its much later than we think , but [ with the God of goodness and truth ] we are much stronger than we know ... put on the full spiritual armour of GOD .... ,,,, intercessory prayer is shown to be powerfull [ backed and activated by the God of goodness and truth,,, ... dear God of goodness please help the pshycopaths and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness truth and You ... all people of the will to do good ,let us put aside our religous and all other differences and join the side if goodness , cry ,pray for help to spread all the noble qualities from the God of goodness and truth

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Thanks Ray. Another wonderful post from you.

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I get it's gonna get shity and frankly am not terribly surprised I wasn't consulted.


you have now penned the overarching fundamental TRUTH

--- WE MATTER---

Every day the God of my understanding has purpose for my life and He makes that known to me on a moment to moment basis because I ask Him to.

I have not yet nor will I know the hour of my departure from this world before it is manifest, neither the manner of it.

He and I have come to a tacit understanding that it's not my world and not my job to run it.

It's taken me several years to accommodate myself to this fact but now that I have it fully internalized, I just engage the Serenity Prayer as necessary and try to keep my "within my grasp" responsibly, honorably discharged.

Each 70, never before very inclined to, we're too old (her knees are gone) to run and there's no where to run to anyway, so as long as the food water and ammo last, we're just gonna dust us off a little spot and stand right here.

There will be survivors.

Best to you all.

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And you are too!

Very timely fine writing, what’s left of our society has been worked on/emotionally moved for so long now to be a insignificant part of a hive mind community- ‘we’re all in this together’ slogan blasts from many directions.

I simply AM as each of us IS.

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Very moved by the humanity in this.

‘You matter’ is the power that cannot be broken


Your honesty is refreshing too

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Tucker Carlson has been un-personed...

The MSM will not ever speak of him again...

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"Ultimately, you must remember one thing: YOU MATTER!"

Clearly not to 'the authorities'. When will people realize?' /rhet

Nice to see a slither of hope creeping in to the writing Ray.

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So the Emergency alert thing from uk Govn’t was mostly a flop. All the papers, alt news and SM went overboard telling how to avoid them. 3 pm on St George’s Day. Easy to turn off for anyone slightly tech savvy.

So Govn’t thought they’d send them out to many at 11 trying to catch out those that thought they’d just switch off the phones for an hour at 3. They had apple place where you’d need to turn them off in two locations, but many shared both places.

I had already turned them off a while back and, Siri plus any notifications. But just in case they moved the times or did it later using the same text system that gave us messages from BoXi Johnson, I turned the device pfd most of the day. Watched films instead. Said hi to the animals. It was raining so going out to enjoy the chemtrail smog wasn’t an option.

And I blocked the numbers used by Govn’t to tell me I should get the bioweapon or booster.

What this failed experiment means is it’s not going to be quite so easy as they thought.

Tbh I rarely answer my phone and cellular data is always off. Strangely I turned off use wifi for calling yesterday but used my phone to call a bank today. Hmm. Apple are so sneaky, you don’t even need to download the update for them to do things to your device.

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