Saw the configurations in the sky as depicted here in your photos just outside our home in Toronto .I called the MP 's office in our area and suggested they look out the window because it was so bizarre; I thought I better go inside because it was not a normal sky; I was politely referred to another political person in our area. This article i can send to other people who just think I'm clad head to foot in tinfoil . Thank you .
Seems to me anything labelled smart Ray, is really stupid overall. Lawyers and doctors here in canada ,seem, for the most part ,along with the majority of citizens ,captured by some entity that is mostly faceless behind the scenes where the strings are being pulled . Lots of oddish clouds today and now another day of torrential rain - the government is looking for a rain tax ... just saying ..
No doubt about it, weather warfare aka geoengineering, cloud seeding, ionization etc., is the one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game in town. From Sunshine Coast, Australia I can tell you that we are constantly and consistently bombarded with the cocktail of chemicals followed by whatever they are pulsing it with - take your pick, EMF, microwaves from satellites, ground-based facilities or balloons. The skies haven't been "normal" for at least a couple of years. The dimming, as Dane Wigington refers to it, is well and truly here.
We watch them ply their craft by day and hear them by night. From small trails they think they're getting away with in the very early morning, we watch them grow and form low grey, sometimes menacing but inert and weird-looking clouds. Often this is accompanied by an evil mist that just hangs in the air. We live in a rural area and have noticed the loss of bees and other insects, unproductive crops, strange animal behavior, supranatural cloud formations, and totally unnatural weather patterns.
I was recently tested positive for barium, strontium and aluminum among other heavy metals. I've yet to follow this up with more comprehensive tests, but I am certain my recently-acquired (one year) chronic sinusitis, brain fog, watery eyes etc. is a direct result from what is being deployed over us, together with the (unknown) type of radiation used. Geoengineering was not an obvious feature of Australia's landscape until relatively recently - not sure how long, but certainly not as long as the US or Europe. Nevertheless, we've now caught up. And for anyone that cares to look up and join a few dots, it is undeniable that we are under assault.
I'm on the SC as well, have been for the last eighteen years and do see seriously strange things happening with the sky some days. I'm only 2 km from the shore though and consider that lucky for the wind and movement of air.
The sun itself seems awfully bright, almost white, no way (like "old days") you can look at it without shades. Very best to you ☺️
Best site on geoengineering, with loads of info, interviews with military whistleblowers and others, list of patents and more, also how the regular plane engines are designed not to emit H2O vapor if I recall right, around 40 million visitors last time I checked.. We have to call this operation ionospheric or tropospheric injection to find the info online, as the word "chemtrail" is mostly debunked
I know that this is not a 'religious' site; and I am not trying to push anything on anyone; but for those who come on here who are believers; I think you may (Possibly!) appreciate this perspective; because it MAY be from The Lord. I'm NOT saying "Thus sayeth The Lord", I'm simply saying that I think it MAY be The Lord who showed me this.
A year or so ago I was looking out a window of my home at the chemtrails; wondering why 'they' are doing this to us; if it's something beyond what we think; and I suddenly remembered some of the Scriptures from Revelation; starting in Revelation 16:1---"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God’s wrath.”
I'm not even going to share the rest of the Scripture that talks about the seven bowls of God's wrath; I just want to make the point that I have to think that what we are seeing could be one of the 'vials' or 'bowls' of God's wrath LITERALLY being 'poured out' upon us.
Our sins stench has reached Heaven; we are a people DETERMINED to sin; just as the people of SODOM and Gomorrah were; and we know what happened to them. We are RIPE for destruction; because we LOVE our sins; REFUSE to repent or relent; and/or we give WIDE space to OTHERS for THEIR sins. Sin CANNOT go unchecked; it CAN'T; there ARE consequences for it. God is a GOOD God; but He is also HOLY; and cannot BEAR seeing wickedness rise up as it INCREASINGLY is.
NOW is the time to repent; ask Jesus into your heart to be your PERSONAL Savior and Lord; read/study His word every day; fast; seek Him while He may YET be found; because the day is either ALREADY here; or will be here SOON; when NO MORE PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO BE SAVED; God WILL close the door on grace; and when that is done; it's done. Like musical chairs; if you don't RUSH to your 'seat' RIGHT NOW; you may be TOO LATE; and have SEALED YOUR fate.
PLEASE don't let that happen. We NEVER KNOW when OUR individual time is 'up'; we can die at ANY second; and if we are not READY to meet our Maker because we are born-again through Christ; 'There WILL BE weeping; and wailing; and gnashing of teeth." (Gnashing of teeth means to grind the teeth together with such FORCE; because of sheer TERROR; that the teeth will pop and break and shatter in our mouths.)
Yes; God IS good; ALL good; and PART of that goodness is Holiness; and though He is PATIENT, "Not willing that ANY should perish" (Go to hell); we WILL if we do no obey His Word; His will; His way.
As these are eschatological times, it is okay to discuss opinions and share experiences.
On my end, I don't believe that preaching is an effective way to convince anyone, except the desperate who would join any sect in order not to feel helpless of be afraid.
Thank you Ray; I appreciate it. I think a LOT depends upon the 'preaching'...I have to stop there for a second...when I started typing "preaching", I somehow didn't hit the "p" key so the word started to come out "reaching"....I don't think that was an 'accident'. So; a lot depends upon the preaching. It also depends upon the one preaching. First; if the 'preacher' doesn't LIVE The Gospel themselves; people will be repelled both by the Preacher AND his message. Secondly; it depends upon the attitude. Are they preaching with God's love or are they just trying to ACT pious; drawing attention to themselves? Are they mean? No one wants to hear that. BUT; if the Preacher and the message are all true; and all is said and done with love and compassion; THEN the Preaching...the REACHING....can; in fact; convince people. As a matter of fact; that is precisely what a Christian is supposed to do; to reach; to teach; to admonish; to convince the lost that the message they have is THE Truth; The WHOLE Truth; and nothing BUT The Truth.
Thank you again Ray for opening up this platform and sharing the excellent articles that you share; but also in giving people a space to share our thoughts as well.
Thank you for your understanding. My impression is that short messages are also more effective than long ones, and beyond a certain point it is rude to take over comment sections with long posts.
People can be convinced only if they realize that what I tell them is good for THEM. They couldn't care less about what I think.
I show things the way they are and draw logical conclusions regarding what to expect. My readers have to think things over and make their own decisions.
We've in Australia on the Gold Coast. 3 days ago my husband noticed a light aircraft high up with on and off chemstrails. I took photos and tried looking on flight tracker but no plane was noted. The stuff didn't dissipate...just kept spreading then the next day the sun was not as strong with a thin haze all over the sky. Next day it was thickly blanketed. We've had cooler weather than normal for this time of year.
That’s what they do! So many trees in Eastern USA(pa) are dying from the inside out from lack of sun slabs snow! Terribly sad to see!😢 Weather control from geoengineering is killing us slso!
So they geo engineered all the problems and now they have the solution to the problems they created. Sounds like the release of the bio weapon then release a bio weapon vaccine to cure it. Hmmm
I live in Eastern NC and I have seen exactly the same thing here. While traveling earlier this year, I saw similar weird skies in SC, Georgia, and north Florida. Strangely enough, I never saw them in south Florida and we were there for three weeks.
We had days in February that were almost 90 degrees; March likewise, and it's a scorcher here today. Its certainly not climate change, but it's surely weather manipulation. This weekend rain is in the forecast and highs in the 60s.
Thus morning I sent a letter to my representative in Raleigh with pictures. I don't expect results, but I asked that she Just Look Up. I'm trying to make people aware. A group of like minded folks and I are planning a protest in front of the Marine Corps Air Station in a couple of weeks. Perhaps other readers here will do the same. Also, check out
I have printed the flyers from and give them to parents on playgrounds, teachers, store workers, etc. I am planning to get farmers around me and have a town hall with Marjorie Taylor Green to bring this issue, THE ISSUE, to her attention. We all need to be fighting in all our small or large towns!
In central KY, weather manipulation created a roller-coaster of unusual heat and cold, alternating about every five days in the last month or two. That might be targeting agricultural production. The sudden front changes have also brought about quite a few tornadoes for good measure.
Send a link for people that will allow us to post pictures - or tell me how to do it. I can send you some pretty ones. I emailed all Federal Congress people plus the local guy. No response from anyone.
I asked a commercial airline pilot about this. He says it isn't true. Are there whistleblowers? Someone has to be loading this shit on to the planes. For what it's worth I don't remember the sky looking like this when I was a child. I don't find videos and photos convincing. It's a very confusing subject for me. I have seen crop dusters obviously and know that HAARP is always HAARPing around for the big stuff and Dubai has their 'modified weather forecast.' But how extensive is this? Just opining here. I want more evidence. I am genuinely curious.
During the lockdowns, planes still had to fly in order to keep the company in business by securing the lanes. Apparently, empty planes were used for chemtrailing, because that provided a kickback of taxpayer money from the black budget. I have no clue who flew those planes.
With the strange patterns I have seen, commercial travelers would be throwing up and raising hell when they landed. I recently saw a big X locally. I think military aircraft and smaller airlines are the culprits. I don't think most drones could handle the payload, but I could be wrong. I don't know where you live, but start looking up daily. I didn't want to believe it, but I know for certain now that what I'm seeing is not normal, and most certainly is nefarious.
The patterns suggests that they are using drones for chemtrails. I certainly would, if I were one of them. The 9/11 planes in NYC must have been drones, too, unless they were holographic images before the thermite was blown up.
Holographs don't bend building facades inwards even if the buildings were wired to blow. People should really stop giving governments so much credit. They are much more inept than people realise.
While you are not believing your own eyes looking at the sky, remind yourself for a second that COVID "virus" came from bats and "vaccine" was safe and effective. Do not think, do not question, just follow what Google says. You do not need to be a pilot, cloud expert, you just need to be human to see what is going on in the Sky is appalling and unnatural. Just watch it for a week and you will understand!
Yes, it has been very humid lately everywhere in USA and the world. Suddenly. For the past six month, humid daily, night and day. These trails stay for hours and hours. They have a pattern. it gets cold at night after spraying during the day. If this is a normal phenomena, why did not I see them when I was growing up? No humidity in the sky? No trails then? You shared a link, here is a report from You can just even read the comments from people all over the world and you will get a picture.
I recently talked to pilots. They said that even though different jets emit trails, never they stay for hours, and hours, forming strange looking clouds in the sky. Just look up! Watch it for a week, two weeks! you will see it!
So I shouldn't believe my own eyes? If they are not chemtrails, what are they? They are absolutely not contrails. Vapor evaporates; it doesn't feather out and cover the skies. Just Look Up.
You actually make an interesting point. The Dimming is a documentary available on My conclusion is much of this is being done to heat up the earth to the point that no one can dispute global warming, making it easier to institute their draconian measures that will make the jab look like a picnic.
Yes lots of truth to what you say and hope this isn't against any of you guys. But about the planes hitting towers, no commercial jet can sustain 500mph at near sea level nor maneuver right into a small tower at those speeds, and, the Vmax (max velocity) they can go without busting wings etc apart was way over for a pass jet. They had to be military jets, refurbished to look like pass planes. Drones or not, they did not have the passengers as stated in them, except for the hijackers passport that fell to the ground in pristine condition of course
You certainly don't offend me. I'm embarrassed that I ever bought the narrative. Once I was able to open my mind and actually think, it was very clear. Letting go of illusions is difficult. Most of us have no idea how thoroughly we have been brainwashed.
You are amazing and admirable; one of the VERY few. Most people are too brainwashed, involved, intimidates (ending up in Stockholm syndrome), or committed...
According to an eye-witness, the planes had no windows. :)
No passangers, indeed. Not even on the one shot down flying to the White House. Certainly no passangers on the missile hitting the Pentagon. :) The passports surviving the thermite explosions were indeed a feat!
What would a commercial airline pilot know about it? I'm sure they don't even enter and exit the airport at the same place? Crop dusters are low and very visible.
He has to check the plane inside and outside. He is the captain and has the final walk-through and walk-around. If chemicals were coming out the back of his plane presumably he would know...
Many of them are specialty planes with containers on board with chemicals instead of passenger sits. Dane Wingiton has photos on There might be some other ones too as there are SO many of them in the Sky. Maybe drones, maybe military, maybe some passenger with smaller load of chemicals. I can imagine that in order to generate such a trail behind an airplane of chemicals, you need to have TONS of it in the plane.
Sounds good, but it's like FedEx planes - they even have their own terminal area. I'd think it was about the same. I have worked in places where there were different departments and couldn't tell you what my next door neighbor did for their part?
Saw the configurations in the sky as depicted here in your photos just outside our home in Toronto .I called the MP 's office in our area and suggested they look out the window because it was so bizarre; I thought I better go inside because it was not a normal sky; I was politely referred to another political person in our area. This article i can send to other people who just think I'm clad head to foot in tinfoil . Thank you .
Right, that's how I was treated by the water company, when I told them to remove their "smart" meter...
Oh, and NO lawyer would take the case, either. Are they like "doctors"?
Seems to me anything labelled smart Ray, is really stupid overall. Lawyers and doctors here in canada ,seem, for the most part ,along with the majority of citizens ,captured by some entity that is mostly faceless behind the scenes where the strings are being pulled . Lots of oddish clouds today and now another day of torrential rain - the government is looking for a rain tax ... just saying ..
The nonetheless spectacular grey waves clouds are undulatus asperatus from the beautiful mammatus clouds’ family, not chemtrails or cloud seeding:
They have been observed by humans way before the planes were invented. :)
On my photo, there are undulating parallel lines that were previously straight. There is no such regularity in the photos in your link.
Mammatus family…
Ref.: Your picture […] November 2022
Here is an undulatus asperatus pre-storm vidéo:
Weaponized weather. Geoengineering watch lists 220 weather patents since 1976. We'd be foolish to think they're not using them.
No doubt about it, weather warfare aka geoengineering, cloud seeding, ionization etc., is the one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game in town. From Sunshine Coast, Australia I can tell you that we are constantly and consistently bombarded with the cocktail of chemicals followed by whatever they are pulsing it with - take your pick, EMF, microwaves from satellites, ground-based facilities or balloons. The skies haven't been "normal" for at least a couple of years. The dimming, as Dane Wigington refers to it, is well and truly here.
We watch them ply their craft by day and hear them by night. From small trails they think they're getting away with in the very early morning, we watch them grow and form low grey, sometimes menacing but inert and weird-looking clouds. Often this is accompanied by an evil mist that just hangs in the air. We live in a rural area and have noticed the loss of bees and other insects, unproductive crops, strange animal behavior, supranatural cloud formations, and totally unnatural weather patterns.
I was recently tested positive for barium, strontium and aluminum among other heavy metals. I've yet to follow this up with more comprehensive tests, but I am certain my recently-acquired (one year) chronic sinusitis, brain fog, watery eyes etc. is a direct result from what is being deployed over us, together with the (unknown) type of radiation used. Geoengineering was not an obvious feature of Australia's landscape until relatively recently - not sure how long, but certainly not as long as the US or Europe. Nevertheless, we've now caught up. And for anyone that cares to look up and join a few dots, it is undeniable that we are under assault.
I'm on the SC as well, have been for the last eighteen years and do see seriously strange things happening with the sky some days. I'm only 2 km from the shore though and consider that lucky for the wind and movement of air.
The sun itself seems awfully bright, almost white, no way (like "old days") you can look at it without shades. Very best to you ☺️
Here, in KY, it's weird that sometimes the temperature is in the low 60s, but the sun is burning...
I think they turned up the solar simulator.
And geoengineering incurs more than most people could imagine:
And it's part of a whole:
Best site on geoengineering, with loads of info, interviews with military whistleblowers and others, list of patents and more, also how the regular plane engines are designed not to emit H2O vapor if I recall right, around 40 million visitors last time I checked.. We have to call this operation ionospheric or tropospheric injection to find the info online, as the word "chemtrail" is mostly debunked
Ray, do you think or know if reverse osmosis would remove graphene from the water source? Thank you!
I know that this is not a 'religious' site; and I am not trying to push anything on anyone; but for those who come on here who are believers; I think you may (Possibly!) appreciate this perspective; because it MAY be from The Lord. I'm NOT saying "Thus sayeth The Lord", I'm simply saying that I think it MAY be The Lord who showed me this.
A year or so ago I was looking out a window of my home at the chemtrails; wondering why 'they' are doing this to us; if it's something beyond what we think; and I suddenly remembered some of the Scriptures from Revelation; starting in Revelation 16:1---"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God’s wrath.”
I'm not even going to share the rest of the Scripture that talks about the seven bowls of God's wrath; I just want to make the point that I have to think that what we are seeing could be one of the 'vials' or 'bowls' of God's wrath LITERALLY being 'poured out' upon us.
Our sins stench has reached Heaven; we are a people DETERMINED to sin; just as the people of SODOM and Gomorrah were; and we know what happened to them. We are RIPE for destruction; because we LOVE our sins; REFUSE to repent or relent; and/or we give WIDE space to OTHERS for THEIR sins. Sin CANNOT go unchecked; it CAN'T; there ARE consequences for it. God is a GOOD God; but He is also HOLY; and cannot BEAR seeing wickedness rise up as it INCREASINGLY is.
NOW is the time to repent; ask Jesus into your heart to be your PERSONAL Savior and Lord; read/study His word every day; fast; seek Him while He may YET be found; because the day is either ALREADY here; or will be here SOON; when NO MORE PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO BE SAVED; God WILL close the door on grace; and when that is done; it's done. Like musical chairs; if you don't RUSH to your 'seat' RIGHT NOW; you may be TOO LATE; and have SEALED YOUR fate.
PLEASE don't let that happen. We NEVER KNOW when OUR individual time is 'up'; we can die at ANY second; and if we are not READY to meet our Maker because we are born-again through Christ; 'There WILL BE weeping; and wailing; and gnashing of teeth." (Gnashing of teeth means to grind the teeth together with such FORCE; because of sheer TERROR; that the teeth will pop and break and shatter in our mouths.)
Yes; God IS good; ALL good; and PART of that goodness is Holiness; and though He is PATIENT, "Not willing that ANY should perish" (Go to hell); we WILL if we do no obey His Word; His will; His way.
Don't wait until it's too late. PLEASE.
As these are eschatological times, it is okay to discuss opinions and share experiences.
On my end, I don't believe that preaching is an effective way to convince anyone, except the desperate who would join any sect in order not to feel helpless of be afraid.
Thank you Ray; I appreciate it. I think a LOT depends upon the 'preaching'...I have to stop there for a second...when I started typing "preaching", I somehow didn't hit the "p" key so the word started to come out "reaching"....I don't think that was an 'accident'. So; a lot depends upon the preaching. It also depends upon the one preaching. First; if the 'preacher' doesn't LIVE The Gospel themselves; people will be repelled both by the Preacher AND his message. Secondly; it depends upon the attitude. Are they preaching with God's love or are they just trying to ACT pious; drawing attention to themselves? Are they mean? No one wants to hear that. BUT; if the Preacher and the message are all true; and all is said and done with love and compassion; THEN the Preaching...the REACHING....can; in fact; convince people. As a matter of fact; that is precisely what a Christian is supposed to do; to reach; to teach; to admonish; to convince the lost that the message they have is THE Truth; The WHOLE Truth; and nothing BUT The Truth.
Thank you again Ray for opening up this platform and sharing the excellent articles that you share; but also in giving people a space to share our thoughts as well.
Thank you for your understanding. My impression is that short messages are also more effective than long ones, and beyond a certain point it is rude to take over comment sections with long posts.
People can be convinced only if they realize that what I tell them is good for THEM. They couldn't care less about what I think.
I show things the way they are and draw logical conclusions regarding what to expect. My readers have to think things over and make their own decisions.
It's true; people are BARELY willing to listen to and believe absolute truth; let alone someone's opinion. All you can do is to try.
We've in Australia on the Gold Coast. 3 days ago my husband noticed a light aircraft high up with on and off chemstrails. I took photos and tried looking on flight tracker but no plane was noted. The stuff didn't dissipate...just kept spreading then the next day the sun was not as strong with a thin haze all over the sky. Next day it was thickly blanketed. We've had cooler weather than normal for this time of year.
Same on the Downs, looks like thin parallel lines that spread out to a murky milky haze.
That’s what they do! So many trees in Eastern USA(pa) are dying from the inside out from lack of sun slabs snow! Terribly sad to see!😢 Weather control from geoengineering is killing us slso!
We are all breathing the stuff they spray in sky. If you haven't checked out Dane Wigington, see:
He’s wonderful!
So they geo engineered all the problems and now they have the solution to the problems they created. Sounds like the release of the bio weapon then release a bio weapon vaccine to cure it. Hmmm
They always do that! Create a problem and then solve it for you! Evil ones!
I’m not sure if you found the video was on the twtr tread
I live in Eastern NC and I have seen exactly the same thing here. While traveling earlier this year, I saw similar weird skies in SC, Georgia, and north Florida. Strangely enough, I never saw them in south Florida and we were there for three weeks.
We had days in February that were almost 90 degrees; March likewise, and it's a scorcher here today. Its certainly not climate change, but it's surely weather manipulation. This weekend rain is in the forecast and highs in the 60s.
Thus morning I sent a letter to my representative in Raleigh with pictures. I don't expect results, but I asked that she Just Look Up. I'm trying to make people aware. A group of like minded folks and I are planning a protest in front of the Marine Corps Air Station in a couple of weeks. Perhaps other readers here will do the same. Also, check out
Thank you, dear Nancy!
I admire you!
I have printed the flyers from and give them to parents on playgrounds, teachers, store workers, etc. I am planning to get farmers around me and have a town hall with Marjorie Taylor Green to bring this issue, THE ISSUE, to her attention. We all need to be fighting in all our small or large towns!
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Thanks for your efforts, Masha. It all adds up.
In central KY, weather manipulation created a roller-coaster of unusual heat and cold, alternating about every five days in the last month or two. That might be targeting agricultural production. The sudden front changes have also brought about quite a few tornadoes for good measure.
Same exact scenario here in Eastern NC. I am wearing out the buttons on the thermostat, going from heat to air!
@Ray Horvath
This also is very concerning. Saw this just this morning through Lioness of Judah Ministry. This has been introduced.
They are touting it as for the purpose to help people be less susceptible to identity theft.
Yes, I've read it and commented on it. Nothing new for me, but it's good you are calling attention to it.
Bastards spray here every day
Where is that?
Send a link for people that will allow us to post pictures - or tell me how to do it. I can send you some pretty ones. I emailed all Federal Congress people plus the local guy. No response from anyone.
Good idea. I can also post more here, but I would like a brief introduction to the pictures.
I have some really interesting ones from here, LA, also Joshua Tree. Major spray with a big hole in the middle
I still haven't had time to process incoming images, but if you send a few, I'll try to include them.
I asked a commercial airline pilot about this. He says it isn't true. Are there whistleblowers? Someone has to be loading this shit on to the planes. For what it's worth I don't remember the sky looking like this when I was a child. I don't find videos and photos convincing. It's a very confusing subject for me. I have seen crop dusters obviously and know that HAARP is always HAARPing around for the big stuff and Dubai has their 'modified weather forecast.' But how extensive is this? Just opining here. I want more evidence. I am genuinely curious.
During the lockdowns, planes still had to fly in order to keep the company in business by securing the lanes. Apparently, empty planes were used for chemtrailing, because that provided a kickback of taxpayer money from the black budget. I have no clue who flew those planes.
It turns out that according to the airline mechanic's leak and the job posting from Canada, it's quite clear who flew the planes.
With the strange patterns I have seen, commercial travelers would be throwing up and raising hell when they landed. I recently saw a big X locally. I think military aircraft and smaller airlines are the culprits. I don't think most drones could handle the payload, but I could be wrong. I don't know where you live, but start looking up daily. I didn't want to believe it, but I know for certain now that what I'm seeing is not normal, and most certainly is nefarious.
The patterns suggests that they are using drones for chemtrails. I certainly would, if I were one of them. The 9/11 planes in NYC must have been drones, too, unless they were holographic images before the thermite was blown up.
This site may add info:
I'm sure you know it
Actually, the leak from the airline mechanic suggests that regular planes are also in use.
Holographs don't bend building facades inwards even if the buildings were wired to blow. People should really stop giving governments so much credit. They are much more inept than people realise.
Yes, the visual experience can be created with holography...
It seems many minds are closed tightly as a bank vault. Thanks for exploring this topic.
That's fine with me. As long as people make up their minds, they cannot blame others for their decisions, no matter how idiotic those might be. :)
While you are not believing your own eyes looking at the sky, remind yourself for a second that COVID "virus" came from bats and "vaccine" was safe and effective. Do not think, do not question, just follow what Google says. You do not need to be a pilot, cloud expert, you just need to be human to see what is going on in the Sky is appalling and unnatural. Just watch it for a week and you will understand!
Yes, it has been very humid lately everywhere in USA and the world. Suddenly. For the past six month, humid daily, night and day. These trails stay for hours and hours. They have a pattern. it gets cold at night after spraying during the day. If this is a normal phenomena, why did not I see them when I was growing up? No humidity in the sky? No trails then? You shared a link, here is a report from You can just even read the comments from people all over the world and you will get a picture.
I recently talked to pilots. They said that even though different jets emit trails, never they stay for hours, and hours, forming strange looking clouds in the sky. Just look up! Watch it for a week, two weeks! you will see it!
Nice try.
Have you read the airline pilot's account at the end of the article?
How do you explain the patterns in the sky? They are far too common for military exercises and military test/training flights.
#1: I am not a truther; only a thinker
#2: It is done, because it CAN be done. No proof needed...
So, what are your assumptions abut the the patterns in the sky?
Evidence is always based on unprovable premises. What are yours?
Mine are, expressed or implied, in all my articles.
So I shouldn't believe my own eyes? If they are not chemtrails, what are they? They are absolutely not contrails. Vapor evaporates; it doesn't feather out and cover the skies. Just Look Up.
And then when it spreads out and makes a solid layer they apply the HAARP frequencies to it and it makes even, concentric ripples
Okay, how do you explain the pattern in the sky?
Let's take this argument to the end.
You actually make an interesting point. The Dimming is a documentary available on My conclusion is much of this is being done to heat up the earth to the point that no one can dispute global warming, making it easier to institute their draconian measures that will make the jab look like a picnic.
HAARP can "heat up" weather anywhere. I'm not sure about the Earth. :)
CBDCs will be more than enough to herd most people to the slaughterhouse.
Yes lots of truth to what you say and hope this isn't against any of you guys. But about the planes hitting towers, no commercial jet can sustain 500mph at near sea level nor maneuver right into a small tower at those speeds, and, the Vmax (max velocity) they can go without busting wings etc apart was way over for a pass jet. They had to be military jets, refurbished to look like pass planes. Drones or not, they did not have the passengers as stated in them, except for the hijackers passport that fell to the ground in pristine condition of course
You certainly don't offend me. I'm embarrassed that I ever bought the narrative. Once I was able to open my mind and actually think, it was very clear. Letting go of illusions is difficult. Most of us have no idea how thoroughly we have been brainwashed.
You are amazing and admirable; one of the VERY few. Most people are too brainwashed, involved, intimidates (ending up in Stockholm syndrome), or committed...
Nothing beats finding the Path!
According to an eye-witness, the planes had no windows. :)
No passangers, indeed. Not even on the one shot down flying to the White House. Certainly no passangers on the missile hitting the Pentagon. :) The passports surviving the thermite explosions were indeed a feat!
This is the most comprehensive study of the pentagon I've seen. I do not purport truths or not in it but I like the investigative detail and logic.
I'll listen to this later, but the site and the impact analysis need no explanation, wouldn't you say?
Read Elana Freeland, Geoengineered Transhumanism. She's written a lot about it. Sadly, it's all too true.
Thanks I'll check it out. I'm really interested to learn more about this beyond HAARP.
Edit: if anyone else has any solid info please link it. Not just "look at this photo you idiot!" Although, of course feel free.
Maybe have a look at Robert Deutsch. He covers Aus/NZ weather manipulation. (His commentary can be a bit rough.)
And for some history
Just Look Up.
What would a commercial airline pilot know about it? I'm sure they don't even enter and exit the airport at the same place? Crop dusters are low and very visible.
He has to check the plane inside and outside. He is the captain and has the final walk-through and walk-around. If chemicals were coming out the back of his plane presumably he would know...
Many of them are specialty planes with containers on board with chemicals instead of passenger sits. Dane Wingiton has photos on There might be some other ones too as there are SO many of them in the Sky. Maybe drones, maybe military, maybe some passenger with smaller load of chemicals. I can imagine that in order to generate such a trail behind an airplane of chemicals, you need to have TONS of it in the plane.
I don't think they'd do it with commercial airplanes.
Probably not but I thought a pilot would be a good person to ask considering it's about planes.
Sounds good, but it's like FedEx planes - they even have their own terminal area. I'd think it was about the same. I have worked in places where there were different departments and couldn't tell you what my next door neighbor did for their part?
Cancer comes out of the "ASSHOLES OF AEROPLANES".