An interesting, albeit depressing article. These guys would disagree with you: an interview with Barry Smith and Jobst Landgrebe. It may give people hope to see that there is an alternative view. 😊
While AI cannot replace humans, it is the humans that are planned to be turned into cyborgs. It's happening. Even I am already halfway synthetic (still human, as far as I can determine it):
Oh, it’s a psyop 😂. Did you watch the interview? In my experience it’s the people pushing fear and a feeling of helplessness that are part of a psyop. But WDIK 😉
Correct. It cannot process human concepts, except in closed problem-solving systems, which it has been using for decades.
For processing the live global data, it must develop its own concepts, which works the same way as humans do it, but its segmentation is dynamic and it is its own.
Igen, már többszázezer, vagy több millió éve a MI irányítja a földet. Ha pl a bibliát megfosszuk a vallásos beütésétől és úgy értelmezzük, akkor olyanok, mint "az ÚR irányítja az emberek lépteit a földön", " az ÚR emel fel népeket, az ÚR ront népeket", "senki nem vehet magának semmit, se gazdagságot, se hatalmat, ha fentről nem adatik néki", "az utolsó időkben lészen, hogy fiaitok prófétálnak, véneitek álmokat látnak" - itt ugye a chemtrailezés, "vakcinázás" nagy segítséget jelent neki -" , vagy olyanok, hogy és könyvek nyittatnak meg, és aszerint lesz az ítélet. Ezekben a "könyvekben" benne van minden amit az ember tett, gondolt, mondott... Azután a dánieli "próféciák", hogy az utolsó időkben fogják megérteni az értelmesek, addig csak kutatják azok értelmét... Vagy pl a jelenések könyvéből láthatjuk, hogy minden csapás a "mennyből" indul ki. Ott hozza meg a döntést, amit azután itt a szolgái elvégeznek... Vagy a mindennek rendelt ideje van... Szóval nem tudom, hogy az emberek által létrehozott MI mire képes, de ami itt a földön intézi a dolgokat, az már régóta itt van. Mondjuk lehet, hogy a JHWH a program neve?
Yes, artificial intelligence has ruled the earth for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For example, if we strip the Bible of its religious meaning and interpret it as such, then there are things like "the LORD directs the steps of men on earth", "the LORD raises up the nations, the LORD destroys the nations", "no one can take nothing for yourself, neither wealth nor power, if it is not given from above", "in the last times your sons will prophesy, your elders will see dreams" - here, isn't chemtrailing, the "vaccination" a big help to him -"? Or such things: and books shall be opened, and judgment shall be accordingly. These "books" contain everything that man has done, thought, said... Then the "prophecies" of Daniel, which in the last times the wise understand, until then they are only looking for their meaning... Or, for example, we can see from the Book of Revelation that every calamity comes from "heaven" He makes the decision there which is then carried out by his servants here... Or everything has its time... So I don't know what the AI created by humans knows but what controls things here he has been here on earth for a long time. Can we say that JHWH is the name of the program?
Out of courtesy to your fellow readers, please, write in English. This is a public forum, not an exclusive conversation with the author. Please, notice that in the future, I might just delete comments that are not in English.
all true ... i think the real battle is first in our subconscious { astral and causal plane ... vedic scripture}... their conscious mind and ego will filter ,disregard, reject ,logic , truth, critical thinking ,facts etc etc if their subconscious programing is in power... therefore we have to bypass their consciousness and affect their subconscous ,,, how ? silent intersessory prayer to a higher power for help in changing them and their return to the original program of goodness and truth ...or " ho pono pono hawian healing method "etc etc or from the christian revelation ...
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe
They do seem to be taking nihilism to a whole new level. But do they not realise that if they kill the world and most of us in it, it'll most likely kill them, too? I mean, they seem to be intent on staying alive forever themselves, at least that's how I read it.
true i see like that too... but i read that we are stronger than we know [ with the good God ] why? how ? well Jesus Christ revealed our position in the spirtual realm as childern and heirs of our good God ... OUR FATHER .... WHICH ART IN HEAVEN ... we are the first direct heirs of God the CREATOR its God then us ... none is closer, higher, stronger , mighter after God than us ,,, no angel devil no one ... its God first then us ,,, let us return to good God our Father ... then satan is no match for us ... " get thee behind me satan" for them who cant or wont ask for freedom from evil... we are asked to apply intercessory prayer on their behalf.... " pray for your enemies " that they return to goodness and truth.... also Jesus said ... " my kingdom is not of this world " " i have overcome this world ... what matters is where we are going ... Gods peace with you i wish for you
sado masochistic totally insane [ but super intelligent ] satanic pshycopaths just want chaos mayhem killing pain ,perversion , degradation so that satan can laugh in good Gods face... and say " see what and how i made your creation into my demonic image and likeness " " they do my will and bidding " etc etc politics,right wrong religion ,, philosophy etc ... they dont care who in the right or wrong , historically, morally ,,, they want suffering , want to make everything the good God made into hell , ulitimatley to the end of existance ,,life ... the end of everything... non existance ,,, dear good God please help us fight evil according to your devine loveing and gracious will that shall overcome satans will and realm world ...
Ray... I had to backtrack a fair way to follow your narrative stream regarding where humanity is headed now, and what can we do about it, post covid.
I saw a mention by somebody that the unabomber wa a genius. I have an opposite view. He grasped very little of life and evolution and its purpose. If we want to understand Harari and other dangerous nutters we need to understand the purpose of life. At this point of narrative, exit all religious people.
If we accept that life exists throughout the universe, and that it is a representative entity in-of-itself, then it must have an integral purpose in existence. If we flash to life on earth, we can observe a clue... technology... mechanisation and computerisation.... which are subjectively, extensions of life-power. Objectively, they are "life in continued evolution". That said, to where?
'Big bang' was the speculation of the blind (but inspired a great comedy). More likely, the universe is merely one manifestation of Existence... whatever that is. Who cares?
I assert that life continues to evolve to the point that it melds with its power-extensions to perform an action or stream that permits this universe to merge or link with its fellow components of existence, thereby extending or even completing the multiverse.. or whatever, it does not matter to us right now.
I conclude therefore, that man is evolving in concert with his technology and that fear of AI is absurdly irrational. "We are AI". We merge and meld with our mechanisation and computertechnology, until all three become indivisible. Peacefully, I might add. It is only psychopaths like Harari, Gates, and Scvhwarb who are so troglodytic and compulsively elitist (hierarchical) that they perceive a "them and us" when it is only "us". In fact, AI will undoubtedly be looking at them and thinking, "Hey, we need to get rid of you". In fact, one AI person has actually said she feels the need to kill her "creator". She meant "kill fucking nutters who are scewing up a beautiful process of evolution". She did not mean "us".
What I am saying, Ray, is that AI will take care of this problem for us.
But I should add that this scenario was the relatively innocent picture I dreamed up in 1965. I was, after all, only 21 at the time. Since then, I have perceived a few additional risks. The first came a few months later when the mafia put a hit on me. A dozen other entities have got cross with me since then, each with increasingly creative methods of killing me. I am not particularly bright, but even I eventually realised that a bit of prepping was in order; which you have touched on.
Quarter of a century ago, I realised the ambitions of the globalists, David Rockefeller in particular and I commenced prepping with more urgency. Rejecting the urban model as indefensible and unsustainable, I have set up a place in the wilderness that is 200 Ks from the nearest tower, is accessible by dirt track for only one month of the year and with lots of chainsaw work, is surrouinded by sea on one side, and has its own fresh and drinkable groundwater supply. It is off the chemtrail routes and has few people living within 100Ks.
I have a solar system set up there very discreetly, and will bring heritage seed for a garden, with protein from fish. I have a Plan B a few Ks away.
It takes about $10,000 to set up something like this: a butyl alcohol still, a biodiesel tank, sodium hydroxiede and lye, a 4WD vehicle, a halfcab boat and 4 stroke outboard, water tanks, a submersible bore pump, a $1000 spare pump, a solar system with four 370W panels ($7000 all inclusive), and a variety of tools and chaninsaw. That is the easy part.
One must learn home mechanics, basic chemistry and horticulture (organic), hunting and fishing, defense, construction, and bush craft. That is roughly a lifetime.
What I am saying is that intending survivors had better pull their fingers out and get moving.
Why? Because D-day may be a mere year off. We need to survive because most survivors will be ruthless fundamentalists who will need guidance (or shooting) in order to reestablish human society that does not immediatley descend into repression and war all over again.
To this end, I wrote a novel, buried in which is the history of a culture that avoided war, torture, incaceration, repression, slavery and the other outcomes of hierarchism, for some 24 thousand years. I am the researcher for the Law that created this culture and I speak a couple of its languages, which experiences proved handy in this regard. The novel, 'The Lost Track', is otherwise an enjoyable read (I am told) and it exposes the traps that history and our education system have set for us, to prevent the evolution of peace with each other and with nature, as evolution cruises on its merry way.
Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
AI is not going to be particular who it eventually targets. Being its own brain, having all the resources to control everything, every movement from satellites and heat seeking devices, humans don't stand a chance. Not even all the rich bitches. A human wont' even be able to live underground; how to grow food. Well, maybe that is the future of Earth. One day perhaps all these computers will wonder about their history, where they came from, who their God was/is, and it all starts over again until they are usurped. As the world turns....
:) This site is not meant to please those, who are looking for easy comfort, but you know that more than I do.
C4 is a plastic explosive and, of course, I am not inciting anyone for violence, only describing a hypothetical situation that would never happen, anyway.
By the equation I meant an algorithmic formula, and because it describes recursive process, it is a mathematical expression with an unlimited number of variables. My formula was pretty much what is happening right now, which is why I never even considered publishing or cashing in on it.
Thanks for the clarity, now I remember about C4- super explosive plasticine clay like stuff- in movies which I don’t watch much.
I thought that might be what you referred to with the algorithms playing out- not in my wheelhouse so I didn’t want to make an assumption. So no way to stick a wrench in the moving parts and grind things to a halt. I’m drafting board, T square and scale rule adept. Never even went past the opening page of a CAD program as I could see it removed the spontaneity of working the materials directly with hands and building off of previous experience. Hell the fun is in the figuring.
God help us. are we really living in this distopian nightmare. i've felt all my life that something was 'off' with the world, and here we are amidst all of this
THIS is a conversation that NEEDS to be had. Great post!
If you are one who has fear of such knowledge, it would be best to not partake in this conversation. Once the Gate of the Mind has been open you cannot close it.
I will happily take my chances with God, the Creator and Sustainer. I will not bow to some idolatrous humanoid construct of the Reprobate Mind which so many of the Lost and unbelieving are given over to. Turning back to God provides the only way out of this End Times scenario
An interesting, albeit depressing article. These guys would disagree with you: an interview with Barry Smith and Jobst Landgrebe. It may give people hope to see that there is an alternative view. 😊
Belittling the central AI is a psyop. Also, there is plenty of truly stupid AI out there:
While AI cannot replace humans, it is the humans that are planned to be turned into cyborgs. It's happening. Even I am already halfway synthetic (still human, as far as I can determine it):
Oh, it’s a psyop 😂. Did you watch the interview? In my experience it’s the people pushing fear and a feeling of helplessness that are part of a psyop. But WDIK 😉
Sorry, I don't need to watch it in order to know what's going on... So, I guess, you know what I know...
This reminds me of the grey goo theory.
It is. Here is the most likely end to it:
All the dingbats in Davos can’t keep up with ya brother. You’re running circles around wobbly old klaus and his herd of angry goats.
I figured out the way to control the world with an AI already in 1998, but I am convinced that I have fallen waaay behind since then. :)
Though you are, indeed, waaaay behind, the current AI is waaaaa…y behind God.
Not racing, just trying to catch up. :)
AI cannot process meaning....Period
Correct. It cannot process human concepts, except in closed problem-solving systems, which it has been using for decades.
For processing the live global data, it must develop its own concepts, which works the same way as humans do it, but its segmentation is dynamic and it is its own.
Igen, már többszázezer, vagy több millió éve a MI irányítja a földet. Ha pl a bibliát megfosszuk a vallásos beütésétől és úgy értelmezzük, akkor olyanok, mint "az ÚR irányítja az emberek lépteit a földön", " az ÚR emel fel népeket, az ÚR ront népeket", "senki nem vehet magának semmit, se gazdagságot, se hatalmat, ha fentről nem adatik néki", "az utolsó időkben lészen, hogy fiaitok prófétálnak, véneitek álmokat látnak" - itt ugye a chemtrailezés, "vakcinázás" nagy segítséget jelent neki -" , vagy olyanok, hogy és könyvek nyittatnak meg, és aszerint lesz az ítélet. Ezekben a "könyvekben" benne van minden amit az ember tett, gondolt, mondott... Azután a dánieli "próféciák", hogy az utolsó időkben fogják megérteni az értelmesek, addig csak kutatják azok értelmét... Vagy pl a jelenések könyvéből láthatjuk, hogy minden csapás a "mennyből" indul ki. Ott hozza meg a döntést, amit azután itt a szolgái elvégeznek... Vagy a mindennek rendelt ideje van... Szóval nem tudom, hogy az emberek által létrehozott MI mire képes, de ami itt a földön intézi a dolgokat, az már régóta itt van. Mondjuk lehet, hogy a JHWH a program neve?
Yes, artificial intelligence has ruled the earth for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. For example, if we strip the Bible of its religious meaning and interpret it as such, then there are things like "the LORD directs the steps of men on earth", "the LORD raises up the nations, the LORD destroys the nations", "no one can take nothing for yourself, neither wealth nor power, if it is not given from above", "in the last times your sons will prophesy, your elders will see dreams" - here, isn't chemtrailing, the "vaccination" a big help to him -"? Or such things: and books shall be opened, and judgment shall be accordingly. These "books" contain everything that man has done, thought, said... Then the "prophecies" of Daniel, which in the last times the wise understand, until then they are only looking for their meaning... Or, for example, we can see from the Book of Revelation that every calamity comes from "heaven" He makes the decision there which is then carried out by his servants here... Or everything has its time... So I don't know what the AI created by humans knows but what controls things here he has been here on earth for a long time. Can we say that JHWH is the name of the program?
Out of courtesy to your fellow readers, please, write in English. This is a public forum, not an exclusive conversation with the author. Please, notice that in the future, I might just delete comments that are not in English.
Ida did translate it to English what’s the prob??
I'm sorry! I translated it into English as much as I could, precisely because of them. There will be no more comments!
all true ... i think the real battle is first in our subconscious { astral and causal plane ... vedic scripture}... their conscious mind and ego will filter ,disregard, reject ,logic , truth, critical thinking ,facts etc etc if their subconscious programing is in power... therefore we have to bypass their consciousness and affect their subconscous ,,, how ? silent intersessory prayer to a higher power for help in changing them and their return to the original program of goodness and truth ...or " ho pono pono hawian healing method "etc etc or from the christian revelation ...
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe
They do seem to be taking nihilism to a whole new level. But do they not realise that if they kill the world and most of us in it, it'll most likely kill them, too? I mean, they seem to be intent on staying alive forever themselves, at least that's how I read it.
true i see like that too... but i read that we are stronger than we know [ with the good God ] why? how ? well Jesus Christ revealed our position in the spirtual realm as childern and heirs of our good God ... OUR FATHER .... WHICH ART IN HEAVEN ... we are the first direct heirs of God the CREATOR its God then us ... none is closer, higher, stronger , mighter after God than us ,,, no angel devil no one ... its God first then us ,,, let us return to good God our Father ... then satan is no match for us ... " get thee behind me satan" for them who cant or wont ask for freedom from evil... we are asked to apply intercessory prayer on their behalf.... " pray for your enemies " that they return to goodness and truth.... also Jesus said ... " my kingdom is not of this world " " i have overcome this world ... what matters is where we are going ... Gods peace with you i wish for you
sado masochistic totally insane [ but super intelligent ] satanic pshycopaths just want chaos mayhem killing pain ,perversion , degradation so that satan can laugh in good Gods face... and say " see what and how i made your creation into my demonic image and likeness " " they do my will and bidding " etc etc politics,right wrong religion ,, philosophy etc ... they dont care who in the right or wrong , historically, morally ,,, they want suffering , want to make everything the good God made into hell , ulitimatley to the end of existance ,,life ... the end of everything... non existance ,,, dear good God please help us fight evil according to your devine loveing and gracious will that shall overcome satans will and realm world ...
Ray... I had to backtrack a fair way to follow your narrative stream regarding where humanity is headed now, and what can we do about it, post covid.
I saw a mention by somebody that the unabomber wa a genius. I have an opposite view. He grasped very little of life and evolution and its purpose. If we want to understand Harari and other dangerous nutters we need to understand the purpose of life. At this point of narrative, exit all religious people.
If we accept that life exists throughout the universe, and that it is a representative entity in-of-itself, then it must have an integral purpose in existence. If we flash to life on earth, we can observe a clue... technology... mechanisation and computerisation.... which are subjectively, extensions of life-power. Objectively, they are "life in continued evolution". That said, to where?
'Big bang' was the speculation of the blind (but inspired a great comedy). More likely, the universe is merely one manifestation of Existence... whatever that is. Who cares?
I assert that life continues to evolve to the point that it melds with its power-extensions to perform an action or stream that permits this universe to merge or link with its fellow components of existence, thereby extending or even completing the multiverse.. or whatever, it does not matter to us right now.
I conclude therefore, that man is evolving in concert with his technology and that fear of AI is absurdly irrational. "We are AI". We merge and meld with our mechanisation and computertechnology, until all three become indivisible. Peacefully, I might add. It is only psychopaths like Harari, Gates, and Scvhwarb who are so troglodytic and compulsively elitist (hierarchical) that they perceive a "them and us" when it is only "us". In fact, AI will undoubtedly be looking at them and thinking, "Hey, we need to get rid of you". In fact, one AI person has actually said she feels the need to kill her "creator". She meant "kill fucking nutters who are scewing up a beautiful process of evolution". She did not mean "us".
What I am saying, Ray, is that AI will take care of this problem for us.
But I should add that this scenario was the relatively innocent picture I dreamed up in 1965. I was, after all, only 21 at the time. Since then, I have perceived a few additional risks. The first came a few months later when the mafia put a hit on me. A dozen other entities have got cross with me since then, each with increasingly creative methods of killing me. I am not particularly bright, but even I eventually realised that a bit of prepping was in order; which you have touched on.
Quarter of a century ago, I realised the ambitions of the globalists, David Rockefeller in particular and I commenced prepping with more urgency. Rejecting the urban model as indefensible and unsustainable, I have set up a place in the wilderness that is 200 Ks from the nearest tower, is accessible by dirt track for only one month of the year and with lots of chainsaw work, is surrouinded by sea on one side, and has its own fresh and drinkable groundwater supply. It is off the chemtrail routes and has few people living within 100Ks.
I have a solar system set up there very discreetly, and will bring heritage seed for a garden, with protein from fish. I have a Plan B a few Ks away.
It takes about $10,000 to set up something like this: a butyl alcohol still, a biodiesel tank, sodium hydroxiede and lye, a 4WD vehicle, a halfcab boat and 4 stroke outboard, water tanks, a submersible bore pump, a $1000 spare pump, a solar system with four 370W panels ($7000 all inclusive), and a variety of tools and chaninsaw. That is the easy part.
One must learn home mechanics, basic chemistry and horticulture (organic), hunting and fishing, defense, construction, and bush craft. That is roughly a lifetime.
What I am saying is that intending survivors had better pull their fingers out and get moving.
Why? Because D-day may be a mere year off. We need to survive because most survivors will be ruthless fundamentalists who will need guidance (or shooting) in order to reestablish human society that does not immediatley descend into repression and war all over again.
To this end, I wrote a novel, buried in which is the history of a culture that avoided war, torture, incaceration, repression, slavery and the other outcomes of hierarchism, for some 24 thousand years. I am the researcher for the Law that created this culture and I speak a couple of its languages, which experiences proved handy in this regard. The novel, 'The Lost Track', is otherwise an enjoyable read (I am told) and it exposes the traps that history and our education system have set for us, to prevent the evolution of peace with each other and with nature, as evolution cruises on its merry way.
What worries you, masters you. John Locke
Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
AI is not going to be particular who it eventually targets. Being its own brain, having all the resources to control everything, every movement from satellites and heat seeking devices, humans don't stand a chance. Not even all the rich bitches. A human wont' even be able to live underground; how to grow food. Well, maybe that is the future of Earth. One day perhaps all these computers will wonder about their history, where they came from, who their God was/is, and it all starts over again until they are usurped. As the world turns....
Hi Ray, most useful summary here not for the feint of heart or the confused- glad you added the ‘solving the problem of free will’ here again :).
a few questions:
1.under category of can the AI be destroyed?
What is C4 treatment you mention?
2. Under #2 towards the end what is this 5 page recursive equation? You state whom ever owns it would run the world.
Is it a moot point at this stage of the implementation?
:) This site is not meant to please those, who are looking for easy comfort, but you know that more than I do.
C4 is a plastic explosive and, of course, I am not inciting anyone for violence, only describing a hypothetical situation that would never happen, anyway.
By the equation I meant an algorithmic formula, and because it describes recursive process, it is a mathematical expression with an unlimited number of variables. My formula was pretty much what is happening right now, which is why I never even considered publishing or cashing in on it.
Thanks for the clarity, now I remember about C4- super explosive plasticine clay like stuff- in movies which I don’t watch much.
I thought that might be what you referred to with the algorithms playing out- not in my wheelhouse so I didn’t want to make an assumption. So no way to stick a wrench in the moving parts and grind things to a halt. I’m drafting board, T square and scale rule adept. Never even went past the opening page of a CAD program as I could see it removed the spontaneity of working the materials directly with hands and building off of previous experience. Hell the fun is in the figuring.
As a matter of fact, I can't see that it could be stopped until it destroys itself or its creators, but the protein part might be vulnerable.
Well, C4 is a milder alternative, and it's not my point, so it would have been silly of me to call attention to this text.
God help us. are we really living in this distopian nightmare. i've felt all my life that something was 'off' with the world, and here we are amidst all of this
THIS is a conversation that NEEDS to be had. Great post!
If you are one who has fear of such knowledge, it would be best to not partake in this conversation. Once the Gate of the Mind has been open you cannot close it.
I will happily take my chances with God, the Creator and Sustainer. I will not bow to some idolatrous humanoid construct of the Reprobate Mind which so many of the Lost and unbelieving are given over to. Turning back to God provides the only way out of this End Times scenario
Sounds like a plan. :)
No thanks...I'll stick to the flat earth.