Thank you kindly. You have just "Like"d a few of my comments that contained typos... I had to correct them, and it turned out that even the articles had some. :)
I am very sad with the direction our world is going , especially for the children and their parents. I work hard in my community to educate folks to reality but many close their ears. They are blinded sheep, even my daughter. It is heartbreaking to watch how Satan has worked this out through his humans.I have a strong faith in God, and know He is allowing this. However, it doesn’t mean I like it. I will not comply. I will choose death on my terms and Heaven rather than put up with so many psychopaths. God has blessed me . I taught 40 years and loved every minute of it. What a wonderful gift I was given by God.
Good to know you have been so gifted and made the best out of it!
When it comes to approaching others, it certainly takes time and patience, but it is also frustrating, as you know, that time is running out. Only those who persevere can be saved, and even they can be saved only if the time is cut short enough.
God, like a good parent, has always allowed his children to make their own mistakes. This time, however, a single mistake can easily mean the end of the line for anyone, which is why the very first thing I did in March, 2020, was making peace with my Maker. :)
Your choice is the only one I can see one can make freely.
I’m a retired teacher, and I presently make many typos. I do everything on my phone now and lucky I can do it at all🤪. I can tell you are really a special person and a quite intelligent one, also. Thank you for all your words that educate and help many. No one notices typos much anymore in comments, if they can continue to grasp the meaning. Thank you, again!
Don't fret about the typos; being a rapid reader, I also make a lot, but the message, at least this time, is more important than the messenger or the way it's delivered. :)
As for my "intelligence," I am convinced (and have experienced it as a teacher, too) that everybody can be special, once they choose to take responsibility for their decisions and their actions. These days, I'm trying to make up for the many mistakes I've made in my life, mistakes I made without knowing I was making them, because I always did what seemed the most benevolent choice under the circumstances.
David Martin seems to be on a helpful track. Here’s one of his presentations. He has a format of breaking apart antecedent reality and delivers high volume doses document backed info - proposes a more human culture that could be, and IS as one is compassionate for all life - he is living what he imagines for the world. I concur, it’s not easy though to take full responsibility for ones life and actions , abandoning certainty yet aiming energy and life force towards an ever changing game board!
We all have this ability- especially you my new pals of Ray’s connected writings
LOL I had to put this on here when I ran across this article... The mass murderer is SADa about Roe v Wade LOL.. Hypocrisy at its highest level..' He really cares LOL... He would rather they keep aborting.
Sad Day'
"This is a sad day," the co-founder of software giant Microsoft (MSFT) - Get Microsoft Corporation Report wrote on Twitter. "Reversing Roe v. Wade is an unjust and unacceptable setback. And it puts women’s lives at risk, especially the most disadvantaged."
While murder is murder, there is a lot more going on now than Roe vs. Wade. In a way, the Supreme Court decisions seems to be red herrings that create even more division among Americans who are now being herded to the slaughter. It's a diversion from the real objective...
Also, after the food riots start, people with small children are more likely to kill for a bowl of thin soup...
The word which is needed to overcome this moment of human history is a Russian one. Coming from a 19th century man Vladimir Solovyov. Sobornost (Russian: Собо́рность, IPA: [sɐˈbornəstʲ] "Spiritual community of many jointly living people") is a term used for example by Ivan Kireyevsky and Aleksey Khomyakov, to underline the need for co-operation between people, at the expense of individualism, on the basis that the opposing groups focus on what is common between them. Khomyakov believed the West was progressively losing its unity because it was embracing Aristotle and his defining individualism. Kireyevsky believed that Hegel and Aristotle represented the same ideal of unity.
HOLD THE LINE.. If you give up liberty for security.. You will get neither liberty or security... Some things are worth standing up to and for or you will fall for anything and everything.. The people doing this have nothing inside of them we would call human, so they will not stop until we all are destroyed. Now they are going after the babies again, if they cannot abort them, then kill them between 6 months and 5 years old, when will it STOP ?. When we stand up and stop it. Unless we stand up in our own battle moments across this world individually but collective and say " WE WILL NOT COMPLY" "WE WILL UNITE"
The problem is that most people did not have the power to give up liberty, because they had nothing to give up.
If you you mean the refusal to be muzzled, tested, and injected, there have been people to do that, but it still didn't set them "free."
I am also afraid that the hour is running late and people are getting injected with the poisons by each other or by airborne methods. Once that's done, there will be no way back.
I am all for uniting with people in non-compliance, but it will always remain a personal decision that those who have been through conformist-assemby line of American public education might not embrace very often...
Incredible as it might sound, but "we" are uniting on these pages every day, because we learn that we are not alone; not all humanity has been lost yet... The sense of togetherness is palpable in the air. There are many fronts for this struggle and one fight at a time all one can do.
Somehow, I feel that those who submit to the monsters' will are going to be turned into willing victims of their Stockholm syndrome... Everyone in the Matrix is a potential foe, because many of them are willing to die defending it. "Coppertops" in The Matrix and according to Lenin, "useful idiots."
We could, as a joke name something big, like a baseball team or a country, THE USELESS EATERS. Maybe a bomber or a submarine. Perhaps many things, THE U.E. Sounds very official. Funny how the most useless eaters are the elites, wrt work and physical effort and limited knowledge. The WEF is a group of the most destructive eaters on the planet. I would rather be useless than destructive. Like people of color did with the N word.
I needed to see this today, and don't even know how I was guided to it...miraculous really.
Thanks for all your insight. Ray, you are a beacon of light in these tumultuous times!
No, it is YOU! I only show details that might help a few people to make their own decisions. :)
Ray, you are terrific! Thank you for sharing all your insight.
Thank you kindly. You have just "Like"d a few of my comments that contained typos... I had to correct them, and it turned out that even the articles had some. :)
I am very sad with the direction our world is going , especially for the children and their parents. I work hard in my community to educate folks to reality but many close their ears. They are blinded sheep, even my daughter. It is heartbreaking to watch how Satan has worked this out through his humans.I have a strong faith in God, and know He is allowing this. However, it doesn’t mean I like it. I will not comply. I will choose death on my terms and Heaven rather than put up with so many psychopaths. God has blessed me . I taught 40 years and loved every minute of it. What a wonderful gift I was given by God.
Good to know you have been so gifted and made the best out of it!
When it comes to approaching others, it certainly takes time and patience, but it is also frustrating, as you know, that time is running out. Only those who persevere can be saved, and even they can be saved only if the time is cut short enough.
God, like a good parent, has always allowed his children to make their own mistakes. This time, however, a single mistake can easily mean the end of the line for anyone, which is why the very first thing I did in March, 2020, was making peace with my Maker. :)
Your choice is the only one I can see one can make freely.
I’m a retired teacher, and I presently make many typos. I do everything on my phone now and lucky I can do it at all🤪. I can tell you are really a special person and a quite intelligent one, also. Thank you for all your words that educate and help many. No one notices typos much anymore in comments, if they can continue to grasp the meaning. Thank you, again!
I thank YOU! :)
Don't fret about the typos; being a rapid reader, I also make a lot, but the message, at least this time, is more important than the messenger or the way it's delivered. :)
As for my "intelligence," I am convinced (and have experienced it as a teacher, too) that everybody can be special, once they choose to take responsibility for their decisions and their actions. These days, I'm trying to make up for the many mistakes I've made in my life, mistakes I made without knowing I was making them, because I always did what seemed the most benevolent choice under the circumstances.
David Martin seems to be on a helpful track. Here’s one of his presentations. He has a format of breaking apart antecedent reality and delivers high volume doses document backed info - proposes a more human culture that could be, and IS as one is compassionate for all life - he is living what he imagines for the world. I concur, it’s not easy though to take full responsibility for ones life and actions , abandoning certainty yet aiming energy and life force towards an ever changing game board!
We all have this ability- especially you my new pals of Ray’s connected writings
Sadly, the link is not live anymore. Taking responsibility has taught me a lot about my being fragile and far from perfect! :)
MonkeyPox is a cover for end state AIDS from vaccines... VAIDS.
Funny, I have also made the connection, mostly b/o Fuxxi:
LOL I had to put this on here when I ran across this article... The mass murderer is SADa about Roe v Wade LOL.. Hypocrisy at its highest level..' He really cares LOL... He would rather they keep aborting.
Sad Day'
"This is a sad day," the co-founder of software giant Microsoft (MSFT) - Get Microsoft Corporation Report wrote on Twitter. "Reversing Roe v. Wade is an unjust and unacceptable setback. And it puts women’s lives at risk, especially the most disadvantaged."
While murder is murder, there is a lot more going on now than Roe vs. Wade. In a way, the Supreme Court decisions seems to be red herrings that create even more division among Americans who are now being herded to the slaughter. It's a diversion from the real objective...
Also, after the food riots start, people with small children are more likely to kill for a bowl of thin soup...
The word which is needed to overcome this moment of human history is a Russian one. Coming from a 19th century man Vladimir Solovyov. Sobornost (Russian: Собо́рность, IPA: [sɐˈbornəstʲ] "Spiritual community of many jointly living people") is a term used for example by Ivan Kireyevsky and Aleksey Khomyakov, to underline the need for co-operation between people, at the expense of individualism, on the basis that the opposing groups focus on what is common between them. Khomyakov believed the West was progressively losing its unity because it was embracing Aristotle and his defining individualism. Kireyevsky believed that Hegel and Aristotle represented the same ideal of unity.
I filed a complaint against Rochelle Walensky today. She has said so many dubious things the last 2 years, there is much video evidence to choose from. It was easy and took about 10 minutes, see and
Now for my doctor in the state I live (OR). Still jab ads on busses and billboards, in english, spanish.
There are ways to fix these signs
HOLD THE LINE.. If you give up liberty for security.. You will get neither liberty or security... Some things are worth standing up to and for or you will fall for anything and everything.. The people doing this have nothing inside of them we would call human, so they will not stop until we all are destroyed. Now they are going after the babies again, if they cannot abort them, then kill them between 6 months and 5 years old, when will it STOP ?. When we stand up and stop it. Unless we stand up in our own battle moments across this world individually but collective and say " WE WILL NOT COMPLY" "WE WILL UNITE"
The problem is that most people did not have the power to give up liberty, because they had nothing to give up.
If you you mean the refusal to be muzzled, tested, and injected, there have been people to do that, but it still didn't set them "free."
I am also afraid that the hour is running late and people are getting injected with the poisons by each other or by airborne methods. Once that's done, there will be no way back.
I am all for uniting with people in non-compliance, but it will always remain a personal decision that those who have been through conformist-assemby line of American public education might not embrace very often...
Incredible as it might sound, but "we" are uniting on these pages every day, because we learn that we are not alone; not all humanity has been lost yet... The sense of togetherness is palpable in the air. There are many fronts for this struggle and one fight at a time all one can do.
Somehow, I feel that those who submit to the monsters' will are going to be turned into willing victims of their Stockholm syndrome... Everyone in the Matrix is a potential foe, because many of them are willing to die defending it. "Coppertops" in The Matrix and according to Lenin, "useful idiots."
Amen...good words of encouragement!
Here are more links:
The quote "4 billion useless eaters" is not from Klaus Schwab's book. If it was I'd have expected to see riots in the last 12 months.
It's from a book by von Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn "Focus of Demons: Real Gremlins in the Works".
We could, as a joke name something big, like a baseball team or a country, THE USELESS EATERS. Maybe a bomber or a submarine. Perhaps many things, THE U.E. Sounds very official. Funny how the most useless eaters are the elites, wrt work and physical effort and limited knowledge. The WEF is a group of the most destructive eaters on the planet. I would rather be useless than destructive. Like people of color did with the N word.
I have an old post on that topic.
Thank you for the details. Four billion, after all, doesn't make the mark. :)
I wonder when it did. Might date that tract because I think it has an earlier origin still.
Nevertheless any journal that repeats the lie that it's in Klaus Schwab's book is really untrustworthy. It's like a 5 minute search to confirm it.
I've just answered my own question. It was apparently HG Wells on behalf of the committee of 300.
Not exactly or necessarily the 300, but certainly for some centralized power:
Well, we watch and read the same things I see. Had already checked out your links with exception of SOTN which I will read.
Another excellent discussion with Naomi Wolf on Epochtimes. Thanks.
Thank you for the link. I enjoyed listening to Naomi Wolf explain how and why she
changed her mind. She is one of our heroes.
Completely agree - and you're so welcome.