i think .... if you perscribe to the biblicle narrative then ...https://biblehub.com/genesis/2-7.htm he became a living soul... he didnt become a living jew ,living christian a living buddah a living muslim a living ... he became a LIVING SOUL ...thats our true IDENTITY thats it folks end of racial polemic ,,, "move on nothing to see here " its over... all else is superfluous , divisory , PERFIDIOUS
what type of character would imbibe the above written ? and follow ? what type of character would promote that ? what type of character be an apologist for that ? what btype of character would identify his and forge their identity with that ? the answer is blatantly evident today in the wars and other social contexts which well describes their characteristics
Ray is brave to tackle sensitive issues. Personally, I have met many so-called Jewish or self-proclaimed Jewish persons who have some relationship to their Jewish community. The vast (over 90%?) majority couldn't tell you what the Talmud was about, some might say "Jewish Laws" but couldn't cite anymore than the 10 commandments. So whatever is or isn't correct about the Talmud, very few "Jews" have any idea what it is about, nor care (most Jews in the US are agnostic/atheist/don't care about god or religion and just mix with other Jews for social reasons). Maybe a NWO Gofor "convert" like Madonna knows. Things like the Talmud/Jews are used by the NWO to continue using Jews as scapegoats to hide their own crimes.
Modern Jews are an international coalition of people (mostly atheists) from varied ethnic backgrounds which includes some middle eastern heritage but the most dominant being European - specifically Italian.
Socially, to be a modern Jew is to belong to a ‘club’ of sorts. Once acknowledged by the club as part of the club - you are under the umbrella of thousands of local, national & international Jewish groups. This vast network of groups provides Jews with every conceivable protection, welfare benefit and community social service - healthcare, childcare, cheap loans, mental health services, schooling, college funding, elderly care, legal advocacy & Lobby groups. In addition the club organizes social gatherings, parties, fundraisers, retreats, summer camps, special interest groups, vacations, arts & crafts, seminars. The list of organized activities for Jews is endless.
(Strangely I’ve never heard a ‘Libertarian’ Jew advocate for the dismantling of their own govt funded groups & institutions - just YOURS lol
Jews religious or atheist are expected to donate to Jewish causes, and observe and protect Jewish taboos.
You can become a Jew By marriage or adoption (Jews have always had a high rate of adoption.)
Great analogy I think--and one could add a) justices (like Talmud scholars) can change views over time and that's recorded too in the record (Talmud I mean) and b) the debates on a given topic aren't just in one place in the Talmud but are in many places and are added over time and there's no proper index ! (except something in the minds of the Talmud scholars)... AND after all that c) Torah comes "first" so if an opinion (Talmud IS opinion) challenges a Torah law, it has to be argued all over again (the version most folks see of the Torah is like a Cliff Notes and though Torah is far shorter--there is much more elaboration and nuance from what I've been told). Some understand it better if they see it's a living document--the Talmud (Torah is set in stone--like the carved commandments). Rules can and do change over time, as the world changes--as new things are invented that were not even conceived at the time (eg. cell phones, ovens on timers, expected age of marriage and much more...)
Agreed, sure, but some of the rules DO help folks...and may have kept communities or cultures alive or even thriving over centuries by keeping them safe. For example, both halal and kosher rules forbid the eating of pork--whatever was debated to get it on paper and 'splain it to regular people, it saved a LOT of folks from Trichinosis (the worm-parasite I believe that is FINALLY gone from our midst...) something that sickened and even killed many who didn't follow such rules. Loftier reasons aside, perhaps the "thinkers" knew not of worms themselves--but knew they were onto something--by observing--figgerin' such stuff out for keeping a group safe was certainly beneficial. I think it's complex but not all was just to chew the fat or "useless cogitatin'" (imo)- I don't see Talmudic (and other) scholars the same way I see elite globalists (albeit there were scholars among them too--the Rhodes, the Huxleys).
In fact I see today's globalists as anti-intellectual (King Charles Spaniel is an inbred dolt for example, not a thinker). I'll add that many Talmudic scholars were not elite or wealthy at all! They were not chosen by wealth or caste or "good family" but rather for a capacity and desire to learn--and many had very little so their families worked extra hard to support the studies of the one scholar--like many American families who saved for years so one kid could get a higher education...
I don't judge these folks, I find it pretty fascinating and even if they debate 'till the cows come home I'm glad someone out there does that...wherever it leads (not to no good). Our founding fathers did much of this too--just a bit differently! Their private libraries were tremendous and I don't begrudge them any time they spent pondering all manner of questions either... (a bit different but not THAT much... )
If the topic interests you a bit, do look up Ruth Wisse and her books or lectures-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Wisse -- she is one of the most BRILLIANT academics (and delightful) and likely has opined on all this as she preserves Jewish intellectual history (this is her passion and I've heard a bunch've her video talks). I think she got cancelled when teaching at Harvard but anyway, it's all fascinating stuff (to me at least) and not something I personal would dismiss as hogwash--as I might other more indulgent pursuits... I hope they continue the tradition--if not much would be lost...
RANDOM THOUGHT--Substack is not unlike the Talmud... it's the land of well-debated opinions!
Agreed on pork; it can be eaten safely only if it is cooked through at high temperature. For seafood, they didn't have fridges at the time, but at this point, Fukushima and microplastics are good-enough reasons. :)
"Anti-intellectual," in my book, means you don't care for useless knowledge, yet who is going to define what "useless" is?
When I was a professor, I used to say, "if you want a degree, go to college; if you want education, go to the library." After the libraries, for me, college was a walk in the park...
Ruth must have been more brilliant than I was, because even after proving myself t be 8-15 years ahead of the times (hardly anyone knew what I was talking about), my "colleagues" were afraid of me (although I never aspired to be their superior, I was there only to help) to the point that they usually got rid of me. I was unable to sound acceptable for them, because even when I made it simple, it was still years ahead of their knowledge... Well, that may have been happened to Ruth, but I would have been summarily fired in the last 30 months, if I had been actively teaching, because I would have never worn a muzzle, accepted a "test," or taken a lethal injection.
I am familiar with the posh culture of the Ivy League, and I have literally no respect for it.
Nor sure about any debates here; my readership is more about sharing. I certainly don't want to convince anyone; it's everybody's own responsibility to make up their minds.
Yup, seafood too--bottom feeders were always in issue but given plastics and radiation there sure are causes to pause--kosher or smosher r' not.
So when I say "anti-intellectual" I mean "not usin' yer noggin' " which is true of many of the globalists and ordinary leaders, celebs, politicians (and much of Amerika's populace too!)
As a timely example, my youngest daughter was the only kid in her homeschool book club that didn't audibly COMPLAIN about readin' To Kill A Mockingbird (thankfully she really loved it as I too had) -- Some kids only read graphic novels fergawdsakes... I'll spare ya the grousin' but imo kids should be far more "pro-" intellectual (i.e. in the sense of reading /thinking / discussing and WANTIN' TO). Verrrrry different nowadays....
And of course book "larnin'" is just one part of it but it's an important part--knowing history, literature, science (vs "The Science" that the WHO now claims to own!)... and so on. So imo, all power to those Torah scholars, and all the library learners and the "thinkin'" profs like yourself and Prof. Wisse and even armchair intellectuals who may lack formal education but are usin' their noggin's all the same. Even if everyone disagrees (which is fine), I think we were all given MINDS to use (crackpot idea in some circles).
Today stopping and "thinkin'" seems to be at a premium -- but I'm all for it!
And yup, the Ivy League got sprayed with weed killer, dyin' on the vine--lost my respect too. It's sad
Anyway, "them's" my random thoughts on'it--hope I didn't offend and I too am not tryin' to convince anyone of anything or spark any arguments here--just speak my mind (while I still got one--some days seems I'm losing it!)
Nice talkin' with ya Ray and ya have a very nice substack here with lots of ideas that should certainly be talked about!
Elsa, your site is good, but I don't subscribe to a site, unless I am allowed to comment. Rappoport and Mercola are exceptions, for different reasons, but I have been following them for several years and I'm unlikely to take up new ones.
Corrected version (apparently, I mixed up two versions by mistake; sorry about that):
I suppose so, but I couldn't help subscribing and wanted to start receiving notifications about your new articles. It looks like everything will be fine.
Don't understand: "didn't want any longer to receive notifications about your new articles." You are on my subscriber list. So you should be getting the articles. Anyway, this is all details, easy to get sorted out.
Excellent post. Jews by and large have been a long time scapegoat and their 20th century nemesis was concocted for scapegoating them into genocide. Michael Hoffman's work taught me a ton about this, so did the video blogging of Sean Hross.
My parents are Polish and I'm the first of many centuries of my paternal & maternal bloodlines to be born in the Southern hemisphere
I am not a Talmudic scholar. But I am aware that there are a large number of anti-semitic websites that push the idea that the Talmud is some book of evil that teaches Jews to hate gentiles.
The Talmud is a complex work full of debates between the Rabbis, sometimes on the most exceptional, minute pieces of the law. Some of the conversations sound outlandish if one does not know the context of the conversation or the question being discussed.
There are websites from Talmudic scholars that address the internet claims such as the ones in the post. But there are fewer of them than Torah scholars.
This attack on the Talmud was addressed by a speech by Rabbi Tovia Singer. You can listen to it at the following website.
Yes indeedy, the Talmud is NOT the old testament which we call, of course, the Torah (that is LAW like the 10 commandments--) Talmud is exactly as Jonah wrote here--a bunch of opinions from not only rabbis but from Jewish scholars and "wisemen" and philosphers to be DEBATED 'till the cows (kosher ones!) come home--all taken out of context by those who wanna just scapegoat the Jews. Imagine taking, I dunno, Huck Finn outta context and just repeating the N word or quotes from anyone that says something "not PC" (plenty of that in Huck!) and you'd be on the money the way they use Talmud quotes--outta context-- to characterize Jews of all "stripes" as everything horrid under the sun--from baby eaters to thieves and more. All bunk. An idea within the thick of an argument pulled--try doin' this with any lyric from a song, it's like that. Talmudic scholars debate this stuff ALL DAY ("cheder" / not cheddar! is for this). Torah is law and it's good law. If a commandment is "thou shall not kill" then those saying that Jews eat gentile babies baked into matzohs haven't a clue that defies law / Torah. And as for Kabbalah, it's older than all the laws and is mystical and also open to debate--it's fairly alchemical but is not satanic and the symbols are are not what they seem to be (a fish isn't a fish, an eye isn't an eye)...It all goes deeper than that of course. I got chased around in second grade and called Christ killer when I hadn't as much as killed an ant or a fly so I know a bit about such things! As for the question WHO is Jewish, that is not simple as it's not just about the mother though it can be--Jews do not proselytize and they DO accept sincere converts--Sammy Davis, Debbie Reynolds... I think Elizabeth Taylor too at least when she was married to Mike Todd. Lumping all Jews together is as nutty as putting all Christians in the same basket....as Spock (played by the awesome Jewish actor Leonard Nimoy ) would say--"highly illogical."
I once asked a fellow who was well versed on this stuff: "If I wanted an example of the Talmud, suppose I made a collection of all the arguments of all the justices who served on the Supreme Court from the beginning to now, including a sidebar of biographies but in the course I just use first names, so you might be confused as to which John or James or Thomas I'm talking about if you haven't been informed by a teacher.... is that a good analogy of the Talmud?"
Taking texts out of context can incriminate anyone, anywhere, and I am still to meet with a Jew (religious or not), who will consider me an animal. :) (When I was 12, a Jewish mom prohibited his son to befriend me, but that was the only exception. I am still wondering why she thought I was not Jewish :) ).
Also, the real mess starts, when the Kabbalah enters the picture, but raising the subject would have been too much for a discussion or even for a few books.
The Kabbalah is the mystical component of Judaism. I think uh... Sufi is the mystical component of Islam, and I heard there was a mystical component of Christianity. What was it called... Theugery or something else?
I once saw an audio cassette on Kaballah that I checked out of the library, back when cars had tape decks. When I listened to it, I understood very little. There was one story in it that made sense, though.
That story was this:
One day, a herder went to synagogue. He prayed: "Dear G-d. If you had a herd of sheep or cattle, I would herd it for you for free, because I love you so much. For other people, I charge money. But for you, I would do it for free."
A scholar heard the herder praying, and said: "What's wrong with you? That's not how you pray! Let me show you the proper method." He showed the proper prayers to the herdsman. But the illiterate herdsman, overwhelmed, couldn't understand these prayers and decided he was better off not praying at all.
That night the scholar had a dream. "You have taken away a prayer from the Lord that was very special to him. If you do not get the herdsman to pray the way he used to, you will surely die."
The scholar woke up in a panic, searched for the herdsman, and told him to forget everything the scholar told him the day before.
That was the only thing in that tape that made sense to me. There was another bit about Rabbi Akiva and some of his friends having ... well, vision quest is what it sounded like. One died, one became an apostate from seeing two gods instead of one, and I think Akiva was unscathed.
The rest is a blur.
Traditionally to study the Kaballah, one needs to be a man of at least 40 years of age. You need to be married and a father of children. You need to know the Torah and the Talmud and the Mishnah backwards and forwards. Which means you probably were studying all your life. We're not talking about someone who got interested in this stuff at 35 and has only been at it for five years. If you meet those qualifications, you may be invited to study Kaballah.
Which, I guess, is why it ends up being taught for big bucks to drug addicted performers like Madonna in Los Angeles.
If Disney wanted to make an interesting Star Wars plot, they should try a comedy where some unscrupulous Jedi offers to train anyone in the Force for money, not just the people with aptitude or a serious mind.
Sionism is an authentic jewish movement or it was ellaborated by non Jewish people with certain political (and dark) interests, as some researchers claim today?
I'm asking you because I have read in some serious websites that the real origin of Sionism is not Jew at all, that the Jesuits in accordance with some wealthy people (or "the ellite") created it to begin the war in the Middle East and to convince the establishment dissidents worldwide that the Jews are the only ones interested in controlling the planet (remember de so called "Protocols of the Elders of Sion"?)
Oh. Eh.... I'm not in a position to say. I'll say this:
The idea of returning to the land of Israel was a long-time dream of the Jews, and it happened once before in the time of Cyrus. (End of the Babylonian captivity and the building of the second temple.
The Dreyfus affair inspired Herzl that Jews would never be considered full citizens of Europe, so he pursued the dream of a Jewish state in the ancestral land.
He raised money to do this.
Did the donors of that money have their own motivations outside of altruism and a long-time dream? Certainly possible.
Did the British have their own motives for helping the Zionists, while making conflicting promises to the Arab? Most likely; they did a lot of this. And "Divide and Conquer" is a stratagem that goes back to the time of Julius Caesar, and probably before him too.
Why not protect your power in the world by making sure lesser powers are constantly fighting each other?
The story reminds me of the legend of a hermit, who lived on a deserted island.
One day, a bishop's ship was shored up on the island in a storm. The hermit asked the bishop to teach him how to pray. The bishop taught him a prayer. When the storm subsided, he boarded his ship and left. He was still only a few hundred yards from the island, when he noticed the hermit running after him on the water,
"Bishop, bishop, I forgot the prayer!"
The bishop responded,
"Just pray the way your have always done it."
Much of Unholy-wood is a pissoir of evil and demoralizing nonsense. I am not moralizing here, but taking morality out of the picture is dehumanizing.
Popular singers haven't done much music since around 1990, most of them also a travesty of anything even halfway-decent.
Waiting for 40 years reminds me of the Chinese tradition in which men with assets were not allowed to marry under 30, but they were more than welcome to their concubines (one of which they were even expected to keep even after getting married), which is not exactly compatible with any flavor of western traditions. :)
Also, Greek Orthodox priests ARE supposed to be married and have children. In western Christianity, the practice of Investiture made sure the third sons of large landowners/nobility had to become bishops, which was possible by a major gift to the Pope.
Yeah it was also a qualification of the Sanhedrin that you had to be a married man with children. The idea being (among other things) sometimes you had to rule on matters of life and death, and someone without children doesn't understand that every person is someone's child.
No Lindsay Grahams on the Sanhedrin.
Game of Thrones has a few episodes that show an acting troupe. They're poor people, maybe a few steps above beggars. Maybe having more fun than peasants. But they certainly aren't rich. And have to travel from town to town to put on their show. That was what acting was in the time of William Shakespeare. Acting was not a vocation that a wealthy man of means would want for his sons or daughters. It was more a vocation of someone who "ran away from home to join the circus."
Somehow film made these people very rich. I wager, before you had movies, the most successful actor in the world would perform in an established theater in London or New York. Maybe they had a lifestyle approaching Middle class and were grateful they didn't have to travel anymore. But if you wanted to see this actor, you would have to travel to London, New York, Paris, or some other major city.
But the movies can make an actor famous in ALL those cities at once, and small towns too.
So now we have this ultra-rich, ultra-famous class of people who, even if they were talented actors a couple hundreds years ago, wouldn't have been famous outside of one city.
And for what? Playing pretend. Or maybe singing well. But we have a culture obsessed with these twits.
IMO you are Jewish if you practice the religion or grew up in a home that did and still accept some of the teachings/rituals.
Today we are told to accept the myth of a Jewish people tied together by bloodlines traced back to 2000 years in what is known as Israel. Since this is an accepted myth there are many who identify as Jewish even if they are not religious or are even atheists.
One thing tying some or most religious and secular Jews together is Zionism, and belief in the Jewish “peoples” right to Israel and a Greater Israel.
There may be even a Global Zionist movement afoot which seeks to reclaim Khazaria, and form a New Khazaria in Ukraine which is from where the Chabad Lubavitch movement began (now in over 2000 cities with up to a million attendees)
Under their future vision Gentiles will follow Noahide Laws and a subservient Universal Religion called Noahchidism.
This is taking a page of the Persian Cyrus the Greats Playbook. When he conquered Babylon he created a lesser religion known today as Judaism which was similar to the Persians Zoroastrianism and sent Exiles in Babylon back to Canaan to spread the religion and make them easier to control. Judaism was a proselytizing religion and spread wide and far throughout the region in what we now knew as Greater Israel. Christianity and Islam took in many of these “Jews” as converts, but a small number remained Jews . The Pharisees prohibited conversions and subject them to Rabbinical control. This turned Judaism into a closed off religion passed along by bloodline.
About 800 years after the fall of the 2nd temple the state of Khazaria was caught up in the battle between Christians and Islam both of who wanted to convert unbelievers and subjugate the Khazars. The leaders sought refuge in Judaism and adopted that as the State Religion and were left alone. Jews not subject to Pharisees Rabbinical Control sought a safe haven and came to Khazaria. The Judaism practiced in Khazaria was free of Talmudic influence.
After being defeated by Russia many of the Khazarian Jews dispersed and migrated West to Poland and Western Ukraine/Russia where they came in contact with Germans and Talmudic Jews and together developed a common language (Yiddish) and practices
This is a vast oversimplification and not accepted by most.
Hi Peter, what are your sources, please. Someone sent me some stuff (negative) on the supposedl fake-Jewish Khardazian Mafia, and I did a bit of exploring. Your stuff - I haven't come across this. It's way outside my general area. By the way I posted today on my trying to get answers re the quotes in Ray's posts. Very interesting (non) responses: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some
I haven't posted anything on the Khazarian Mafia. There is a large Mafia operating out of the former Soviet Union, some of that is Jewish but I don't think its productive to focus only on the Jewish members. Mafia attracts all ethnic groups
As for whats mentioned in my post some is covered here, and there are links to some sources. Its a touchy area to research, lots of anti-semitic trash to weed through.
Thank you so much, Pete. This morning, in my mind, how important to take a step - one after another - to dare to take a step. And yes, "lots of anti-semitic trash to weed through." Also, I am finding, lots of Jewish anti-truth stuff, like in the responses (not answers!!) from the rabbi Iwhom asked about the quotes. I give his responses in my most recent post: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some
Your posts - more next steps.
Ray - his post brought me to many next steps. So a big thank you to Ray for posting the quotes that got this started for me - though actually the start came from a video - much that I don't see as reliable - but much that sparked my own searching.
This is an essential topic, but hardly anyone dares to raise it, because sooner or later, someone's feelings might get hurt, and some of those someones can be quite powerful or influential.
I try to keep my comment sections open and ask people to be respectful and avoid crude language, but other than that, it is important to share opinions, experiences, and knowledge, because (in my experience) it brings people closer by making them realize that they are more alike than they thought, so they are never alone. Besides, I am learning from my readers all the time, and I am probably not the only one! :)
About: sooner or later, someone's feelings might get hurt, and some of those someones can be quite powerful or influential. My sense is that it's much more than hurt or offended feelings. As I have published on my Substack yesterday, I got the same kind of answer from the rabbi I was directed to as I might expect from someone Islamic if asking questions they don't want asked, because they know the answers are not answers they want known. Here's my post: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some You might be very interested in reading the responses of this person, recommended as a scholar of the Talmud.
Oh my! Some of that stuff sounds a lot like Islam, too.
Personally, I suspect I have some lost Jewish heritage through my dad's mom. He grew up speaking English, German, and Yiddish in his home. His dad was Christian, and so was my dad.
I, myself, am Catholic, which would have shocked nearly everyone in the family!
I forwarded your quotes to a Jewish friend, who has given me another contact. She's not enough of a scholar. I've heard of quotes like these, and have also heard that they don't exist. So thank you very much for publishing them. I like truth. A name for myself: truth sleuth. Like you, I've lived in very Jewish environments (but without being even half Jewish). Religion has never been a big thing for me. Ethics has. In fact, I've taught college-level ethics. Very interesting. Up my alley. Right wrong, good bad. Very interesting. Also these quotes. Another mystery (to me - other people may have all the answers) to be solved.
Here's my core response: anti-Semitism is a red herring - but hiding nasty stuff from non-Semites is just a way of fueling anti-Semitism. Truth is way better than denial. Many Germans are good, not because the Holocaust did not happen, but because of who they are.
Already 40 or 50 years ago, 49 out of 50 KKK members were federal agents. Antisemitism often seems exaggerated or even created out of nothing. The question is, where and in what form does it actually exist, what are its roots, what is causing it, and when is it considered dangerous? That's a different topic... The most persecuted religion in the world today is Christianity, but the MSM is silent about that. Pol Pot killed millions of people and the question of Jewishness was not even raised.
Dominant interest groups usually try to make sure they remain in power. Power in all civilizations becomes concentrated and accumulates until the collapse, no matter what the dominant interest group is...
You will have received, in your inbox, the exchange I had with a rabbi, referred to me as a Talmud scholar, to whom I sent the quotes you published, asking if they were authentic and if so, were the quotes accurate. First his answer was dismissive and later more on the nasty side. Anyway, I definitely want to get this sorted out.
Re religious persecution - I know Christianity is the most persecuted religion.
Re: "Dominant interest groups usually try to make sure they remain in power." Royalty, the Banking Cartel, etc. Lots to get more info on there.
Do you have a source for this claim: Already 40 or 50 years ago, 49 out of 50 KKK members were federal agents.
There's a book I've put together (but not read): Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together. He spend his last 10 years working on it. I've heard that it's supposed to be anti-Semitic. I only read a couple of chapters. No anti-Semitism in those chapters - but Jews are not entirely victims - instead are often middle men between the peasants and the nobility, collecting money from one group, passing it to the other, and doing well in the middle. Have you read it?
(I had to find 2 sources - for 2 different sets of chapters. You would have thought it was the worst kind of lies, from how hard it was to get it all.)
Stegiel, What almost everyone is missing here and everywhere else is that the people at the very top of the food chain on this planet are ancient family lines that go back to a VERY particular branch of the Hebrew or Jewish people. Those where and are the people who used to be known as the Phoenicians. They were the sea faring Hebrews who came, first, to dominate the entire Mediterranean, then all of Europe and finally just about the entire world through their strangle hold on banking and credit. These people have written history for more than two thousand years and have perpetuated the idea that the Phoenician people and culture just disappeared after the Roman sacking of Carthage. The truth is they were the founders of Rome and everything else that has followed. Today those bloodlines of these truly crypto Jewish people comprise and encompass all the elite and royal houses of Europe. These people left the religion of the Hebrews in the dustbin of history thousands of years ago and have adopted the surface appearance of whatever beliefs were necessary to propel their agendas of domination forward. All while never forgetting who they really were. This is what and who the supposed New World Order actually is. I feel free to say all this because I have some of these lines on both sides of my own family. The names Bennett, Franklin (yes, THOSE Franklins) and Tolliver don't sound like they would be THOSE people but in fact are. I took the time to tell you this because it sounds like you might be open to this truth from what you said here. The people saying that Italy is a hub of Ashkenazi lines are correct but I doubt they understand why they are seeing this in Italian DNA. What I have said above is, I believe, the reason. The Tolivers on my paternal grandmothers side were originally known as the Taliaferros. They were an Italian family of wealthy, sea faring, merchants who came to England and became Tolivers. This is just one example of how all this transpired over millennia. The Bennett's were a wealthy, titled, sea faring family from the south of France who were in the textile manufacturing business. There they were originally called the Benoits and were another one of many crypto Phoenician families from the Mediterranean region. They came to Britain to open textile mills, which were always a Phoenician enterprise, and became Bennett's. Today you will find Bennett's figuring hugely in searches on the ancestry of all the peerage and royal lines in Britain. You will also find them figuring hugely in the history of the original Jamestown colony here in the US. This is what I now refer to as the Bennett "hive" and are the Bennett's I directly descend from. Both the Franklin's and Bennett's were part of British intelligence operations in the colonies and were never who people think they are now. On my Dads side of the family I had been looking at those noses my entire life and never saw what that truly indicated until recently. These are the same noses on all those statues of Roman nobility. Roman noses were a "thing" and now you know why that was.
The history of banking in Europe after the end of the Western Roman empire does not see Jewish people really until about the time of Spinoza. Jews in Holland had money from Jewish piracy against Spain. The big money was with the Fugger family. They took over from the Medici. https://tontinecoffeehouse.com/2019/09/23/the-fuggers-bankers-to-emperors/
Indeed. The first "modern" bankers who were granted the privilege of issuing loans at an interest (which was forbidden in Roman Catholicism) were in Italy, and eventually, they even had the prerogative to mint the currency of the Holy Roman Empire. The Jewish bankers started up in Hamburg and Amsterdam much later.
Like I said above, these Phoenician /Hebrew lines moving into other cultures and localities have been a carefully guarded secret since at least the founding of Rome. They were dominating trade, manufacturing, and the financial systems in Europe for centuries and people who were not THEM or in cahoots with them were not privy to who they really were. Take a good look at the very famous bust of Cleopatra and you will see how far all this had spread by that time. Some of the early Greek settlements, including Sparta were settled by people from the city of Dorr in old Hebrew Phoenicia. The Spartans were originally called the Dorians. This is where the term Doric, as in Doric style columns came from. History as we have been taught is mostly lies that fortunately fall apart on close inspection. The Phoenicians are also believed to have traveled very early on to the British Isles and points north. They sought to dominate any peoples they encountered on these voyages by any subterfuge necessary. None of this has changed unfortunately.
Anyone who accepts the Jewish faith, is Jewish. Anyone who accepts the Christian faith, is Christian. Anyone, who accepts the Islamic faith, is Muslim. People who are European in origin, are not the only Jews. Who are related to the ancient Hebrews? Very, very few. Here's something else that is shocking. People that have brown skin aren't visually, or scientifically, so-called, black. That would be a social caste system game to divide brown skin humanity.
Yeshua, the so-called person, named Jesus, was, Hebrew. Not, Jewish. The word "Jew" did not come into existence until the year 1775. The term Jew is less than 3 hundred years old. In other words, it is a relatively new concept, and added to the mythology. The book, that is called, the Old Testament, was previous called and known as the "Hebrew Bible." Written, in the "Hebrew Language." It is one of the Semitic languages within the Afroasiatic language family. Yes, beyond the religious concept, being "Jewish" is mostly cultural, however, not a singular culture. Contrary to what some believe, it's not monoculturalistic. Many "Jewish" people are a part of and embrace different cultural behaviors.
Here is an interesting link, although I can't determine how reliable it is:
In a couple of days, I hope to collect your ideas and attaach them to the text.
i think .... if you perscribe to the biblicle narrative then ...https://biblehub.com/genesis/2-7.htm he became a living soul... he didnt become a living jew ,living christian a living buddah a living muslim a living ... he became a LIVING SOUL ...thats our true IDENTITY thats it folks end of racial polemic ,,, "move on nothing to see here " its over... all else is superfluous , divisory , PERFIDIOUS
what type of character would imbibe the above written ? and follow ? what type of character would promote that ? what type of character be an apologist for that ? what btype of character would identify his and forge their identity with that ? the answer is blatantly evident today in the wars and other social contexts which well describes their characteristics
Please, explain. I'm not sure what you mean.
please accept my apologies i was commenting on your post on talmudic instruction concerning the goim
who what type of character would invent/ promote those talmudic instructions and their motivation
Ray is brave to tackle sensitive issues. Personally, I have met many so-called Jewish or self-proclaimed Jewish persons who have some relationship to their Jewish community. The vast (over 90%?) majority couldn't tell you what the Talmud was about, some might say "Jewish Laws" but couldn't cite anymore than the 10 commandments. So whatever is or isn't correct about the Talmud, very few "Jews" have any idea what it is about, nor care (most Jews in the US are agnostic/atheist/don't care about god or religion and just mix with other Jews for social reasons). Maybe a NWO Gofor "convert" like Madonna knows. Things like the Talmud/Jews are used by the NWO to continue using Jews as scapegoats to hide their own crimes.
I make attempts to address sensitive problems; tackling them is the reader's job. :)
Who’s Jewish? Here is my description:
Modern Jews are an international coalition of people (mostly atheists) from varied ethnic backgrounds which includes some middle eastern heritage but the most dominant being European - specifically Italian.
Socially, to be a modern Jew is to belong to a ‘club’ of sorts. Once acknowledged by the club as part of the club - you are under the umbrella of thousands of local, national & international Jewish groups. This vast network of groups provides Jews with every conceivable protection, welfare benefit and community social service - healthcare, childcare, cheap loans, mental health services, schooling, college funding, elderly care, legal advocacy & Lobby groups. In addition the club organizes social gatherings, parties, fundraisers, retreats, summer camps, special interest groups, vacations, arts & crafts, seminars. The list of organized activities for Jews is endless.
(Strangely I’ve never heard a ‘Libertarian’ Jew advocate for the dismantling of their own govt funded groups & institutions - just YOURS lol
Jews religious or atheist are expected to donate to Jewish causes, and observe and protect Jewish taboos.
You can become a Jew By marriage or adoption (Jews have always had a high rate of adoption.)
Great analogy I think--and one could add a) justices (like Talmud scholars) can change views over time and that's recorded too in the record (Talmud I mean) and b) the debates on a given topic aren't just in one place in the Talmud but are in many places and are added over time and there's no proper index ! (except something in the minds of the Talmud scholars)... AND after all that c) Torah comes "first" so if an opinion (Talmud IS opinion) challenges a Torah law, it has to be argued all over again (the version most folks see of the Torah is like a Cliff Notes and though Torah is far shorter--there is much more elaboration and nuance from what I've been told). Some understand it better if they see it's a living document--the Talmud (Torah is set in stone--like the carved commandments). Rules can and do change over time, as the world changes--as new things are invented that were not even conceived at the time (eg. cell phones, ovens on timers, expected age of marriage and much more...)
You see, this is what I usually tell people, who think the Earth is flat and less than 5900 years old:
If it was not, how would your life be different?
Jews have to follow trillions of rules, yet what difference does it make?
The erudite have always considered themselves superior, yet simple people are less likely to miss the target.
that hit the bullseye for me. Thank you.
Agreed, sure, but some of the rules DO help folks...and may have kept communities or cultures alive or even thriving over centuries by keeping them safe. For example, both halal and kosher rules forbid the eating of pork--whatever was debated to get it on paper and 'splain it to regular people, it saved a LOT of folks from Trichinosis (the worm-parasite I believe that is FINALLY gone from our midst...) something that sickened and even killed many who didn't follow such rules. Loftier reasons aside, perhaps the "thinkers" knew not of worms themselves--but knew they were onto something--by observing--figgerin' such stuff out for keeping a group safe was certainly beneficial. I think it's complex but not all was just to chew the fat or "useless cogitatin'" (imo)- I don't see Talmudic (and other) scholars the same way I see elite globalists (albeit there were scholars among them too--the Rhodes, the Huxleys).
In fact I see today's globalists as anti-intellectual (King Charles Spaniel is an inbred dolt for example, not a thinker). I'll add that many Talmudic scholars were not elite or wealthy at all! They were not chosen by wealth or caste or "good family" but rather for a capacity and desire to learn--and many had very little so their families worked extra hard to support the studies of the one scholar--like many American families who saved for years so one kid could get a higher education...
I don't judge these folks, I find it pretty fascinating and even if they debate 'till the cows come home I'm glad someone out there does that...wherever it leads (not to no good). Our founding fathers did much of this too--just a bit differently! Their private libraries were tremendous and I don't begrudge them any time they spent pondering all manner of questions either... (a bit different but not THAT much... )
If the topic interests you a bit, do look up Ruth Wisse and her books or lectures-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Wisse -- she is one of the most BRILLIANT academics (and delightful) and likely has opined on all this as she preserves Jewish intellectual history (this is her passion and I've heard a bunch've her video talks). I think she got cancelled when teaching at Harvard but anyway, it's all fascinating stuff (to me at least) and not something I personal would dismiss as hogwash--as I might other more indulgent pursuits... I hope they continue the tradition--if not much would be lost...
RANDOM THOUGHT--Substack is not unlike the Talmud... it's the land of well-debated opinions!
Agreed on pork; it can be eaten safely only if it is cooked through at high temperature. For seafood, they didn't have fridges at the time, but at this point, Fukushima and microplastics are good-enough reasons. :)
"Anti-intellectual," in my book, means you don't care for useless knowledge, yet who is going to define what "useless" is?
When I was a professor, I used to say, "if you want a degree, go to college; if you want education, go to the library." After the libraries, for me, college was a walk in the park...
Ruth must have been more brilliant than I was, because even after proving myself t be 8-15 years ahead of the times (hardly anyone knew what I was talking about), my "colleagues" were afraid of me (although I never aspired to be their superior, I was there only to help) to the point that they usually got rid of me. I was unable to sound acceptable for them, because even when I made it simple, it was still years ahead of their knowledge... Well, that may have been happened to Ruth, but I would have been summarily fired in the last 30 months, if I had been actively teaching, because I would have never worn a muzzle, accepted a "test," or taken a lethal injection.
I am familiar with the posh culture of the Ivy League, and I have literally no respect for it.
Nor sure about any debates here; my readership is more about sharing. I certainly don't want to convince anyone; it's everybody's own responsibility to make up their minds.
Yup, seafood too--bottom feeders were always in issue but given plastics and radiation there sure are causes to pause--kosher or smosher r' not.
So when I say "anti-intellectual" I mean "not usin' yer noggin' " which is true of many of the globalists and ordinary leaders, celebs, politicians (and much of Amerika's populace too!)
As a timely example, my youngest daughter was the only kid in her homeschool book club that didn't audibly COMPLAIN about readin' To Kill A Mockingbird (thankfully she really loved it as I too had) -- Some kids only read graphic novels fergawdsakes... I'll spare ya the grousin' but imo kids should be far more "pro-" intellectual (i.e. in the sense of reading /thinking / discussing and WANTIN' TO). Verrrrry different nowadays....
And of course book "larnin'" is just one part of it but it's an important part--knowing history, literature, science (vs "The Science" that the WHO now claims to own!)... and so on. So imo, all power to those Torah scholars, and all the library learners and the "thinkin'" profs like yourself and Prof. Wisse and even armchair intellectuals who may lack formal education but are usin' their noggin's all the same. Even if everyone disagrees (which is fine), I think we were all given MINDS to use (crackpot idea in some circles).
Today stopping and "thinkin'" seems to be at a premium -- but I'm all for it!
And yup, the Ivy League got sprayed with weed killer, dyin' on the vine--lost my respect too. It's sad
Anyway, "them's" my random thoughts on'it--hope I didn't offend and I too am not tryin' to convince anyone of anything or spark any arguments here--just speak my mind (while I still got one--some days seems I'm losing it!)
Nice talkin' with ya Ray and ya have a very nice substack here with lots of ideas that should certainly be talked about!
Thank you for your kind words and for your participation! :)
Hi Ray, What do you know about the quotes? Where did you find them? Have you long known of them?
Do you know if there are refutations? Etc. I also noted that a couple of people gave sources to go to, to understand more. I will be looking.
Elsa, your site is good, but I don't subscribe to a site, unless I am allowed to comment. Rappoport and Mercola are exceptions, for different reasons, but I have been following them for several years and I'm unlikely to take up new ones.
Hi Ray, everyone can comment on my substack. Or are you talking about some other site?
Sorry, when I signed up, the system showed different grades of subscribers.
The system does that for every person. We can choose what the different grades can do. So I let everyone comment.You've made the same choice.
Corrected version (apparently, I mixed up two versions by mistake; sorry about that):
I suppose so, but I couldn't help subscribing and wanted to start receiving notifications about your new articles. It looks like everything will be fine.
Don't understand: "didn't want any longer to receive notifications about your new articles." You are on my subscriber list. So you should be getting the articles. Anyway, this is all details, easy to get sorted out.
These are common quotes circulating on the Internet. This particular batch is about 3-6 months old, but I kept it on reserve, just in case.
I am not a Talmud scholar (far from it), so I don't know about refutations, but I am eager to hear them from my readers!
Excellent post. Jews by and large have been a long time scapegoat and their 20th century nemesis was concocted for scapegoating them into genocide. Michael Hoffman's work taught me a ton about this, so did the video blogging of Sean Hross.
My parents are Polish and I'm the first of many centuries of my paternal & maternal bloodlines to be born in the Southern hemisphere
I am not a Talmudic scholar. But I am aware that there are a large number of anti-semitic websites that push the idea that the Talmud is some book of evil that teaches Jews to hate gentiles.
The Talmud is a complex work full of debates between the Rabbis, sometimes on the most exceptional, minute pieces of the law. Some of the conversations sound outlandish if one does not know the context of the conversation or the question being discussed.
There are websites from Talmudic scholars that address the internet claims such as the ones in the post. But there are fewer of them than Torah scholars.
This attack on the Talmud was addressed by a speech by Rabbi Tovia Singer. You can listen to it at the following website.
Some websites that address these accusations against the Talmud.
Please accept these in good faith.
Yes indeedy, the Talmud is NOT the old testament which we call, of course, the Torah (that is LAW like the 10 commandments--) Talmud is exactly as Jonah wrote here--a bunch of opinions from not only rabbis but from Jewish scholars and "wisemen" and philosphers to be DEBATED 'till the cows (kosher ones!) come home--all taken out of context by those who wanna just scapegoat the Jews. Imagine taking, I dunno, Huck Finn outta context and just repeating the N word or quotes from anyone that says something "not PC" (plenty of that in Huck!) and you'd be on the money the way they use Talmud quotes--outta context-- to characterize Jews of all "stripes" as everything horrid under the sun--from baby eaters to thieves and more. All bunk. An idea within the thick of an argument pulled--try doin' this with any lyric from a song, it's like that. Talmudic scholars debate this stuff ALL DAY ("cheder" / not cheddar! is for this). Torah is law and it's good law. If a commandment is "thou shall not kill" then those saying that Jews eat gentile babies baked into matzohs haven't a clue that defies law / Torah. And as for Kabbalah, it's older than all the laws and is mystical and also open to debate--it's fairly alchemical but is not satanic and the symbols are are not what they seem to be (a fish isn't a fish, an eye isn't an eye)...It all goes deeper than that of course. I got chased around in second grade and called Christ killer when I hadn't as much as killed an ant or a fly so I know a bit about such things! As for the question WHO is Jewish, that is not simple as it's not just about the mother though it can be--Jews do not proselytize and they DO accept sincere converts--Sammy Davis, Debbie Reynolds... I think Elizabeth Taylor too at least when she was married to Mike Todd. Lumping all Jews together is as nutty as putting all Christians in the same basket....as Spock (played by the awesome Jewish actor Leonard Nimoy ) would say--"highly illogical."
I once asked a fellow who was well versed on this stuff: "If I wanted an example of the Talmud, suppose I made a collection of all the arguments of all the justices who served on the Supreme Court from the beginning to now, including a sidebar of biographies but in the course I just use first names, so you might be confused as to which John or James or Thomas I'm talking about if you haven't been informed by a teacher.... is that a good analogy of the Talmud?"
He said: "Kinda."
Thank you for the links and for the explanation!
Taking texts out of context can incriminate anyone, anywhere, and I am still to meet with a Jew (religious or not), who will consider me an animal. :) (When I was 12, a Jewish mom prohibited his son to befriend me, but that was the only exception. I am still wondering why she thought I was not Jewish :) ).
Also, the real mess starts, when the Kabbalah enters the picture, but raising the subject would have been too much for a discussion or even for a few books.
The Kabbalah is the mystical component of Judaism. I think uh... Sufi is the mystical component of Islam, and I heard there was a mystical component of Christianity. What was it called... Theugery or something else?
I once saw an audio cassette on Kaballah that I checked out of the library, back when cars had tape decks. When I listened to it, I understood very little. There was one story in it that made sense, though.
That story was this:
One day, a herder went to synagogue. He prayed: "Dear G-d. If you had a herd of sheep or cattle, I would herd it for you for free, because I love you so much. For other people, I charge money. But for you, I would do it for free."
A scholar heard the herder praying, and said: "What's wrong with you? That's not how you pray! Let me show you the proper method." He showed the proper prayers to the herdsman. But the illiterate herdsman, overwhelmed, couldn't understand these prayers and decided he was better off not praying at all.
That night the scholar had a dream. "You have taken away a prayer from the Lord that was very special to him. If you do not get the herdsman to pray the way he used to, you will surely die."
The scholar woke up in a panic, searched for the herdsman, and told him to forget everything the scholar told him the day before.
That was the only thing in that tape that made sense to me. There was another bit about Rabbi Akiva and some of his friends having ... well, vision quest is what it sounded like. One died, one became an apostate from seeing two gods instead of one, and I think Akiva was unscathed.
The rest is a blur.
Traditionally to study the Kaballah, one needs to be a man of at least 40 years of age. You need to be married and a father of children. You need to know the Torah and the Talmud and the Mishnah backwards and forwards. Which means you probably were studying all your life. We're not talking about someone who got interested in this stuff at 35 and has only been at it for five years. If you meet those qualifications, you may be invited to study Kaballah.
Which, I guess, is why it ends up being taught for big bucks to drug addicted performers like Madonna in Los Angeles.
If Disney wanted to make an interesting Star Wars plot, they should try a comedy where some unscrupulous Jedi offers to train anyone in the Force for money, not just the people with aptitude or a serious mind.
Sionism is an authentic jewish movement or it was ellaborated by non Jewish people with certain political (and dark) interests, as some researchers claim today?
I'm asking you because I have read in some serious websites that the real origin of Sionism is not Jew at all, that the Jesuits in accordance with some wealthy people (or "the ellite") created it to begin the war in the Middle East and to convince the establishment dissidents worldwide that the Jews are the only ones interested in controlling the planet (remember de so called "Protocols of the Elders of Sion"?)
Thanks in advance for your answer.
I actually never heard of Sionism.
I assume you don't mean Zionism?
Yes, Zionism. I'm a Spanish speaker and often forget that in English you write that word with "Z"...
Oh. Eh.... I'm not in a position to say. I'll say this:
The idea of returning to the land of Israel was a long-time dream of the Jews, and it happened once before in the time of Cyrus. (End of the Babylonian captivity and the building of the second temple.
The Dreyfus affair inspired Herzl that Jews would never be considered full citizens of Europe, so he pursued the dream of a Jewish state in the ancestral land.
He raised money to do this.
Did the donors of that money have their own motivations outside of altruism and a long-time dream? Certainly possible.
Did the British have their own motives for helping the Zionists, while making conflicting promises to the Arab? Most likely; they did a lot of this. And "Divide and Conquer" is a stratagem that goes back to the time of Julius Caesar, and probably before him too.
Why not protect your power in the world by making sure lesser powers are constantly fighting each other?
The story reminds me of the legend of a hermit, who lived on a deserted island.
One day, a bishop's ship was shored up on the island in a storm. The hermit asked the bishop to teach him how to pray. The bishop taught him a prayer. When the storm subsided, he boarded his ship and left. He was still only a few hundred yards from the island, when he noticed the hermit running after him on the water,
"Bishop, bishop, I forgot the prayer!"
The bishop responded,
"Just pray the way your have always done it."
Much of Unholy-wood is a pissoir of evil and demoralizing nonsense. I am not moralizing here, but taking morality out of the picture is dehumanizing.
Popular singers haven't done much music since around 1990, most of them also a travesty of anything even halfway-decent.
Waiting for 40 years reminds me of the Chinese tradition in which men with assets were not allowed to marry under 30, but they were more than welcome to their concubines (one of which they were even expected to keep even after getting married), which is not exactly compatible with any flavor of western traditions. :)
Also, Greek Orthodox priests ARE supposed to be married and have children. In western Christianity, the practice of Investiture made sure the third sons of large landowners/nobility had to become bishops, which was possible by a major gift to the Pope.
Star Wars is already a comedy! :)
Yeah it was also a qualification of the Sanhedrin that you had to be a married man with children. The idea being (among other things) sometimes you had to rule on matters of life and death, and someone without children doesn't understand that every person is someone's child.
No Lindsay Grahams on the Sanhedrin.
Game of Thrones has a few episodes that show an acting troupe. They're poor people, maybe a few steps above beggars. Maybe having more fun than peasants. But they certainly aren't rich. And have to travel from town to town to put on their show. That was what acting was in the time of William Shakespeare. Acting was not a vocation that a wealthy man of means would want for his sons or daughters. It was more a vocation of someone who "ran away from home to join the circus."
Somehow film made these people very rich. I wager, before you had movies, the most successful actor in the world would perform in an established theater in London or New York. Maybe they had a lifestyle approaching Middle class and were grateful they didn't have to travel anymore. But if you wanted to see this actor, you would have to travel to London, New York, Paris, or some other major city.
But the movies can make an actor famous in ALL those cities at once, and small towns too.
So now we have this ultra-rich, ultra-famous class of people who, even if they were talented actors a couple hundreds years ago, wouldn't have been famous outside of one city.
And for what? Playing pretend. Or maybe singing well. But we have a culture obsessed with these twits.
IMO you are Jewish if you practice the religion or grew up in a home that did and still accept some of the teachings/rituals.
Today we are told to accept the myth of a Jewish people tied together by bloodlines traced back to 2000 years in what is known as Israel. Since this is an accepted myth there are many who identify as Jewish even if they are not religious or are even atheists.
One thing tying some or most religious and secular Jews together is Zionism, and belief in the Jewish “peoples” right to Israel and a Greater Israel.
There may be even a Global Zionist movement afoot which seeks to reclaim Khazaria, and form a New Khazaria in Ukraine which is from where the Chabad Lubavitch movement began (now in over 2000 cities with up to a million attendees)
Under their future vision Gentiles will follow Noahide Laws and a subservient Universal Religion called Noahchidism.
This is taking a page of the Persian Cyrus the Greats Playbook. When he conquered Babylon he created a lesser religion known today as Judaism which was similar to the Persians Zoroastrianism and sent Exiles in Babylon back to Canaan to spread the religion and make them easier to control. Judaism was a proselytizing religion and spread wide and far throughout the region in what we now knew as Greater Israel. Christianity and Islam took in many of these “Jews” as converts, but a small number remained Jews . The Pharisees prohibited conversions and subject them to Rabbinical control. This turned Judaism into a closed off religion passed along by bloodline.
About 800 years after the fall of the 2nd temple the state of Khazaria was caught up in the battle between Christians and Islam both of who wanted to convert unbelievers and subjugate the Khazars. The leaders sought refuge in Judaism and adopted that as the State Religion and were left alone. Jews not subject to Pharisees Rabbinical Control sought a safe haven and came to Khazaria. The Judaism practiced in Khazaria was free of Talmudic influence.
After being defeated by Russia many of the Khazarian Jews dispersed and migrated West to Poland and Western Ukraine/Russia where they came in contact with Germans and Talmudic Jews and together developed a common language (Yiddish) and practices
This is a vast oversimplification and not accepted by most.
Hi Peter, what are your sources, please. Someone sent me some stuff (negative) on the supposedl fake-Jewish Khardazian Mafia, and I did a bit of exploring. Your stuff - I haven't come across this. It's way outside my general area. By the way I posted today on my trying to get answers re the quotes in Ray's posts. Very interesting (non) responses: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some
I haven't posted anything on the Khazarian Mafia. There is a large Mafia operating out of the former Soviet Union, some of that is Jewish but I don't think its productive to focus only on the Jewish members. Mafia attracts all ethnic groups
As for whats mentioned in my post some is covered here, and there are links to some sources. Its a touchy area to research, lots of anti-semitic trash to weed through.
Thank you so much, Pete. This morning, in my mind, how important to take a step - one after another - to dare to take a step. And yes, "lots of anti-semitic trash to weed through." Also, I am finding, lots of Jewish anti-truth stuff, like in the responses (not answers!!) from the rabbi Iwhom asked about the quotes. I give his responses in my most recent post: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some
Your posts - more next steps.
Ray - his post brought me to many next steps. So a big thank you to Ray for posting the quotes that got this started for me - though actually the start came from a video - much that I don't see as reliable - but much that sparked my own searching.
This is an essential topic, but hardly anyone dares to raise it, because sooner or later, someone's feelings might get hurt, and some of those someones can be quite powerful or influential.
I try to keep my comment sections open and ask people to be respectful and avoid crude language, but other than that, it is important to share opinions, experiences, and knowledge, because (in my experience) it brings people closer by making them realize that they are more alike than they thought, so they are never alone. Besides, I am learning from my readers all the time, and I am probably not the only one! :)
About: sooner or later, someone's feelings might get hurt, and some of those someones can be quite powerful or influential. My sense is that it's much more than hurt or offended feelings. As I have published on my Substack yesterday, I got the same kind of answer from the rabbi I was directed to as I might expect from someone Islamic if asking questions they don't want asked, because they know the answers are not answers they want known. Here's my post: https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/the-aventure-continues-with-some You might be very interested in reading the responses of this person, recommended as a scholar of the Talmud.
That is an important post.
Sounds like the Koran.
Oh my! Some of that stuff sounds a lot like Islam, too.
Personally, I suspect I have some lost Jewish heritage through my dad's mom. He grew up speaking English, German, and Yiddish in his home. His dad was Christian, and so was my dad.
I, myself, am Catholic, which would have shocked nearly everyone in the family!
I forwarded your quotes to a Jewish friend, who has given me another contact. She's not enough of a scholar. I've heard of quotes like these, and have also heard that they don't exist. So thank you very much for publishing them. I like truth. A name for myself: truth sleuth. Like you, I've lived in very Jewish environments (but without being even half Jewish). Religion has never been a big thing for me. Ethics has. In fact, I've taught college-level ethics. Very interesting. Up my alley. Right wrong, good bad. Very interesting. Also these quotes. Another mystery (to me - other people may have all the answers) to be solved.
Thank you! That's exactly what needs to be done!
Here's my core response: anti-Semitism is a red herring - but hiding nasty stuff from non-Semites is just a way of fueling anti-Semitism. Truth is way better than denial. Many Germans are good, not because the Holocaust did not happen, but because of who they are.
Already 40 or 50 years ago, 49 out of 50 KKK members were federal agents. Antisemitism often seems exaggerated or even created out of nothing. The question is, where and in what form does it actually exist, what are its roots, what is causing it, and when is it considered dangerous? That's a different topic... The most persecuted religion in the world today is Christianity, but the MSM is silent about that. Pol Pot killed millions of people and the question of Jewishness was not even raised.
Dominant interest groups usually try to make sure they remain in power. Power in all civilizations becomes concentrated and accumulates until the collapse, no matter what the dominant interest group is...
You will have received, in your inbox, the exchange I had with a rabbi, referred to me as a Talmud scholar, to whom I sent the quotes you published, asking if they were authentic and if so, were the quotes accurate. First his answer was dismissive and later more on the nasty side. Anyway, I definitely want to get this sorted out.
Re religious persecution - I know Christianity is the most persecuted religion.
Re: "Dominant interest groups usually try to make sure they remain in power." Royalty, the Banking Cartel, etc. Lots to get more info on there.
Do you have a source for this claim: Already 40 or 50 years ago, 49 out of 50 KKK members were federal agents.
There's a book I've put together (but not read): Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together. He spend his last 10 years working on it. I've heard that it's supposed to be anti-Semitic. I only read a couple of chapters. No anti-Semitism in those chapters - but Jews are not entirely victims - instead are often middle men between the peasants and the nobility, collecting money from one group, passing it to the other, and doing well in the middle. Have you read it?
(I had to find 2 sources - for 2 different sets of chapters. You would have thought it was the worst kind of lies, from how hard it was to get it all.)
Did Modern Jews Originate in Italy?
New genetic study traces Ashkenazi roots to prehistoric Europe—not the Middle East
Stegiel, What almost everyone is missing here and everywhere else is that the people at the very top of the food chain on this planet are ancient family lines that go back to a VERY particular branch of the Hebrew or Jewish people. Those where and are the people who used to be known as the Phoenicians. They were the sea faring Hebrews who came, first, to dominate the entire Mediterranean, then all of Europe and finally just about the entire world through their strangle hold on banking and credit. These people have written history for more than two thousand years and have perpetuated the idea that the Phoenician people and culture just disappeared after the Roman sacking of Carthage. The truth is they were the founders of Rome and everything else that has followed. Today those bloodlines of these truly crypto Jewish people comprise and encompass all the elite and royal houses of Europe. These people left the religion of the Hebrews in the dustbin of history thousands of years ago and have adopted the surface appearance of whatever beliefs were necessary to propel their agendas of domination forward. All while never forgetting who they really were. This is what and who the supposed New World Order actually is. I feel free to say all this because I have some of these lines on both sides of my own family. The names Bennett, Franklin (yes, THOSE Franklins) and Tolliver don't sound like they would be THOSE people but in fact are. I took the time to tell you this because it sounds like you might be open to this truth from what you said here. The people saying that Italy is a hub of Ashkenazi lines are correct but I doubt they understand why they are seeing this in Italian DNA. What I have said above is, I believe, the reason. The Tolivers on my paternal grandmothers side were originally known as the Taliaferros. They were an Italian family of wealthy, sea faring, merchants who came to England and became Tolivers. This is just one example of how all this transpired over millennia. The Bennett's were a wealthy, titled, sea faring family from the south of France who were in the textile manufacturing business. There they were originally called the Benoits and were another one of many crypto Phoenician families from the Mediterranean region. They came to Britain to open textile mills, which were always a Phoenician enterprise, and became Bennett's. Today you will find Bennett's figuring hugely in searches on the ancestry of all the peerage and royal lines in Britain. You will also find them figuring hugely in the history of the original Jamestown colony here in the US. This is what I now refer to as the Bennett "hive" and are the Bennett's I directly descend from. Both the Franklin's and Bennett's were part of British intelligence operations in the colonies and were never who people think they are now. On my Dads side of the family I had been looking at those noses my entire life and never saw what that truly indicated until recently. These are the same noses on all those statues of Roman nobility. Roman noses were a "thing" and now you know why that was.
The history of banking in Europe after the end of the Western Roman empire does not see Jewish people really until about the time of Spinoza. Jews in Holland had money from Jewish piracy against Spain. The big money was with the Fugger family. They took over from the Medici. https://tontinecoffeehouse.com/2019/09/23/the-fuggers-bankers-to-emperors/
Indeed. The first "modern" bankers who were granted the privilege of issuing loans at an interest (which was forbidden in Roman Catholicism) were in Italy, and eventually, they even had the prerogative to mint the currency of the Holy Roman Empire. The Jewish bankers started up in Hamburg and Amsterdam much later.
Like I said above, these Phoenician /Hebrew lines moving into other cultures and localities have been a carefully guarded secret since at least the founding of Rome. They were dominating trade, manufacturing, and the financial systems in Europe for centuries and people who were not THEM or in cahoots with them were not privy to who they really were. Take a good look at the very famous bust of Cleopatra and you will see how far all this had spread by that time. Some of the early Greek settlements, including Sparta were settled by people from the city of Dorr in old Hebrew Phoenicia. The Spartans were originally called the Dorians. This is where the term Doric, as in Doric style columns came from. History as we have been taught is mostly lies that fortunately fall apart on close inspection. The Phoenicians are also believed to have traveled very early on to the British Isles and points north. They sought to dominate any peoples they encountered on these voyages by any subterfuge necessary. None of this has changed unfortunately.
Phonecians made it to Brazil also.
Anyone who accepts the Jewish faith, is Jewish. Anyone who accepts the Christian faith, is Christian. Anyone, who accepts the Islamic faith, is Muslim. People who are European in origin, are not the only Jews. Who are related to the ancient Hebrews? Very, very few. Here's something else that is shocking. People that have brown skin aren't visually, or scientifically, so-called, black. That would be a social caste system game to divide brown skin humanity.
No .. the Jews don’t believe that .. some sects refuse to take ANY converts or their children as Jewish …
Judaism doesn't proselytize.
As far as I can see, being "Jewish" is mostly cultural, but I can be wrong.
There is nothing conclusive about Jesus being of a specific skin color, but he was surely a "Jew."
People are bound together by their culture, not by their skin color...
What does it mean to be a "racist"?
Yeshua, the so-called person, named Jesus, was, Hebrew. Not, Jewish. The word "Jew" did not come into existence until the year 1775. The term Jew is less than 3 hundred years old. In other words, it is a relatively new concept, and added to the mythology. The book, that is called, the Old Testament, was previous called and known as the "Hebrew Bible." Written, in the "Hebrew Language." It is one of the Semitic languages within the Afroasiatic language family. Yes, beyond the religious concept, being "Jewish" is mostly cultural, however, not a singular culture. Contrary to what some believe, it's not monoculturalistic. Many "Jewish" people are a part of and embrace different cultural behaviors.
Definitely; being "Jewish" encompasses a number of cultures.
The problem still prevails.