they tried to bankrupt Iceland... but islands president threw them into jail ... they quickley changed their tune made a deal to get out of jail and all of the sudden iceland was no longer bankrupt.... the president of iceland said .... we are vikings we dont put up with low life etc ...

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isnt there a law against fraud???? and preditory lending ???

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Some claim we're near the end of the Dollar Fiat System and that indeed seems to be the case. This guy, though, thinks the Fed deliberately caused high inflation so it can inflate away the debt.


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The financial collapse is an essential part of the controlled demolition. How else could CBDC be introduced without much opposition, unless the USD loses its value? Ordo ab chao...

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Thank you for Clearing up a long time question. Why and how were they going to take everything we own? Now it all makes sense.

‘ .....“you will own nothing,” which means that the Fed is going to collect everything you own, because it was used as a collateral for the US government spending.‘

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I also surprised myself with my sudden clarity, because I figured this out while I was writing the article. I've seen such contracts...

By now, it's as clear as daylight.

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A friend posted this on my share of this Substack:

“In Congress in March, 1933 as we went off the gold standard the question was asked, “what will back this new currency”. The answer given, “the homes and property of the American people”. We were all mortgaged before we were born. I have a copy of the full testimony in Congress from that day in 1933.”

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That's partly why they don't cancel property taxes...

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This Fiat "money" Debacle and Economic Default is coming. How can it be avoided???


Please tell me How almost 31 TRILLION in DEBT is dealt with????

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Well your question of course gets to the heart of it....has it been avoided previously in history?

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You have inspired me to write a few words about the subject! :)


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