The nonetheless spectacular grey waves clouds are undulatus asperatus from the beautiful mammatus clouds’ family, not chemtrails or cloud seeding:


They have been observed by humans way before the planes were invented. :)

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

No doubt about it, weather warfare aka geoengineering, cloud seeding, ionization etc., is the one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game in town. From Sunshine Coast, Australia I can tell you that we are constantly and consistently bombarded with the cocktail of chemicals followed by whatever they are pulsing it with - take your pick, EMF, microwaves from satellites, ground-based facilities or balloons. The skies haven't been "normal" for at least a couple of years. The dimming, as Dane Wigington refers to it, is well and truly here.

We watch them ply their craft by day and hear them by night. From small trails they think they're getting away with in the very early morning, we watch them grow and form low grey, sometimes menacing but inert and weird-looking clouds. Often this is accompanied by an evil mist that just hangs in the air. We live in a rural area and have noticed the loss of bees and other insects, unproductive crops, strange animal behavior, supranatural cloud formations, and totally unnatural weather patterns.

I was recently tested positive for barium, strontium and aluminum among other heavy metals. I've yet to follow this up with more comprehensive tests, but I am certain my recently-acquired (one year) chronic sinusitis, brain fog, watery eyes etc. is a direct result from what is being deployed over us, together with the (unknown) type of radiation used. Geoengineering was not an obvious feature of Australia's landscape until relatively recently - not sure how long, but certainly not as long as the US or Europe. Nevertheless, we've now caught up. And for anyone that cares to look up and join a few dots, it is undeniable that we are under assault.

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Best site on geoengineering, with loads of info, interviews with military whistleblowers and others, list of patents and more, also how the regular plane engines are designed not to emit H2O vapor if I recall right, around 40 million visitors last time I checked.. geoengineeringwatch.org.. We have to call this operation ionospheric or tropospheric injection to find the info online, as the word "chemtrail" is mostly debunked

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Ray, do you think or know if reverse osmosis would remove graphene from the water source? Thank you!

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I know that this is not a 'religious' site; and I am not trying to push anything on anyone; but for those who come on here who are believers; I think you may (Possibly!) appreciate this perspective; because it MAY be from The Lord. I'm NOT saying "Thus sayeth The Lord", I'm simply saying that I think it MAY be The Lord who showed me this.

A year or so ago I was looking out a window of my home at the chemtrails; wondering why 'they' are doing this to us; if it's something beyond what we think; and I suddenly remembered some of the Scriptures from Revelation; starting in Revelation 16:1---"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out on the earth the seven bowls of God’s wrath.”

I'm not even going to share the rest of the Scripture that talks about the seven bowls of God's wrath; I just want to make the point that I have to think that what we are seeing could be one of the 'vials' or 'bowls' of God's wrath LITERALLY being 'poured out' upon us.

Our sins stench has reached Heaven; we are a people DETERMINED to sin; just as the people of SODOM and Gomorrah were; and we know what happened to them. We are RIPE for destruction; because we LOVE our sins; REFUSE to repent or relent; and/or we give WIDE space to OTHERS for THEIR sins. Sin CANNOT go unchecked; it CAN'T; there ARE consequences for it. God is a GOOD God; but He is also HOLY; and cannot BEAR seeing wickedness rise up as it INCREASINGLY is.

NOW is the time to repent; ask Jesus into your heart to be your PERSONAL Savior and Lord; read/study His word every day; fast; seek Him while He may YET be found; because the day is either ALREADY here; or will be here SOON; when NO MORE PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO BE SAVED; God WILL close the door on grace; and when that is done; it's done. Like musical chairs; if you don't RUSH to your 'seat' RIGHT NOW; you may be TOO LATE; and have SEALED YOUR fate.

PLEASE don't let that happen. We NEVER KNOW when OUR individual time is 'up'; we can die at ANY second; and if we are not READY to meet our Maker because we are born-again through Christ; 'There WILL BE weeping; and wailing; and gnashing of teeth." (Gnashing of teeth means to grind the teeth together with such FORCE; because of sheer TERROR; that the teeth will pop and break and shatter in our mouths.)

Yes; God IS good; ALL good; and PART of that goodness is Holiness; and though He is PATIENT, "Not willing that ANY should perish" (Go to hell); we WILL if we do no obey His Word; His will; His way.

Don't wait until it's too late. PLEASE.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

We've in Australia on the Gold Coast. 3 days ago my husband noticed a light aircraft high up with on and off chemstrails. I took photos and tried looking on flight tracker but no plane was noted. The stuff didn't dissipate...just kept spreading then the next day the sun was not as strong with a thin haze all over the sky. Next day it was thickly blanketed. We've had cooler weather than normal for this time of year.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

We are all breathing the stuff they spray in sky. If you haven't checked out Dane Wigington, see: wwwGeoengineeringWatch.org

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

So they geo engineered all the problems and now they have the solution to the problems they created. Sounds like the release of the bio weapon then release a bio weapon vaccine to cure it. Hmmm

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I’m not sure if you found the video was on the twtr tread https://youtu.be/MSCoqHyO2k4

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I live in Eastern NC and I have seen exactly the same thing here. While traveling earlier this year, I saw similar weird skies in SC, Georgia, and north Florida. Strangely enough, I never saw them in south Florida and we were there for three weeks.

We had days in February that were almost 90 degrees; March likewise, and it's a scorcher here today. Its certainly not climate change, but it's surely weather manipulation. This weekend rain is in the forecast and highs in the 60s.

Thus morning I sent a letter to my representative in Raleigh with pictures. I don't expect results, but I asked that she Just Look Up. I'm trying to make people aware. A group of like minded folks and I are planning a protest in front of the Marine Corps Air Station in a couple of weeks. Perhaps other readers here will do the same. Also, check out GeoengineeringWatch.org

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

@Ray Horvath

This also is very concerning. Saw this just this morning through Lioness of Judah Ministry. This has been introduced.


They are touting it as for the purpose to help people be less susceptible to identity theft.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Bastards spray here every day

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Send a link for people that will allow us to post pictures - or tell me how to do it. I can send you some pretty ones. I emailed all Federal Congress people plus the local guy. No response from anyone.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I asked a commercial airline pilot about this. He says it isn't true. Are there whistleblowers? Someone has to be loading this shit on to the planes. For what it's worth I don't remember the sky looking like this when I was a child. I don't find videos and photos convincing. It's a very confusing subject for me. I have seen crop dusters obviously and know that HAARP is always HAARPing around for the big stuff and Dubai has their 'modified weather forecast.' But how extensive is this? Just opining here. I want more evidence. I am genuinely curious.

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Cancer comes out of the "ASSHOLES OF AEROPLANES".

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

According to lady ginger isn’t controlling the weather “ they are Enhancing the weather 😳https://twitter.com/ginger_zee/status/1648088959312863235?s=46&t=5tMNRPOYYDIWOC-x8zoaBQ

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