Apr 2, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You are right. The spooks have so much money to control the oppo that any numbers about subscribers and readers is totally bogus on this or any other platform. Certainly CBDC will destroy substack and everything else that moves. On top of that they will do deep fakes showing whatever they want to fool anyone that still thinks there is a medical freedom movement or anything else the spooks want to squelch. With Chat-GPT and its ever smarter successors we will have nothing on line to take seriously. We are in end times my friend. I'm always taken aback by the fact that for the amount Musk paid for twitter he could have bought ALL the main stream media. Why didn't he? If the goal is to open up the public square that would have been much preferable. Goodbye America, welcome our AI overlords!

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Thanks Ray. Fingers crossed for a positive future for SS.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

These days You either die a revolutionary or become a content creator. You know, one of these mild outrage, soft stinger dolts of YouTube that rebel against the system/current thing while being housetrained not to bark wrong things and get rewarded with monetisation of views. The platforms don't even need actual followers to direct the nature of content, throwing pennies from bot accounts is enough. Disgusting.

Dissapointing. Imagine a talented clown that can bring joy and fun to every party. He makes incredible creations from baloons with just one hand! But the downside is that he is perpetually furiously masturbating with the other one.

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Ray, did you pose this as questions to the SS owners?

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Every platform is capable of being compromised!

That said, I have no interest in blatantly identifying myself through financial transactions directly tied to my thoughts and opinions.

If substack as we know it now dies, I have no qualms about jumping ship, I've done so several times over the past few decades.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I was part of the big 9-11-2001 writer crash. The dust hadn't even settled and every writing gig I had was pulled. I wrote for Themestream in the late 90's. Readers didn't pay us, the company paid us. I believe they had a better model than SS. During this war I've chosen to write for FREE. Thanks for this. We can only speculate.

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Venture funding dried up after SVB.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

All good things come to an end, it seems. Thanks for the analysis. Sadly, not only am I learning that not all the authors on substack who seemed trustworthy, are. Question is: Once it goes kaput, where will we go to find (somewhat) unbiased writing?

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thanks for the warning. I am following several substacks paid, and have a waiting list in case I stop following one of those. You are on the list but it will be a while LOL. There are about a dozen waiting before you. I hope this turns out for the best, but you know, many good things are being taken over by bigger things that are way worse. I remember just a few months ago, that Bragg vinegar has been bought up by a large concern. No good.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Putting "Substack" into Yahoo Finance gives "Andreessen Horowitz" as the lead investor Company. Putting in "Andreessen Horowitz Pfizer" in a quackquackgo Search without any deeper diving gives this interesting info below Maybe you can understand why all the Malones, Kingstons, Kirschs etc are on it and are VERY popular, and make all of us think deeply about SS (Oh, I know what "SS" means"!)

https://a16z.com › 2021 › 02 › 10 › the-second-coming-of-rna-medicines

The Second Coming of RNA Medicines | Andreessen Horowitz

The Second Coming of RNA Medicines. by Judy Savitskaya. The RNA technology underlying both the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines could give us our fastest ticket out of the COVID-19 pandemic. With their rapid development and the early signs of success, RNA-based therapeutics are enjoying a well-deserved moment in the public and scientific ...

https://a16z.com › 2021 › 02 › 11 › bio-newsletter-february-2021

A reading list for biotech's beginnings ... - Andreessen Horowitz

The second coming of RNA medicines. The Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccines mark a major milestone - not just for this pandemic, but for their entire therapeutic class: RNA-based drugs.

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I think what will happen, like most institutions that grow, it morphs into something different, and only the name is the same. Institutions are made of people, ideas, source code, etc., but these original people leave, the Google or other established people get in there, buy it out, change the code, change the culture, and then only the name and facade remains. Can someone name a company that's kept its integrity? It's sort of the nature of our reality.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The need for a platform like this is here, the potential is amazing, but the people running it have missed the chance to really grow this by eating the profits as income to the guys at the top instead of preserving cash flow to spend on growing the platform by backing the writers that back you, not go pay for others to come thus diluting the potential for those who came to help. Why does the company not come to us, the writers with the evidence they have done more to help grow the exposure for their community instead of seeking others who do not wish to come unless you pay them. While I have a mere 83 paid subs after 3 years and millions of words published, pictures, video, and yet the powers at the top do little to promote us, the writers, the people who make this platform possible. Why have they not gone into facilitating publishing of their writers? Relationships, like the hybrid publishers are the future but this platform seems to be focused on seeking paths that do not benefit their supporters, writers, content creators.

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Bank go boom, oopsie.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I’m finding it disheartening to be at the mercy, whim of the internet to connect with a community. The new and faster services, quantum non binary system is being used currently, are only available to the monied central agencies. Having trouble articulating it but there is a noticeable difference in the past few months. The questioning of one’s noticings, thinkings, etc are all being challenged by virtual reality. I’m spending less time in this space lately.

As for Substack? Your questions, noticings and probable reasons for the latest funding methods are all in the mix of what is going on here Ray. My thanks for your perspectives and persistence.

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Good analysis. Thank you

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