what happens beyond it. Where the real existence of spirit carries us into the realm of joy, free from the bondage of the mundane.

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In the Catholic Christian paradigm, which I hold to be true, you are precisely wrong. We are not all born Satanists, we are born with original sin and our concupiscence, which emerges onto the worlds stage by the time we reach the age of reason, means that we all (with the sole exception of the Virgin Mary) sin in ways great or small, venial or mortal, by commission or omission. There is a huge difference between that world view (developed and explicated by thousands of Saints and holy men and women over two millennia) and holding that we are all affiliated with Satan by our sins. Stating the problem in such bald terms is very likely to lead people to not examine their consciences, since it is very easy (and justified) to say "I'm not a Satanist". For a sin to be mortal, three elements must be present: it must entail grave matter, engaged in with full knowledge and with the assent of the will. Venial sin is committed when only one or two of those conditions are met. Mortal sin separates a soul from God, venial sins, in isolation, do not, though they can act cumulatively to separate the soul from God if not repented and confessed.

A comment box is too limited in scope to examine all the issues involved, however it is understood generally in Christian religion, that final impenitence, which Catholics take to mean dying in steadfast refusal to repent and confess, leads to damnation and that this broadly defines the "sin against the Holy Spirit" which cannot be forgiven (if forgiveness is not wanted, it will not be conferred against the will). Affiliation with Satan probably comes perilously close to this definition since it is such a grotesque repudiation of the justice and goodness of God as Lord of all creation and entails enormities of pride, arrogance, hubris and a willingness to commit grave evils "do as though wilt is the whole of the law" as Satanists say. A soul who strays into this territory during life is at grave risk of meeting the definition of the sin that cannot be forgiven - such souls are likely to relish and revel in their sin, so therefore all too likely to die in final impenitence.

On this basis one can see why it is rash to say that we are all born Satanists, this is a grievous overstatement. God is good, He loves we his children and desires that we spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Starting out in life as Satanists would prove an impossible burden and for the vast majority, this burden is not present, though I admit it must be possible, even likely that Satanic bloodline families endeavour the seal the fates of their children by indoctrination and inculcation. However, this might mean that one of the three elements of mortal sin is not be present. If MKUltra programming of alters is a real thing (I believe it might be) grievous evils done in one of the alter states might conceivably not entail damnation, since free will is absent.

Perhaps this is a long way of saying that prudence is required when speaking of these matters. I think your post is imprudent for these reasons.

Don't dismiss the Black Mass - it is most certainly a real thing. To one who desires to repudiate God, repudiation comes no stronger than the inversion of Holy Mass, the most potent of all seven sacraments. Sad to say, we Catholics have it on extremely credible authority that Cardinal Bernardin participated in a Black Mass and all it entails as part of a direct insinuation of the satanic spirit into the Vatican. Pope Paul VI himself alluded to the "smoke of Satan" having infiltrated Holy Church. For the sake of clarity, we Catholics make a vital distinction - what is not of God, cannot be of the true Church, his bride, therefore those human parts of the church that became so infiltrated, have separated themselves from the True Church by their acts. When, as Catholics believe, the True Church comprises Church Militant (the living, human component), Church Suffering (those souls being purified so as to be worthy of entering God's presence) and Church Triumphant (those souls already in heaven), it is perhaps easier to see how Satan's infiltration is not definitive, though the assault is grievous in human and spiritual terms.

Hoping this helps.

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Becoming conscious from an unconscious state similar to that of an an ape is the so called fall by the church, the innate guilt i think is from separation of the earth consciousness that animals have and from living in the so called mothers bosom, or phylogenetic fear from materialist from past catastrophe (suspicious observer, and Michael Tsarion not a materialist just thinks all innate FEAR of nature is from past catastrophe). So in our juvenile consciousness (Light) from unconscious state (darkness) many people want to go back, it takes a lot of energy being conscious, beside sleeping people watching TV and the state instead of the mother taking care of them. All the Egyptian and Greek myths explains this phenomenon of unconscious to conscious. All the while from unconscious infant to adulthood maturation of the individual is mirrored, most people never reach maturation.

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It depends on the way one defines "Satanism." If you look at my definition, it is compatible with Roman Catholicism as well as Judaism and most forms of Protestantism. I am not here to get into a theological argument; I simply depicted the human condition and if you disagree with my picture, you and I have something to talk about.

Please, notice that I am not interested in philosophical arguments, but in whatever is and has been happening. I don't care for the terminology. Also, when people argue over various doctrines, I ask them what I ask flat-earthers: how does all this make you live differently?

It's not that I disrespect Roman Catholic doctrine, but I believe in God's eyes the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the little ones (it is not I who is saying it :) ), and most human knowledge is either a waste of time or it's a drag, because nobody can remember all those dozens of books in theology, and there have been different trends/schools in the last 80 or more years, so which one is the one one might want to memorize? Also, even among Roman Catholics, there are traditionalist who want the Latin mass to be left intact and those who feel comfortable with the modifications of Vatican II. The current "Pope" seems to demonstrate that the Church has been infiltrated, but what hasn't?

For anything more, I would have to start up another site, because it looks like there is great demand for that...

I believe, I have already have answers to the rest of your statements either in the article or in other comments after that.

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Ray this is a curious statement, “I ask them what I ask flat-earthers: how does all this make you live differently?”

You’re a spiritual person I think, so in saying this, have you really looked into Biblical cosmology? What flat-earthers believe is backed up by scripture through the prophets in 200+ instances. Realizing the Earth our Father created is flat and covered by a dome firmament with the Sun, Moon and all the stars all residing inside the firmament affirms an even greater appreciation of God our Father and his creation. That he is not far off but truly watching over all in his creation.

Once we overcome the indoctrination of a spinning globe, outer-space, gravity and a ‘solar system’ we live our life with more freedom and a greater awareness of the world’s deceptions than other ‘revelations’ (at least to current date) that we all strive to understand. This is all part of the great Awakening we are experiencing in the world today, and why substack’s excellent writers such as Ray Horvath are followed by your fans, paid or not.

We love your work Ray, your voice is amplified through Lady Wisdom to gain understanding of the craziness of men. “In thinking themselves wise, they became fools”.

You are non comital on your belief in flat- earth in your statement, I do understand why, but knowing truth is always freeing as you know. For myself personally, everything we see today and the last several years takes on a spiritual meaning and significance.

A large part of that involves realizing FE is the truth. Maybe a discussion of FE is warranted in your substack?

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I am only "spiritual" as much as being human. I am extremely familiar with theologies and world religions, but I am not a philosopher, "only" a cognitive scientist.

The curve of the Earth can be noticed over water; at 7 miles, it's about 5 yards.

There is no "we." I am responsible for MY decisions, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with yours. At the same time, I'm glad if my articles prove to be helpful; after all, that's what this is all about. Of course, I would never consider myself "wise," but I'm working on growing in wisdom. :)

You and I are on the same page, realizing that these are apocalyptic times, and we are witnessing as humanity is ending in a whimper.

If you believe that there would be a good discussion here about FE, I'm happy to comply, but name you as the initiator. Please, let me know. (As for me, I think, it would be fun.)

The way people live doesn't depend on their believing whether the Earth is flat.

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It's a show and a diversion. Nothing is what it seems. The real culprits are never seen in public.

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Morals are, imho, not predestined. What is, however, is the fact that narcissism extending into adulthood exists for about 20% of humans. They lack the brain function for compassion. Demons find their dwelling place therein. Unshielded by compassion nor a sense of faithful connection to others and their Creator, they sadly seek the 2most corrupting things: money and power. Hence, they occupy the halls of world power. And pave the road to hell for civilization. They know who they are, and so do you.

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You and I agree as long a "morals are not predestined." Unfortunately, after primary socialization "the conscience" develops, and it usually follows the trait the child has seen until then, usually around the age of five. After that, only conscious decisions can make a difference, but in my experience, they are few and far between, and even something like "cognitive therapy" only re-conditions a person, which must keep going on until the rest of the person's life, yet who can decide what's "good" for the patient?

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are so bad, the only thing you can do is put time and distance between you and anyone suffering either of those conditions.

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Seen it, been there... Oh, it was not me...

People tend to be broken in a way that nobody can put together again (planning to post about it soon), although in my life, I've experienced several episodes of redeeming love.

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Indeed, morals are not predestined; they are conditioned during the first five years of a child's immediate environment.

When I first read about the idea of "selfies," I couldn't believe my eyes. That is the utmost level of narcissistic behavior...

My impression is that besides ambition, fear is the largest motivating force that drives people to race for money and power.

And yes, somehow, the sh*t always rises to the top.

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Shit rises to the top because lack of empathy in the workplace can lead to better performance metrics in the business.

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The dialectic is very ingrained, it’s the ‘Santa Clause’ dilemma. I sure do appreciate your hashing this out. We all have free will to think what we may. The potential of ‘devil’ is in us all- the Creator’s creation is the teacher - the penalty for stupid is extinction ;). Transient desires - everyone gets to pick.

Funny how The Rolling Stones tune Sympathy For The Devil is playing in my mind :)

Hugs pal

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While the Stones have two decent tunes (Paint It Black and Angie), they were supported by the same dark forces that are now taking over the world. They openly used corresponding symbols, too.

Only divine redemption can save humans, and only those who accept it and don't try to outsmart the Creator...

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I quit listening to The Rolling Stones when they released their1968 album, Sympathy for the Devil.

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I'm not a fan either, just was stunned when I first heard the tune- loooong ago - they so captured the evil and human participation.

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And I've never been able to put up with their trash, save the two songs I mentioned. They are just about as "musical" a Led Zeppelin (that, incidentally, also has two decent tunes, "Kashmir," and "Highway to Heaven), or pretty much like all pop music after 1990 or so. It all sounds like boring cliches or cacophony to me. :)

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Amen! I have to get ‘under’ before I can understand stand :)

Humbling this life is - guess that’s the idea - no attempting to out smart here- glancing around the population here...

Doesn’t look like it’s a ‘catchy’ idea/ideal

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The truth never sells. :)

It's too inconvenient even to look at, forget about thinking it over.

Most people love to live in the Matrix and some of them would even give their lives protecting the illusion.

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Same problem Royal Raymond Rife had. This culture is doomed- idiocratic power and greed

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One has to choose. The road to Hell is wide.

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I don’t agree fully with your take. For me, Satan/the devil is very real. He is a fallen angel and he wants to be worshipped. All of these secret cabals knowingly do so at the highest levels but maybe not the entry level Freemasons for example. Satan gives his worshippers power and worldly success.

St Michael, defend us in battle from the evil ones🙏

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Satan-worshipping has an inconvenient irreconcilable contradiction in it:

if it's all about success in this world, they must be atheists or at least believe that nothing is coming after this life. So, are they accepting assistance from an eternal malevolent force in order to just die later on?

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This is actually one of his best tricks - convince a person that god does not exist. A great deal of our modern society is atheist now.

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Satan is the father of lies, so why shouldn't he just tell his followers some? Like: you will share my power und my pleasures in afterlife?

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Good post. I intend to take my dogs to Heaven or as Tyler Childers says “Go to Hell with all my friends”.


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Let's hope at least the dogs will make it! :)

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Indeed. I follow my canines.

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I hope they have wings! :)

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They do. They’ve been known to take off on passing breezes. We give them flying shoes and capes.

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